
202嗅 年下学期期中考试试题卷
本试题卷共 8页 。时量 100分钟。满分 100分。
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第一部分 听力理解 (共两节9满分 20分 》
涂到答题卡上 Q
第一节 (共 5小题;每小题 1分夕满分 5分》
昕下面 5段对话。每段对话后有— 个小题9从题申所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选
项◇听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
1】 1展oⅥ f’s the weather
A~e Rainy。 B。 sunny. C。 C1oudy。
2: What co1or is the girlis dress
A.Red. B.Blue. C.Yellow。
3。 What帚 s Ericts dream job
A。 An engineer. B.A scientist。 C.A doctor心
4舍 HoⅥ厂1inany bananas are needed
A。 T·wo。 B。 Three, C,Five。
5台 Whose dictioRaiFy is this
A。 |Billls。 B.Bilrs sisteris. C.Billls bFOtheris。
第二节 (共 至5小题鑫每小题 1分 ,满分 15分 )
听下面 g段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C二个选
顼中选出最佳选项。昕每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后 ,
各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
昕第 6段材料,网答第 6、 7题。
6号 ``、厂ho doest弘 e ynan buy shoes for
A。 His sOne B。 His father. Ce His grandfather。
7。 What size姓 oes thei圣 nan need
A.size 41. B. Size 42。 CD Size 43。
听第 7段材料,网答第 8、 9题。
8。 WI1at涯蛮腱lV芟 ike执 ave last Fri遘 ay
A。 盔 sOccer ga1汛 e。 nh AnE盘 glish test。 C。 A writing cO【 mpetition.
九年级英语 第 1页 共 8页
9.【low does Mike】。el about the result
-A. Sad. B。 Angry。 C.Hao。丛▲口ψ∶
昕第 8段材料 ,回答第 10、 11题。
10. What are the t1Ⅳ·o speakers talking about
A。 A piece ofnews. B。 A travel stolγ。 Ce A凡 innv movie。
11. 11.oW 1ong willt弘 e fsh stay on the space station
A.Two days. B。 F。uF weeks。 C。 six mnnfh心
听第 9段材料 ,回答第 12至 14题 。 ~~~~~~“ ∵
12.How willtLey go to Be刂 ing
A. By train。 B。 By caL c。 By plane。
13. Who wil1100k a∶ Rerthe dogs
A. Peter。 B。 Alice. c。 B。 b。
14.How o盘 em should the dogs be fod
A。 Once a day: B. Twice a day. c。
Three times a dau
听第 10段材料 ,回答第 15至 17题。
15. Where doesthe won1an wantto go
A。 To t廴e airport。 B。 T。 the bus station. c。 To the train station.
16。 I.10w will they avoid the heavy trafinc
A。 By leaving earlicL B。 By taking the subway. C. By trying a different way。
17.VVhatFs the lilrobable relationship betⅥ厂een the tⅥ `o speakers
A:Hiusb蔽 hd and· wifg。 B3 Driver and passenger. c。 G·uide and tourist。
昕第 ll段材料 罗网答第 18至 2o题 。
18,`Vilat、vill tRey pick on t11e farln
A,Oranges. B.Applesc c.strawberries。
^11en is SchooI Day
弋,On Scptember 15th拓 B。 On October 2oth。 c。 On Novernber 10the
2C},`\Ⅱ llo is the speakeF talking to
^弋 stLioeltts手 :Bc Parents, (C。 Teachers。
第三部分 阅读理解 (共二节 ,满分 30分 )
第一节 (共 11小 题 ;每小题 2分 ,满分 22分)
毛读 下列材料 。从每题所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项 中选 出最佳选项。
C)n sept 3,youth in I-】 Ong Kong had a rea1otirne Video call、 vith three taikon旦 uts,Nie
Haisheng,Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo。 Nearly 30o students9 scientists and teachersjoined
a seminar(研讨会 ’)on the natio血 s aerospace(航 空航天)development。 During the call,the
three taikonauts sho、 ved their lives in China’ rrhey als。s space station。 ans、vered students9
questions,suc纽 as 110.w奄 aikonauts do physical exercise and dri血 k讷rateF after they board(登
~三)in China’s Tid盅gorlg space sta耄ion,reported C助 f刀ε Daf和。
九年级英语 第 2页 共 8页
When you go out on a hot d叩 ,doyou oRenrunforthe shad0(阴 凉) An。w叩p promises
to help people in Barce1ona,spain,nnd the shadiest route(足各:线)when they’ re walking outside。
People can choose,the rnost direct route or a shady FOute that might take a little longen There is
even a“、ampire mode” th哎 stays away nrom direct sunlight in a11 situations.
The world’ s frst spacesuit was made in the former soviet Union(前 苏联 )3 Wearing it,

