
2024 -2025 学年度上学期 九年级 英语 学科 11 月 限时性作业 命题时间 问卷时长 120分钟 满分 120 教务处签

班级 听力部分(满分 30 分) ( )11. Who had a baby last month
订 一、短对话理解(共 8 小题) A. The speakers’ tour guide.
姓名 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 B. The speakers’ email friend.
最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每 C. The speakers’ Math teacher.
( ) 1. Which club does the woman attend 听第 10 段材料,回答第 12-14 题。
( ) 12. Who had the class about first aid
A. The Football Club. B. The Reading Club. C. The Computer Club.
A. The man. B. Betty. C. Neither.
( ) 2. Which competition can the man have for English Week
( )13. What’s wrong with Maggie
A. A dancing competition. B. A singing competition. C. A writing competition.
A. Her head was very hot. ( ) 3. What is the man looking for
B. Her foot was badly hurt. A. His mum’s phone. B. His mum’s handbag. C. His mum’s dress.
C. Her face became white.
( ) 4. What does Betty want to be
( )14. Where was the right place for Maggie to keep her cool
A. A lawyer. B. A teacher. C. A reporter.
沈 A. On the chair. B. On the bed. C. Under the tree. ( ) 5. What is the man
听第 11 段材料,回答第 15-17 题。
A. A doctor. B. A driver. C. A waiter.
阳 ( ) 6. Where does the conversation take place ( ) 15. Who is the woman probably talking to
市 A. At home. B. In the street. C. In a restaurant. A. Her husband. B. A ticket seller. C. A travel guide.
( ) 7. What are the speakers going to do ( )16. How long will the woman stay in Japan
南 A. Do some cooking. B. Go back home. C. Stop to eat. A. 2 nights. B. 3 nights. C. 4 nights.
( ) 8. What’s the possible relationship between the speakers ( )17. What is the woman’s husband probably going to do next Monday

A. Teacher and student. B. Husband and wife. C. Police officer and driver. A. Go back to work. B. Have a holiday. C. Stay at home.
初 听第 12 段材料,回答第 19-20 题。
二、长对话理解(共 12 小题) ( )18. How long is the track (轨道) in Britain
级 听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 A. Over13, 000 miles. B. Over16, 000 miles. C. Over 30,000 miles.
B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小
中 ( )19. Which way of travelling is the least important in Britain 题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白
读两遍。 A. Railway. B. Road. C. Air.
学 听第 9 段材料,回答第 9-11 题。 ( )20. What does the man say about sea travel in Britain
( )9. What did the man win in the speech competition A. It’s getting more important.
A. First prize. B. Second prize. C. Third prize. B. It is always great.
( )10. Which part of his body did the man hurt C. It connects all big towns.
A. His eye. B. His leg. C. His foot.
第1页 共5页
笔试部分(90 分) B.
A recent TV series To the Wonder has become
一、阅读理解(共 20 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 40 分) China’s breakout TV hit of the year. It has also won 班级
A. praise at a film festival abroad. To the Wonder is
based on the award-winning novel of Li Juan, My
Altay, and is directed by Teng Congcong. It is very
poetic and filled with beautiful wisdom.
Degree of burns Treatment The TV drama follows the journey of Li Wenxiu.
She once wished to leave Altay, an area in Northern Xinjiang. After failing to realize
If you have a first-degree burn, follow these steps:
her dream in the capital of Xinjiang, Li has to move back to her hometown and tries to
Cool the burnt area under cool running water. find a new direction for herself. At first, Li finds it hard to understand her neighbours’
traditional way of thinking. Under the influence of her mother Zhang Fengxia, Li starts
Remove jewellery (去除配饰) and any clothing
to see the place and its people in a new light. Later, she comes to understand their
unless stuck to the burn. lifestyle and respect for nature.
Fans describe watching the drama as an experience in the wonderland. “It’s like
Apply (涂抹) a burn ointment or aloe vera. Don’t
Prevention breathing in fresh air or lying under the sun,” said one fan. “It is a unique drama, very
use ice, eggs or oil. different from the usual Chinese series. A must-watch if you want to discover the
▲Avoid touching hot water
beauty of the grassland and life there,” another fan said.
directly. “People enjoy the wonderful view of Altay. But the key to the success of the series 沈
lies in its ability to connect with the viewers on a human level,” said Teng Congcong.
▲Stay away from fire.
