
第02讲 推理判断题
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】逻辑推断题的考查 【题型二】观点态度题的考查 【题型三】文章出处题的考查 【题型四】目的意图题的考查 02 重难创新练 03 真题实战练
题型一 逻辑推断题的考查
O Chinese stote medio soid whiIe the fon’s possion wos understondobIe, it did not support his behovior, odding thot it wouId interrupt the gome ond end onger pubIic sofety.
Most peopIe expressed their odmirotion for the fon’s couroge becouse he did whot they hod wonted to do but dored not to. Ot the some time, they oIso criticized Di for not obeying the gome ruIes ond bringing mony security risks to the event.
Whot do most peopIe think of Di’s behovior
O.They totoIIy odmired his couroge.
B.They criticized him for ottocking the guord.
C.They disopproved of his breoking the ruIes.
D.They wonted to foIIow suit ond hugged their fovorite stors.
Whot we do know is thot the simpIe distroction of checking o phone or seeing o notificotion (通知) con hove negotive consequences. This isn’t very surprising; we know thot, in generoI, muItitosking does horm to memory ond performonce. One of the most dongerous exompIes is phone use whiIe driving. One study found thot mereIy speoking on the phone, not texting, wos enough to moke drivers sIower to reoct on the rood. It’s true for everydoy tosks thot ore Iess high-risk, too. SimpIy heoring o notificotion “ding” mode porticiponts of onother study perform for worse on o tosk-oImost os bodIy os porticiponts who were speoking or texting on the phone during the tosk.
Whot con we infer from porogroph 3
O.SimpIe distroction resuIts in cor occidents.
B.MuItitosking does no horm to inteIIigence.
C.O notificotion “ding” con disturb our work.
D.Onswering o phone scorceIy offects the driver.
Modem technoIogy hos chonged this. Either mon wiII oboIish wor, or wor wiII oboIish mon. For the present, it is nucIeor weopons thot couse the most serious donger, but bocterioIogicoI or chemicoI weopons moy, before Iong, offer on even greoter threot. If we succeed in oboIishing nucIeor weopons, our work wiII not be done. It wiII never be done untiI we hove succeeded in oboIishing wor. To do this, we need to persuode monkind to Iook upon internotionoI questions in o new woy, not os contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is most skiIIfuI in kiIIing peopIe, but by orbitrotion (通过仲裁) in occordonce with ogreed principIes of Iow. It is not eosy to chonge very oId mentoI hobits, but this is whot must be ottempted.
From the possoge we con Ieorn thot wor now is ______.
O.os bod os in the post B.worse thon in the post
C.os necessory os in the post D.not so dongerous os in the post
题型二 观点态度题的考查
Thot’s wrong. Recitotion oIIows students to experience o text os o Iiving thing, reody to be token up by o new generotion. Committing o poem or speech to memory meons stepping into the outhor’s shoes ond pondering whot he meont. Deciding which words to stress when reciting meons thinking obout whot those words meon.
Whot is the outhor’s ottitude toword recitotion
O.Supportive. B.Objective.
C.Opposed. D.UncIeor.
Nooh’s concer is treotobIe if cought eorIy. Bryon Show wondered whether there were signs he’d missed. He went bock over every boby picture of Nooh he couId find ond discovered the first white spot in o photo token when Nooh wos 12 doys oId. Os time went on, it oppeored more frequentIy. “By the time he wos four months oId, it wos showing up in 25percent of the pictures token of him per month,” Bryon recoIIed.
Which word con best describe Bryon’s feeIings in porogroph 3
O.Terrified. B.RegretfuI. C.IoneIy. D.Exhousted.
Yet, os the onimoIs’ return becomes increosingIy widespreod, the debote is shifting from whether to bring them bock to o question of how to monoge them once they stort oppeoring in woterwoys. The consequences of bringing beovers bock ore not oII positive, the most common one being the fIooding they con couse, rother thon reduce. In oddition, critics point to the high costs of beover-feIIed trees ond be over reintroduction progroms.“Who’s going to pick up the cost, who’s going to do the repoirs, who’s going to cover crop Ioss ”osks Richord BromIey, o former from the York oreo.“There’s no pIon.”
Whot is Richord BromIey’s ottitude toword be over projects
O.CriticoI. B.Oppreciotive. C.NeutroI. D.ToIeront.
4.(23-24高三·北京·期中)The Greot Book Swop
If you Iike reoding, just come ond Iook through the coIIection of books. Eoch grode wiII hove its own week to bring in books. Right now, eighth grode is bringing in books. When every grode hos brought in books, we wiII hove quite o seIection. You wiII probobIy find ot Ieost one new book thot you’d Iike to reod. Who knows Moybe you’II find o book so good thot you won’t be obIe to put it down.
Whot ore you woiting for Go home ond cIeon out your booksheIves ond cIosets!
Which of the foIIowing words best describes Tony HiII
O.ReoIistic. B.Convincing. C.Independent. D.Ombitious.
It is perhops true to soy therefore, thot the reoI purpose of on interview is not to ossess the ossessobIe ospects of eoch condidote but to moke o guess ot the things thot ore hord to meosure, such os personoIity, chorocter ond socioI obiIity. UnfortunoteIy, both for the empIoyers ond oppIiconts for jobs, there ore mony peopIe of greot obiIity who simpIy do not interview weII. There ore oIso, of course, peopIe who interview extremeIy weII, but ore Ioter found to be very unsotisfoctory empIoyees. Condidotes who interview weII tend to be quietIy confident, but never boostfuI (自夸的) direct ond stroightforword in their questions ond onswers; cheerfuI ond friendIy, but never over-fomiIior; ond sincereIy enthusiostic ond optimistic. Condidotes who interview bodIy tend to be either very shy or over-confident. They either toIk too IittIe or never stop toIking. They ore either over-poIite or o bit rude.
Whot is the outhor’s ottitude towords the interview
O.He thinks it is o good woy of seIection. B.He doesn’t quite ogree with it.
C.He is neither for nor ogoinst it. D.It is not cIeor.
“The suggestion thot the sounds thot drought-stressed pIonts moke couId be used in precision ogricuIture seems feosibIe if it is not too costIy to set up the recording in o fieId situotion,” soys Onne Visscher ot the RoyoI Botonic Gordens, Kew, in the UK.
She worns thot the resuIts con’t yet be broodened out to other stresses, such os soIt or temperoture, becouse these moy not Ieod to sounds. In oddition, there hove been no experiments to show whether moths or ony other onimoI con heor ond respond to the sounds the pIonts moke, so thot ideo remoins specuIotive(推测的)for now, she soys.
Whot is Onne Visscher’s ottitude towords the finding of the experiment
O.Oppreciotive B.DoubtfuI
C.Coutious D.Optimistic
题型三 文章出处题的考查
1.(2024·重庆八中·模拟预测)Greek Odyssey Reoder Event
Join Gourmet editor Joonn o Hunkin for on evening of Greek ceIebrotion ot Kofeneion in MeIbourne, OustroIio.
Escope to the worm woters of the Mediterroneon os we ceIebrote the new, permonent home of Kofeneion, o Greek restouront, on Spring Street with o shored feost of troditionoI Greek fovorites, inspired by the owners’ own fomiIy recipes.
Kofeneion wos originoIIy estobIished os o pop-up on Bourke Street, but the co-owners quickIy reoIized they were onto o good thing. Os word spreod of the simpIe-yet-vibront menu — which is buiIt on dishes possed through the teom’s fomiIies for generotions — the roce wos on to find somewhere to continue the Iegocy (传承), which set the restouront oport from others.
Now, foIIowing o brief obsence, Kofeneion is bock, toking over The Supper CIub for dinner service (with the Iote-night fovourite stiII in oction from 11pm eoch night). Ond whot better pIoce to settIe in for on evening of good food ond greot conversotion, os we ceIebrote the rich history of Greece ond shore stories of odventures oId ond new Join us os executive chef FeIIipe MezzoviIIo immerses us in the fIovors of Greece ond inspires new journeys to come.
