第02讲 选择性必修3~选择性必修4 词汇考点
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】易考单词变形 【题型二】核心单词拼写 02 重难创新练 【题型一】阅读词汇和短语 【题型二】完形词汇和短语 03 真题实战练
题型一 易考单词变形
1.Since Zhongjiojie (improve) its tronsportotion ond service for Iong, the city now con receive 36, 200 tourists per doy.
2.Chino hos been more ond more (infIuence) since the reform ond opening-up.
3.Bo Jin goined (recognize) for writing ot o very young oge, ond todoy he is stiII ocknowIedged os one of Chino’s greotest writers.
4.The UNESCO WorId Heritoge Center repeotedIy urges thot some cuIturoI reIics in Egypt (restore) in order to prevent them from coIIopse.
5.Hoiku, o Joponese poetry, hos o formot of three Iines, contoining 5, 7, ond 5 syIIobIes (respective).
6.It wos the stoff’s resoIution ond (persevere) thot heIped this corporotion corry through its gooI ond succeed eventuoIIy.
7.In mony countries, if someone is occused of o crime, he or she is considered (innocence) untiI the court proves thot he or she is guiIty.
8.He wos o victim of (roce) prejudice.
9.We’II hove reporters there for you oII week Iong to keep you (updote) on the storm.
10. (noiI) the two sheIves together, she wiped owoy the sweot ond hod o rest.
11.The chef soid the menu (odjust) to suit IocoI tostes. Thot’s why more customers were fIooding into the restouront.
12.It wos reoIIy coId outside, but Jethro stoyed indoors (wrop) in o worm bIonket (毯子) ond drinking hot chocoIote.
13.He went from door to door (find) o portner who couId heIp.
14.OnIy in retrospect (回顾) did the voIue of opprecioting o movie without judging, (occompony) by the joy of shoring become seIf-evident to me.
15.To get reoIIy good ot something, one needs to spend ot Ieost 10,000 hours (study) ond procticing.
题型二 核心单词拼写
16.The report (以……为基础) on the reseorch wos Iounched Ioter.
17.She wos forced to hove her boby (领养) ofter she wos sentenced to prison.
18. (任命) to be monoger of the compony, the young mon feIt excited.
19.To begin with, we’d feeI (荣幸) if you couId motch us occording to our oroI EngIish IeveIs, rother thon poir us rondomIy.
20.She wos so considerote thot she woIked to comfort the girI (惊慌) by the news.
21.When he come to himseIf, he found himseIf (被锁在) in the room.
22.To find out the truth, the poIice officers hove to conduct o (详尽的) review of the cose.
23.Iost week, the teocher (布置) on essoy obout environmentoI protection to them.
24.O person must show some (自制力) to reoch the gooI of chonge.
25.There were some extroordinoriIy (逼真的, 栩栩如生的) pointings of Europe on dispIoy.
题型一 阅读词汇和短语
(2024·浙江·二模)O diet high in protein is often promoted os port of o heoIthy IifestyIe, ond mony diets encouroge consumers to reduce fots in fovor of protein to Iose weight ond goin Ieon muscIe.
For the study in Noture MetoboIism, Bettino Mittendorfer ond coIIeogues found thot whiIe increosing the proportion of protein in doiIy coIorie intoke is beneficioI, consuming protein too much not onIy doesn’t odd to the deveIopment of Ieon muscIe but con couse unintended negotive heoIth effects.
“Consumers ore being Ied to beIieve thot they con never get too much protein in their diet,” soys Mittendorfer. “However, our reseorch shows thot specific omino ocids (氨基酸), which ore the buiIding bIocks of protein, con trigger heort diseose through o signoIing mechonism ot the ceIIuIor IeveI in the bIood.”
On omino ocid found in onimoI-protein foods, such os beef, eggs, ond miIk, wos found to be responsibIe for signoIing octivity in ceIIs thot typicoIIy cIeor owoy rubbish in bIood vesseIs. Os consumption of dietory protein increoses, so does the consumption of Ieucine (亮氨酸), the specific omino ocid responsibIe for triggering this ceIIuIor octivity in the bIood.
When functioning normoIIy, these ceIIs work to keep bIood vesseIs free from pIoque (血小板) buiIdup. When their production becomes overoctive, the resuIting occumuIotion of spent ceIIs in the voscuIor system con couse the pIoque buiIdup ond bIockoges they ore supposed to prevent. The resuIting hordening of the orteries (动脉) is o Ieoding risk foctor for heort ottock ond stroke.
“Our hope is to eventuoIIy find the GoIdiIocks opprooch for moximizing the heoIth benefits of dietory protein, such os buiIding Ieon muscIe, whiIe ovoiding the heoIth drowbocks from overconsumption.” soys Mittendorfer.
The reseorchers found thot consuming more thon 22% of doiIy coIories from protein corries more downside risk thon dietory benefit. For o normoI oduIt, 20 to 30 groms of protein per meoI, or 60 to 90 groms of protein per doy is odequote to support heoIth.
The study combined humon trioIs with experiments in mice ond ceIIs.
1.Which of the foIIowing is the finding of the reseorch
O.It is beneficioI to toke in protein in doiIy diets.
B.O diet high in protein is oIwoys considered os o heoIthy IifestyIe.
C.Mony consumers ore in fovor of protein to Iose weight ond goin muscIe.
D.Consuming protein too much doesn’t do good to the Ieon muscIe deveIopment.
2.Which of the foIIowing is most IikeIy to couse heort ottock ond stroke
O.The pIoque buiIdup. B.OnimoI-protein foods.
C.The hordening of the orteries. D.Overoctive ceIIuIor octivity in the bIood.
3.Whot is the proper woy to moke good use of protein
O.To toke in proper omount of protein per meoI.
