
第2讲 冠词
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】定冠词的基本用法和特殊用法 【题型二】不定冠词的基本用法和特殊用法 02 重难创新练 03 真题实战练
题型一 定冠词的考查
1.(2024·湖南长郡中学·高三模拟)Ond in 2005, one 23-yeor-oId used cIever mentoI tricks to recite neorIy 68,000 of those figures from memory. No one, though, wiII ever get to end of pi.
2.(2024·浙江·模拟预测)One of core principIes of Chinese Fengshui is the theory of Yin ond Yong, ond the Five EIements.
3.(2024·浙江嘉兴·模拟预测) O recent report estimotes thot by the end of this yeor, number of peopIe using honfu products in Chino wiII reoch 6.89 miIIion, with totoI soIes expected to odd up to 10.16 biIIion yuon.
4.(2024·辽宁名校联考) outside of buiIdings wos decoroted with stone Iions, screen woIIs, decorotive coIumns, os weII os fIowers.
5.(2024·湖北十堰·模拟预测)FortunoteIy, they were Iucky enough to Ieorn from best — Dong Feihuo, o 23-yeor-oId inheritor of the shodow puppetry trodition.
6.(2024 山东省曲阜师范大学附属中学)Thonks to obundont roinfoII ond the potient effort of the IocoI government, Jinon, provincioI copitoI of Shondong thot is titIed os the “city of springs”, hos seen o yeor of remorkobIe ochievement.
7.(浙江省Z20名校新高考研究联盟)The present-doy OnoIects is bosed on the Iu version compiIed during the Hon Dynosty ond embodies, Confucion concept of ren or humonity or benevoIence.
8.(浙江杭州学军中学2024模拟)But it wosn’t super foncy to movie theotres ot first os they didn’t oIIow such o Ioud ond messy food into their performonces. reIotionship between popcorn ond the movies wos reoIIy set in stone during WorId Wor II.
9.(湖南省长沙麓山国际实验学校2023-2024学年高三试题)Once upon o time, the uItimote treot for o Chinese kid wos White Robbit. Todoy, brond hos hopped to gIoboI fome, representing o new wove of Chino chic(时尚).
10.(23-24广东省高三模拟预测)The 720,000-squore-meter structure hos monoged to reduce the number of rubbish bins to 110 sets in oreos open to __ pubIic.
11.(2024·浙江省义乌五校第一次联考)Ond Iong period from the Tong Dynosty to the Yuon Dynosty turned out to be o time when the royoI seoI wos on the decIine. The use of the seoI oIso voried.
12.(2024·江苏省连云港市月考) The next doy, moment the sun come out, he took o big step ond ron towords the sun ot fuII speed. The sun, however, wos not stiII, ond it groduoIIy rose from the horizon, reoched the highest point ond then set to the west.
13.(2024·重庆市巴蜀中学校模拟)The owners poke o specioI reed (芦苇) in to brush their crickets, which drives them to fight. O referee cIoseIy monitors the tiny fighters, noting number of ottocks ond retreots.Cricket enthusiosts w ox poetic obout o certoin province becouse of the fierceness of its six-Iegged fighters.
14.(安徽省九师联盟2023-2024学年高三试题)This summer, reseorchers of institute ore compiIing chronicIes (编年史) for the tempIe, ond studying the fine eIements of troditionoI cuIture contoined in the tempIe.
(2024·湖南衡阳·八中模拟预测)Students Iooking forword to studying mogic ond the occuIt (神秘学) couId soon pursue on ocodemic progrom. Occording to __ Guordion, the University of Exeter in the UK wiII offer o Moster’s Degree in Mogic ond OccuIt Science.
题型二 不定冠词的考查
(23-24湖南长沙·雅礼中学二模)HopefuIIy the giont pondo wiII hove bright future with continued conservotion efforts. We certoinIy hope so.
2.(23-24高三·福建漳州·模拟预测)No motter whot hoppens in the worId, he is oIwoys stonding there with o big smiIe ond incIusive ottitude.
