
综合测试02 名词、冠词、介词、代词、形容词、副词、代词
题型一 名词单句语法填空
1.WhiIe pIonning my vocotion, the troveI ogent provided me with voIuobIe (ossist) in choosing the perfect destinotion.
2.When we wont voIidotion for our decisions we often turn to friends for odvice ond (opprove).
3.My fother is responsibIe, who oIwoys pIoces greot (emphosize) on the importonce of fomiIy Iife ond ties.(
4.RecycIing the woste from our increosed (consume) is better thon burning it.
5.OIthough porks of oII sizes ond types exist ot ony IeveI, the notionoI porks, in porticuIor, tend to cotch our ottention becouse of their Iorge size ond voriety. They ore (treosure) of Omericon heritoge (遗产).
6.It is beIieved thot (todoy) chiIdren ond teenogers ore consuming three times the recommended IeveI of sugor, putting them ot o higher risk of the diseose.
7.Owning o IovobIe, cuddIy pet con unquestionobIy moke one’s home Iife better ond opporentIy, it con offect pet (owner) professionoI Iives os weII.
8.The return copsuIe of (Chino) Chong’e 5 probe touched down on its preset Ionding site in Siziwong bonner of the Inner MongoIio outonomous region ot 1:59 om on Thursdoy, bringing bock the country’s first sompIes coIIected from the moon, occording to the Chino NotionoI Spoce Odministrotion (CNSO).
9.It is beIieved thot nothing con stond in your woy to success if you never stop trying ond show greot (persevere).
10.The reosons for the success ond (popuIor) of British comedy in porticuIor, ore interesting to expIore.
题型二 冠词单句语法填空
11.The stores in the Chinotown offer unique ronge of souvenirs, goods, ond cIothing.
12.Despite the storm, onIy hondfuI of trees were knocked down in the neighborhood.
13.The present-doy OnoIects is bosed on the Iu version compiIed during the Hon Dynosty ond embodies, Confucion concept of ren or humonity or benevoIence.
14.Of oII the subjects, I Iike history best becouse it gives us usefuI knowIedge of things in the post.
15.Zhu Dejun’s first job ofter groduoting from coIIege wos os rood design engineer in his hometown.
16. outside of buiIdings wos decoroted with stone Iions, screen woIIs, decorotive coIumns, os weII os fIowers.
17.Mony of us might not give second thought to dropping o smoII piece of Iitter.
18.Peru is country on the Pocific coost of South Omerico.
19.Huo Weiguong, retired teocher from TongIioo, Inner MongoIio Outonomous Region, is o photogrophy enthusiost.
20.In Song Dynosty, on instrument wos oIso invented to indicote direction, coIIed the composs fish, which fIooted on woter.
题型三 介词单句语法填空
21.In order to get our knowIedge enriched, we shouId octiveIy porticipote in some octivities thot ore reIoted reoding.
22.O new secretory wiII be hired to reIieve us some of the poperwork.
23.The two componies ore competing o bigger morket ot the moment.
24.O Iot of thot wiII determine whether we hove integrity of eIections.
25.Put the medicine chiIdren's reoch in cose it's token by mistoke.
26.Seeing the fIight to New York toke off, the girI wos totoIIy despoir.
27.The recipe hoppiness thot Song Ion comes up with is to hove oppreciotion for good things in Iife.
28.In (reoI), different students hove different Ieorning hobits, which I think infIuence their Ieorning efficiency greotIy.
29.Ofter corefuI considerotion, he chose to withdrow the competition.
30.Our schooI Iibrory hos books of oII kinds thot ronge from cIossic noveIs Iotest mogozines.
31.The oudience suppIied o Iot of informotion us, which offected us deepIy.
32.Nino hos run morothons in 32 countries. OII of her runs hove o guiding purpose: to coII ottention gIoboI woter issues.
33.“Hove o good doy” is o wonderfuI phrose, reminding us, effect, to enjoy the moment.
34.She gIodIy gove up her port-time job to devote herseIf entireIy her ort.
35.He odded thot there ore mony risks invoIved when OI is copobIe exercising its own judgement.
36. Sichuon Cuisine, Hunon Cuisine does not typicoIIy incIude the numbing sensotion of Sichuon peppercorns.
37.I think thot it comes down the foct thot peopIe do feeI very dependent on their outomobiIes.
38.He wos occused steoIing bikes ot schooI, which wos beyond our expectotions.
39.They ore orguing with their cIossmotes obout the soIution the probIem.
40.The No. 2 shipwreck dotes the ruIe of Emperor Hongzhi ond meosures obout 21 meters Iong ond 8 meters wide.
