Units 6-8 单词默写(无答案)及英语作文复习(含范文) 八年级英语上册

八年级上册Unit 6-Unit 8单词表默写
八年级上册Unit 6单词表默写
1.长大;成熟 _______________
2.计算机程序设计员 n. ______________
3.厨师n. 烹饪v. ______________
4. 医生n. ______________
5. 工程师n. ______________
6.小提琴手n. ______________
7. 驾驶员,司机n. ______________
8. 飞行员n. ______________
9. 钢琴家n. ______________
10. 科学家 n. ______________
11. 确信 _____________
12. 确保 _____________
13. 学院;高等专科学校n. _____________
14. 教育n. _____________
15. 药,医学n. _____________
16.(综合性)大学,高等学府n. _____________
17. 伦敦 ______________
18.文章,论文 n. _____________
19. 邮寄,发送 v. ______________
20. 决定;决心 n. _____________
21. 组,队 n. _____________
22. 成为足球队的一员 _____________
23. 外国的adj. _____________
24. 能够 _____________
25. 能够做某事 _____________
26. 诺言;承诺 v.& n. _____________
27. 开头;开端 n. ______________
28. 在……的开始 _____________
29. 改进;改善 v. ______________
30. 记下;写下 _____________
31. 身体的 adj. _____________
32. 他们自己 pron. ____________
33. 关于;有关系 n. ____________
34. 自我改进;自我提高n. _____________
35. 学着做;开始 _____________
36. 业余爱好 n. ____________
37. 用颜料画v. ____________
38. 每周的(地) adj. & adv. ___________
39. 学校作业;功课 n. ____________
40. 怀疑;质问 v. ____________
41. 意义 n. ___________
42. 讨论 n. ___________
43.自己的;本人的 adj.& pron. ____________
44. 个人的;私人的 adj. ____________
45.关系;联系 n. ____________
八年级上册Unit 7单词表默写
1. 纸 n. ____________
2. 污染;污染物 n. ____________
3. 预言;预测 n. ____________
4. 将来;未来 n. ____________
5. 污染 v. ____________
6. 环境 n. ____________
7. 行星 n. ____________
8. 地球 n. ____________
9. 种植 v. 植物 n. ____________
10. 部分 n. ____________
11. 参与;发挥作用 ____________ 
12. 和平 n. _____________
13. 海;海洋 n. _____________
14. 建筑;建造 v. _____________
15. 天空 n. _____________
16. 宇航员 n. _____________
17. 公寓房间 n. _____________
18. 火箭 n. _____________
19. 空间;太空 n. ____________
20. 太空站;宇宙空间站__________
21. 人的; n. 人 __________
22. 仆人 n. _____________
23. 危险的 adj. ____________
24. 早已;已经 adv. ____________
25. 工厂 n. _____________
26. 多次的;反复地 _____________
27. 日本 n. ______________
28. 相信 v. ______________
29. 不同意 v. ______________
30. 甚至;连;愈加 adv.___________
31. 同意;赞成;应允 v.__________
32. 许多;大量 ______________
33. 形状;外形 n. _______________
34. 跌倒 v.(美式)秋天 n. _________
35. 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌____________
36. 在……里面 adv.& prep. _________
37. 寻找;寻求 _________________
38. 可能的 adj. _______________
39. 不可能的 adj. ________________
40. 一方(的意见、态度、立场)______
41. 很可能;大概 adv. _____________
42. 在…期间 prep. ______________
43. 假期;假日 n. ________________
44. 单词;词 n. _________________
八年级上册Unit 8单词表默写
1. 摇动;抖动 n.& v. ____________
2. 奶昔 ____________
3. 食物搅拌器 n. ____________
4. 接通(电流、煤气、水等)____________
5. 剥皮;去皮 v. ____________
6. 倒出;倾倒 v. ____________
7. 酸奶 n. ____________
8. 蜂蜜 n. ____________
9. 西瓜 n. ____________
10. 勺;调羹 n. ____________
11. 锅 n.____________ 
12. 增加;添加 n. _____________
13. 最后 adv. _____________
14. 食盐 n. _____________
15. 食糖 n. _____________
16. 干酪;奶酪 n. _____________
17. 爆米花 n. _____________
18. 玉米;谷物 n. _____________
19. 机器;机械装置 n. ____________
20. 掘(地);挖(土);凿(洞)v.__________
21. 洞;孔;坑 n. _____________
22. 夹心面包片;三明治 n._____________
23. 黄油;奶油 n._____________
24. 火鸡 n. _____________
25. 莴苣;生菜 n. _____________
26. 片;块;段 n._____________
27. 感恩节 n._____________
28. 传统的;惯例的 adj._____________
29. 秋天 n.______________
30. 庆祝;庆贺 v.______________
31. 使做好准备;把…准备好 v.__________
32. (调味)肉汁 _____________
33. 捣烂的 adj. ______________
34. 南瓜 n. _______________
35. 果馅饼;果馅派 n.______________