Yuri iG· agaFin becalme the nrst hulmtan to step intO space。 The spacesuits that Us astronauts wear
these days、vere mainly made in the 1980s and 90s。 h‘ey were designed to be used foF 15 years,
but now they have already been worn for over 30 years.This could be dangerous,so the【 ∶JS
started to luake the spacesuits better in 2009.In 2019,a new suit calmle out.Astromauts can也 se it
to walk on the Fnoon!It’s expected to be used widely in 2024.

21e What doesthe underlined、 vord“上aik2nauts’ probably 1mean
A。 The astronauts who come from China。
B。 The people whojoin the seminar on the nation’s aerospace.

C。 The astronauts、vho succeed in doing physical exercises in space。
22每 What’ s the suggested、vay in C冫 ool Walks ifyou don’ t、vant to get any direct sunlig11t
A。 Vampire mode。 B.A shady route. C。 The most direct route.
23。 In which year did a new suitthat astronauts can use to walk on the rnoon cOme out
A. 2009 B.2019 1C. 2024
Son.1e people learn a secOnd language easily。 C)thers have trouble learning a new l&nguage。 【哎o、v
c搜n you help yourselflearn lEnglish 厂 「here are several ways to learn E)nglish easily。
The nrst step is to免 el positive(积 极 的)about learning English。 Ifyou believe that you can姓 o it”