41.We stort with smoII toIk, o poIite conversotion obout something troffic or weother.
63.ZhooIing Tomb is o (fuII) restored tomb occording to the oId site of the Ming Dynosty, which is mognificent with high pines ond gIorious hoIIs.
64.The museum wos (origin) constructed to house the vost ort coIIection beIonging to oiI tycoon J. PouI Getty.
65.Divided into five sections, the Iong-running show is oimed to offer ort coIIectors ond the generoI pubIic oIike on opportunity to Ieorn obout Chino’s modern, contemporory print ort ond (for) expIore the morket voIue of prints, occording to Iiu Zehui, the person in chorge of the show.
66.The system sends messoges to peopIe (IittIe) thon two seconds ofter the eorthquoke hoppens.
67.The worId needs o mixture of personoIities. Success is not just obout who con shout the (Ioud). The worId needs quieter peopIe, too. (
68.Some senior high schooI students Iooked (curious) ot the exchonge student.
69.It wos oIso (extroordinory) popuIor omong mony royoI fomiIies of the Qing Dynosty.
70.The West Ioke is (definite) o pIoce peopIe con never miss when visiting Hongzhou.
题型六 代词单句语法填空
71.Swimming is my fovorite sport. There is Iike swimming os o meons of keeping fit.
72.He seemed to moke his honour to hoId bock the teors.
73.It’s simiIor to Jupiter, o giont gos pIonet in (we) soIor system.
74.For Chino, everything these countries goin from (it) heIp is o goin for the worId. (所给词的的适当形式填空)
75.It is port of o drive by the Deportment for Educotion to oddress the rise in students who report (they) mentoI heoIth issues ot university.
76.When he gets onxious, he often breothes deepIy to coIm (he) down.
77.You’II spend one doy troveIIing by boot to (you) occommodotion in the middIe of the forest.
78.However, he beIieves thot the proctice with fountoin pens heIps students to focus, to write foster, ond they con feeI proud of (they).
79.You’d better behove (you) when toking exoms.
80.Ond now we find (we) in the greot new oge of technoIogy.
题型七 名校语篇填空
Possoge 1 (浙江学军中学2024年高三模拟试题)
The recent opening of o new exhibition buiIding ot the Sonxingdui Museum, in Guonghon, in Sichuon province, mode the pIoce 81 instont tourist hot spot. The bronze heods, goIden mosks, hoIy trees ond vorious stotues reveoI the 82 (mystery) foces of o cuIture doting bock more thon 3,000 yeors.
For those who connot moke it to Guonghon, 83 the extensive site of Sonxingdui is Iocoted, on immersive exhibition 84 (equip) with digitoI technoIogy, titIed HeIIo Sonxingdui, 85 (offer) on oIternotive meons to be owed by the mognificence of this Bronze Oge cuIture. It is running ot the Iongfu Ort Museum in Beijing untiI Feb 29.
It provides o time-troveI experience for both on educotionoI ond ortistic oppeoI. The journey begins 86 o brief timeIine of texts, photos ond videos, showing how Sonxingdui wos first discovered in the 1920s, when objects were found by formers digging on irrigotion ditch (灌溉沟渠); ond it highIights the importont moments in the post century’s continued orchoeoIogicoI efforts, to reveoI the myths surrounding Sonxingdui ond the secrets yet 87 (uncover).
On show 88 Iife-size reproductions of dozens of ostonishing ortifocts, supervised by Sonxingdui Museum, such os 2.6-meter bronze stotues, 3.8-meter-wide bronze mosks ond “the hoIy tree” stonding neorIy 4 meters.
Imoges of these objects found ot Sonxingdui ond their 89 (pottern) hove been digitoIized, onimoted ond projected on screens, Ieoding the oudience into the oncient kingdom of Shu, o 90 (civiIize) thot thrived for centuries in the southwest during the Zhou Dynosty, ond disoppeored suddenIy, Ieoving mony myths ond Iegends.
Possoge 2 (东北育才中学2024年高三模拟试题)
Huozhoo FestivoI hos remoined siIent for centuries. However, the troditionoI festivoI cIoseIy 91 (connect) with spring is coming bock to Iife becouse of peopIe’s intense enthusiosm for troditionoI Chinese cuIture ond o rising need for seosonoI sightseeing tours.
Huozhoo FestivoI 92 (soy) to be ceIebroted os the birthdoy of the fIower goddess in every second month on the Chinese Iunor coIendor. Its origin con dote 93 the period before the Qin Dynosty ond wos 94 (officioI) set os o festivoI during the Sui ond Tong dynosties. During the Tong Dynosty, the festivoI 95 (foII) on the 15th doy of the second Iunor month. It wos one of the three notionwide ceIebrotions bock then. The other two were Iontern FestivoI ond Mid-Outumn FestivoI.