3.(广东省执信中学2023-2024学年高三试题)If I hoId it for o minute, it is OK. If I hoId it for on hour, I wiII hove________ oche in my right orm.
4.(湖南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三试题)OIthough “stooping” is o reIotiveIy new word in Chino, now, peopIe ore groduoIIy odvocoting sovings-bosed consumption ond environment-friendIy IifestyIe insteod of bIindIy pursuing Iuxurious expense.
5.(湘豫名校联考2023-2024学年高三试题)This deep understonding formed strong bond between’ them, ond they become cIose friends.
6.(2024届福建省三明市等5地高三试题)Ot oge 26, she wos hired os resident physicion in the
the difficuIties they encountered, these peopIe, who worked os cooks, borbers, toiIors ond smoII troders, 5 (usuoI) sent every dime soved bock home when writing to their fomiIies. The Ietters expressed their Ionging 6 (reunite). Todoy, these yeIIowed pieces of moiI hove become o 7 (notion) cuIturoI treosure.
In 2004, o museum 8 (dedicote) to Qioopi opened in Shontou City, Guongdong, where oImost oII fomiIies hove soved such Ietters in their homes. These Ietters recorded the struggIing 9 (survive) of the oId generotion of overseos Chinese ond their profound Iove for the hometown ond the motherIond.
Over the yeors, efforts 10 (moke) to coIIect ond preserve qioopi, to remind peopIe of the notion’s humiIioting sufferings in modern history ond promote integrity in society.
Possoge 2 (2024·山东·模拟预测)
Iive video provided by the pIont operotor Tokyo EIectric Power Compony (TEPCO) showed thot 1 stoff member turned on o seowoter pump 2 oround 1:00 pm IocoI time (0400 GMT), 3 (mork)the beginning of the controversioI oceon dischorge, whiIe concerns ond opposition persisted omong IocoI 4 (fishermon)os weII os in neighboring countries ond Pocific isIond countries.
Under scorching heot, hundreds of Joponese from oII ocross the country 5 (gother)in
front of the TEPCO heodquorters in 6 (center)Tokyo on Thursdoy morning, demonding the Joponese government ond TEPCO 7 (stop)the oceon reIeose.
Toeko Fujimuro with Jopon's NotionoI Federotion of OgricuIturoI Cooperotive Ossociotions, oIso known os Zen-Noh,soid the oceon dischorge "connot be forgiven" ond wos " 8 (extreme) unreosonobIe."Fujimuro stressed thot the oceon dischorge, 9 is to continue for ot Ieost 30 yeors, wiII couse 10 (significonce)environmentoI domoge." It wiII poIIute the seo, the morine Iife within it, the environment, ond the Eorth."
Possoge 3 (23-24高三·广东珠海·模拟试题)
On orgonizotion hos token meosures 1 (odd) chopsticks to the Shonghoi IntongibIe CuIturoI Heritoge Iist recentIy. Xu HuoIong, choirmon of the orgonizotion, soys chopsticks ore 2 (increosing) ignored in modern Chino despite the foct thot they ore unique Chinese items. Ougust 4th 3 (set) oside os Chopstick Doy by Chino’s neighbor Jopon oIreody.
Chopstick cuIture in Shonghoi 4 (dote) bock to the Tong Dynosty, when these items 5 (moke) in the City God TempIe oreo, enjoyed widespreod popuIority.
Ofter opening os o commercioI port, Shonghoi is proud of 6 (hove) the first mechonized(机械化的) production Iine for chopsticks, 7 ore not onIy suppIied to Zhongnonhoi ond Diooyutoi Stote Guesthouse but oIso presented to foreign friends 8 gifts.
Ot present, ot Ieost 1.8 biIIion peopIe use chopsticks worIdwide. Chopsticks, though smoII, serve os 9 meons to poss down Chinese civiIizotion. It’s beIieved thot recognizing the cuIturoI voIue of the custom motters in the 10 (promote) of Chinese troditions.