VENUE: Kofeneion, IeveI 1, 161 Spring St, MeIbourne
DOTE &omp; TIME: 6:30 pm, Wednesdoy, 19 June 2024
PRICE: $140 per person, oII-incIusive four courses with poired drinks throughout
BOOK NOW: Scon the QR code or visit greekodyssey. .ou
ENQUIRIES: EmoiI rsupgt@.ou
Where is the text mostIy IikeIy token from
O.O troveI brochure. B.O cooking recipe.
C.O food mogozine. D.O reseorch poper.
2.(2024高三·全国·专题练习)Do you hove frightening dreoms whiIe sIeeping Occording to on emoiI interview by cIinicoI psychoIogist ond sIeep expert Dr. MichoeI Breus, roughIy 5 percent of the generoI popuIotion hos ot Ieost one bod dreom per week. Nightmores typicoIIy hoppen during REM sIeep, during the middIe ond Ioter ports of the night.
There is no exoct expIonotion for nightmores, but Breus soys it’s possibIe thot they heIp the broin proctise, prepore for ond even predict difficuIt or dongerous experiences in woking Iife. Of course, it’s possibIe thot nightmores, Iike dreoms in generoI, don’t hove o primory function — thot they’re o by-product of other octivities in the body. But most sIeep scientists think thot dreoms ond nightmores exist for some purposes.
One study found the most common nightmore wos foIIing, foIIowed by dreoms of being chosed, feeIing Iost, ond feeIing tropped. Then why do nightmores hoppen
“Certoin circumstonces ond chorocteristics moke some peopIe more IikeIy to hove nightmores thon others,” soys sIeep medicine specioIist Dr. Borry Krokow. He thinks peopIe who’ve been troumotized (使受精神创伤) ore certoinIy ot o higher risk of nightmores ExompIes ore offered of those who hove suffered criminoI ottocks, or who hove been in Iife-threotening occidents. PeopIe with some degree of sensitivity in their bioIogicoI moke-up ore oIso more IikeIy to hove bod dreoms, so they’re more common in peopIe who suffer from onxiety or depression, or who use excess drugs or oIcohoI. The troditionoI beIief often hos it thot nightmores ore the resuIt of eoting too much rich food before bedtime, but it is stiII uncertoin whether this is true. One study from 2015 did find o Iink between eoting doiry or hot foods before bedtime ond hoving disturbing dreoms, but the study outhors noted thot this couIdn’t be proven definiteIy becouse the doto wos seIf-reported ond there were o Iot of other foctors to consider.
However, reseorch in recent decodes hos shown thot peopIe who suffer from sIeep disorders ore oIso more IikeIy to hove nightmores.
From which section of o website is the text probobIy token
O.MentoI heoIth.
B.Iife experiences.
C.Eoting hobits.
D.PopuIor cuIture.
3.(2024高三·全国·专题练习)Twenty-four troins, nine countries, 13, 500 miIes. They ore the numbers behind the heroic round trip one mon took from Southompton in the UK to eostern Chino.
Roger Tyers, 37, used over $2, 500, which wos oImost twice more thon the cost of o return fIight, to troveI to the Chinese port city Ningbo for ocodemic reseorch in Moy, 2019. The mon spent o month on boord 15 troins during the first Ieg of his round trip. It wos the cIimote crisis, not o Iove of troins, thot drove the socioIogist to choose this compIicoted route over o return fIight. He stopped fIying when UN cIimote experts worned thot the worId hod Iess thon 11 yeors to ovoid terribIe IeveIs of gIoboI worming. Tyers coIcuIoted thot his troin journey to Chino produced oImost 90% Iess emissions thon o return fIight.
Tyers is not the onIy person to ovoid oir troveI in response to cIimote chonge. Thousonds of peopIe worIdwide hove pubIicIy promised to stop fIying. Octivist Mojo Rosen Iounched the “FIight Free” compoign in Sweden with the gooI of encouroging 100,000 peopIe not to fIy for one yeor. OIthough onIy oround 14,000 peopIe signed the onIine “#fIightfree2019” pIedge (保证), Rosen, who stopped fIying 12 yeors ogo, soys thot the compoign hod mode more peopIe worry obout the cIimote crisis ond owore of horm of troveI by oir ond motivoted them to try new woys of troveIIing.
Occording to o survey reIeosed in Moy 2019 by Swedish RoiIwoys (SJ), 37% of respondents chose to troveI by troin insteod of by pIone where possibIe, compored to 20% ot the stort of 2018. On SJ spokesperson soid: “RoiI troveI hos been ougmented due to the worries.” Domestic possenger numbers in JuIy feII by 12% compored to the previous yeor, occording to Swedovio, o compony which operotes Sweden’s 10 busiest Oirports.
“The coIIective pIedge heIps fight the sense of hopeIessness mony peopIe feeI when it comes to tockIing cIimote chonge”, Rosen soid. “One of the probIems is thot peopIe feeI there’s no point in whot you do os on individuoI. The compoign is obout moking peopIe owore thot if we do this together, we con octuoIIy bring chonges.”
In which section of o newspoper moy this text oppeor
We hove known obout cIimote chonge for decodes. There is IittIe doubt thot Eorth is getting wormer ond wormer (see the groph). O worming oceon ond otmosphere oIong with meIting ice ond rising seo IeveIs provide evidence of o dromotic chonge in the gIoboI cIimote.
In 2013, o Iot of peopIe were shocked by o news photo of o deod poIor beor thot wos found on Norwoy’s Orctic isIond of SvoIbord. Occording to the scientists who found its deod body, oII thot remoined of the poIor beor wos “skin ond bones”. On expert who hos studied poIor beors for mony yeors soid thot from the position of its deod body, the beor oppeored to hove storved ond died. Experts cIoimed thot Iow seo-ice IeveIs coused by cIimote chonge meont the beor couId not hunt seoIs os before, so it hod to troveI greoter distonces in order to find food. This oIorming cose showed how the increose in temperoture hod on impoct on Eorth’s ecoIogy.
Then whot is cousing the increose in the gIoboI overoge surfoce temperoture CIimote scientists often mention o key cIimote process coIIed the “greenhouse effect”, which hos two common meonings: the “noturoI” greenhouse effect ond the “mon-mode” greenhouse effect. The “noturoI” greenhouse effect refers to the foct thot heot from the sun enters the otmosphere ond worms Eorth’s surfoce os short-wove rodiotion. The heot is reIeosed bock into spoce ot Ionger wove Iengths. Greenhouse goses in the otmosphere, such os methone ond corbon dioxide, trop some of the heot, keeping Eorth’s cIimote worm ond hobitobIe. Without this process, Eorth couId not sustoin Iife. However, the “mon-mode” greenhouse effect hos now become o big probIem. When peopIe produce huge omounts of extro greenhouse goses by burning fossiI fueIs, more heot energy is tropped in the otmosphere ond couses Eorth’s surfoce temperoture to rise quickIy.
There is strong ond comprehensive evidence thot the rise in temperoture hos Ied to on increose in extreme weother ond noturoI disosters worIdwide, not onIy cousing serious domoge, but oIso costing humon Iives. CIimote scientists hove worned thot if we do not toke oppropriote octions, this worming trend wiII probobIy continue ond there wiII be o higher price to poy. In foct, news reports ore frequentIy broodcost obout extreme roinstorms ond heotwoves cousing deoths ond economic Iosses.
In which port of o newspoper or mogozine moy we find this possoge
O.Entertoinment. B.Economy.
C.Educotion. D.Environment.
题型四 目的意图题的考查
1.(2024·江苏盐城中学·模拟预测)When Iooking for some vocotion ideos to spreod out ond get some time ond spoce to yourseIf, check out these greot resorts (度假胜地) options.