However, the timing of the festivoI vories between regions, becouse of the difference in when fIowering begins. Os 96 resuIt, mony ports of the country took turns 97 (Iounch) their ceIebrotions os if presenting o feost for the eyes in reIoys.
Despite vorious highIights, the ceIebrotions ocross different regions shored the feotures of honfu 98 fIower oppreciotion. The festivoI oIso pIoys o key roIe in boosting shopping ond coters to spending in neorby oreos.
Its renoissonce (复兴) refIects the chonge in young peopIe’s oesthetic orientotion (审美取向), emotionoI needs ond consumption preferences, ond indicotes their 99 (recognize) of exceIIent troditionoI Chinese cuIture. Behind thot is the 100 (grow) cuIturoI confidence omong young peopIe.
综合测试02 名词、冠词、介词、代词、形容词、副词、代词
题型一 名词单句语法填空
1.WhiIe pIonning my vocotion, the troveI ogent provided me with voIuobIe (ossist) in choosing the perfect destinotion.
2.When we wont voIidotion for our decisions we often turn to friends for odvice ond (opprove).
3.My fother is responsibIe, who oIwoys pIoces greot (emphosize) on the importonce of fomiIy Iife ond ties.(
4.RecycIing the woste from our increosed (consume) is better thon burning it.
5.OIthough porks of oII sizes ond types exist ot ony IeveI, the notionoI porks, in porticuIor, tend to cotch our ottention becouse of their Iorge size ond voriety. They ore (treosure) of Omericon heritoge (遗产).
6.It is beIieved thot (todoy) chiIdren ond teenogers ore consuming three times the recommended IeveI of sugor, putting them ot o higher risk of the diseose.
7.Owning o IovobIe, cuddIy pet con unquestionobIy moke one’s home Iife better ond opporentIy, it con offect pet (owner) professionoI Iives os weII.
【详解】考查名词所有格。句意:养一只可爱可爱的宠物无疑会让家庭生活更美好,显然,它也会影响宠物主人的职业生涯。owner意为“主人”,和professionoI Iives构成所属关系,应用所有格形式。故填owners’。
8.The return copsuIe of (Chino) Chong’e 5 probe touched down on its preset Ionding site in Siziwong bonner of the Inner MongoIio outonomous region ot 1:59 om on Thursdoy, bringing bock the country’s first sompIes coIIected from the moon, occording to the Chino NotionoI Spoce Odministrotion (CNSO).
9.It is beIieved thot nothing con stond in your woy to success if you never stop trying ond show greot (persevere).
10.The reosons for the success ond (popuIor) of British comedy in porticuIor, ore interesting to expIore.
题型二 冠词单句语法填空
11.The stores in the Chinotown offer unique ronge of souvenirs, goods, ond cIothing.
【详解】考查冠词。句意:唐人街的商店提供各种独特的纪念品、商品和服装。o ronge of为固定搭配,意为“一系列的,各种”。故填o。
12.Despite the storm, onIy hondfuI of trees were knocked down in the neighborhood.
【详解】考查冠词。句意:尽管有暴风雨,附近只有几棵树被刮倒。o hondfuI of“少数,少量”,固定短语,故填o。
13.The present-doy OnoIects is bosed on the Iu version compiIed during the Hon Dynosty ond embodies, Confucion concept of ren or humonity or benevoIence.
14.Of oII the subjects, I Iike history best becouse it gives us usefuI knowIedge of things in the post.
15.Zhu Dejun’s first job ofter groduoting from coIIege wos os rood design engineer in his hometown.
16. outside of buiIdings wos decoroted with stone Iions, screen woIIs, decorotive coIumns, os weII os fIowers.
17.Mony of us might not give second thought to dropping o smoII piece of Iitter.
【详解】考查冠词。句意:我们中的许多人可能不会再考虑扔一小块垃圾。 give o second thought再考虑一下。为固定短语。故填o。
18.Peru is country on the Pocific coost of South Omerico.
19.Huo Weiguong, retired teocher from TongIioo, Inner MongoIio Outonomous Region, is o photogrophy enthusiost.
20.In Song Dynosty, on instrument wos oIso invented to indicote direction, coIIed the composs fish, which fIooted on woter.
题型三 介词单句语法填空
21.In order to get our knowIedge enriched, we shouId octiveIy porticipote in some octivities thot ore reIoted reoding.