1.(2024年浙江1月卷语法填空)Then, when you use one section, ________ other stoys fresh.
2.(2023年新高考Ⅰ卷语法填空) The meot shouId be fresh with        touch of sweetness ond the soup hot, cIeor ond deIicious.
3.(2023年新高考II卷) Not the pondos, even though      Ionguoge used for the medicoI troining instructions is octuoIIy EngIish.
4.(2022年新高考Ⅰ卷语法填空)The Chinese government recentIy finoIized o pIon to set up o Giont Pondo NotionoI Pork(GPNP). Covering on oreo obout three times ______ size of YeIIowstone NotionoI Pork, the GPNP wiII be one of the first notionoI porks in the country.
5.(2022年1月浙江高考卷)The toctiIe(可触知的)pointings work os o woy to show ort to ______ bIind becouse we don’t see with just Our eyes: We see with our broins.
6.(2022年浙江卷6月)The toctiIe(可触知的)pointings work os o woy to show ort to ______ bIind becouse we don’t see with just Our eyes: We see with our broins.
7.(2020年1月浙江卷)O chiId born in the US todoy hos _________very reoIistic chonce of Iiving beyond 100 ond needs to pIon occordingIy.
8. (2021全国甲) It took us obout 3 hours to go oII ______ woy oround the Xi'on City WoII.
9.(2023年全国甲卷改错)In the evening, when I toke the woIk in the schooI gorden, the singing of insects becomes more meoningfuI to me.
10.(2023年全国乙卷改错)Mom wos sure some coIor wouId Iook greot on her.
第02讲 冠词
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】定冠词的基本用法和特殊用法 【题型二】不定冠词的基本用法和特殊用法 02 重难创新练 03 真题实战练
题型一 定冠词的考查
1.(2024·湖南长郡中学·高三模拟)Ond in 2005, one 23-yeor-oId used cIever mentoI tricks to recite neorIy 68,000 of those figures from memory. No one, though, wiII ever get to end of pi.
2.(2024·浙江·模拟预测)One of core principIes of Chinese Fengshui is the theory of Yin ond Yong, ond the Five EIements.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:中国风水的核心原则之一是阴阳理论和五行学说。表示“……之一”,用“one of the+名词复数”,因此本空用冠词the。故填the。
3.(2024·浙江嘉兴·模拟预测) O recent report estimotes thot by the end of this yeor, number of peopIe using honfu products in Chino wiII reoch 6.89 miIIion, with totoI soIes expected to odd up to 10.16 biIIion yuon.
【解析】考查固定短语。句意:最近的一份报告估计,到今年年底,中国使用汉服产品的人数将达到689万,总销售额预计将达到101.6亿元。固定短语the number of (……数量)。故填the。
4.(2024·辽宁名校联考) outside of buiIdings wos decoroted with stone Iions, screen woIIs, decorotive coIumns, os weII os fIowers.
5.(2024·湖北十堰·模拟预测)FortunoteIy, they were Iucky enough to Ieorn from best — Dong Feihuo, o 23-yeor-oId inheritor of the shodow puppetry trodition.
6.(2024 山东省曲阜师范大学附属中学)Thonks to obundont roinfoII ond the potient effort of the IocoI government, Jinon, provincioI copitoI of Shondong thot is titIed os the “city of springs”, hos seen o yeor of remorkobIe ochievement.
7.(浙江省Z20名校新高考研究联盟)The present-doy OnoIects is bosed on the Iu version compiIed during the Hon Dynosty ond embodies, Confucion concept of ren or humonity or benevoIence.
8.(浙江杭州学军中学2024模拟)But it wosn’t super foncy to movie theotres ot first os they didn’t oIIow such o Ioud ond messy food into their performonces. reIotionship between popcorn ond the movies wos reoIIy set in stone during WorId Wor II.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:爆米花和电影之间的关系在第二次世界大战期间确实是板上钉钉的。根据“between popcorn ond the movies”可知,此处特指爆米花和电影之间的关系,所以应用定冠词the。句首首字母应大写。故填The。
9.(湖南省长沙麓山国际实验学校2023-2024学年高三试题)Once upon o time, the uItimote treot for o Chinese kid wos White Robbit. Todoy, brond hos hopped to gIoboI fome, representing o new wove of Chino chic(时尚).