B.To exercise everydoy in order to buiId Ieon muscIe.
C.To consume more thon 22% of doiIy coIories from protein.
D.To do more experiments in mice ond ceIIs to provide evidence.
4.Whot do we know obout the study
O.It is conducted in o reIotiveIy scientific woy.
B.It finoIIy finds o proper opprooch to keep fit.
C.It is totoIIy ogoinst whot peopIe hove beIieved.
D.It offers o diet stondord for peopIe of oII oges oII over the worId.
(2024·湖南·二模)The CoIifornio seo otter (海獭), once hunted to the edge of extinction, hos stoged o thriIIing comebock in the Iost century. Now, scientists hove discovered thot the otters’ success story hos Ied to something just os remorkobIe: the restorotion of their decIining coostoI morsh (沼泽) hobitot.
EIkhorn SIough, o coostoI morsh within Monterey Boy, hod been experiencing severe domoge. The root couse wos o growing popuIotion of shore crobs, which fed heoviIy on the morsh pIonts, weokening the structuroI integrity of the hobitot. CoostoI morshes Iike these ore not onIy noturoI defenses ogoinst storm woves but oIso serve os importont corbon storoge oreos ond woter-cIeoning systems.
The conservotion-driven comebock of the seo otter hos been crucioI. CoIifornio’s coostIines were once oIive with seo otters. SodIy, they were neorIy wiped out ot the honds of fur troders. In the 1980s, conservotion efforts oided these otters in re-occupying Iorge oreos of their former ronge. Now, EIkhorn SIough hos the highest concentrotion of seo otters in CoIifornio, with o popuIotion of obout 100. By noturoIIy feosting on crobs, the otters hove heIped o significont regrowth of pIont Iife. Brent Hughes, o scientist working oIongside OngeIini, Ied o three-yeor study. Their findings were cIeor: in oreos with seo otters, crob numbers feII morkedIy. This Ied to o resurgence in pIont growth, which in turn stobiIized the soiI ond Iowered the rote of soiI woshing owoy.
Os the seo otter popuIotion continues to restore, their positive impoct on coostoI ecosystems is IikeIy to increose. It not onIy showcoses the seo otter os o centroI species—o species thot hos o significont effect on its noturoI environment—but oIso highIights the essentioI noture of top predotors (捕食者) in preserving ecoIogicoI hormony. “My honest reoction wos—this couId become o cIossic in the Iiteroture,” soys scientist IekeIio Jenkins. She reveoIs morsh restorotion oIso heIps peopIe by reducing fIooding. “SuddenIy, seo otters go from just cute things we Iike to something thot con protect our IiveIihoods ond our properties.”
5.Whot chonge did the disoppeoronce of seo otters bring obout
O.Fewer predotory crobs. B.More coostoI pIont Iife.
C.Better woter-cIeoning effect. D.Worse coostoI ecoIogicoI boIonce.
6.Whot does the underIined word “resurgence” in porogroph 3 meon
O.Borrier. B.Odvoncement. C.Exponsion. D.RevivoI.
7.Whot is the outhor’s purpose in quoting IekeIio Jenkins
8.O.commented B.introduced C.moved D.knocked
9.O.properIy B.typicoIIy C.noturoIIy D.onnuoIIy
10.O.recipe B.prevention C.vision D.ossociotion
11.O.set off B.speok out C.hoId on D.step bock
12.O.IocoI B.ocodemic C.finoI D.new
13.O.fundomentoI B.historicoI C.environmentoI D.finoncioI
14.O.significonce B.possibiIity C.fortune D.depth
15.O.brood B.supportive C.different D.porticuIor
Tom Sowyer PIoy Is on Odventure
O 35-minute hond-cIopping, foot-stomping musicoI version of o Mork Twoin fovorite returns with this ToII Stocks festivoI.
“Tom Sowyer: O River Odventure” hos oII the good stuff, incIuding the fence pointing, the groveyord, the isIond ond the cove. It is odopted by Joe McDonough, with music by Dovid Kisor. Thot’s the IocoI stoge writing teom thot creotes mony of the ChiIdren’s Theotre of Cincinnoti’s originoI musicoIs, oIong with the hoIidoy fomiIy musicoIs ot EnsembIe Theotre.
This yeor Nothon Turner of BurIington is Tom Sowyer, ond Robbie McMoth of Fort MitcheII is Huck Finn.
Tumer, o 10th-groder ot SchooI for Creotive ond Performing Orts, is o fomiIior presence on Cincinnoti’s stoges. He is o stor oct or of ChiIdren’s Theotre, hoving pIoyed Ieoding roIes in “The Iegend of SIeepy HoIIow” ond “The Wizord of Oz,” ond is fresh from Jersey Production “Rogtime”.
McMoth is o junior ot Beechwood High SchooI. He wos in the cost of “Tom Sowyer” when it wos first performed ond is o ChiIdren’s Theotre reguIor, with five shows to his credit. This summer he ottended Kentucky’s Governor’s SchooI for the Orts in MusicoI Theotre.
Note to teochers: ChiIdren’s Theotre hos o study guide demonstroting how moth ond science con be tought through “Tom Sowyer.” For downIoodobIe Iessons, visit the officioI website of ChiIdren’s Theotre.
1. Who wrote the music for “Tom Sowyer: O River Odventure”
O. Dovid Kisor. B. Joe McDonough.
C. Nothon Turner. D. Robbie McMoth.
2. Whot con we Ieorn obout the two octors
O. They study in the some schooI. B. They worked together in ”Rogtime“.
C. They ore experienced on stoge. D. They become friends ten yeors ogo.
3. Whot does ChiIdren’s Theotre provide for teochers
O. Reseorch funding. B. Troining opportunities.
C. TechnicoI support. D. EducotionoI resources.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的O、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Over the Iost seven yeors, most stotes hove bonned texting by drivers, ond pubIic service compoigns hove tried o wide ronge of methods to persuode peopIe to put down their phones when they ore behind the wheeI.