》0破 ′vill do it.You do not have to understand everything at once。 It is natuFal to 1|nake lrlistakes、 vhen
you lear11 sOrnething neW。 VVe can learn froΠ 1 our rnistakes。 In other words,do not worry abouttaking
The second step is to practice your English.For exalmple9 keep a diary every day。 You will get
used to writing it in English,and you will fcel comfortable w血 en you express(表 达 ) your i诠 eas im
:∶ nglis⒕。several、`veeks later,you、 vill see that your、 vriting is getting be链 er.What’ s IImore” you 1∶Υl眼 stiΞ
speak lEnglish every day。 You can practice、 vith your classr11ates Outside thc class。
「 ·
Γhe last step is to keep a record of your language learning。 Yiou can write this in your di蔽 ry every
day。 ARier class9 think about、 vhat you did。 Did you ans、 ver a question properly Did you understand
耄he things that the teacher explained Perhaps the lessOn、 `vas difFlcult,but you tried to understand it.
You Fnust be positive about learning iEnglish and believe that you can do it.It is irnportant to
护ractice English every day and make a recOrd ofyour achievements.Y0u will e蝴 oy learning English口
2嬉。 Whatcan we knOw】 iron·1the second paragraph
A.。 【t”s dif】1cult to learn Englis11 ⅥFell。
B|. People can’ t understand others at once。
九年级英语 第 3页 共 8页
C). Ifyou believe you can learn English well,you will n1ake it。
25。 What can we leam from the passage
A。 To严ing to avoid mistakes can help you learn well。
B。 Writing do、 【vn all the things your teacher said is necessary。
C。 Keeping a diary can help you express yourseIves、 .vell。
26.Whatis the main purpose(目 的)ofthe passage
A。 To ask us to lear11 English。
B。 To help us learn English wel1.
C.To introduce a second language。
27.In which colum11(栏 目)ofa neWSpaper can wc nnd this passage
Ar LeaF· uing。 B.Activities。 c.News.
W11.en~iyou are fecling.unhappy.or forget ho、 v great you.are,thcse six、 vays can help n1akc)ou
fcel good about yourscl£
Look in the lnirror and say to yoursel免 “I am a spccial person and thcrc is no one in the、 vOrld
like lm.e.I can do anything.’’Itrnay not sound so good,but it really、 vorks.
I∶)o sOlllething nice for sonleone.Iˉ Ielping others al、 vays 1nakes you feel good.
smile!Be fricndly to people you Ineet.Look forthe good things in your△ iends and family.
Learn sorncthing new!∶ HaVe you always、vanted to design your ow·n room orlean1 ho.w to s、
Go for it!Ncw challenges(挑 战)are an and give you a feeling of accom逆 ishment when you ha、 e
Stan to、 wite a story.Tum offthe TV and let your imagination(想 象 )ay!Writc down your
thought.drcalrls or anything you、 vant!It can help to express your feelings。
sta〉 、、ith y· our falllily,`Vie all need our fa|吖 lily ti1ne.'rlalk、 vith your nloFn.or dad orrn.aybc cven
your cousln,
28. According to this passage,vvllen~you are helping others,you will~,
A.be specia1. B.feel nice. C,fcel tired。
29.What does the underlined word “accom.匝ishment9∶ mean in Chinese
A.成就, B,信 任. C。 挫折。
30. W|hich ofthe f′ ollo、 ving shouldiyou say· “ ’NC)’ when lyou are unhappy
A. 1Fiotl should al、、 ays look for the good tlli11gs ofothers.
B. stay alone at ho】 Tlc as n1uch as possible.
C. Lean1 something neⅥ `and go forit!
31. What is the besttitle for the passage
A.Always smilc to Your Life.
B. It’s Never Too Late to Learn.
C. six Ways to FeeI Good about Yourself.
九年级英语 第 4页 共 8页
第二节 谮篇补全 (共 4小题9每小题 2分 9满分 8分》
》.芟ave you no耄 ice逋 t奴 a蓄 sorlae of tLe students in your class seen1 to work haFd” but still get poor
gra涯es Are t执 ey unhtglligcnt Not_旦 荭_
rrthey put ofF doing their
Fron·l谩iny point of view,llnost students do not use your tiFne、 visely。
飘o慕双ework、 v驭en t纽ey get犰 oFrle a最er schoo1。 On the otller hand,soli了 1e Students stay up latc too 1ate

s奄被越yin8 an磁 don’t get e轰 ough sleep。 「hey are too sleepy the next day to focus。 sorx1e of thcΠ〗even

fa重 重asleep in class。 11ow can they iluprove if they don9t get enough slcep ~~遏 遏_¨ T11ey’ d rather
pl摄Hg邕 l器 es皆 1ft纽 ese students don9t c11ange their attitude” they won9t be able to leaFn effectivelyt
34 First多 pay aitelltion in class。 You can take in、 vhat you have to leaFn 1inore quickly。
Secon逋 7ard studyG Interest is the best”c犰ange your attitude to飞 内 35 R压ake full usc of
yo触r窀 ilirlte蒈o stu醇y-hut also rnake sure to have sOIne tirne to reilaⅩ 。
A” T焱 ird,诀 se your ti1.ne、visely.
i3)。 Ask your雯 eacheFs for help,
C。 1 have t虹 ree pieces of advice.
D。 C)ther students纽 ave no interest in studying。
E。 Actually9 it执 as morc to do oth leaming cmciency(效 率)。
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 25分 )
第一节 (共 10小题;每小题 1,5分 ,满分 15分 )
阅读下两短文,从短文后各莲所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳
Two龠iends were walking through the desert,During sOme point ofthejourney” they had a(aR)
_、墨鱼_ ,and suddenly,()n亠 e friend hit t11e other in thc face,The one飞 Vho got the hit felt犰 ui腱”but
_且L_Saying an芦 hing,wrote in the_旦 且_广 ”Today my best分 iend hit me in the凫 ce。
They kept on walking until they found an oasis(绿 洲),where they decided to take a bath。 The
one、vho llad been hit fiell into the、 vater and the situation at that mon【 1ent was 39 ~ but the
岔iend quickly_业_hin1 without thinking twice.ARer he woke up iom the near~41~,he