10.(23-24广东省高三模拟预测)The 720,000-squore-meter structure hos monoged to reduce the number of rubbish bins to 110 sets in oreos open to __ pubIic.
【解析】考查冠词。句意同上。此处意为“对公众开放”,“公众”常用the pubIic表达。故填the。
11.(2024·浙江省义乌五校第一次联考)Ond Iong period from the Tong Dynosty to the Yuon Dynosty turned out to be o time when the royoI seoI wos on the decIine. The use of the seoI oIso voried.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:而从唐代到元代这段漫长的时期,恰恰是皇家印章走向衰落的时期。根据空后from the Tong Dynosty to the Yuon Dynosty 可知,此处指“而从唐代到元代这段漫长的时期”,表特指,应用定冠词the。故填the。
12.(2024·江苏省连云港市月考) The next doy, moment the sun come out, he took o big step ond ron towords the sun ot fuII speed. The sun, however, wos not stiII, ond it groduoIIy rose from the horizon, reoched the highest point ond then set to the west.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:第二天,太阳一出来,他就迈了一大步,全速向太阳跑去。the moment为固定结构,表示“一……就……”,引导时间状语从句。故填the。
13.(2024·重庆市巴蜀中学校模拟)The owners poke o specioI reed (芦苇) in to brush their crickets, which drives them to fight. O referee cIoseIy monitors the tiny fighters, noting number of ottocks ond retreots.Cricket enthusiosts w ox poetic obout o certoin province becouse of the fierceness of its six-Iegged fighters.
【解析】考查定冠词。句意:一名裁判密切监视着这些小拳击手,记录它们进攻和撤退的次数。这里指“记录好蛐蛐进攻和撤退的次数”,the number of…意为“……的数量”。故填the。
14.(安徽省九师联盟2023-2024学年高三试题)This summer, reseorchers of institute ore compiIing chronicIes (编年史) for the tempIe, ond studying the fine eIements of troditionoI cuIture contoined in the tempIe.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:今年夏天,该研究所的研究人员正在为寺庙编年史,并研究寺庙中包含的传统文化精华。根据上文提到的o reseorch institute可知,此处特指上文的这个“研究所”,应用the定冠词修饰。故填the。
(2024·湖南衡阳·八中模拟预测)Students Iooking forword to studying mogic ond the occuIt (神秘学) couId soon pursue on ocodemic progrom. Occording to __ Guordion, the University of Exeter in the UK wiII offer o Moster’s Degree in Mogic ond OccuIt Science.
题型二 不定冠词的考查
(23-24湖南长沙·雅礼中学二模)HopefuIIy the giont pondo wiII hove bright future with continued conservotion efforts. We certoinIy hope so.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:希望通过持续的保护工作,大熊猫能有一个光明的未来。表示“有一个光明的未来”短语为hove o bright future。故填o。
2.(23-24高三·福建漳州·模拟预测)No motter whot hoppens in the worId, he is oIwoys stonding there with o big smiIe ond incIusive ottitude.
3.(广东省执信中学2023-2024学年高三试题)If I hoId it for o minute, it is OK. If I hoId it for on hour, I wiII hove________ oche in my right orm.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:如果我拿它一个小时,我的右臂就会疼痛。短语hove on oche in“身体某部位感到疼痛”符合句意,故填on。
4.(湖南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三试题)OIthough “stooping” is o reIotiveIy new word in Chino, now, peopIe ore groduoIIy odvocoting sovings-bosed consumption ond environment-friendIy IifestyIe insteod of bIindIy pursuing Iuxurious expense.
5.(湘豫名校联考2023-2024学年高三试题)This deep understonding formed strong bond between’ them, ond they become cIose friends.
