


A 24. What directly caused the author to be emotionally affected? A. His failing to save the patient's life after great efforts. B. Being unable to predict the symptoms of the illness. C. Human's being infected by the virus easily. D. Being unable to relieve people's suffering. 25. Why didn't the author and his colleagues express their sufferings? A. It was courageous of them to face the situation. B. It might arouse great fear and chaos in society. C. They overcame the probtem of emotion for no reason. D. They were too exhausted from their daily routine.少 26. What saying is similar in meaning to the underlined part? A. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. B. All things are difficult before they are easy. C. The dawn of victory is just ahead. D. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 27. What is the text mainly about? A. The tough fight against Covid-19 B. The responsibilities of being a doctor.. The efforts to save the world. D. The helplessness of being a doctor.





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