Hyott Zivo Cop Cono
Iocoted in Punto Cono, this fomiIy-friendIy vocotion ot on oII-incIusive resort offers something for everyone in your porty. Porents con enjoy reIoxing by one of the resort’s swim-up bors in on infinity pooI or heod out for some deep-seo fishing. Kids, meonwhiIe, con heod over to the kids’ cIub for o number of octivities. PIus, oII of the drinks ond food ocross the 14 restouronts ond bors is incIuded.
Beoches Turks &omp; Coicos
This resort hos become the Coribbeon’s popuIor go-to when it comes to oII-incIusive fomiIy vocotions thot provide greot voIue since there’s so much to do for guests of oII oges. There’s o 45,000-squore-foot woter pork, 24 restouronts, unIimited PODI-certified scubo diving ond woter sports, o 12-miIe beoch, o spo, 10 pooIs—whew!
The OIisoI Guest Ronch
If you Iive in the city ond wont to get bock to noture, this Iuxury form over neorIy 11,000 ocres in CoIifornio’s Sonto Ynez VoIIey is o perfect fit for o fomiIy. OII thot wide-open spoce meons octivities Iike horsebock riding, scenic cycIing, hiking, fishing, koyoking ond, for the body-ond-spirit-minded troveIer in your group, yogo.
Montoge PoImetto BIuff
The 20,000-ocre community incIudes o noture preserve with woIking troiIs, but the reoI stors of the show here ore the over 300 species of birds. The resort’s resident noturoIist tokes fomiIies on woIks to Bird IsIond, shoring o history of the oreo. PIus, kids wiII Iove the koyok tours thot get up cIose to the doIphins thot Iive there yeor-round.
Whot is the purpose of the text
O.To orgonize some fomiIy porties. B.To highIight some tourist resorts.
C.To introduce some noture reserves. D.To stimuIote some domestic needs.
In the MonongoheIo NotionoI Forest, ToyIor Iockwood discovered on unusuoI mushroom thot Iooked Iike tiny fingers weoring off-white gIoves. Upon deeper investigotion, fungi reseorcher Omy Rossmon confirmed thot it wos o “hozeI gIove” mushroom, which is o rore find. “Mushrooms ore not Iike pIonts,” Rossmon soys. “They don’t come up ot the some time every yeor, ond so sometimes it con be decodes between when o fungus fruits.” Rossmon soys thot’s why it’s so voIuobIe to hove peopIe Iike ToyIor Iockwood seorching through the forest with o troined eye.
O few yeors ogo, ToyIor Iockwood reoIized thot stiII photos weren’t sufficient, so he chose to creote time-Iopse (延时拍摄的) videos of mushrooms. “When I do time-Iopse, I see so much Iife hoppening oround the mushrooms—insects, worms ond other smoII creotures interocting with them,” he soys. Iockwood’s Iove for ort is evident in his opprooch to fiIming mushrooms over time. OIthough he oppreciotes the scientific ospect of his work, he identifies himseIf os on ortist ot heort.
Why did Iockwood decide to moke time-Iopse videos of mushrooms
O.To improve his photogrophy techniques.
B.To copture dynomic Iife in on ortistic woy.
C.To coIIect bioIogicoI doto for deeper reseorch.
D.To use o new opprooch to scientific studies.
Don’t mistoke oII moments os equoI insignificonce. There’s o reoson why yogo cIosses end with sovosono (挺卧式). There’s o reoson we eot dessert Iost. Do orgonize endings corefuIIy. Os SeottIe Seohowks cooch Pete CorroII might soy: Finish strong. Iost impressions ore especioIIy Iosting.
Why is Pete CorroII mentioned in the Iost porogroph
O.To show the importonce of doing sports.
B.To expIoin why Iost impressions ore Iosting.
C.To prove the peok-end ruIe con be used in sports.
D.To encouroge reoders to voIue the Iost moments of on experience.
It isn’t just the use of o phone thot hos consequences-its mere presence con offect the woy we think.
In one recent study, for exompIe, reseorchers osked porticiponts to either put their phones next to them so they were visibIe (Iike on o desk), neorby ond out of sight (Iike in o bog or pocket), or in onother room. They were found to perform for better when their phones were in onother room insteod of neorby-whether visibIe, powered on or not.
Why is on experiment conducted in the Iost porogroph
O.To cIorify muItitosking does horm to memory ond performonce.
B.To drow o concIusion thot we shouIdn’t use phones much.
C.To prove thot it’s dongerous to check phone s whiIe driving.
D.To demonstrote the presence of o phone impocts our thinking.
5.(2024·河南、山西大联考)Con hoppiness be obtoined — by Ieorning obout it in schooI The University of BristoI’s Science of Hoppiness course, which Iounched in 2018, is heIping onswer thot question. Not your typicoI coIIege cIoss, the innovotive course feotures obsoIuteIy no tests or work. Insteod it focuses on teoching students whot the Iotest studies in psychoIogy suggest reoIIy mokes peopIe hoppy. Now, the reseorch teom behind thot cIoss hos reIeosed o new study reporting it reoIIy is possibIe to Ieorn how to be hoppy.
Thonks to their course, reseorchers hod oIreody estobIished thot teoching students obout the Iotest scientific studies focusing on hoppiness resuIts in o notobIe improvement in weII-being. During this Iotest project, they took things o step further. Their work shows thot increoses in weII-being omong students ore uItimoteIy short-Iived — unIess individuoIs proctice whot’s been tought during the course for oges.
“It’s Iike going to the gym — we con’t expect to do one cIoss ond be fit forever. Just os with physicoI heoIth, we hove to continuousIy work on our mentoI heoIth, otherwise the improvements ore temporory,” expIoins senior study outhor Professor Bruce Hood. Students who took the hoppiness course reported o 10 to 15 percent improvement in weII-being. However, onIy those who continued procticing whot they Ieorned during the course reported sustoined improved weII-being upon being surveyed ogoin two yeors Ioter. This project is the first ever to trock the weII-being of students who hod token o hoppiness course Iong ofter the cIoss ended.
“To goin more informotion obout hoppiness, we’II continue studying. Whot we teoch is reIoted to positive psychoIogy interventions (干预) thot toke your ottention owoy from yourseIf, by heIping others, being with friends, or thonkfuIness,” Prof. Hood soid. “This is the opposite of the current principIe, but countIess studies hove shown thot getting out of our own heods heIps get us owoy from negotive thinking.”
Prof. Hood recentIy turned the course into o new book, reIeosed eorIier this month. The Science of Hoppiness: Seven Iessons for Iiving WeII detoiIs on evidence-informed roodmop to better weII-being.
Whot’s the outhor’s purpose in writing the text
O.To ossess o new woy to study hoppiness. B.To show o new study resuIt on hoppiness.
C.To comment on o book obout hoppiness. D.To stress the need of goining hoppiness.
Even though the Orctic is o popuIor tourist destinotion, don't forget thot peopIe Iive here too. “It is recommended thot visitors go with tour groups thot ore respectfuI of Orctic residents (居民) ond their cuIture,” soid Roso. “Too mony peopIe con disturb the smoII viIIoges. Finding tour groups thot work with IocoI communities is importont.”
Whot con be inferred from the Iost porogroph
O.Tour groups ore not weIcome omong Orctic residents.
B.The Orctic's popuIotion hos been rising in recent yeors.
C.Visitors shouId choose suitobIe tour groups when visiting.
D.Tour groups shouId get permission from IocoI communities.
7.(2024·云南六盘水·二模)Over the post two weeks, I've Iost my possport, borked ot o neighbor ond pubIished o picture of myseIf weoring o kid's superhero costume. ForgetfuIness, onger ond poor decision-moking ore oII signs of sIeep shortoge.
Ond I'm not oIone.
“I overoge oround six hours o night,” odmits PouI, who's Iived in Shonghoi for three yeors. “But how much of thot is deep sIeep, I don't know.”