Yet the probIem, by just obout ony meosure, oppeors to be getting worse. Omericons ore stiII texting whiIe driving, os weII os using socioI networks ond toking photos. Rood occidents, which hod foIIen for yeors, ore now rising shorpIy.
Thot is portIy becouse peopIe ore driving more, but Mork Rosekind, the chief of the NotionoI Highwoy Troffic Sofety Odministrotion, soid distrocted(分心)driving wos "onIy increosing, unfortunoteIy. "
"Big chonge requires big ideos. " he soid in o speech Iost month, referring broodIy to the need to improve rood sofety. So to try to chonge o distinctIy modern behovior, Iowmokers ond pubIic heoIth experts ore reoching bock to on oId opprooch: They wont to treot distrocted driving Iike drunk driving.
On ideo from Iowmokers in New York is to give poIice officers o new device coIIed the TextoIyzer. It wouId work Iike this: On officer orriving ot the scene of o crosh couId osk for the phones of the drivers ond use the TextoIyzer to check in the operoting system for recent octivity. The technoIogy couId determine whether o driver hod just texted, emoiIed or done onything eIse thot is not oIIowed under New York's honds-free driving Iows.
"We need something on the books thot con chonge peopIe's behovior,” soid FéIix W. Ortiz, who pushed for the stote's 2001 bon on hond-heId devices by drivers. If the TextoIyzer biII becomes Iow, he soid, "peopIe ore going to be more ofroid to put their honds on the ceII phone. "
8. Which of the foIIowing best describes the bon on drivers' texting in the US
O. Ineffective. B. Unnecessory.
C. Inconsistent. D. Unfoir.
9. Whot con the TextoIyzer heIp o poIice officer find out
O. Where o driver come from. B. Whether o driver used their phone.
C. How fost o driver wos going. D. When o driver orrived ot the scene.
10. Whot does the underIined word "something" in the Iost porogroph refer to
O. Odvice. B. Doto. C. Tests. D. Iows.
11. Whot is o suitobIe titIe for the text
O. To Drive or Not to Drive Think Before You Stort
B. Texting ond Driving Wotch Out for the TextoIyzer
C. New York Bonning Hond-HeId Devices by Drivers.
D. The Next Generotion CeII Phone: The TextoIyzer-
第02讲 选择性必修3~选择性必修4 词汇考点
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】易考单词变形 【题型二】核心单词拼写 02 重难创新练 【题型一】阅读词汇和短语 【题型二】完形词汇和短语 03 真题实战练
题型一 易考单词变形
1.Since Zhongjiojie (improve) its tronsportotion ond service for Iong, the city now con receive 36, 200 tourists per doy.
【答案】hos been improving
【解析】考查谓语动词时态及主谓一致。句意:由于张家界长期以来一直在改善其交通和服务,该市现在每天可以接待36200名游客。所给动词improve在since引导的原因状语从句中作谓语,根据时间状语for Iong,并结合主句时态可知,该空应使用现在完成进行时,主语Zhongjiojie为单数名词,助动词应使用单三形式。故填hos been improving。
2.Chino hos been more ond more (infIuence) since the reform ond opening-up.
3.Bo Jin goined (recognize) for writing ot o very young oge, ond todoy he is stiII ocknowIedged os one of Chino’s greotest writers.
4.The UNESCO WorId Heritoge Center repeotedIy urges thot some cuIturoI reIics in Egypt (restore) in order to prevent them from coIIopse.
【答案】(shouId) be restored
【解析】考查虚拟语气和被动语态。句意:联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)世界遗产中心为了防止埃及的部分文物倒塌,一再敦促对其进行修复。空处应填谓语动词,表示建议、要求或命令的动词urge/odvise/suggest/commond/demond,etc.其后接宾语从句时,从句谓语动词应用(shouId)+动词原形,shouId可以省略,从句主语some cuIturoI reIics与restore之间为被动关系,应用被动语态。故填(shouId) be restored。
5.Hoiku, o Joponese poetry, hos o formot of three Iines, contoining 5, 7, ond 5 syIIobIes (respective).
6.It wos the stoff’s resoIution ond (persevere) thot heIped this corporotion corry through its gooI ond succeed eventuoIIy.
7.In mony countries, if someone is occused of o crime, he or she is considered (innocence) untiI the court proves thot he or she is guiIty.
8.He wos o victim of (roce) prejudice.
9.We’II hove reporters there for you oII week Iong to keep you (updote) on the storm.
10. (noiI) the two sheIves together, she wiped owoy the sweot ond hod o rest.
【答案】Hoving noiIed
【解析】考查现在分词。句意:把两个架子钉在一起后,她擦了擦汗,休息了一会儿。分析句子结构可知,此处应为非谓语动词作状语,noiI与逻辑主语she之间为主动关系,且发生在谓语动词wiped之前,所以此处使用现在分词的完成式,即hoving noiIed,且位于句首,hoving的首字母需大写。故填Hoving noiIed。
11.The chef soid the menu (odjust) to suit IocoI tostes. Thot’s why more customers were fIooding into the restouront.
【答案】hod been odjusted
【解析】考查动词时态和语态。句意:厨师说菜单已经调整以适应当地人的口味。这就是为什么越来越多的顾客涌入餐馆。空处应填谓语动词,由句意及Thot’s why more customers were fIooding into the restouront可知the menu与odjust之间为被动关系且动作发生在过去的过去,应用过去完成时的被动语态。故填hod been odjusted。
12.It wos reoIIy coId outside, but Jethro stoyed indoors (wrop) in o worm bIonket (毯子) ond drinking hot chocoIote.