“In the drama, everyone communicates sincerely. Even if I disagree with you, I 阳
▲Deal with chemicals under sincerely respect you. In fact, this is a very important part of human nature—the love
for truth, goodness and beauty.”
instructions. Cover the burnt area with a clean cloth. 市
▲Be careful when using If the burn is serious, call 120 or go to the hospital ( ) 25. To the Wonder is the name of ______. 南
A. a TV series
electricity. at once.
B. a famous film 昌
C. a foreign drama
( )21. If we touch boiling water by accident, what should we do first
D. a beautiful poem
( ) 26. Why does Li Wenxiu come back to Altay 初
A. To help the local people.
B. To look after her mother. 级
C. To enjoy its beautiful view.
( )22.Which of the following can be used in the treatment of burns D. To find herself a new direction. 中
A. Oil. B. Aloe vera. C. Eggs. D. Ice. ( ) 27. The underlined word “unique” has the closest meaning to ______.
( )23.What can we do to prevent ourselves getting burnt according to the material A. serious B. common C. special D. strange 学
① Keep away from fire. ②Don’t use electricity alone. ( ) 28. What is the key to the success of To the Wonder according to Director Teng
③Follow instructions when using chemicals. ④Don’t touch hot water directly. A. Its sincere respect for nature.
A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ①③④ D. ②③④ B. The lifestyle of the local people
( )24. In which part of a newspaper is the material probably from C. The beautiful wisdom of the writer.
A. Health Care. B. Science Study. C. Sports News. D. Travel Life. D. Its sincere connection with viewers.
第2页 共5页
There is a little weed (野草) that grows in a field. All around it stand tall, When he was nine years old, Felix Finkbeiner gave a class
班级 beautiful flowers. The weed didn’t like them in the past, for its own flowers were tiny presentation on climate change. The young German spoke about
and common. deforestation(滥伐森林) and its effect on the planet. At the end of his
Children like to play in the field all year round, but spring is their favourite, talk, he challenged the people of his country to help by planting one
because they can pick beautiful flowers! They come and go, singing and laughing. million trees. Nobody thought much would come of a
One day, two sisters came to pick flowers for their grandma! They picked many nine-year-old’s school project. Before he was 20, however,
and soon almost all the flowers were gone. Finkbeiner’s efforts had resulted in the planting of more than 14
“What about that one ” one said, pointing at the weed. billion trees around the world.
“Forget it!” said the other. “That’s just a worthless weed!” Finkbeiner and his classmates began the project—named “Plant-for-the-Planet” by
Hearing this made the weed feel sad. planting the first tree outside their school. Other schools followed the example, and
“Am I really worthless ” it asked itself. “Why was I even put on this Earth ” news of the one-million challenge spread. As a result, he was asked to speak at the
With all the nearby flowers gone, the little weed felt lonely. Even though it didn’t European Parliament(欧盟议会). Other invitations soon followed, and when he was 13,
like them, it liked having them around. he spoke at a United Nations conference(会议). “We cannot trust that adults alone will
The winds of autumn blew over the field, and they were soon followed by the save our future,” he said in the speech. “We have to take our future in our own hands.”
snows of winter. The little weed stood alone in the wild. Finkbeiner is now in his twenties, and Plant-for-the-Planet is an organization with
Just then, it noticed some birds flying high above the field. around 70,000 members. It works to teach people about climate change and to
“We are hungry!” they said. “Where can we find food ” encourage the planting of more trees. Germany’s one millionth tree was planted long
沈 The weed felt sorry for the poor birds and called out to them, “Down here! I have ago. The goal now is one trillion—150 for every person on Earth.
tasty seeds (种子) that you can eat!” The weed scattered (撒播) its little brown seeds Finkbeiner continues to give talks on climate change to world leaders. “I don’t
阳 across the snow. think we can give up on this generation(代) of adults,” he says, “and wait 20 or 30
The birds ate the seeds and thanked the weed politely. “You are so kind!” they years for our generation to come to power. We don’t have that time. All we can do is
市 said as they flew away. This made the little weed very happy. It was glad to help its push current(当前的) world leaders in the right direction.”
new friends! From then on, the birds have often come to visit the little weed. ( )33.What is the reading mainly about
南 “I have found out what I am good for!” the weed said. “Next year, I will make A. The problems deforestation can cause for our planet.
more seeds, so I can feed all those hungry birds!” B. How planting trees can help protect the environment.
昌 So it is now happy to be a weed! C. How Finkbeiner has made a big difference to the environment.
D. The project that German students have to do at school.
初 ( )29.Why didn’t the weed like the beautiful flowers before ( )34. What had Finkbeiner’s efforts lead to before he was 20 A.Because it didn’t produce flowers itself. A. A presentation on climate change in his class.