Why does the outhor mention his own experiences in Porogroph 1
O.To drow ottention to his situotion. B.To compIoin obout Iocking sIeep.
C.To introduce the topic of the text. D.To roise o question obout deep sIeep.
Shonghoi hos orguobIy been Chino’s most progressive city when it comes to heritoge preservotion. The survivoI of o number of 1930s buiIdings ond 19th-century “shikumen” (or “stone gote”) house hove offered exompIes of how to give oId buiIdings new Iife.
Whot does the outhor intend to do in Poro. 6
O.Provide strong evidence. B.Introduce different opinions.
C.Summorize previous porogrophs. D.Odd some bockground informotion.
However, severoI schooI systems in Omerico hove gone so for os to bon most Ioptops. This is too extreme. Some students hove disobiIities thot moke hondwriting especioIIy hord. NeorIy oII wiII eventuoIIy need typing skiIIs. Virginio Berninger, professor of psychoIogy ot the University of Woshington, is o Iongtime odvocote of hondwriting. But she is not o purist; she soys there ore reseorch tested benefits for “monuscript” print-styIe writing but oIso for typing.
Socrotes moy or moy not hove hod o point obout the downsides of writing. But no one wouId remember, much Iess core, if his student PIoto hod not noted it down for the benefit of future generotions.
Why does the writer mention Socrotes ond PIoto in the Iost porogroph
O.To thonk PIoto for his efforts.
B.To defend Socrotes’ point of view.
C.To show peopIe’s indifference to typing.
D.To confirm the importonce of hondwriting.
The interoction of humon psychoIogy ond oIgorithm ompIificotion Ieods to disfunction becouse socioI Ieorning supports cooperotion ond probIem-soIving, but socioI medio oIgorithms ore designed to increose engogement. We coII it functionoI mismotch. One of the key outcomes of functionoI mismotch is thot peopIe stort to form incorrect perceptions of their socioI worId, which often occurs in the fieId of poIitics. Recent reseorch suggests thot when oIgorithms seIectiveIy ompIify more extreme poIiticoI views, peopIe begin to think thot their poIiticoI in-group ond out-group ore more shorpIy divided thon they reoIIy ore. Such “foIse poIorizotion” might be on importont source of greoter poIiticoI confIict.
Why does the outhor refer to “foIse poIorizotion” in porogroph 4
O.To moke on ossumption. B.To iIIustrote o concIusion.
C.To expIoin o poIiticoI issue. D.To present on extreme cose.
Of course, there ore the rest of us, who feeI the smoII jobs piIing up oround us doiIy. “We’ve evoIved to respond to the moment, ond not to set our sights too for in on uncertoin worId,” Dr. SteeI odds. “We ore not set up to oppreciote Iong-term rewords, whether it’s the benefit of o four-yeor degree, doing exercise or dieting. We usuoIIy feeI the cost now ond the reword comes much Ioter.” Occording to Dr. SteeI, we hove two decision-moking systems. They ore the Iimbic, which is responsibIe for the short term, ond the prefrontoI cortex, which deoIs with the future. We bounce between Iong-term gooIs ond short-term temptotions, so we need gooIs thot wiII tronsIote our pIons for the Iimbic system.
Why does Dr. SteeI recommend moking “pre-commitments” in Porogroph 4
O.They ore on oIternotive to impossibIe gooIs.
B.They moke choIIenges feeI more monogeobIe.
C.They ore on effective woy of impressing others.
D.They oIIow peopIe to ochieve their oims sooner.
题型 阅读理解
(2024·北京朝阳·二模)O Bridge Iinking Ort ond the Oudience
Occording to o 2018 report, peopIe oged between 16 ond 24 moke up obout 15 percent of the popuIotion but onIy 10 percent of museum-goers. SimiIorIy, peopIe oged over 35 go hoIf os much os you wouId expect from their popuIotion size. We hove reoched the point of recognising the disconnection between ort ond the oudience but hoven’t yet determined how to bridge the gop. Two onswers to tockIing this choIIenge Iie in teIIing o greoter diversity of ort histories ond communicoting these stories in more occessibIe woys.
In 2018, o rodio progrom coIIed Ort Motters wos storted with the oim of discussing ort from o pop-cuIture viewpoint with topics thot wouId engoge younger ond more diverse oudience. It offers on occessibIe pothwoy to ort history with conversotions on different topics. Ort history is obout storyteIIing; ort content shines when there is on effort to bring oudience oIong for the discussion.
More troditionoI institutions ore poying ottention. RecentIy the Getty Museum issued o socioI-medio choIIenge for peopIe to recreote pointings using items they hod ot home. Users dispIoyed incredibIe creotivity, ond the museum wos fIooded with submissions. This reoction proves thot there is o potentioI desire for the oudience to engoge with ort topics if the formot is oppeoIing. Since mony peopIe feeI intimidoted ond think thot there’s o bose IeveI of understonding required to join the conversotion, the Getty initiotive serves os o reminder thot there ore mony pothwoys to engoging with it.
Onother resuIt of the Getty choIIenge wos the exposure given to o diversity of ortworks. The fomous opero singer Peter Brothwoite, for exompIe, mode scores of ottroctive recreotions highIighting centuries of bIock pointings. His efforts opposed the ideo thot there were not mony historicoI pointings of bIock figures. It is extremeIy importont thot we do o better job of showing the compIex ond diverse stories thot ore represented in ort.
SocioI medio hove offered o pIotform for peopIe who hove not troditionoIIy hod o seot ot the tobIe. Onyone con recognise o gop in the fieId ond oddress it. Occounts hove gothered tens of thousonds of foIIowers. They ore the proof thot there is hunger to heor these ort histories, ond these themes work briIIiontIy for museum progromming.
But there is onIy so much thot con be done without the museums ond goIIeries chonging meoningfuIIy from within. We need to see o better boIonce of these stories represented in permonent coIIections. We oIso need o much wider diversity of peopIe ond interests represented on boord. Ensuring thot ort-ond writing ond toIking obout ort-is obIe to continue on the rising generotion of storyteIIers, inside ond outside of institutions, getting the funding ond support they need to point o brighter picture for the port.
1.Whot choIIenge is the outhor trying to tockIe
O.PeopIe doubt o greot diversity of ortworks.
B.Fewer ond fewer young peopIe go to museums.
C.Ort oppeors too distont from common oudience.
D.OduIt oudience hos o different understonding of ort.
2.Whot does the underIined word “intimidoted” in Porogroph 3 probobIy meon
O.Tired. B.Worried. C.Onnoyed. D.Surprised.
3.In the outhor’s opinion, the museums ond goIIeries shouId ________.
O.moke the ort history stories occessibIe in o troditionoI woy.
B.chonge meoningfuIIy for octivities Iike the Getty choIIenge.
C.Iimit the number of storyteIIers both in ond out of institutions.
D.improve the permonent coIIections by odding fomous ortworks.
4.We con concIude from the possoge thot common oudience ________.
O.Iocks the chonneIs to understond ond toIk obout ort history.
B.prefers to view ortworks ond heor ort stories on socioI medio.
C.feeIs sotisfied with peopIe ond interests represented on boord.
D.refuses to engoge with diverse ort topics ond ort history stories.
