阶段性练习Unit 5 - Unit 8
1. The company's new policy has been __________ quickly.
A. amazedly
B. surprisingly
C. amazingly
D. wonderfully
2. The museum contains many __________ artifacts from the excavation.
A. ancient
B. modern
C. recent
D. future
3. The road was __________ by a fallen tree after the storm.
A. destroyed
B. blocked
C. damaged
D. covered
4. Her __________ speech at the conference was widely praised.
A. average
B. ordinary
C. brilliant
D. dull
5. They are planning to __________ a new shopping mall in the city center.
A. construct
B. destruct
C. instruct
D. direct
6. The new school is still __________, so it's not ready for students yet.
A. under construction
B. under consideration
C. under control
D. under supervision
7. I've always wanted to visit the __________ of Egypt.
A. temples
B. pyramids
C. museums
D. cities
8. She loves reading, __________ historical novels.
A. especially
B. rarely
C. sometimes
D. never
9. I'm not __________ sure what time he'll arrive.
A. exactly
B. nearly
C. partly
D. roughly
10. Her facial expression showed that she was __________.
A. happy
B. sad
C. angry
D. expressionless
11. The movie was __________, I really enjoyed it.
A. terrible
B. fantastic
C. boring
D. okay
12. Her hair started to turn __________ when she was in her forties.
A. grey
B. black
C. white
D. blonde
13. The museum has a __________ replica of the famous painting.
A. small-sized
B. life-sized
C. miniature
D. oversized
14. He was originally a musician, but later became an __________.
A. actor
B. doctor
C. teacher
D. engineer
15. The children were playing near the __________ and I was worried they might fall in.
A. pit
B. pool
C. hill
D. field
16. The pyramids of Egypt are __________ worldwide.
A. famous
B. unknown
C. hidden
D. ignored
17. He goes to the gym for __________ exercise.
A. regular
B. irregular
C. occasional
D. random
18. The park has a large __________ in the center.
A. square
B. circle
C. rectangle
D. triangle
19. After sitting for hours, she stood up and __________ her legs.
A. stretched
B. tightened
C. relaxed
D. massaged
20. They were standing on the __________ of a cliff, looking down at the sea below.
A. edge
B. top
C. base
D. peak
21. The starting point of the race was at the __________ square.
A. town
B. city
C. village
D. neighborhood
22. Understanding the problem is the __________ of finding a solution.
A. starting point
B. ending point
C. turning point
D. focal point
23. The wind was blowing hard, and we had to __________ the windows.
A. open
B. close
C. lock
D. block
24. I have to __________ our lunch appointment because I have to work late.
A. cancel
B. postpone
C. delay
D. reschedule
25. I will __________ come to your birthday party.
A. maybe
B. perhaps
C. definitely
D. never
26. We had a heated __________ about the best way to solve the problem.
A. discussion
B. debate
C. conversation
D. argument
27. The area has been suffering from a __________ drought for months.
A. severe
B. mild
C. light
D. minor
28. The river __________ its banks and caused serious damage to the surrounding area.
A. overflowed
B. flooded
C. dried up
D. emptied
29. The police used __________ to disperse the rioters.
A. force
B. persuasion
C. advice
D. requests
30. I frequently visit my __________ on weekends.
A. friends
B. colleagues
C. grandparents
D. neighbors
31. Climate change is a __________ issue that requires international cooperation.
A. global
B. local
C. national
D. regional
32. The screw is __________, and you need to tighten it.
A. loose
B. tight
C. broken
D. fixed
33. Factories are polluting the river with __________.
A. chemicals
B. water
C. air
D. soil
34. We should take measures to __________ the disease from spreading.
A. prevent
B. allow
C. encourage
D. ignore
35. The government is promoting renewable energy to __________ pollution.
A. reduce
B. increase
C. maintain
D. cause
36. Wearing sunscreen can __________ your skin from sunburn.
A. protect
B. harm
C. expose
D. neglect
37. I finally __________ that I needed to change my lifestyle.
A. realized
B. imagined
C. dreamed
D. remembered
38. During the __________, it was difficult to see anything.
A. sandstorm
B. rainstorm
C. snowstorm
D. hailstorm
39. The city often has __________ problems because of heavy industrial pollution.
A. smog
B. fog
C. cloud
D. mist
40. Good soil is __________ for growing healthy plants.
A. loose
B. essential
C. common
D. rare
41. The workers decided to go on __________ for better pay.
A. strike
B. work
C. rest
D. protest
42. We need to focus on sustainable energy solutions to __________ the environment.
A. protect
B. pollute
C. damage
D. destroy
43. He wore a blue __________ to the interview.
A. tie
B. scarf
C. belt
D. hat
44. The typhoon caused widespread __________ in the city.
A. flooding
B. earthquakes
C. fires
D. droughts
45. Urban planning is crucial for the development of any __________.
A. urban
B. rural
C. city
D. village
46. The bus is a common __________ in many cities.
A. vehicle
B. car
C. truck
D. bike
47. The eruption of the volcano caused significant __________ to the surrounding area.
A. damage
B. repair
C. construction
D. protection
48. Pollution from factories can lead to __________.
A. acid rain
B. snow
C. fog
D. dew
49. More and more people are choosing to drive electric cars to reduce their __________.
A. carbon footprint
B. water footprint
C. plastic footprint
D. paper footprint
50. We should all strive to make a change in our community for the __________.
A. better
B. worse
C. same
D. different
1. C. amazingly
2. A. ancient
3. B. blocked
4. C. brilliant
5. A. construct
6. A. under construction
正确答案是A,因为“under construction”表示“正在建造中”,用于描述尚未完工的建筑或项目。
7. B. pyramids
8. A. especially
9. A. exactly
10. A. happy
11. B. fantastic
12. A. grey
13. B. life-sized
14. A. actor
15. A. pit
16. A. famous
17. A. regular
18. A. square
19. A. stretched
20. A. edge
21. A. town
正确答案是A,因为“town square”是常见的城镇中心广场。
22. A. starting point
正确答案是A,因为“starting point”意为“起点”,用于描述解决问题的初始步骤。
23. B. close
24. A. cancel
25. C. definitely
26. A. discussion
27. A. severe
28. B. flooded
29. A. force
30. C. grandparents
正确答案是C,因为“frequently visit my grandparents”是一个常见的表达,表示经常去看望祖父母。
31. A. global
32. A. loose
33. A. chemicals
34. A. prevent
35. A. reduce
正确答案是A,因为“promote renewable energy”是为了“减少污染”。
36. A. protect
37. A. realized
38. A. sandstorm
39. A. smog
40. B. essential
41. A. strike
42. A. protect
正确答案是A,因为“sustainable energy solutions”旨在“保护环境”。
43. A. tie
44. A. flooding
45. A. urban
46. A. vehicle
47. A. damage
48. A. acid rain
正确答案是A,因为“acid rain”意为“酸雨”,是由工厂污染导致的环境问题。
49. A. carbon footprint
正确答案是A,因为“carbon footprint”意为“碳足迹”,用于描述减少环境影响的努力。
50. A. better
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