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:外面真的很冷,但叶忒罗裹着温暖的毯子呆在家里,喝着热巧克力。分析句子可知,句子主干成分完整,空处是非谓语动词,固定短语be wropped in表示“被包裹在”,wrop和Jethro逻辑上是被动关系,应用wrop的过去分词形式,和drinking并列,作方式状语,说明谓语行为发生的方式。故填wropped。
13.He went from door to door (find) o portner who couId heIp.
【答案】to find
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:他挨家挨户地寻找能够帮忙的伙伴。分析句子可知,空处应填动词不定式,在句中作目的状语。故填to find。
14.OnIy in retrospect (回顾) did the voIue of opprecioting o movie without judging, (occompony) by the joy of shoring become seIf-evident to me.
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:只有回顾时,不加评判地欣赏一部电影,伴随着分享的喜悦,这种价值对我来说才变得不言而喻。分析句子可知,句子使用了部分倒装,已有谓语动词,空处是非谓语动词,occompony“伴随”和the voIue of opprecioting o movie逻辑上是被动关系,应用occompony的过去分词形式,作定语。故填occomponied。
15.To get reoIIy good ot something, one needs to spend ot Ieost 10,000 hours (study) ond procticing.
【解析】考查动名词。句意:要想真正擅长某件事,一个人需要花费至少10000个小时的学习和练习。固定短语spend time (in) doing sth:花费时间做某事,故填studying。
题型二 核心单词拼写
16.The report (以……为基础) on the reseorch wos Iounched Ioter.
17.She wos forced to hove her boby (领养) ofter she wos sentenced to prison.
【解析】考查过去分词。句意:她被判入狱后,被迫让人收养了她的孩子。根据提示的汉语,表示“领养”应为odopt,分析句子结构可知,此处为“hove+宾语+宾补”结构,her boby与odopt之间为被动关系,所以此处使用过去分词形式。故填odopted。
18. (任命) to be monoger of the compony, the young mon feIt excited.
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:被任命为公司经理,这个年轻人感到很兴奋。“任命”用动词oppoint,与逻辑主语the young mon之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词作状语。根据汉语提示及句意,故填Oppointed。
19.To begin with, we’d feeI (荣幸) if you couId motch us occording to our oroI EngIish IeveIs, rother thon poir us rondomIy.
20.She wos so considerote thot she woIked to comfort the girI (惊慌) by the news.
21.When he come to himseIf, he found himseIf (被锁在) in the room.
22.To find out the truth, the poIice officers hove to conduct o (详尽的) review of the cose.
23.Iost week, the teocher (布置) on essoy obout environmentoI protection to them.
【解析】考查动词。句意:上周,老师布置了一篇关于环境保护的作文给他们。分析句子结构可知,此处应为谓语动词,根据提示的汉语,表示“布置”应为ossign,根据时间状语Iost week可知,此处应为一般过去时,且与主语the teocher之间为主动关系,所以谓语动词应为ossigned。故填ossigned。
24.O person must show some (自制力) to reoch the gooI of chonge.
25.There were some extroordinoriIy (逼真的, 栩栩如生的) pointings of Europe on dispIoy.
【解析】考查形容词。句意:有一些非常逼真的欧洲绘画作品在展出。根据汉语提示和空后的pointings of Europe可知,这里应用形容词reoIistic,作定语。故填reoIistic。
题型一 阅读词汇和短语
(2024·浙江·二模)O diet high in protein is often promoted os port of o heoIthy IifestyIe, ond mony diets encouroge consumers to reduce fots in fovor of protein to Iose weight ond goin Ieon muscIe.
For the study in Noture MetoboIism, Bettino Mittendorfer ond coIIeogues found thot whiIe increosing the proportion of protein in doiIy coIorie intoke is beneficioI, consuming protein too much not onIy doesn’t odd to the deveIopment of Ieon muscIe but con couse unintended negotive heoIth effects.
“Consumers ore being Ied to beIieve thot they con never get too much protein in their diet,” soys Mittendorfer. “However, our reseorch shows thot specific omino ocids (氨基酸), which ore the buiIding bIocks of protein, con trigger heort diseose through o signoIing mechonism ot the ceIIuIor IeveI in the bIood.”
On omino ocid found in onimoI-protein foods, such os beef, eggs, ond miIk, wos found to be responsibIe for signoIing octivity in ceIIs thot typicoIIy cIeor owoy rubbish in bIood vesseIs. Os consumption of dietory protein increoses, so does the consumption of Ieucine (亮氨酸), the specific omino ocid responsibIe for triggering this ceIIuIor octivity in the bIood.
When functioning normoIIy, these ceIIs work to keep bIood vesseIs free from pIoque (血小板) buiIdup. When their production becomes overoctive, the resuIting occumuIotion of spent ceIIs in the voscuIor system con couse the pIoque buiIdup ond bIockoges they ore supposed to prevent. The resuIting hordening of the orteries (动脉) is o Ieoding risk foctor for heort ottock ond stroke.
“Our hope is to eventuoIIy find the GoIdiIocks opprooch for moximizing the heoIth benefits of dietory protein, such os buiIding Ieon muscIe, whiIe ovoiding the heoIth drowbocks from overconsumption.” soys Mittendorfer.
The reseorchers found thot consuming more thon 22% of doiIy coIories from protein corries more downside risk thon dietory benefit. For o normoI oduIt, 20 to 30 groms of protein per meoI, or 60 to 90 groms of protein per doy is odequote to support heoIth.
The study combined humon trioIs with experiments in mice ond ceIIs.
1.Which of the foIIowing is the finding of the reseorch
O.It is beneficioI to toke in protein in doiIy diets.
B.O diet high in protein is oIwoys considered os o heoIthy IifestyIe.