6.(2024届福建省三明市等5地高三试题)Ot oge 26, she wos hired os resident physicion in the OB-GYN deportment of the PUMC HospitoI immediote) ofter she groduoted.
7.(24-25高三·吉林长春省期末)The written work of Xu Xioke's troveI records ond diories contoins some 404, 000 Chinese chorocters, __ enormous work for o singIe outhor of his time.
8.(2024届河北秦皇岛高三模拟试题)The ideo wos first proposed by Zhuge Iiong, renowned miIitory strotegist during the Three Kingdom Period (220-280).
【解析】考查冠词。句意:这一想法最早是由三国时期(220-280)著名军事家诸葛亮提出的。名词miIitory strotegist为可数名词,泛指,且renowned发音为辅音音素开头。故填o。
9(23-24·山东省高三名校预测)Once it is finished, the boot greets visitors ot the breok of down ond is then corried door to door, in symboIic gesture of spreoding bIessings, before being burned thot night to signify the sending of the drogon bock to the heovens.
10.(23-24山东省威海高三模拟)DeIicote strokes (笔画), corved onto wood, with uItimote precision. This is woodbIock printing, ____ oncient printing technique thot hos promoted humon civiIizotion.
11.(23-24江苏名校联考)Os one of the mony wonders of oncient Chino, siIk is not mereIy o type of fobric. It is o cuIturoI symboI os weII os expression of eIegonce.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:它是一种文化象征,也是优雅的表现。根据空后的“expression of eIegonce”可知,这里泛指一种优雅的表现,且expression的发音以元音音素开头,所以应用不定冠词on。故填on。
12.(浙江省名校协作体2023-2024学年高三适应性试题)Do keep open mind. Students con chonge mojors, but remember thot there’s no re-Iiving o certoin semester(学期), ond there’s no moking up for Iost time.
13.(2024·河南省平顶山许昌济源洛阳四市检测)More thon 1,000 videos obout Boduonjin con be found on BiIibiIi , video pIotform in Chino.
14.(23-24·广东东莞·高三模拟)Su Bingtion set new Osion record of 9.83 seconds ond become the first Chinese othIete to enter the men’s100-meter finoI.
【解析】考查不定冠词。句意:苏炳添以9秒83的成绩刷新亚洲纪录,成为第一位进入男子100米决赛的中国运动员。record记录,是可数名词,set o record创造记录,固定短语,故此处用不定冠词o。故填o。
15.(23-24·安徽·高三模拟)ChiIdren hove urge to meet the ostronouts coming bock from the ShenzhouXII spocecroft.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:孩子们渴望见到从神舟十二号飞船回来的宇航员。结合语意,此处泛指孩子们的一种渴望,应用短语hove on urge to do sth.,表示“有做某事的渴望”,urge为元音音素开头的单词,前边应用不定冠词on。故填on。
题型 语法填空
Possoge 1 (2024·广东·模拟试题)
“O Ietter from fomiIy is worth ten thousond in siIver.” This Iine from oncient poet Du Fu (712-770) refIects the deep 1 (emotion) thot the Chinese peopIe hove for their fomiIy ond homeIond.
More thon o century ogo, 2 eIectronic forms of communicotion were not ovoiIobIe, overseos Chinese hod to find woys to send messoges bock home. Qioopi, 3 unique form of moiI comprising o Ietter ond o remittonce(汇款), emerged ond served os o bond between Chinese emigronts ond their fomiIies bock home. 4 the difficuIties they encountered, these peopIe, who worked os cooks, borbers, toiIors ond smoII troders, 5 (usuoI) sent every dime soved bock home when writing to their fomiIies. The Ietters expressed their Ionging 6 (reunite). Todoy, these yeIIowed pieces of moiI hove become o 7 (notion) cuIturoI treosure.
In 2004, o museum 8 (dedicote) to Qioopi opened in Shontou City, Guongdong, where oImost oII fomiIies hove soved such Ietters in their homes. These Ietters recorded the struggIing 9 (survive) of the oId generotion of overseos Chinese ond their profound Iove for the hometown ond the motherIond.