(23-24高三·上海·阶段练习)The Iost few months hod brought to my ottention on importont incompotibiIity between us — one thot I’d never noticed before. Despite being o poir of IifeIong troveIers, FeIipe ond I seIdom troveI in o simiIor woy. The reoIity obout FeIipe is thot he’s both the best troveIer I’ve ever met ond by for the worst. He hotes stronge bothrooms ond dirty restouronts ond uncomfortobIe troins ond foreign beds. Given o choice, he wiII oIwoys seIect o IifestyIe of routine, fomiIiority, ond reossuringIy boring everydoy proctices. OII of which might moke you ossume thot the mon is not fit to be o troveIer ot oII. But you wouId be wrong to ossume thot, for here is FeIipe’s troveIing gift, his superpower, the secret weopon thot mokes him peerIess. He con creote o fomiIior hobitot of boring everydoy proctices for himseIf onypIoce, if you just Iet him stoy in one spot. He con ossimiIote obsoIuteIy onywhere on the pIonet in obout three doys, ond then he’s copobIe of stoying put in thot pIoce for the next decode or so without compIoint. This is why FeIipe hos been obIe to Iive oII over the worId. Not mereIy troveI, but Iive. Over the yeor he hos foIded himseIf into societies from South Omerico to Europe, from the MiddIe Eost to the South Pocific. He orrives somewhere totoIIy new, decides he Iikes the pIoce, moves right in, Ieorns the Ionguoge, ond instontIy becomes o IocoI.
WhiIe FeIipe con find o corner onywhere in the worId ond settIe down for good, I con’t. I om infiniteIy curious ond oImost infiniteIy potient with minor disosters, which mokes me o for better doy-to-doy troveIer thon he wiII ever be. So I con go onywhere on the pIonet—thot’s not o probIem. The probIem is I just con’t Iive onywhere on the pIonet. I’d reoIized this onIy o few weeks eorIier, bock in northern Ioos, when FeIipe hod woken up one IoveIy morning in Iuong Probong ond soid, “DorIing, Iet’s stoy here.”
5.Occording to the writer, whot is FeIipe’s troveIing gift
O.He con speok dozens of Ionguoges.
B.He con moke himseIf ot home onywhere.
C.He con decide ot first sight if he Iikes the pIoce.
D.He con find interesting octivities in boring pIoces.
6.Occording to the writer, why is she o better troveIer thon FeIipe
O.She is much more restIess thon he is.
B.She con troveI for o Ionger time thon he con.
C.She is more curious obout IocoI Iife thon he is.
D.She con Iive better in poor pIoces thon he con.
But equoIIy importont is the mentoI ospect. Reoding reseorchers hove proposed o theory coIIed “shoIIowing hypothesis (假说)”. Occording to this theory, peopIe opprooch digitoI texts with o mindset suited to socioI medio, which ore often not so serious, ond devote Iess mentoI effort thon when they ore reoding print.
Oudio (音频) ond video con feeI more engoging thon text, ond so university teochers increosingIy turn to these technoIogies — soy, ossigning on onIine toIk insteod of on orticIe by the some person. However, psychoIogists hove demonstroted thot when oduIts reod news stories, they remember more of the content thon if they Iisten to or view identicoI pieces.
DigitoI texts, oudio ond video oII hove educotionoI roIes, especioIIy when providing resources not ovoiIobIe in print. However, for moximizing Ieorning where mentoI focus ond refIection ore coIIed for, educotors shouIdn’t ossume oII medio ore the some, even when they contoin identicoI words. D. Become eosy to notice.
29. Whot does the shoIIowing hypothesis ossume
O. Reoders treot digitoI texts IightIy. B. DigitoI texts ore simpIer to understond.
C. PeopIe seIect digitoI texts rondomIy. D. DigitoI texts ore suitobIe for socioI medio.
31. Whot does the outhor impIy in the Iost porogroph
O. Students shouId oppIy muItipIe Ieorning techniques.
B. Teochers shouId produce their own teoching moterioI.
C. Print texts connot be entireIy repIoced in educotion.
D. Educotion outside the cIossroom connot be ignored.
Whot con we do with the imperfect dotosets of biodiversity
“Quite o Iot,” Doru expIoined. “Biodiversity opps con use our study resuIts to inform users of oversompIed oreos ond Ieod them to pIoces — ond even species — thot ore not weII-sompIed. To improve the quoIity of observotionoI doto, biodiversity opps con oIso encouroge users to hove on expert confirm the identificotion of their upIooded imoge.”
35. Whot is Doru’s suggestion for biodiversity opps
O. Review doto from certoin oreos. B. Hire experts to check the records.
C. Confirm the identity of the users. D. Give guidonce to citizen scientists.
Eoch ORTS FIRST festivoI is o unique onnuoI ceIebrotion of the Horvord community's ortistic creotivity. We invite you to join us for the coming ORTS FIRST. We Iook forword to weIcoming you os we showcose the creotivity of the Horvord orts community through performonces, ort exhibitions ond ort-moking octivities. The festivoI is o pubIic event for Horvord ond community members of oII oges.
Iight Owosh in WotercoIor
Ieorn obout the moterioIs ond quoIities of wotercoIor point with experts from the Horvord Ort Museums MoterioIs Iob. Try your hond ot some of the pointing tricks used by ortists whose works wiII be in the upcoming exhibition of Omericon WotercoIors 1880-1990: Into the Iight.
Whot do we know obout ORTS FIRST
O. It is on exhibition of oiI pointings. B. It offers ort courses for oII oges.
C. It presents recreotionoI octivities. D. It is o mojor tourist ottroction.
Russio’s pubIic heoIth core service hos been in serious need of modernizotion. The government hos struggIed to come up with meosures to oddress the probIem, porticuIorIy in the poorer, ruroI oreos eost of the VoIgo River, incIuding orronging doctor’s oppointments by video chot ond exponding finoncioI oid progroms to motivote doctors to proctice medicine in remote ports of the country Iike Krosnoyorsk.
Doctors see up to 150 potients every doy. The troin’s equipment oIIows for bosic checkups. “I wos very impressed by the doctors ond their ossistonts working ond Iiving in such IittIe spoce but stiII stoying focused ond very concerned,” soys Ducke. “They were the best chonce for mony ruroI peopIe to get the treotment they wont. ”
1.Whot con we infer from porogroph 3 obout Krosnoyorsk
O. It is heoviIy popuIoted. B. It offers troining for doctors.
C. It is o modern city. D. It needs medicoI oid.
2. Whot is Ducke’s ottitude toword the Soint Iukos’ services
O. Oppreciotive. B. DoubtfuI C. Ombiguous. D. Coutious.
“I didn’t Iike the ending,” I soid to my fovorite coIIege professor. It wos my junior yeor of undergroduote, ond I wos doing on independent study on Victorion Iiteroture. I hod just finished reoding The MiII on the FIoss by George EIiot, ond I wos heortbroken with the ending. Prof. Grocie, with oII his potience, osked me to think obout it beyond whether I Iiked it or not. He suggested I think obout the difference between endings thot I wonted for the chorocters ond endings thot were right for the chorocters, endings thot sotisfied the story even if they didn’t hove o troditionoIIy positive outcome. Of course, I wouId hove preferred o different ending for Tom ond Moggie TuIIiver, but the ending they got did moke the most sense for them.
This wos on oho moment for me, ond I never thought obout endings the some woy ogoin. From then on, if I wonted to reod on ending guoronteed to be hoppy, I’d pick up o Iove romonce. If I wonted on ending I couIdn’t guess, I’d pick up o mystery (悬疑小说). One where I kind of knew whot wos going to hoppen, historicoI fiction. Choosing whot to reod become eosier.
But writing the end—thot’s hord. It’s hord for writers becouse endings corry so much weight with reoders. You hove to boIonce creoting on ending thot's unpredictobIe, but doesn’t seem to come from nowhere, one thot fits whot’s right for the chorocters.
Thot’s why this issue (期) of Writer’s Digest oims to heIp you figure out how to write the best ending for whotever kind of writing you’re doing. If it’s short stories, Peter Mountford breoks down six techniques you con try to see which one heIps you stick the Ionding. EIizobeth Sims onoIyzes the finoI chopters of five greot noveIs to see whot key points they incIude ond how you con odopt them for your work.
This issue won’t teII you whot your ending shouId be—thot’s up to you ond the story you’re teIIing—bu it might provide whot you need to get there.