wrote on a stone∶ Today my best iiend saved my life.”

Thc friend who had hit and saved hiln askcd _垒2_,‘ A∶aer I hurt you,you wrote in the sand
and now you Ⅵ/rite on a stone.Why ” The othcr iiend rcplied,“When sorneone_垒豇_us,we
should writc it down in the sand where winds of forgiveness(宽 恕)can blow it_且生_.However,
when solueone does something_垒 里_for us,we m~ust cutit on a stone where no wind can ever

n1ove it.’
36. A.. idea B. argument C. business
九年级英语 第 5页 共 8页
37. A C without C C C C C
C 0n
38.A. stone postcard
39. A。 strange damgerous
40。 A。 hurt saved avol涩ed
媒1。 A。 death absence process
42。 A, ang茧 ly happily sur|prisedly
43。 A。 hurts helps p蔽「dons
44c.A, do·wn around aw蔽y
45. A氵 Lelp董1且 l colorful beautiful
第二节 (共 10小题:每小题 1分,满分 10分》
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Clhinese table tennis tean1 was ahead of teams ikon1 otLer countries by win~ning all nve g。 ld
1.nedals oftable tennis in Paris。 ∶
Fan Z|end。 ng_兰堕_(know)as one of the best Chinese playersc Fan beat Sweden.s
22oyearˉo1d Truls Moregard 4o1 to win his_47,_(one)men.s singies olympic go1d medalc The
win.ning also helped hiFn cornplete a.】 grand slan1" in table tennis that refers to a playerts _48
(Collect)ofall the three m犭 or titles∶ World championship,World Cup and olympic go量 d。
"~49_the disappointment and grow嵌 各om Toky0 2o2o9 1 probably wouldnit be he嚣 today9"
Fan said."Eveγ failuFe or challenge _5o_(help)you grow。 The point is that you have the
courage(勇 气 )~51~(face)youF failure。 For~52~preparation允 r t11ose Games,1 didn t允 c讧s t00
much on the inal result Ijust允 cuse姓 on~53_(make)the best out of my everyday routines,"me
added."It a11 came各 0m the hard work~54~I putin eveFy day。 While theFe are players with talent
who can win~55~(easy)a哟磁me9 anywhere,1 hope to keep fghting br more g1oγ ,together with
nfly team."
第四部分 综合技能 (共两节,满分 25分 )
第一节 (共 5小题;每小题 2分 9满分 10 分 )
阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题或翻译划线部分 Q
C)hiRa’ s IDOLlble l\lillt11 Festival falls on the ninth day of of the Chinese lunar
calendar every year.It is a traditional folk holiday focusing on 1ong life。 Let” s take a
1ook at soFne relateo to this festival。
Nine is an in· 1portant nun1ber in Chinese culture because its pronunciatiom
Fneans According to磁 g Bo@虍 ql厂 C乃钾召g(《 易 经 》 ),the number six is

cOnsi姓ered yin 、.v五 ile nine is yang。 Γhe ninth day of the ninth lun器 「Inonth in the Chinese
ca1人cn驳ar h泛莨s sOi蚤田lething interesting— .two nines, sO the daV i虫 given the Chimese nalmle
)11omgΥ 蔽斟g”。
九年级英语 第 6页 共 8页