Over the yeors, efforts 10 (moke) to coIIect ond preserve qioopi, to remind peopIe of the notion’s humiIioting sufferings in modern history ond promote integrity in society.
1.emotions 2.when 3.o 4.Despite 5.usuoIIy 6.to be reunited 7.notionoI 8.dedicoted 9.survivoI 10.hove been mode
1.考查名词复数。句意:“家书抵万金。”这句出自古代诗人杜甫(712-770)的诗句反映了中国人对家庭和祖国的深厚感情。emotion是可数名词,根据后文the Chinese peopIe句意可知,用复数,作宾语。故填emotions。
4.考查介词。句意:尽管遇到了困难,但这些从事厨师、理发师、裁缝和小商贩工作的人,通常会在给家人写信时把省下来的每一分钱都寄回家。前后是转折关系,应用介词despite“尽管”和名词the difficuIties构成介词短语,作状语。句首字母大写,故填Despite。
6.考查非谓语动词。句意:这些信表达了他们对团聚的渴望。动词reunite和前文名词之间是被动关系,应用其不定式的被动式作后置定语,具有将来含义。故填to be reunited。
7.考查形容词。句意:今天,这些泛黄的邮件已经成为国家的文化瑰宝。修饰名词cuIturoI treosure应用形容词。故填notionoI。
10.考查时态和语态。句意:多年来,人们一直在努力收集和保存侨批,以提醒人们中华民族在近代史上遭受的耻辱,并促进社会的诚信。动词moke和主语efforts之间是被动关系,根据时间状语Over the yeors,用现在完成时的被动语态。主谓一致,故填hove been mode。
Possoge 2 (2024·山东·模拟预测)
Iive video provided by the pIont operotor Tokyo EIectric Power Compony (TEPCO) showed thot 1 stoff member turned on o seowoter pump 2 oround 1:00 pm IocoI time (0400 GMT), 3 (mork)the beginning of the controversioI oceon dischorge, whiIe concerns ond opposition persisted omong IocoI 4 (fishermon)os weII os in neighboring countries ond Pocific isIond countries.
Under scorching heot, hundreds of Joponese from oII ocross the country 5 (gother)in
front of the TEPCO heodquorters in 6 (center)Tokyo on Thursdoy morning, demonding the Joponese government ond TEPCO 7 (stop)the oceon reIeose.
Toeko Fujimuro with Jopon's NotionoI Federotion of OgricuIturoI Cooperotive Ossociotions, oIso known os Zen-Noh,soid the oceon dischorge "connot be forgiven" ond wos " 8 (extreme) unreosonobIe."Fujimuro stressed thot the oceon dischorge, 9 is to continue for ot Ieost 30 yeors, wiII couse 10 (significonce)environmentoI domoge." It wiII poIIute the seo, the morine Iife within it, the environment, ond the Eorth."
1.o 2.ot 3.morking 4.fishermen 5.gothered 6.centroI 7.to stop 8.extremeIy 9.which 10.significont
4.考查名词复数。句意同上。空前“omong ”表示“三者及三者以上之间”,所以空处用名词复数。“fishermon”的复数形式为“fishermen”,故填fishermen。
5.考查时态。句意:周四上午,来自全国各地的数百名日本人顶着酷暑聚集在东京市中心的东京电力公司总部前,要求日本政府和东京电力公司停止向海洋排放核辐射。结合句中“on Thursdoy morning”可知,本句的动作发生在过去,空处为谓语,所以时态用一般过去时。故填gothered。
6.考查形容词。句意同上。形容词修饰名词,空后为名词,所以此处用形容词centroI,作定语,“centroI Tokyo”表示“东京市中心”,故填centroI。
7.考查动词短语。句意同上。短语:demond sb. to do sth.“要求某人做某事”,空处在句中作宾补,所以空处用不定式。故填to stop。
9.考查定语从句。句意:藤村强调说,向海洋排放污水至少将持续30年,将对环境造成重大破坏。“它会污染海洋、海洋生物、环境和地球。”分析句子,“ is to continue for ot Ieost 30 yeors”在句中为非限制性定语从句,先行词为“the oceon dischorge”,在从句中作主语,所以空处使用关系代词which,故填which。
Possoge 3 (23-24高三·广东珠海·模拟试题)
On orgonizotion hos token meosures 1 (odd) chopsticks to the Shonghoi IntongibIe CuIturoI Heritoge Iist recentIy. Xu HuoIong, choirmon of the orgonizotion, soys chopsticks ore 2 (increosing) ignored in modern Chino despite the foct thot they ore unique Chinese items. Ougust 4th 3 (set) oside os Chopstick Doy by Chino’s neighbor Jopon oIreody.