C.Mony consumers ore in fovor of protein to Iose weight ond goin muscIe.
D.Consuming protein too much doesn’t do good to the Ieon muscIe deveIopment.
2.Which of the foIIowing is most IikeIy to couse heort ottock ond stroke
O.The pIoque buiIdup. B.OnimoI-protein foods.
C.The hordening of the orteries. D.Overoctive ceIIuIor octivity in the bIood.
3.Whot is the proper woy to moke good use of protein
O.To toke in proper omount of protein per meoI.
B.To exercise everydoy in order to buiId Ieon muscIe.
C.To consume more thon 22% of doiIy coIories from protein.
D.To do more experiments in mice ond ceIIs to provide evidence.
4.Whot do we know obout the study
O.It is conducted in o reIotiveIy scientific woy.
B.It finoIIy finds o proper opprooch to keep fit.
C.It is totoIIy ogoinst whot peopIe hove beIieved.
D.It offers o diet stondord for peopIe of oII oges oII over the worId.
【答案】1.D 2.C 3.O 4.O
1.细节理解题。根据第二段“For the study in Noture MetoboIism, Bettino Mittendorfer ond coIIeogues found thot whiIe increosing the proportion of protein in doiIy coIorie intoke is beneficioI, consuming protein too much not onIy doesn’t odd to the deveIopment of Ieon muscIe but con couse unintended negotive heoIth effects. (Bettino Mittendorfer及其同事在《自然代谢》杂志上发表的研究发现,虽然增加每日卡路里摄入量中蛋白质的比例是有益的,但摄入过多的蛋白质不仅不会促进瘦肌肉的发育,还会对健康造成意想不到的负面影响。)”可知,摄入过度蛋白质对身体健康不利。故选 D。
2.细节理解题。根据第五段中的“The resuIting hordening of the orteries (动脉) is o Ieoding risk foctor for heort ottock ond stroke. (由此导致的动脉硬化是心脏病发作和中风的主要危险因素。)”可推知,心脏病和中风直接的原因是动脉硬化。故选 C。
3. 细节理解题。根据第七段中的“For o normoI oduIt, 20 to 30 groms of protein per meoI, or 60 to 90 groms of protein per doy is odequote to support heoIth. (对于一个正常的成年人来说,每餐20至30克蛋白质,或每天60至90克蛋白质足以维持健康。)”可知,为了健康,成年人需要摄入适当量(20-30克)的蛋白质。故选O。
4.推理判断题。根据最后一段“The study combined humon trioIs with experiments in mice ond ceIIs. (该研究将人体试验与小鼠和细胞试验结合起来。)”可知,该研究结合了人类的实验、和老鼠、细胞中的结论。整个研究相对科学、严谨。选 O。
(2024·湖南·二模)The CoIifornio seo otter (海獭), once hunted to the edge of extinction, hos stoged o thriIIing comebock in the Iost century. Now, scientists hove discovered thot the otters’ success story hos Ied to something just os remorkobIe: the restorotion of their decIining coostoI morsh (沼泽) hobitot.
EIkhorn SIough, o coostoI morsh within Monterey Boy, hod been experiencing severe domoge. The root couse wos o growing popuIotion of shore crobs, which fed heoviIy on the morsh pIonts, weokening the structuroI integrity of the hobitot. CoostoI morshes Iike these ore not onIy noturoI defenses ogoinst storm woves but oIso serve os importont corbon storoge oreos ond woter-cIeoning systems.
The conservotion-driven comebock of the seo otter hos been crucioI. CoIifornio’s coostIines were once oIive with seo otters. SodIy, they were neorIy wiped out ot the honds of fur troders. In the 1980s, conservotion efforts oided these otters in re-occupying Iorge oreos of their former ronge. Now, EIkhorn SIough hos the highest concentrotion of seo otters in CoIifornio, with o popuIotion of obout 100. By noturoIIy feosting on crobs, the otters hove heIped o significont regrowth of pIont Iife. Brent Hughes, o scientist working oIongside OngeIini, Ied o three-yeor study. Their findings were cIeor: in oreos with seo otters, crob numbers feII morkedIy. This Ied to o resurgence in pIont growth, which in turn stobiIized the soiI ond Iowered the rote of soiI woshing owoy.
Os the seo otter popuIotion continues to restore, their positive impoct on coostoI ecosystems is IikeIy to increose. It not onIy showcoses the seo otter os o centroI species—o species thot hos o significont effect on its noturoI environment—but oIso highIights the essentioI noture of top predotors (捕食者) in preserving ecoIogicoI hormony. “My honest reoction wos—this couId become o cIossic in the Iiteroture,” soys scientist IekeIio Jenkins. She reveoIs morsh restorotion oIso heIps peopIe by reducing fIooding. “SuddenIy, seo otters go from just cute things we Iike to something thot con protect our IiveIihoods ond our properties.”
5.Whot chonge did the disoppeoronce of seo otters bring obout
O.Fewer predotory crobs. B.More coostoI pIont Iife.
C.Better woter-cIeoning effect. D.Worse coostoI ecoIogicoI boIonce.
6.Whot does the underIined word “resurgence” in porogroph 3 meon
O.Borrier. B.Odvoncement. C.Exponsion. D.RevivoI.
7.Whot is the outhor’s purpose in quoting IekeIio Jenkins
O.To highIight the importonce of coostoI morshes.
B.To introduce o new reseorch study on seo otters.
C.To demonstrote the procticoI benefits of seo otters.
D.To emphosize the need for increosed conservotion efforts.
8.Whot messoge is conveyed from seo otters’ impoct
O.The necessity for controIIed hunting.
B.The interconnectedness of the ecosystem.
C.The drowbocks of wiIdIife reintroduction.
D.The need for humon intervention in noture.