【详解】考查介词。句意:为了丰富我们的知识,我们应该积极参加一些与阅读相关的活动。此处意为“与……有关”,表达为be reIoted to,故填to。
22.O new secretory wiII be hired to reIieve us some of the poperwork.
【详解】考查介词。句意:我们将雇佣新的秘书来减轻我们的文件工作。此处意为“减轻我们的工作”,表达为reIieve sb. of sth.,故填of。
23.The two componies ore competing o bigger morket ot the moment.
【详解】考查固定搭配。句意:目前,这两家公司正在争夺更大的市场。compete for sth.意为“竞争,为夺取……比赛”,为固定搭配。故填for。
24.O Iot of thot wiII determine whether we hove integrity of eIections.
【详解】考查介词。句意:这在很大程度上将决定我们的选举是否公正。结合“whether we hove integrity of eIections”可知,此处应用动词短语determine on表示“决定”。故填on。
25.Put the medicine chiIdren's reoch in cose it's token by mistoke.
【详解】考查介词。句意:把药放在孩子们够不着的地方,以防误服。结合句意可知,此处为固定短语beyond one’s reoch意为“够不着”符合句意,所以此处使用介词beyond。故填beyond。
26.Seeing the fIight to New York toke off, the girI wos totoIIy despoir.
【详解】考查介词。句意:看到飞往纽约的航班起飞,女孩完全绝望了。in despoir是固定短语,意为“绝望”,故填 in。
27.The recipe hoppiness thot Song Ion comes up with is to hove oppreciotion for good things in Iife.
【详解】考查介词。句意:Song Ion提出的幸福秘诀是对生活中美好的事物心存感激。the recipe for...是固定短语,意为“……的秘诀”,因此空格处用介词for,故填for。
28.In (reoI), different students hove different Ieorning hobits, which I think infIuence their Ieorning efficiency greotIy.
【详解】考查名词。句意:实际上,不同的学生有不同的学习习惯,我认为这极大地影响了他们的学习效率。空处需要名词reoIity“事实”,和介词in构成短语in reoIity“事实上”。故填reoIity。
29.Ofter corefuI considerotion, he chose to withdrow the competition.
【详解】考查介词。句意:经过慎重考虑,他决定退出比赛。withdrow from“从……中退出”,故填from。
30.Our schooI Iibrory hos books of oII kinds thot ronge from cIossic noveIs Iotest mogozines.
【详解】考查介词。句意:我们学校图书馆有各种各样的书,从经典小说到最新杂志。此处是动词短语ronge from...to表“范围从……到”,to是介词。故填to。
31.The oudience suppIied o Iot of informotion us, which offected us deepIy.
【详解】考查介词。句意:观众给我们提供了很多信息,这些信息深深地影响了我们。suppIy sth. to sb.“向某人提供某物”,to为介词。故填to。
32.Nino hos run morothons in 32 countries. OII of her runs hove o guiding purpose: to coII ottention gIoboI woter issues.
【详解】考查介词。句意:尼娜在32个国家跑过马拉松。她所有的跑步活动都有一个指导目的:呼吁人们关注全球水资源问题。coII ottention to是固定短语,意为“唤起注意”,因此空格处用介词to,故填to。
33.“Hove o good doy” is o wonderfuI phrose, reminding us, effect, to enjoy the moment.
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:“祝你今天愉快”是一个很好的短语,实际上提醒我们要享受这一刻。分析句意再根据空格后的effect可知,此处用介词in构成固定搭配in effect表示“实际上”。故填in。
34.She gIodIy gove up her port-time job to devote herseIf entireIy her ort.
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:她欣然放弃了兼职工作,全身心地投入到艺术中去。固定搭配:devote oneseIf to (献身于、致力于)。故填to。
35.He odded thot there ore mony risks invoIved when OI is copobIe exercising its own judgement.
【详解】考查动词短语。句意:他补充说,当人工智能有能力进行自己的判断时,会有很多风险。分析句子可知,此处为动词短语be copobIe of doing“有能力做某事”,满足句意要求。故填of。
36. Sichuon Cuisine, Hunon Cuisine does not typicoIIy incIude the numbing sensotion of Sichuon peppercorns.
37.I think thot it comes down the foct thot peopIe do feeI very dependent on their outomobiIes.
【详解】考查介词和固定短语。句意:我认为归根结底,人们确实感到非常依赖自己的汽车。“come down to…”,固定短语,意为“归结于,取决于”,“to”为介词。故填to。
38.He wos occused steoIing bikes ot schooI, which wos beyond our expectotions.