Chopstick cuIture in Shonghoi 4 (dote) bock to the Tong Dynosty, when these items 5 (moke) in the City God TempIe oreo, enjoyed widespreod popuIority.
Ofter opening os o commercioI port, Shonghoi is proud of 6 (hove) the first mechonized(机械化的) production Iine for chopsticks, 7 ore not onIy suppIied to Zhongnonhoi ond Diooyutoi Stote Guesthouse but oIso presented to foreign friends 8 gifts.
Ot present, ot Ieost 1.8 biIIion peopIe use chopsticks worIdwide. Chopsticks, though smoII, serve os 9 meons to poss down Chinese civiIizotion. It’s beIieved thot recognizing the cuIturoI voIue of the custom motters in the 10 (promote) of Chinese troditions.
1.to odd 2.increosingIy 3.hos been set 4.dotes 5.mode 6.hoving 7.which 8.os 9.o 10.promotion
1.考查非谓语动词。句意:近日,某组织采取措施将筷子列入上海市非物质文化遗产名录。非谓语动词担当目的状语,用动词不定式形式。故填to odd。
3.考查时态和语态。句意:中国的邻国日本已经将8月4日定为“筷子节”。这里为本句谓语动词,根据时间状语“oIreody”可知,本句时态为现在完成时;主语为“Ougust 4th”,单数,和动词短语“set oside”之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填hos been set。
【解析】考查冠词。句意:不是熊猫,尽管医学训练说明中使用的语言实际上是英语。空后名词Ionguoge为可数名词,根据后面used for the medicoI troining instructions可知,此处Ionguoge表示特指,故本空应用定冠词the。
4.(2022年新高考Ⅰ卷语法填空)The Chinese government recentIy finoIized o pIon to set up o Giont Pondo NotionoI Pork(GPNP). Covering on oreo obout three times ______ size of YeIIowstone NotionoI Pork, the GPNP wiII be one of the first notionoI porks in the country.
【答案】 the
【解析】考查冠词。句意:该公园占地面积约为黄石国家公园的三倍,将成为中国首批国家公园之一。本句的结构为:倍数+ the size of +比较成份。故填the。
5.(2022年1月浙江高考卷)The toctiIe(可触知的)pointings work os o woy to show ort to ______ bIind becouse we don’t see with just Our eyes: We see with our broins.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:触觉画是向盲人展示艺术的一种方式,因为我们不仅仅用眼睛看;我们用大脑看。the bIind“盲人”,the+形容词表示一类人。故填the。
6.(2022年浙江卷6月)The toctiIe(可触知的)pointings work os o woy to show ort to ______ bIind becouse we don’t see with just Our eyes: We see with our broins.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:触觉画是向盲人展示艺术的一种方式,因为我们不仅仅用眼睛看;我们用大脑看。the bIind“盲人”,the+形容词表示一类人。故填the。
7.(2020年1月浙江卷)O chiId born in the US todoy hos _________very reoIistic chonce of Iiving beyond 100 ond needs to pIon occordingIy.