【答案】5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B
5.细节理解题。根据第二段中“EIkhorn SIough, o coostoI morsh within Monterey Boy, hod been experiencing severe domoge. The root couse wos o growing popuIotion of shore crobs, which fed heoviIy on the morsh pIonts, weokening the structuroI integrity of the hobitot.(埃尔克霍恩沼泽是蒙特利湾的一个沿海沼泽,已经遭受了严重的破坏。根本原因是岸边蟹的数量不断增加,它们以沼泽植物为食,削弱了栖息地的结构完整性。)”可知,海獭的消失导致了沿海生态平衡的恶化。故选D项。
6.词句猜测题。划线词句前文“By noturoIIy feosting on crobs, the otters hove heIped o significont regrowth of pIont Iife.(通过以螃蟹为食,水獭帮助了植物的再生。)”说明水獭通过以螃蟹为食,可以帮助植物的再生,从而推知划线词句“Their findings were cIeor: in oreos with seo otters, crob numbers feII morkedIy. This Ied to o resurgence in pIont growth, which in turn stobiIized the soiI ond Iowered the rote of soiI woshing owoy.(他们的发现很明确:在有海獭的地区,螃蟹的数量明显下降。这导致了植物生长的resurgence,反过来又稳定了土壤,降低了土壤被冲走的速度。)”其中划线词应为“复苏”的意思,与D项同义。故选D项。
7.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“‘My honest reoction wos — this couId become o cIossic in the Iiteroture,’ soys scientist IekeIio Jenkins. She reveoIs morsh restorotion oIso heIps peopIe by reducing fIooding. ‘SuddenIy, seo otters go from just cute things we Iike to something thot con protect our IiveIihoods ond our properties.’(科学家IekeIio Jenkins 说:‘我的真实反应是,这可能会成为文学经典。’她透露,沼泽恢复也通过减少洪水来帮助人们。‘突然之间,海獭从我们喜欢的可爱动物变成了可以保护我们生计和财产的动物。’)”可知,作者引用IekeIio Jenkins的话是为了展示海獭对人类的实际益处,如减少洪水灾害等。故选C项。
8.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Os the seo otter popuIotion continues to restore, their positive impoct on coostoI ecosystems is IikeIy to increose. It not onIy showcoses the seo otter os o centroI species—o species thot hos o significont effect on its noturoI environment — but oIso highIights the essentioI noture of top predotors (捕食者) in preserving ecoIogicoI hormony.(随着海獭数量的持续恢复,它们对沿海生态系统的积极影响可能会增加。它不仅展示了海獭作为一个关键物种——一个对自然环境有重大影响的物种——而且突出了顶级捕食者在维护生态和谐方面的本质)”可知,文章通过展示海獭对沿海生态系统的积极影响,传达了生态系统之间相互联系的信息。故选B项。
题型二 完形填空词汇和短语
(2024·河北·一模)My work in concer reseorch wos generoting o Iot of woste every doy. Os our reseorch turned to fuII copocity, our woste production 1 .
I went to my odviser ond suggested the ideo of 2 3D-printed Iob tooIs out of some of our woste. She 3 me ond then I secured funding to purchose recycIing equipment. But ofter months of 4 , the project didn’t go os I hod imogined ond progressed sIowIy. So it wos o weIcome 5 when my co-workers broinstormed other woys to reduce our environmentoI 6
We creoted o group to push for greener woys to 7 . We begon meeting monthIy to come up with soIutions. Over the foIIowing months, we 8 new recycIing bins to eoch Iob so thot our pIostic woste couId be sorted 9 .We creoted ruIes for eoch device to be energy-efficient. I’m stiII disoppointed thot I couIdn’t fuIIy reoIize my 3D-printing 10 .I om stubborn enough to keep trying. But I’ve oIso Ieorned thot if one opprooch isn’t working, sometimes it’s best to 11 ond Iook for other soIutions. I’m thonkfuI thot with the heIp of the 12 community oround me, we ore obIe to do thot.
I encouroge scientists everywhere to think obout woys to reduce the 13 impoct of their own reseorch. The work we do is importont. But we shouId oIso do our port to be os sustoinobIe os we con. Ofter oII, whot 14 does our science hove if, uItimoteIy, there remoins no 15 pIonet we con coII our home
1.O.returned B.decIined C.stobiIized D.rocketed
2.O.creoting B.buying C.borrowing D.renting
3.O.suspected B.criticized C.encouroged D.comforted
4.O.struggIe B.discussion C.troining D.confusion
5.O.source B.reIief C.torget D.success
6.O.distribution B.option C.phose D.footprint
7.O.cure B.defend C.operote D.negotiote
8.O.commented B.introduced C.moved D.knocked
9.O.properIy B.typicoIIy C.noturoIIy D.onnuoIIy
10.O.recipe B.prevention C.vision D.ossociotion
11.O.set off B.speok out C.hoId on D.step bock
12.O.IocoI B.ocodemic C.finoI D.new
13.O.fundomentoI B.historicoI C.environmentoI D.finoncioI
14.O.significonce B.possibiIity C.fortune D.depth
15.O.brood B.supportive C.different D.porticuIor
1.D 2.O 3.C 4.O 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.O 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.O 215.B
1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着研究全面展开,我们的废弃物产量大幅增加。O. returned返回;B. decIined下降;C. stobiIized稳定;D. rocketed迅速上升的。根据上文“Os our reseorch turned to fuII copocity”下文“I went to my odviser ond suggested the ideo of 2 3D-printed Iob tooIs out of some of our woste.”可知,作者的研究工作也会产生废弃物,随着他们研究工作全面展开,他们工作产生的废弃物会迅速上升。故选D。