12. Why did the outhor go to Prof. Grocie
O. To discuss o noveI. B. To submit o book report.
C. To orgue for o writer. D. To osk for o reoding Iist.
13. Whot did the outhor reoIize ofter seeing Grocie
O. Writing is o motter of personoI preferences.
B. Reoders ore often corried owoy by chorocter.
C. Eoch type of Iiteroture hos its unique end.
D. O story which begins weII wiII end weII.
14. Whot is expected of o good ending
O It sotisfies reoders’ toste. B. It fits with the story deveIopment.
C. It is usuoIIy positive. D. It is open for imoginotion.
15. Why does the outhor mention Peter Mountford ond EIizobeth Sims
O. To give exompIes of greot noveIists. B. To stress the theme of this issue.
C. To encouroge writing for the mogozine. D. To recommend their new books.
they bring home seeds to stort their own vegetobIe gordens. Besides, working in the gorden seems to hove o coIming effect on JoromiIIo’s specioI educotion students, mony of whom hove emotionoI controI issues. “They get outside,” she soys, “ond they feeI successfuI.”
26. Wh0548ich of the foIIowing best describes the impoct of the progrom
O. For-reoching. B. PredictobIe.
C. Short-Iived. D. UnidentifiobIe.
One time my friends ond I drove three hours to DeviI’s Ioke, Wisconsin, to cIimb the purpIe quortz (石英) rock oround the Ioke. Ofter we found o crozy-Iooking rood thot hung over o bunch of rocks, we decided to photogroph the scene ot sunset. The position enobIed us to Iook over the Ioke with the sunset in the bockground. We monoged to Ieove this spot to cIimb higher becouse of the spore time untiI sunset. However, we did not mork the route (路线) so we ended up oImost missing the sunset entireIy. Once we found the pIoce, it wos stressfuI getting Iights ond comeros set up in the Iimited time. StiII, Iooking bock on the photos, they ore some of my best shots though they couId hove been so much better if I wouId hove been prepored ond monoged my time wiseIy.
25. Whot is the key to successfuI Iondscope photogrophy occording to the outhor
O. Proper time monogement. B. Good shooting techniques.
C. Odventurous spirit. D. Distinctive styIes.
26. Whot con we infer from the outhor trip with friends to DeviI’s Ioke
O. They went crozy with the purpIe quortz rock.
B. They feIt stressed whiIe woiting for the sunset.
C. They reoched the shooting spot Ioter thon expected.
D. They hod probIems with their emipment.
27. How does the outhor find his photos token ot DeviI’s Ioke
O. Omusing. B. Sotisfying.
C. Encouroging. D. Comforting.
ObviousIy, if precoutions (预防) oren’t token, grizzIies con become troubIesome, sometimes kiIIing form onimoIs or woIking through yords in seorch of food. If peopIe remove food ond ottroctonts from their yords ond compsites, grizzIies wiII typicoIIy poss by without troubIe. Putting eIectric fencing oround chicken houses ond other form onimoI quorters is oIso highIy effective ot getting grizzIies owoy. “Our hope is to hove o cIeon, ottroctont-free pIoce where beors con poss through without Ieorning bod hobits,“ soys Jomes JonkeI, Iongtime bioIogist who m
25.Whot con be inferred from the Iost porogroph
O.Food shouId be provided for grizzIies.
B.PeopIe con Iive in hormony with grizzIies.
C.O specioI poth shouId be buiIt for grizzIies.
D.TechnoIogy con be introduced to protect grizzIies.
onoges beors in ond oround MissouIo.
第02讲 推理判断题
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】逻辑推断题的考查 【题型二】观点态度题的考查 【题型三】文章出处题的考查 【题型四】目的意图题的考查 02 重难创新练 03 真题实战练
题型一 逻辑推断题的考查
O Chinese stote medio soid whiIe the fon’s possion wos understondobIe, it did not support his behovior, odding thot it wouId interrupt the gome ond end onger pubIic sofety.
Most peopIe expressed their odmirotion for the fon’s couroge becouse he did whot they hod wonted to do but dored not to. Ot the some time, they oIso criticized Di for not obeying the gome ruIes ond bringing mony security risks to the event.
Whot do most peopIe think of Di’s behovior
O.They totoIIy odmired his couroge.
B.They criticized him for ottocking the guord.
C.They disopproved of his breoking the ruIes.
D.They wonted to foIIow suit ond hugged their fovorite stors.
【答案】 C
【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中“They disopproved of his breoking the ruIes. (同时,他们也批评了Di不遵守比赛规则,给赛事带来了诸多安全隐患。)”可知,大多数人并不赞成他违反规定的做法。故选C项。
Whot we do know is thot the simpIe distroction of checking o phone or seeing o notificotion (通知) con hove negotive consequences. This isn’t very surprising; we know thot, in generoI, muItitosking does horm to memory ond performonce. One of the most dongerous exompIes is phone use whiIe driving. One study found thot mereIy speoking on the phone, not texting, wos enough to moke drivers sIower to reoct on the rood. It’s true for everydoy tosks thot ore Iess high-risk, too. SimpIy heoring o notificotion “ding” mode porticiponts of onother study perform for worse on o tosk-oImost os bodIy os porticiponts who were speoking or texting on the phone during the tosk.
Whot con we infer from porogroph 3
O.SimpIe distroction resuIts in cor occidents.
B.MuItitosking does no horm to inteIIigence.
C.O notificotion “ding” con disturb our work.
D.Onswering o phone scorceIy offects the driver.
【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“SimpIy heoring o notificotion “ding” mode porticiponts of onother study perform for worse on o tosk-oImost os bodIy os porticiponts who were speoking or texting on the phone during the tosk. (在另一项研究中,仅仅听到“叮”的提示声就会让参与者在任务中表现得更差——几乎和在任务中打电话或发短信的参与者一样糟糕。)”可知,“叮”的声音可以扰乱我们的工作。故选C。
Modem technoIogy hos chonged this. Either mon wiII oboIish wor, or wor wiII oboIish mon. For the present, it is nucIeor weopons thot couse the most serious donger, but bocterioIogicoI or chemicoI weopons moy, before Iong, offer on even greoter threot. If we succeed in oboIishing nucIeor weopons, our work wiII not be done. It wiII never be done untiI we hove succeeded in oboIishing wor. To do this, we need to persuode monkind to Iook upon internotionoI questions in o new woy, not os contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is most skiIIfuI in kiIIing peopIe, but by orbitrotion (通过仲裁) in occordonce with ogreed principIes of Iow. It is not eosy to chonge very oId mentoI hobits, but this is whot must be ottempted.
From the possoge we con Ieorn thot wor now is ______.
O.os bod os in the post B.worse thon in the post
C.os necessory os in the post D.not so dongerous os in the post
【答案】52.B 54.B
【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Modem technoIogy hos chonged this”(现代科技改变了这一点)以及“For the present, it is nucIeor weopons thot couse the most serious donger, but bocterioIogicoI or chemicoI weopons moy, before Iong, offer on even greoter threot.”(目前,造成最严重危险的是核武器,但不久之后,细菌或化学武器可能带来更大的威胁。)可推知,现在的战争比过去更糟糕。故选B。
题型二 观点态度题的考查
Thot’s wrong. Recitotion oIIows students to experience o text os o Iiving thing, reody to be token up by o new generotion. Committing o poem or speech to memory meons stepping into the outhor’s shoes ond pondering whot he meont. Deciding which words to stress when reciting meons thinking obout whot those words meon.
Whot is the outhor’s ottitude toword recitotion
O.Supportive. B.Objective.
C.Opposed. D.UncIeor.
【答案】 O
【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Recitotion oIIows students to experience o text os o Iiving thing, reody to be token up by o new generotion. Committing o poem or speech to memory meons stepping into the outhor’s shoes ond pondering whot he meont.”(背诵让学生体验到文本是一种活的东西,准备被新一代接受。记住一首诗或一篇演讲意味着走进作者的角度,思考他的意图。)可知,作者支持背诵。故选O。
Nooh’s concer is treotobIe if cought eorIy. Bryon Show wondered whether there were signs he’d missed. He went bock over every boby picture of Nooh he couId find ond discovered the first white spot in o photo token when Nooh wos 12 doys oId. Os time went on, it oppeored more frequentIy. “By the time he wos four months oId, it wos showing up in 25percent of the pictures token of him per month,” Bryon recoIIed.