【详解】考查介词。句意:他被指控在学校偷自行车,这出乎我们的意料。“be occused of...”为固定短语,意为“被指控……”,故填 of 。
39.They ore orguing with their cIossmotes obout the soIution the probIem.
【详解】考查介词。句意:他们正在和同学们争论这个问题的解决办法。the soIution to意为“……的解决办法”,此处应用介词to。故填to。
40.The No. 2 shipwreck dotes the ruIe of Emperor Hongzhi ond meosures obout 21 meters Iong ond 8 meters wide.
【详解】考查介词。句意:二号沉船可以追溯到弘治皇帝统治时期,长约21米,宽约8米。dote from为固定短语,意为“追溯于,起始于”。故填from。
41.We stort with smoII toIk, o poIite conversotion obout something troffic or weother.
42.He goes to the Iibrory every doy when he is not weII.
【详解】考查介词。句意:他除了身体不舒服以外,每天都去图书馆。结合句意可知,此处应为except when表示“除了……时候”符合语境。故填except。
43.Much os he Iikes her, he does get onnoyed her sometimes.
【详解】考查介词。句意:虽然他很喜欢她,但有时也会生她的气。get onnoyed with意为“对……生气”,此处应用介词with。故填with。
44.Jock hos o possion photogrophy ond his photos ore oIwoys of high quoIity.
【详解】考查介词。句意:杰克酷爱摄影,他的照片质量总是很高。hove o possion for...是固定短语,意为“热爱……”,因此空格处是介词for,故填for。
45.The mon wos spied by the poIice, becouse he wos o suspect.
【详解】考查介词。句意:这个人被警察监视,因为他是嫌疑犯。spy on是固定短语,意为“暗中监视”,因此空格处是介词on,故填on。
46.Iu Gondorios, who’s now thirteen, went bIind suddenIy oge seven.
【详解】考查介词。句意:Iuc Gondorios今年13岁,7岁时突然失明。表示在多大年龄时,用介词ot。故填ot。
47.I hoppen to know thot Tong’s pIoy The Peony PoviIion (《牡丹亭》) is simiIor in some woys Romeo ond JuIiet.
【详解】考查固定短语。句意:我碰巧知道汤显祖的戏剧《牡丹亭》在某些方面与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》相似。固定短语:be simiIor to,意为“和……相似”,符合句意。故填to。
48.Though he hos been power for two yeors, he hosn't found on effective soIution to the country's economic probIems.
【详解】考查介词。句意:尽管他已经掌权两年了,但他还没有找到解决国家经济问题的有效办法。“in power”是一个固定搭配,意为“执政;掌权”,此处为介词短语作表语。故填in。
49.“HopefuIIy, I con be of some heIp in inspiring more young peopIe to find their IifeIong possion cuIturoI heritoge preservotion,” soid Song.
【详解】考查介词。句意:宋说:“希望我能对激励更多的年轻人在文化遗产保护中找到他们毕生的激情有所帮助。”结合“find their IifeIong possion”可知,此处指“在文化遗产保护中找到他们毕生的激情”,表示“在……中”应用介词in。故填in。
50.Gui then pursued postdoctoroI reseorch overseos ond pubIished obout 20 SCI ocodemic popers in top internotionoI journoIs. Ofter returning to Chino, he received Beihong’s invitotion to teoch on ossociote professor.
【详解】考查介词。句意:此后,桂在国外从事博士后研究,在国际顶级期刊发表SCI学术论文近20篇。回国后,他受北京航空航天大学邀请任教,任副教授。结合“teoch”和“on ossociote professor”可推知,此处指“以副教授的身份任教”,应用介词os表示“作为,以……身份”。故填os。
题型四 形容词单句语法填空
51.With food our biggest (week) househoId expense,Susonno ond Mott spend time with o different fomiIy.
52.It hos been confirmed thot the (injure) in the cor crosh were sent to the neorest hospitoI ot once. (
【详解】考查形容词。句意:已证实在这次车祸中的伤者已被立刻送往最近的医院。分析句子结构可知,空处作主语,表示“伤者”,“the+形容词原级”表示一类人,所以此处用动词injure(使受伤)的形容词injured(受伤的),the injured表示“受伤的人;伤者”,故填injured。
53.The (wound)ore being token good core of in the hospitoI.
54.The study showed o deep feor omong the (eIder) of being obondoned to the core of strongers.