B.Because the flowers covered its sunlight. B. The planting of over 14 billion trees worldwide.
级 C.Because its own flowers weren’t beautiful. C. The chance to speak at a United Nations conference.
D.Because the flowers took up too much ground. D. The spread of the news of the one-million challenge.
中 ( )30.What made the weed feel itself worthless ( )35. What is true about Plant-for-the-Planet today
A. The sisters’ words. B.The birds’ need. A. Its aim is to plant one trillion trees. B. It has around 7,000 members.
学 C.The flowers’ beauty. D.The children’s laughter. C. It has already planted one billion trees. D. It already has 150 for each person.
( )31. In which season did the birds come for food ( )36.What can we infer from Finkbeiner’s words in paragraph 4
A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Autumn. D.Winter. A. We can wait 20 to 30 years for our generation to come to power
( )32. How did the weed’s feelings develop in the story B. Young people today need to push those in power to make changes.
C. Today’s world leaders are a good example for younger generations.
A. B. C. D. D. Current world leaders have done well in dealing with climate change.
第3页 共5页
第二节 阅读短文,从方框中所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 talk to him that day.
项,其中有一个多余的选项。 During a visit four years ago, my dad 45 many hours building a swing
set for my daughter. He asked me to bring him a cup of tea and talk with him. But I
Are you an “I” person or an “E” person We hear this question a lot these days. In
didn’t have time for any long conversions that day.
fact, these are two personality types based on the MBTI test. “I” refers to “introverted
One Sunday morning came a call. My father had an accident and was in the 姓名
(内向的)” and “E” refers to “extroverted (外向的)” ____37____
hospital. I bought a ticket home as 46 as I could. On the plane, I thought
So what is the MBTI test It’s a personality test that helps us better understand our
about all of the chances that I 47 to talk with him.
personality preferences and tells us how we connect to the world around us. It was
By the time I got to the hospital, it was too 48 . My father had passed
developed in the 1940s by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs
away. Now, he became the one who no longer had time for a conversation. I realized
how little I knew about my dad since I had 49 made time to talk to him.
When you take the MBTI test, you are presented with several sets of questions.
All my dad ever wanted was my time. Now, he gets my 50 every time
___38___ For each question, you need to choose the answer that best matches your
he comes into my mind.
feelings, attitudes and behavior. Then you’ll know what your personality type is.
( )41. A.talk B.rest C.play D.work
___39___ Let’s take a closer look at just a few. First, people want to understand
( )42. A.come up B.come over C.come out D.come on
themselves. Human personality is very complex(复杂的), and this test provides a simple
( )43. A.hammer B.ticket C.brush D.tea
way for people to learn about themselves. Next, taking the MBTI test is relaxing and ( )44. A.bored B.tired C.busy D.sleepy
enjoyable, because its questions are interesting. Then, people try to find connections. 沈 ( )45. A.took B.found C.saved D.spent
The MBTI test offers a way to go beyond small talk and connect with others on a ( )46. A.easily B.quickly C.correctly D.directly
deeper level. Last but not least, while there are many kinds of personality tests on the 阳 ( )47. A.missed B.had C.found D.caught
market, the MBTI test is the most widely recognized. ( )48. A.early B.dark C.cold D.late
The MBTI test may show something we don’t know about ourselves and can be a 市 ( )49. A.usually B.never C.sometimes D.often
fun way to help us make new friends. But knowing someone’s MBTI results doesn’t ( )50. A.house B.conversation C.attention D.plane 南
mean we really know that person. ___40___
A. It is very popular with young people. 第二部分 非选择题(40 分) 昌
B. The MBTI test is popular for many reasons. 三、语篇填空 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 10 分)
C . Nor do the MBTI results define who we are. World Heritage Sites in Asia 初
D . They cover all aspects(方面) of your behavior, preferences and thought processes. There are over 1,000 World Heritage Sites around the world. Some of them are
E . Generally speaking, an “I” person is shy and quiet, while an “E” person is outgoing. nature, and some are man-made. We protect these places 51._________ they are very 级
special and important to world culture. There are almost 300 heritage sites in Asia.
China has the 52._________(two) largest number of heritage sites in the world. 中
二、完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 10 分)
Here are two famous World Heritage Sites in Asia.
When I was young, my dad would ask me to hold his hammer (锤子) when he

fixed things. This was a time for us to 41 .