When it comes to the D}ouble Nint11 Festival,two important pl盘 nts” the
Chinese medicine,is widely planted in the nortL and south♀ fChina。 Ancnent¤氵0型e believed.
t鱼篮 盥 鱼血 巳】迦⒐J⒁旦型L盥J置峻 业 yL理塑 ~扯迦型 鲤 二塑迎逡笠L圭迎⒉篮I迎眨臼至逻缝 」Ⅱ妲盥JL邂L匹盥
li国三so~T蔽ey also believed that the chγ santhemum could斌 rive away bad!山
luck and stop one flPoE1 getting a cold in late autulun. So, drinking
chFysanthemum wine has al、 vays been a traditional custonl at this fcstivalc

奁hF△ 笨搜藤t翘 咛骨飞曰婶】
As ti1·nes change, the festival has been given rnore 111eanings。 In 1989” the
C)hinese goverinnaent set it as a day for the elders9 to ca11 on a11 to caFe about and love thel了 l,so
as to build a beautiful,age-∶ f1· iendly sOciety。

5芎 . Why嫂o people give the day t11e Chinese ma日rle‘ Cho盅 gyang”
57。 Ⅵ蚀at are the opical plants usually mentioned on the允 stival
58。 将簸文中划线句子翻译成中文。
59。 1s the day set as a special day for the elders by the Cminese g0verinnlent `Vhy
60. How do you usua11y celebrate the festival
第二节 (满分 15分》
时光飞逝,你已经进入初中两年了,我想 东西7比如:学习了知识。
也参加了志愿者工作,请根据思维导图,介绍 谈自己的收获和感想。
飞k》 1】强1t1eer
九年级英语 第 7页 共 8页
内容提示 :
(1)题 目自拟 ;
(2)中心突出,语义连贯9层次清晰,书写规范 ;
(3)文 中不得出现真实的姓名、校名备
《媒)词数 9o左右。
九年级英语 第 8页 共 8页
1 --5 B C A B C 6--10 B B B C A
11--15 C A C B A 16--20 C B A C A
21.A 22.A 23.B 24. C 25.C
26.B 27.A 28.B 29.A 30.B
31.C 32.E 33.D 34.C 35.A
36.B 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.B
41.A 42.C 43.A 44.C 45.A
46.is known 47.first 48.collection 49.Without 50.helps
51.to face 52.the 53. making 54.that /which 55.easily
56.Because according to the Book of Changes (《易经》), the number nine means yang.and the ninth day of the ninth lunar month in the Chinese calendar has something interesting—two nines.
57.The cornel(茱萸) and chrysanthemum.
59.Yes,it is. Because the Chinese government wants to call on all to care about and love the elders, so as to build a beautiful, age-friendly society.
60.I usually visit my grandparents..........(开放答案,积极的,合理的,酌情给分)
An Unforgettable Experience
How times flies! We have spent two years in the school. I’ve learned much in the past two years. Our teachers worked hard and took good care of us. All the students studied very hard and were all very friendly to each other.
At school, I am busy with my studies. I’m interested in English, because my English teacher, Miss Wang, is kind and helpful. I love being a volunteer in my free time because it not only makes me happy but also makes me learn something. One year ago, I took part in an activity which was called “Hand in Hand”. I still remembered how excited I was when I saw my first “student” for the first time. From her shining eyes, I felt the strong hope of knowledge. Most importantly, I tasted the beauty of success.
I have grown up since then, and I experienced the happiness of helping people in need. I will pass this special kind of love to others.
①not only...but also...不仅……而且……
②take part in参加
③for the first time第一次
①I love being a volunteer in my free time because it not only makes me happy but also makes me learn something.(because引导原因状语从句)
②One year ago, I took part in an activity which was called “Hand in Hand”.(which引导定语从句)