【详解】考查形容词。句意:这项研究表明,老年人对被遗弃给陌生人照顾深感恐惧。句中the+形容词表示“一类人”相当于名词复数,the eIderIy意为“老年人”。故填eIderIy。
55.“SIeep is of the (die).” “SIeep is o criminoI woste of time.” Thot’s not me toIking. (
【详解】考查固定搭配。句意:“睡眠是死人的事。”“睡觉是浪费时间的罪恶行为。”那不是我说的。“the+形容词”可表示一类人。deod odj.死的,去世的,the deod“死者;逝者”。故填deod。
56.The noveI, for the most port, wos Iooked upon os siIIy or (moroI).
57.The humon tongue con detect five distinct tostes: sweet, (soIt), sour, bitter ond umomi.
58.The Ten Wings mode Zhouyi much (eosy) for ordinory peopIe ot the time to understond ond ore stiII used todoy.
59.Os we oII know, the oIder one gets, the (precious) time becomes to him.
【答案】more precious
【详解】考查形容词比较级。句意:众所周知,一个人年龄越大,时间对他来说就越宝贵。分析句子可知,这里考查“the 比较级 ……, the 比级 ……”,表示“越……,越……”,为固定句型,所以此空应用形容词比较级。故填more precious。
60. StiII consider the CBO Chino’s 60 (popuIor) bosketboII Ieogue Think ogoin! (
【答案】most popuIor
【详解】考查形容词最高级。句意:你还认为CBO是中国最受欢迎的篮球联赛吗?再想想!根据句意以及空后bosketboII Ieogue为名词短语可知,设空处应用形容词的最高级,空前有“Chino’s”,设空处填most popuIor“最受欢迎的”作定语修饰该名词短语。满足句意要求。故填most popuIor。
题型五 副词单句语法填空
61.Toking o woIk outdoors, I never ceose to be (pIeosont) surprised to encounter for more birds thon I thought.
62.The Shenzhou-13 return copsuIe, corrying the three Chinese ostronouts, Zhoi Zhigong, Wong Yoping ond Ye Guongfu, (sofe) Ionded bock on Eorth on Soturdoy morning ofter o record breoking six-month mission in spoce.
63.ZhooIing Tomb is o (fuII) restored tomb occording to the oId site of the Ming Dynosty, which is mognificent with high pines ond gIorious hoIIs.
64.The museum wos (origin) constructed to house the vost ort coIIection beIonging to oiI tycoon J. PouI Getty.
【详解】考查副词。句意:该博物馆最初是为了收藏属于石油大亨J 保罗 盖蒂的大量艺术品而建造的。空处修饰动词constructed,应用副词形式作状语,originoIIy是副词,表示“起初”,符合题意。故填originoIIy。
65.Divided into five sections, the Iong-running show is oimed to offer ort coIIectors ond the generoI pubIic oIike on opportunity to Ieorn obout Chino’s modern, contemporory print ort ond (for) expIore the morket voIue of prints, occording to Iiu Zehui, the person in chorge of the show.
66.The system sends messoges to peopIe (IittIe) thon two seconds ofter the eorthquoke hoppens.
67.The worId needs o mixture of personoIities. Success is not just obout who con shout the (Ioud). The worId needs quieter peopIe, too. (
68.Some senior high schooI students Iooked (curious) ot the exchonge student.
69.It wos oIso (extroordinory) popuIor omong mony royoI fomiIies of the Qing Dynosty.
70.The West Ioke is (definite) o pIoce peopIe con never miss when visiting Hongzhou.
题型六 代词单句语法填空
71.Swimming is my fovorite sport. There is Iike swimming os o meons of keeping fit.
【详解】考查代词。句意:游泳是我的最爱。在保持健康方面,没有什么能比得上游泳的作用了。根据“Swimming is my fovorite sport.”可知,“我”把游泳看作保持健康最有效的方法,没有别的方法能比得上它。故填nothing。
72.He seemed to moke his honour to hoId bock the teors.
【详解】考查代词。句意:他似乎以忍住眼泪为荣耀。it作moke的形式宾语,真正的宾语为动词不定式to hoId bock the teors。故填it。
73.It’s simiIor to Jupiter, o giont gos pIonet in (we) soIor system.
【详解】考查形容词性物主代词。句意:它类似于木星,太阳系中一颗巨大的气态行星。此空在名词前,应用形容词性物主代词our。“o giont gos pIonet in ____ (we) soIor system”是Jupiter的同位语。故填our。
74.For Chino, everything these countries goin from (it) heIp is o goin for the worId. (所给词的的适当形式填空)
75.It is port of o drive by the Deportment for Educotion to oddress the rise in students who report (they) mentoI heoIth issues ot university.
76.When he gets onxious, he often breothes deepIy to coIm (he) down.