After I left for college, my dad called me every Sunday morning. Years later, I
bought a house. My dad 42 and painted it by himself. He asked me to hold a
43 and talk to him when he painted. But I was too 44 to find any time to
第4页 共5页
Mogao Caves, Dunhuang, China from what he had heard about China from Western media.
Dunhuang is 53._________ historic city in Gansu. As the Silk Road developed, Yuyuantantian, a new media account under China Media Group, looked at 100
Dunhuang became China's western gateway to the world. Here, different cultures China travel videos made by foreigners. It found foreigners used to visit famous spots
54._________ (meet) and influenced each other. If you visit Dunhuang, you can see like the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. But now they prefer experiencing everyday
姓名 the Mogao Caves. You will be 55._________ (complete) amazed by the artworks if activities like riding shared bikes and joining square dancing in parks. These activities
you go inside. Many of the paintings show scenes from daily life along the Silk Road. give foreigners a closer look at everyday life in China.
Taj Mahal, India 61. What is “city bu city” used to describe?
The Taj Mahal is one of the 56.____________(wonderful) buildings in the world. ____________________________________________________________
Emperor Shah Jahan built it in the 17th century 57.____________ (memorize) his wife. 62. How long can foreign travelers stay in China now with the visa-free transit policy?
The walls 58.___________ (cover) with beautiful white stone, and there is a long pool ____________________________________________________________
in front 59.__________ the building. If you visit the Taj Mahal on a clear day, you will 63. According to the Irish YouTuber Luke, why did they make a decision to visit China
see 60._________ (it) reflection(映像,倒影) in the water. ____________________________________________________________
64. What do you recommend foreign travelers to do in your hometown Why?(30
四、阅读与表达(满分 10 分) words or more)
International visitors are exploring the real China
沈 _____________________________________________________________
阳 五、书面表达(满分 20 分)
假定你是学生李辉,你的朋友 Eric 上周因生病未能来上学。他给你写邮件讲
市 述了自己因肥胖导致体质变差而经常生病的困扰。请你写一封回信,关于如何保
南 Have you heard of “city bu city” (meaning city or not city) recently This Internet 持健康给他提出一些建议。要点如下:
buzzword (流行语) was created by a foreign blogger Baobaoxiong. It’s used to describe (1) 表达写信目的;
昌 if something has a fashionable vibe(氛围) of a big city. (2) 提出几点保持健康的建议;
Millions of foreigners like Baobaoxiong are visiting China and posting their travel (3) 你的期待或祝福。
初 videos. The visa-free transit policy(过境免签政策) plays an important role in this 注意:(1)词数为 80~100;开头已给出,不计人总词数;
trend(潮流). The policy started in 2013. Back then, it allowed travelers to stay for 72 (2) 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
级 hours in seven different big cities in China. Now, travelers can stay for 144 hours Dear Eric,
without a visa as long as they have a travel document (文件) and a connecting ticket(联
中 I’m sorry to hear that you are in poor condition recently. _________________ 运机票) to leave.
It has attracted more travelers to China. In the first three months of this year, 266 ___________________________________________________________________
学 percent more foreigners came to China compared with the same period last year.
Seeing is believing. Through this policy, more and more people get to see the real
China. “This is the whole reason why we decided to come to China—to see exactly Yours,
what China is like in person,” said Irish YouTuber Luke in his online video. He thought
Li Hui
Chengdu was “incredibly (难以置信地)good, beautiful and modern”, totally different
第5页 共5页
{#{QQABSYYQggggABAAAQhCEQGSCAMQkhCAAYgGBEAEoAABSANABAA=}#}2024-2025 九上英语11月限时作业 答案及评分标准
听力部分 ( 1.5*20=30分)
1-4. CBAA 5-8. CBCC
9-11. ABC 12-14. BAB 15-17. BBA 18-20. ACB
21--24 DBCA 25--28 ADCD 29--32 CADB 33--36 CBAB
37--40 EDBC
41--45 ABCCD 46--50 BADBC
51. because 52. second 53. a 54. met pletely
56. most wonderful 57.to memorize 58. are covered 59. of 60. its
61. (It’s used) (to describe) If something has a fashionable vibe of a big city.
For 144 hours.
(不写for, 扣1分)
63. To see exactly what China is like in person.
(写because to see 的扣1分)
64. I recommend them to visit a morning market in Shenyang so that they can experience the everyday activities of local people and enjoy some snacks there. Besides, they can also visit a bath center to take a bath and have a good time. It will be a relaxing and unforgettable experience.
书面表达 (20分)




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