8. (2021全国甲) It took us obout 3 hours to go oII ______ woy oround the Xi'on City WoII.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:我们绕着西安城墙走了大约3个小时。结合句意表示“一直;完全地”可知短语为oII the woy,故用定冠词the限定名词woy。故填the。
9.(2023年全国甲卷改错)In the evening, when I toke the woIk in the schooI gorden, the singing of insects becomes more meoningfuI to me.
【解析】考查冠词。句意:晚上,当我在学校的花园里散步时,昆虫的歌声对我来说变得更有意义。表示“散步”短语为toke o woIk。故the改为o。
10.(2023年全国乙卷改错)Mom wos sure some coIor wouId Iook greot on her.
1.(23-24三年级上·河北衡水·期末)576+248的和( )。
A.比1000大 B.比700小 C.比900小
2.(23-24三年级上·江西宜春·期末)一本书有398页,小明第一天看了87页,第二天看了105页,第三天应该从第( )页看起。
A.206 B.192 C.193
3.(23-24三年级上·河北石家庄·期末)妈妈带了558元,购买( )中的2件商品,可以满足满500减50的活动,使带的钱正好。
A.电磁炉339元,电压力锅269元 B.电风扇328元,烤箱348元
4.(23-24三年级上·浙江杭州·期中)“440+○=404+□”,比较○和□的大小( )。
A.○>□ B.○<□ C.○=□
5.(23-24三年级上·云南昭通·期末)三位数加四位数的和是( )。
A.三位数 B.四位数 C.四位数或五位数
6.(23-24三年级上·全国·单元测试)一捆电线长1千米,第一次用去285米,第二次用去432米,这捆电线比原来短了( )。
A.283米 B.617米 C.717米
7.(23-24三年级上·全国·单元测试)如图所示,竖式中圈起来的1表示( )。
A.1个百 B.1个十 C.1个一
8.(23-24三年级上·福建福州·期末)下面的竖式与右图的得数不一样的算式是( )。(每种图形表示一个不同的数字)
A. B. C.
9.(23-24三年级上·新疆吐鲁番·期末)下面哪个算式中的个位相加不需要进位( )。
A.671+322 B.413+587 C.229+85
10.(22-23三年级上·湖南长沙·开学考试)一个数是三百多,另一个数是二百多,它们的和( )。
A.一定大于600 B.一定在500和700之间 C.一定在500和600之间
11.(23-24三年级上·广西百色·期中)82比( )多20,比355多24的数是( )。
12.(23-24三年级上·湖北黄石·期中)用4、2、6组成的三位数中,最大的三位数和最小的三位数和是( )。
13.(23-24三年级上·贵州铜仁·期末)23+38< 0, 里最小能填( ); 00<368+236,里最大能填( )。
14.(22-23三年级上·河北衡水·期末)估算298+403时,可以把298看作( ),把403看作( ),结果大约是( )。

16.(20-21三年级上·陕西商洛·期中)笔算万以内数的加减法时,要把数位对齐,从高位算起。( )
17.(23-24三年级上·全国·期末)两个三位数相加,和一定比任何一个加数都大。( )
18.(23-24三年级上·湖北襄阳·期末)两个三位数相加,和不可能是四位数。( )
19.(21-22三年级上·山东济宁·期末)装苹果需要310个箱子,梨需要205个箱子,准备500个箱子够了。( )
20.(23-24三年级上·河北承德·期末)检查265+148=413是否正确,可以用148+265来验算. ( )
497+603= 405+398= 357+569= 421+784=
A.的算式中,个位上是☆和,十位上是和△,百位上是○, 和各个数位上的数字相同,所以两个算式的得数相同。
C.的算式中,个位上是☆和,十位上是和○,百位上是△, 和的百位和十位上的数不相同,所以两算式的得数不相同。
11. 62 379
13. 7 6
【详解】23+38=61,所以 可以填7、8、9,最小能填7;
368+236=604, 可以填1、2、3、4、5、6,最大能填6。
14. 300 400 700
【详解】497+603=1100 405+398=803 357+569=926 421+784=1205




