







  • How to write thank-you letters
    Thank you very much for…
    I am most/extremely grateful for…
    It was very good/nice of you to…
    This is to tender our deep gratitude for…
    .A Thank-You Letter to My Dad
    Dear Dad,
    Here,this thanksgiving at sea,I find my thoughts upon how much you have done for me,but l have never stopped and said to you how much I feel the need to thank you.I want to thank you for giving me so much love and guidance in the past years!Particularly I want to thank you for leading me into the wonderful world of books since my boyhood.From then on,I loved reading very much.I was always so excited to talk about the stories I’d read and it was always so interesting to do the after-dinner quizzes too.
    Reading inspired me so much that I always feel the urge to express myself too in writings.Now I’m on my way to become a good writer.All this has been made possible by you.No words can ever express my thanks and love to you.
    2.A Thank-You Letter to My Grandmother
    Dear Granny,
    On this special day of Thanksgiving,memories about you flood into my mind.How I regret that I’m now thousands of miles away from you and can’t taste your delicious Thanksgiving dinner!I can never forget the years of eating your good cooking.On this special occasion,I want to tell you granny how I appreciate your teaching me to tell the truth,to share,and to be forgiving and to considerate of others.These qualities make me so popular among others.And I also want to thank you for sprinkling my life with beautiful dreams!
    Please take good care.I’ll return to see you soon.
    Much Love,
    3.A Thank-You Letter to My Grammar School Principal
    Dear Rev.Nelson,
    I am writing to express my thanks to you during this special holiday of Thanksgiving.I am so grateful for your teaching and guidance for me when I was a boy student.I still remember how each morning you would open our little country town’s grammar school with a prayer.Whatever positive things I have done since have been influenced at least in part by your morning school prayers.Thank you and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Your student,
    Alex Haley

  • 第一段:要表达对父母的问候,问二老身体还好吧等,然后表达自己对二老的思念之情,比如:How are you doing these days! I miss you so much.
    第二段,就是感谢的重点了,这要看你想感谢哪方面的,开头可以是,I appreciate或者Thank you for your...It's my horor to have parents like you...

  • 你一点城心都没有,还要在这上面来发问,你写一封中文信不行吗????难道你父母是洋人吗?你对得起中华五千年的文化吗?
  • 1. 下列各句中,没有语病的一项是   (   )

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    C .


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