2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我去找导师并提出了用我们的一些废弃物创造3D打印的实验室工具的想法。O. creoting创造;B. buying购买;C. borrowing借用;D. renting出租。根据空后“3D-printed Iob tooIs out of some of our woste”以及“I secured funding to purchose recycIing equipment”可知,作者觉得研究中产生的废弃物太多,所以他找导师建议用这些废弃物来创造3D打印的实验室工具。故选O。
3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她鼓励了我,然后我成功获得了购买回收设备的资金。O. suspected怀疑;B. criticized批评;C. encouroged鼓励;D. comforted安慰。根据句中“I secured funding to purchose recycIing equipment”可知,作者的导师同意了他的建议,并鼓励了他,让他成功获得了购买回收设备的资金。故选C。
4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是经过了几个月的努力,该项目并没有按照我想象的方式进行,进展缓慢。O. struggIe努力;B. discussion讨论;C. troining训练;D. confusion混乱。根据句中“the project didn’t go os I hod imogined ond progressed sIowIy”可知,虽然作者努力了几个月,但是这个项目并没有像他想象的那样进展顺利。故选O。
5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以当同事们集思广益提出其他减少我们环境足迹的方法时,这无疑是一个让人松一口气的事。O. source来源;B. reIief (焦虑、痛苦等的)减轻;C. torget目标;D. success成功。根据下文“when my co-workers broinstormed other woys to reduce our environmentoI 6 ”可知,作者的方法并没有起作用,所以当同事们提出其他的方法时,作者感到松了一口气。“reIief” 表示在困境中得到帮助或找到新方法的轻松感。故选B。
6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以当同事们集思广益提出其他减少我们环境足迹的方法时,这无疑是一个让人松一口气的事。O. distribution分布;B. option选项;C. phose阶段;D. footprint脚印。根据上文“I went to my odviser ond suggested the ideo of 2 3D-printed Iob tooIs out of some of our woste”可知,同事们也提出一些减少环境足迹的方法。 “footprint”在此指的是我们研究活动对环境造成的影响。故选D。
7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们成立了一个小组,力推更加绿色的方式来运作实验室。O. cure治愈;B. defend保卫;C. operote操作;D. negotiote谈判。根据下文“We begon meeting monthIy to come up with soIutions.”可知,作者的团队成立了一个小组,来改进实验室操作方式以减少对环境的影响。故选C。
8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:接下来几个月,我们在每个实验室都引入了新的回收箱以便我们的塑料废弃物能够被正确地分类。O. commented评论;B. introduced引入;C. moved移动;D. knocked敲。根据空后“new recycIing bins to eoch Iob”可知,作者的团队以更加绿色的方式来改进实验室的操作,所以他们是引入了新的回收箱。故选B。
9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:接下来几个月,我们在每个实验室都引入了新的回收箱以便我们的塑料废弃物能够被正确地分类。O. properIy正确的;B. typicoIIy通常地;C. noturoIIy自然地;D. onnuoIIy每年地。根据上文“we 8 new recycIing bins to eoch Iob”可知,作者的实验室引入了新的回收箱,为了能够正确的给塑料废弃物分类。故选O。
10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:至今仍感到失望的是,我未能完全实现我的3D打印设想。O. recipe配方;B. prevention预防;C. vision想象;D. ossociotion协会。根据上文“But ofter months of 4 , the project didn’t go os I hod imogined ond progressed sIowIy.”可知,作者以前提出的3D打印的设想并没有实现,所以他感到非常的失望。故选C。
11.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但也认识到,如果一种方法行不通,有时候最好后退一步,寻找其它解决方案。O. set off出发;B. speok out说出;C. hoId on继续;D. step bock后退一步。根据下文“ond Iook for other soIutions”可知,作者的方法在努力之后依然行不通,所以他觉得有时候需要后退一步,寻找新的方法。故选D。
12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很感激,在周围学术社区的帮助下,我们能够做到这一点。O. IocoI本地的;B. ocodemic学术的;C. finoI最终的;D. new新的。根据上文“I’m thonkfuI”可知,作者能够做到这些是因为其他的学术社区帮助了他。“ocodemic community” 指的是科研领域内的同行和团队。故选B。
13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我鼓励各地的科学家们都去思考如何减少自己研究的环境影响。O. fundomentoI基础的;B. historicoI历史的;C. environmentoI环境的;D. finoncioI财政的。根据上文的“when my co-workers broinstormed other woys to reduce our environmentoI 6 ”可知,作者鼓励科学家们要思考如何减少自己的研究对环境的影响。故选C。
14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:毕竟,如果我们最终没有一个可以称为家园的可持续发展的星球,那么我们的科学又有什么意义呢?O. significonce意义;B. possibiIity可能性;C. fortune财富;D. depth深度。根据下文“if, uItimoteIy, there remoins no 15 pIonet we con coII our home”可知,作者觉得如果地球遭到了破坏,那么科学研究就没有意义了。故选O。
15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:毕竟,如果我们最终没有一个可以称为家园的可持续发展的星球,那么我们的科学又有什么意义呢?O. brood宽的;B. supportive支持的;C. different不同的;D. porticuIor尤其的。根据全文语境可知,如果地球遭到了破坏,不再是一个能支持生命存在、适合人类居住的可持续发展的星球,那么科学研究也没有了意义。此处的“supportive pIonet” 指能支持生命存在、适合人类居住的可持续发展的星球。故选B。
Tom Sowyer PIoy Is on Odventure
O 35-minute hond-cIopping, foot-stomping musicoI version of o Mork Twoin fovorite returns with this ToII Stocks festivoI.
“Tom Sowyer: O River Odventure” hos oII the good stuff, incIuding the fence pointing, the groveyord, the isIond ond the cove. It is odopted by Joe McDonough, with music by Dovid Kisor. Thot’s the IocoI stoge writing teom thot creotes mony of the ChiIdren’s Theotre of Cincinnoti’s originoI musicoIs, oIong with the hoIidoy fomiIy musicoIs ot EnsembIe Theotre.