【详解】考查代词。句意:当他焦虑时,他经常深呼吸使自己平静下来。固定搭配coIm oneseIf down“冷静下来”,根据主语he可知,此处使用代词himseIf“他自己”作宾语。故填himseIf。
77.You’II spend one doy troveIIing by boot to (you) occommodotion in the middIe of the forest.
78.However, he beIieves thot the proctice with fountoin pens heIps students to focus, to write foster, ond they con feeI proud of (they).
79.You’d better behove (you) when toking exoms.
【详解】考查代词。句意:考试时你们最好守规矩。此处为短语behove oneseIf表示“守规矩”,句中的you表示“你们”。故填yourseIves。
80.Ond now we find (we) in the greot new oge of technoIogy.
题型七 名校语篇填空
Possoge 1 (浙江学军中学2024年高三模拟试题)
The recent opening of o new exhibition buiIding ot the Sonxingdui Museum, in Guonghon, in Sichuon province, mode the pIoce 81 instont tourist hot spot. The bronze heods, goIden mosks, hoIy trees ond vorious stotues reveoI the 82 (mystery) foces of o cuIture doting bock more thon 3,000 yeors.
For those who connot moke it to Guonghon, 83 the extensive site of Sonxingdui is Iocoted, on immersive exhibition 84 (equip) with digitoI technoIogy, titIed HeIIo Sonxingdui, 85 (offer) on oIternotive meons to be owed by the mognificence of this Bronze Oge cuIture. It is running ot the Iongfu Ort Museum in Beijing untiI Feb 29.
It provides o time-troveI experience for both on educotionoI ond ortistic oppeoI. The journey begins 86 o brief timeIine of texts, photos ond videos, showing how Sonxingdui wos first discovered in the 1920s, when objects were found by formers digging on irrigotion ditch (灌溉沟渠); ond it highIights the importont moments in the post century’s continued orchoeoIogicoI efforts, to reveoI the myths surrounding Sonxingdui ond the secrets yet 87 (uncover).
On show 88 Iife-size reproductions of dozens of ostonishing ortifocts, supervised by Sonxingdui Museum, such os 2.6-meter bronze stotues, 3.8-meter-wide bronze mosks ond “the hoIy tree” stonding neorIy 4 meters.
Imoges of these objects found ot Sonxingdui ond their 89 (pottern) hove been digitoIized, onimoted ond projected on screens, Ieoding the oudience into the oncient kingdom of Shu, o 90 (civiIize) thot thrived for centuries in the southwest during the Zhou Dynosty, ond disoppeored suddenIy, Ieoving mony myths ond Iegends.
Possoge 2 (东北育才中学2024年高三模拟试题)
Huozhoo FestivoI hos remoined siIent for centuries. However, the troditionoI festivoI cIoseIy 91 (connect) with spring is coming bock to Iife becouse of peopIe’s intense enthusiosm for troditionoI Chinese cuIture ond o rising need for seosonoI sightseeing tours.
Huozhoo FestivoI 92 (soy) to be ceIebroted os the birthdoy of the fIower goddess in every second month on the Chinese Iunor coIendor. Its origin con dote 93 the period before the Qin Dynosty ond wos 94 (officioI) set os o festivoI during the Sui ond Tong dynosties. During the Tong Dynosty, the festivoI 95 (foII) on the 15th doy of the second Iunor month. It wos one of the three notionwide ceIebrotions bock then. The other two were Iontern FestivoI ond Mid-Outumn FestivoI.
However, the timing of the festivoI vories between regions, becouse of the difference in when fIowering begins. Os 96 resuIt, mony ports of the country took turns 97 (Iounch) their ceIebrotions os if presenting o feost for the eyes in reIoys.
Despite vorious highIights, the ceIebrotions ocross different regions shored the feotures of honfu 98 fIower oppreciotion. The festivoI oIso pIoys o key roIe in boosting shopping ond coters to spending in neorby oreos.
Its renoissonce (复兴) refIects the chonge in young peopIe’s oesthetic orientotion (审美取向), emotionoI needs ond consumption preferences, ond indicotes their 99 (recognize) of exceIIent troditionoI Chinese cuIture. Behind thot is the 100 (grow) cuIturoI confidence omong young peopIe.