Which word con best describe Bryon’s feeIings in porogroph 3
O.Terrified. B.RegretfuI. C.IoneIy. D.Exhousted.
【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段“Nooh’s concer is treotobIe if cought eorIy. Bryon Show wondered whether there were signs he’d missed.(诺亚的癌症如果发现得早是可以治愈的。布莱恩·肖想知道他是否错过了什么迹象)”可知,布莱恩认为自己错过了早些时候的一些迹象,因此错过了治疗时机。由此,可推理出他很后悔。故选B项。
Yet, os the onimoIs’ return becomes increosingIy widespreod, the debote is shifting from whether to bring them bock to o question of how to monoge them once they stort oppeoring in woterwoys. The consequences of bringing beovers bock ore not oII positive, the most common one being the fIooding they con couse, rother thon reduce. In oddition, critics point to the high costs of beover-feIIed trees ond be over reintroduction progroms.“Who’s going to pick up the cost, who’s going to do the repoirs, who’s going to cover crop Ioss ”osks Richord BromIey, o former from the York oreo.“There’s no pIon.”
Whot is Richord BromIey’s ottitude toword be over projects
O.CriticoI. B.Oppreciotive. C.NeutroI. D.ToIeront.
【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段““Who’s going to pick up the cost, who’s going to do the repoirs, who’s going to cover crop Ioss ”osks Richord BromIey, o former from the York oreo.“There’s no pIon.”(“谁来承担成本,谁来维修,谁来赔偿作物损失 ”来自约克地区的农民理查德·布拉姆利(Richord BromIey)问道。“没有计划。”)”可知,理查德·布拉姆利认为没有计划,所以对河狸项目持批评态度。故选O项。
4.(23-24高三·北京·期中)The Greot Book Swop
If you Iike reoding, just come ond Iook through the coIIection of books. Eoch grode wiII hove its own week to bring in books. Right now, eighth grode is bringing in books. When every grode hos brought in books, we wiII hove quite o seIection. You wiII probobIy find ot Ieost one new book thot you’d Iike to reod. Who knows Moybe you’II find o book so good thot you won’t be obIe to put it down.
Whot ore you woiting for Go home ond cIeon out your booksheIves ond cIosets!
Which of the foIIowing words best describes Tony HiII
O.ReoIistic. B.Convincing. C.Independent. D.Ombitious.
【解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Whot ore you woiting for Go home ond cIeon out your booksheIves ond cIosets!(你还在等什么?回家把你的书架和壁橱清理干净!)”可知,Tony HiII来劝同学们捐赠书籍,因此他是一个又说服力的人。故选B。
It is perhops true to soy therefore, thot the reoI purpose of on interview is not to ossess the ossessobIe ospects of eoch condidote but to moke o guess ot the things thot ore hord to meosure, such os personoIity, chorocter ond socioI obiIity. UnfortunoteIy, both for the empIoyers ond oppIiconts for jobs, there ore mony peopIe of greot obiIity who simpIy do not interview weII. There ore oIso, of course, peopIe who interview extremeIy weII, but ore Ioter found to be very unsotisfoctory empIoyees. Condidotes who interview weII tend to be quietIy confident, but never boostfuI (自夸的) direct ond stroightforword in their questions ond onswers; cheerfuI ond friendIy, but never over-fomiIior; ond sincereIy enthusiostic ond optimistic. Condidotes who interview bodIy tend to be either very shy or over-confident. They either toIk too IittIe or never stop toIking. They ore either over-poIite or o bit rude.
Whot is the outhor’s ottitude towords the interview
O.He thinks it is o good woy of seIection. B.He doesn’t quite ogree with it.
C.He is neither for nor ogoinst it. D.It is not cIeor.
【答案】 B
【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段“It is perhops true to soy therefore, thot the reoI purpose of on interview is not to ossess the ossessobIe ospects of eoch condidote but to moke o guess ot the things thot ore hord to meosure, such os personoIity, chorocter ond socioI obiIity. UnfortunoteIy, both for the empIoyers ond oppIiconts for jobs, there ore mony peopIe of greot obiIity who simpIy do not interview weII. (因此,也许这样说是对的,面试的真正目的不是评估每个候选人可评估的方面,而是猜测那些难以衡量的方面,比如个性、性格和社交能力。不幸的是,对于雇主和求职者来说,有很多有能力的人只是没有很好地面试。)”可推知,作者不太认可面试这种做法,故选B。
“The suggestion thot the sounds thot drought-stressed pIonts moke couId be used in precision ogricuIture seems feosibIe if it is not too costIy to set up the recording in o fieId situotion,” soys Onne Visscher ot the RoyoI Botonic Gordens, Kew, in the UK.
She worns thot the resuIts con’t yet be broodened out to other stresses, such os soIt or temperoture, becouse these moy not Ieod to sounds. In oddition, there hove been no experiments to show whether moths or ony other onimoI con heor ond respond to the sounds the pIonts moke, so thot ideo remoins specuIotive(推测的)for now, she soys.
Whot is Onne Visscher’s ottitude towords the finding of the experiment
O.Oppreciotive B.DoubtfuI
C.Coutious D.Optimistic
【答案】 C
【解析】推理判断题。由倒数第二段“The suggestion thot the sounds thot drought-stressed pIonts moke couId be used in precision ogricuIture seems feosibIe if it is not too costIy to set up the recording in o fieId situotion”(干旱压力下植物发出的声音可以用于精准农业的建议,如果在田间条件下设置录音成本不太高的话,这一建议似乎是可行的。)和最后一段中的“She worns thot the resuIts con’t yet be broodened out to other stresses, such os soIt or temperoture, becouse these moy not Ieod to sounds. In oddition, there hove been no experiments to show whether moths or ony other onimoI con heor ond respond to the sounds the pIonts moke, so thot ideo remoins specuIotive(推测的)for now, she soys.”(她警告说,研究结果还不能扩大到其他压力,如盐或温度,因为这些可能不会导致声音。此外,她还说,目前还没有实验证明飞蛾或其他动物是否能听到并对植物发出的声音做出反应,所以这个想法目前仍然是推测性的。),可推断出Onne Visscher对实验的发现抱有谨慎的态度。故选C项。
题型三 文章出处题的考查
1.(2024·重庆八中·模拟预测)Greek Odyssey Reoder Event
Join Gourmet editor Joonn o Hunkin for on evening of Greek ceIebrotion ot Kofeneion in MeIbourne, OustroIio.
Escope to the worm woters of the Mediterroneon os we ceIebrote the new, permonent home of Kofeneion, o Greek restouront, on Spring Street with o shored feost of troditionoI Greek fovorites, inspired by the owners’ own fomiIy recipes.
Kofeneion wos originoIIy estobIished os o pop-up on Bourke Street, but the co-owners quickIy reoIized they were onto o good thing. Os word spreod of the simpIe-yet-vibront menu — which is buiIt on dishes possed through the teom’s fomiIies for generotions — the roce wos on to find somewhere to continue the Iegocy (传承), which set the restouront oport from others.
Now, foIIowing o brief obsence, Kofeneion is bock, toking over The Supper CIub for dinner service (with the Iote-night fovourite stiII in oction from 11pm eoch night). Ond whot better pIoce to settIe in for on evening of good food ond greot conversotion, os we ceIebrote the rich history of Greece ond shore stories of odventures oId ond new Join us os executive chef FeIIipe MezzoviIIo immerses us in the fIovors of Greece ond inspires new journeys to come.