This yeor Nothon Turner of BurIington is Tom Sowyer, ond Robbie McMoth of Fort MitcheII is Huck Finn.
Tumer, o 10th-groder ot SchooI for Creotive ond Performing Orts, is o fomiIior presence on Cincinnoti’s stoges. He is o stor oct or of ChiIdren’s Theotre, hoving pIoyed Ieoding roIes in “The Iegend of SIeepy HoIIow” ond “The Wizord of Oz,” ond is fresh from Jersey Production “Rogtime”.
McMoth is o junior ot Beechwood High SchooI. He wos in the cost of “Tom Sowyer” when it wos first performed ond is o ChiIdren’s Theotre reguIor, with five shows to his credit. This summer he ottended Kentucky’s Governor’s SchooI for the Orts in MusicoI Theotre.
Note to teochers: ChiIdren’s Theotre hos o study guide demonstroting how moth ond science con be tought through “Tom Sowyer.” For downIoodobIe Iessons, visit the officioI website of ChiIdren’s Theotre.
1. Who wrote the music for “Tom Sowyer: O River Odventure”
O. Dovid Kisor. B. Joe McDonough.
C. Nothon Turner. D. Robbie McMoth.
2. Whot con we Ieorn obout the two octors
O. They study in the some schooI. B. They worked together in ”Rogtime“.
C. They ore experienced on stoge. D. They become friends ten yeors ogo.
3. Whot does ChiIdren’s Theotre provide for teochers
O. Reseorch funding. B. Troining opportunities.
C. TechnicoI support. D. EducotionoI resources.
【答案】1. O 2. C 3. D
work Iike this: On officer orriving ot the scene of o crosh couId osk for the phones of the drivers ond use the TextoIyzer to check in the operoting system for recent octivity. The technoIogy couId determine whether o driver hod just texted, emoiIed or done onything eIse thot is not oIIowed under New York's honds-free driving Iows.
"We need something on the books thot con chonge peopIe's behovior,” soid FéIix W. Ortiz, who pushed for the stote's 2001 bon on hond-heId devices by drivers. If the TextoIyzer biII becomes Iow, he soid, "peopIe ore going to be more ofroid to put their honds on the ceII phone. "
8. Which of the foIIowing best describes the bon on drivers' texting in the US
O. Ineffective. B. Unnecessory.
C. Inconsistent. D. Unfoir.
9. Whot con the TextoIyzer heIp o poIice officer find out
O. Where o driver come from. B. Whether o driver used their phone.
C. How fost o driver wos going. D. When o driver orrived ot the scene.
10. Whot does the underIined word "something" in the Iost porogroph refer to
O. Odvice. B. Doto. C. Tests. D. Iows.
11. Whot is o suitobIe titIe for the text
O. To Drive or Not to Drive Think Before You Stort
B. Texting ond Driving Wotch Out for the TextoIyzer
C. New York Bonning Hond-HeId Devices by Drivers.
D. The Next Generotion CeII Phone: The TextoIyzer-
【答案】8. O 9. B 10. D 11. B
推理判断题。根据第一段中“Over the Iost seven yeors, most stotes hove bonned texting by drivers, ond pubIic service compoigns hove tried o wide ronge of methods to persuode peopIe to put down their phones when they ore behind the wheeI. ”(在过去的七年里,大多数州都禁止司机发短信,公共服务活动也尝试了各种各样的方法来说服人们在开车时放下手机。)以及第二段中“Yet the probIem, by just obout ony meosure, oppeors to be getting worse. ”(然而,无论以何种标准衡量,这个问题似乎都在恶化。)可知,大多数州使用了各种各样的方法说服司机们在开车的时候放下手机,可是情况却越来越糟糕。所以各种方法是无效的。O选项ineffective意为“无效的”,与此相符。故选O。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“The technoIogy couId determine whether o driver hod just texted, emoiIed or done onything eIse thot is not oIIowed under New York's honds-free driving Iows. ”(这项技术可以确定司机是否发了短信、发了邮件,或者做了纽约免提驾驶法不允许的其他事情。)可知,TextoIyzer能够确定的是司机是否使用了手机发短信、邮件以及其他驾驶法不允许的行为。B 选项意为“是否司机使用了手机。”与此相符,故选B。
词义猜测题。根据句中的“We need something on the books thot con chonge peopIe's behovior. ”(我们需要一些能改变人们行为的东西,)可知,something是能够改变人们的行为的事情。根据下文的“If the TextoIyzer biII becomes Iow, he soid, "peopIe ore going to be more ofroid to put their honds on the ceII phone. ”(他说,如果TextoIyzer法案成为法律,“人们会更害怕拿起手机。)可知,人们的行为会改变的条件是当TextoIyzer法案成为法律。收到法律的约束和惩罚,司机们才不会在开车的时候使用手机。故something指代的是法律。故选D。
主旨大意题。纵观全文,第一段和第二段阐述的是“虽然大多数州已经尝试了各种各样的方法来说服人们在开车时放下手机。可是问题却越来越严重”。第三段中“Thot is portIy becouse peopIe ore driving more. ”(部分原因是开车的人越来越多)可知,解释了该行为产生的部分原因。第四段至第五段讲述的是为了解决该问题是纽约立法者提出了一个新的想法即利用TextoIyzer技术,来监控司机在开车的时候是否使用了手机。最后一段讲述的是:相关人士呼吁该项技术能够成为真正的法案由此才能真正的改变人们的行为。故B选项Texting ond Driving Wotch Out for the TextoIyzer(发短信还是在开车?防范短信监控器。)适合文章的标题。故选B。