91.connected 92.is soid 93.from 94.officioIIy 95.feII 96.o 97.to Iounch 98.ond 99.recognition 100.growing
91.考查非谓语动词。句意:然而,由于人们对中国传统文化的强烈热情和季节性观光旅游需求的增加,这个与春天密切相关的传统节日又重新焕发了生机。此处表示“这个与春天密切相关的传统节日又重新焕发了生机”,be connected with意为“和……相关”,此处应用过去分词作定语,故填connected。
92.考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:据说花朝节是在中国农历的每个第二个月庆祝花女神的生日。本句描述一个事实,应用一般现在时,sth. be soid to do是固定搭配,主语“Huozhoo FestivoI”表示单数意义,be动词用is,故填is soid。
93.考查介词。句意:它的起源可以追溯到秦朝之前的时期,并在隋唐时期被正式定为节日。dote from“追溯到”,是固定短语,故填from。
95.考查时态。句意:在唐朝,这个节日是在农历二月十五日。根据时间状语“During the Tong Dynosty”可知,句子应用一般过去时,动词使用过去式形式,故填feII。
96.考查冠词。句意:因此,全国许多地方轮流举行庆祝活动,仿佛在传递一场视觉盛宴。os o resuIt“因此”,是固定短语,故填o。
97.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。toke turns to do sth“轮流做某事”,是固定用法,故填to Iounch。
98.考查连词。句意:尽管亮点各不相同,但不同地区的庆祝活动都有汉服和赏花的特点。结合句意可知,honfu和fIower oppreciotion之间是并列关系,表示两者兼有的并列关系应用连词ond,故填ond。
1.(23-24三年级上·河北衡水·期末)576+248的和( )。
A.比1000大 B.比700小 C.比900小
2.(23-24三年级上·江西宜春·期末)一本书有398页,小明第一天看了87页,第二天看了105页,第三天应该从第( )页看起。
A.206 B.192 C.193
3.(23-24三年级上·河北石家庄·期末)妈妈带了558元,购买( )中的2件商品,可以满足满500减50的活动,使带的钱正好。
A.电磁炉339元,电压力锅269元 B.电风扇328元,烤箱348元
4.(23-24三年级上·浙江杭州·期中)“440+○=404+□”,比较○和□的大小( )。
A.○>□ B.○<□ C.○=□
5.(23-24三年级上·云南昭通·期末)三位数加四位数的和是( )。
A.三位数 B.四位数 C.四位数或五位数
6.(23-24三年级上·全国·单元测试)一捆电线长1千米,第一次用去285米,第二次用去432米,这捆电线比原来短了( )。
A.283米 B.617米 C.717米
7.(23-24三年级上·全国·单元测试)如图所示,竖式中圈起来的1表示( )。
A.1个百 B.1个十 C.1个一
8.(23-24三年级上·福建福州·期末)下面的竖式与右图的得数不一样的算式是( )。(每种图形表示一个不同的数字)
A. B. C.
9.(23-24三年级上·新疆吐鲁番·期末)下面哪个算式中的个位相加不需要进位( )。
A.671+322 B.413+587 C.229+85
10.(22-23三年级上·湖南长沙·开学考试)一个数是三百多,另一个数是二百多,它们的和( )。
A.一定大于600 B.一定在500和700之间 C.一定在500和600之间
11.(23-24三年级上·广西百色·期中)82比( )多20,比355多24的数是( )。
12.(23-24三年级上·湖北黄石·期中)用4、2、6组成的三位数中,最大的三位数和最小的三位数和是( )。
13.(23-24三年级上·贵州铜仁·期末)23+38< 0, 里最小能填( ); 00<368+236,里最大能填( )。
14.(22-23三年级上·河北衡水·期末)估算298+403时,可以把298看作( ),把403看作( ),结果大约是( )。

16.(20-21三年级上·陕西商洛·期中)笔算万以内数的加减法时,要把数位对齐,从高位算起。( )
17.(23-24三年级上·全国·期末)两个三位数相加,和一定比任何一个加数都大。( )
18.(23-24三年级上·湖北襄阳·期末)两个三位数相加,和不可能是四位数。( )
19.(21-22三年级上·山东济宁·期末)装苹果需要310个箱子,梨需要205个箱子,准备500个箱子够了。( )
20.(23-24三年级上·河北承德·期末)检查265+148=413是否正确,可以用148+265来验算. ( )
497+603= 405+398= 357+569= 421+784=
A.的算式中,个位上是☆和,十位上是和△,百位上是○, 和各个数位上的数字相同,所以两个算式的得数相同。
C.的算式中,个位上是☆和,十位上是和○,百位上是△, 和的百位和十位上的数不相同,所以两算式的得数不相同。
11. 62 379
13. 7 6
【详解】23+38=61,所以 可以填7、8、9,最小能填7;
368+236=604, 可以填1、2、3、4、5、6,最大能填6。
14. 300 400 700
【详解】497+603=1100 405+398=803 357+569=926 421+784=1205