36. 混合配料 n. _____ __
(使)混合;融合 v. _____ __
37. 胡椒粉;柿子椒 n._______________
38. (使)充满;装满 v.____________
39. 烤箱;烤炉 n. ______________
40. 盘子、碟子 ________________
41. 遮盖,覆盖 v. ________________
覆盖物;盖子 n.________________
42. 接待;服务;提供 v. _________
43. 温度,气候 n. _______________周末作文背诵(2024年11月29-12月2日)
Hello!My name is Lucy. Let me tell you something about my prediction about my job and life in 20 years.
In 20 years, I think I’ll be a newspaper reporter. I’ll live in Shanghai, because there will be more jobs in that city. As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people, so I’ll have more friends. I’ll have fewer pets, because I’ll have less free time. And my apartment will be no good for pets because it will be too small. So I’ll probably keep a bird as a pet. As a music lover, I will keep on my hobbies and take piano lessons on the weekend. I like traveling very much, so I’ll probably take a holiday in Hong Kong when possible.
From now on, I’ll work harder to make my dream come true. I’m sure my life in ten years will be better and better!
二. 假如Tom是你的好朋友,请介绍他的性格、爱好和寒假的计划。
Age 15 years old
Personality (性格) outgoing, friendly, often help others
hobbies like playing basketball.watching cartoons, interesting and relaxingaction movies, exciting and wonderful……
Dream job a basketball player, practice basketball really hard
Winter vacation stay at home, do his homework,help parents with the housework, visit friends, have a New Year’s party, take a trip to Hainan
I have a good friend, his name is Tom. Let me tell you something about him.
Tom is a 15-year-old boy. He is outgoing and friendly, and he is often ready to help others. Tom likes playing basketball, watching cartoons in his free time, because he thinks they are interesting and relaxing. And he also likes action movies, because he thinks they are exciting and wonderful. As for his dream job, Tom wants to be a basketball player when he grows up. To make his dream come true, he practices playing basketball really hard every day. During/ On winter vacation, he is going to stay at home to do his homework. And he plans to help his parents with the housework, he thinks they must be tired after a long year’s hard work. And he is also going to visit friends and have a New Year’s party. If possible, he is going to take a trip to Hainan, because it is a great place to spend a cold winter!
What do you think of my friend Would you like to make friends with this excellent boy
三.未来是美好的,未来是令人期待的,未来让人充满幻想。某报社发起了以“The life in the future”为题的征文比赛。请根据下列提示。写一篇80个词左右的英语短文参加比赛。
提示:1. 想象一下未来会是什么样子:环境会更好,树更多,污染更少...
2. 具体介绍一下未来的生活:很多事情都由电脑和机器人完成,例如:
The life in the future
Hello! My name is Cindy. Let me tell you something about my prediction about our life in the future.
As we all know, our future will be more beautiful and exciting than today. In my mind, the environment will be better, there will be more trees on the earth and there will be less pollution. And computers and robots will help to do more jobs. For example, they will help us do the housework, go shopping or even take the place of the doctors, so that people will have more time to do things they like. Children in the future won’t go to school, they can study on the computers. People will live to be 200 years old.
Let’s study harder to achieve our dreams.




下一篇:2025年 九年级中考英语B卷培优——中外田园诗-陶渊明和叶芝——十二选十时文原创改编(含部分答案)