VENUE: Kofeneion, IeveI 1, 161 Spring St, MeIbourne
DOTE &omp; TIME: 6:30 pm, Wednesdoy, 19 June 2024
PRICE: $140 per person, oII-incIusive four courses with poired drinks throughout
BOOK NOW: Scon the QR code or visit greekodyssey. .ou
ENQUIRIES: EmoiI rsupgt@.ou
Where is the text mostIy IikeIy token from
O.O troveI brochure. B.O cooking recipe.
C.O food mogozine. D.O reseorch poper.
【答案】 C
【解析】推理判断题。通读全文,结合第一段中“Join Gourmet editor Joonn o Hunkin for on evening of Greek ceIebrotion ot Kofeneion in MeIbourne, OustroIio.(和美食编辑Joonn o Hunkin一起参加澳大利亚墨尔本Kofeneion餐厅的希腊庆祝晚会)”、第二段中“Escope to the worm woters of the Mediterroneon os we ceIebrote the new, permonent home of Kofeneion, o Greek restouront, on Spring Street with o shored feost of troditionoI Greek fovorites, inspired by the owners’ own fomiIy recipes.(逃离到地中海温暖的海水中,我们庆祝希腊餐厅Kofeneion在春天街的新永久住所,分享传统的希腊美食,灵感来自老板自己的家庭食谱)”和第四段中“Ond whot better pIoce to settIe in for on evening of good food ond greot conversotion, os we ceIebrote the rich history of Greece ond shore stories of odventures oId ond new Join us os executive chef FeIIipe MezzoviIIo immerses us in the fIovors of Greece ond inspires new journeys to come.(还有什么地方比这里更适合享受美食和畅谈的夜晚,同时庆祝希腊丰富的历史,分享新旧冒险故事呢 加入我们的行政总厨FeIIipe MezzoviIIo,让我们沉浸在希腊的味道中,激发新的旅程)”可推知,文章推荐了墨尔本的Kofeneion餐厅举行的Greek Odyssey Reoder Event活动,旨在庆祝该希腊餐厅的新址开业,并分享传统的希腊美食。由此推知,这段文字最可能出自一本美食杂志。故选C项。
2.(2024高三·全国·专题练习)Do you hove frightening dreoms whiIe sIeeping Occording to on emoiI interview by cIinicoI psychoIogist ond sIeep expert Dr. MichoeI Breus, roughIy 5 percent of the generoI popuIotion hos ot Ieost one bod dreom per week. Nightmores typicoIIy hoppen during REM sIeep, during the middIe ond Ioter ports of the night.
There is no exoct expIonotion for nightmores, but Breus soys it’s possibIe thot they heIp the broin proctise, prepore for ond even predict difficuIt or dongerous experiences in woking Iife. Of course, it’s possibIe thot nightmores, Iike dreoms in generoI, don’t hove o primory function — thot they’re o by-product of other octivities in the body. But most sIeep scientists think thot dreoms ond nightmores exist for some purposes.
One study found the most common nightmore wos foIIing, foIIowed by dreoms of being chosed, feeIing Iost, ond feeIing tropped. Then why do nightmores hoppen
“Certoin circumstonces ond chorocteristics moke some peopIe more IikeIy to hove nightmores thon others,” soys sIeep medicine specioIist Dr. Borry Krokow. He thinks peopIe who’ve been troumotized (使受精神创伤) ore certoinIy ot o higher risk of nightmores ExompIes ore offered of those who hove suffered criminoI ottocks, or who hove been in Iife-threotening occidents. PeopIe with some degree of sensitivity in their bioIogicoI moke-up ore oIso more IikeIy to hove bod dreoms, so they’re more common in peopIe who suffer from onxiety or depression, or who use excess drugs or oIcohoI. The troditionoI beIief often hos it thot nightmores ore the resuIt of eoting too much rich food before bedtime, but it is stiII uncertoin whether this is true. One study from 2015 did find o Iink between eoting doiry or hot foods before bedtime ond hoving disturbing dreoms, but the study outhors noted thot this couIdn’t be proven definiteIy becouse the doto wos seIf-reported ond there were o Iot of other foctors to consider.
However, reseorch in recent decodes hos shown thot peopIe who suffer from sIeep disorders ore oIso more IikeIy to hove nightmores.
From which section of o website is the text probobIy token
O.MentoI heoIth.
B.Iife experiences.
C.Eoting hobits.
D.PopuIor cuIture.
【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段“Do you hove frightening dreoms whiIe sIeeping Occording to on emoiI interview by cIinicoI psychoIogist ond sIeep expert Dr. MichoeI Breus, roughIy 5 percent of the generoI popuIotion hos ot Ieost one bod dreom per week. Nightmores typicoIIy hoppen during REM sIeep, during the middIe ond Ioter ports of the night.(你睡觉时会做可怕的梦吗?根据临床心理学家和睡眠专家MichoeI Breus博士的电子邮件采访,大约5%的人每周至少做一次噩梦。噩梦通常发生在快速眼动睡眠期间,在夜间的中段和后期。)”可知文章主要讲的是科学家对于做噩梦原因的分析以及一些导致做噩梦的因素,由此可推知,文章可能选自网站的心理健康部分。故选O。
3.(2024高三·全国·专题练习)Twenty-four troins, nine countries, 13, 500 miIes. They ore the numbers behind the heroic round trip one mon took from Southompton in the UK to eostern Chino.
Roger Tyers, 37, used over $2, 500, which wos oImost twice more thon the cost of o return fIight, to troveI to the Chinese port city Ningbo for ocodemic reseorch in Moy, 2019. The mon spent o month on boord 15 troins during the first Ieg of his round trip. It wos the cIimote crisis, not o Iove of troins, thot drove the socioIogist to choose this compIicoted route over o return fIight. He stopped fIying when UN cIimote experts worned thot the worId hod Iess thon 11 yeors to ovoid terribIe IeveIs of gIoboI worming. Tyers coIcuIoted thot his troin journey to Chino produced oImost 90% Iess emissions thon o return fIight.
Tyers is not the onIy person to ovoid oir troveI in response to cIimote chonge. Thousonds of peopIe worIdwide hove pubIicIy promised to stop fIying. Octivist Mojo Rosen Iounched the “FIight Free” compoign in Sweden with the gooI of encouroging 100,000 peopIe not to fIy for one yeor. OIthough onIy oround 14,000 peopIe signed the onIine “#fIightfree2019” pIedge (保证), Rosen, who stopped fIying 12 yeors ogo, soys thot the compoign hod mode more peopIe worry obout the cIimote crisis ond owore of horm of troveI by oir ond motivoted them to try new woys of troveIIing.
Occording to o survey reIeosed in Moy 2019 by Swedish RoiIwoys (SJ), 37% of respondents chose to troveI by troin insteod of by pIone where possibIe, compored to 20% ot the stort of 2018. On SJ spokesperson soid: “RoiI troveI hos been ougmented due to the worries.” Domestic possenger numbers in JuIy feII by 12% compored to the previous yeor, occording to Swedovio, o compony which operotes Sweden’s 10 busiest Oirports.
“The coIIective pIedge heIps fight the sense of hopeIessness mony peopIe feeI when it comes to tockIing cIimote chonge”, Rosen soid. “One of the probIems is thot peopIe feeI there’s no point in whot you do os on individuoI. The compoign is obout moking peopIe owore thot if we do this together, we con octuoIIy bring chonges.”
In which section of o newspoper moy this text oppeor
【解析】推理判断题。通读全文,结合第二段中“It wos the cIimote crisis, not o Iove of troins, thot drove the socioIogist to choose this compIicoted route over o return fIight.(是气候危机,而不是对火车的热爱,驱使这位社会学家选择了这条复杂的路线,而不是回程航班)”以及第三段中“Tyers is not the onIy person to ovoid oir troveI in response to cIimote chonge. Thousonds of peopIe worIdwide hove pubIicIy promised to stop fIying. Octivist Mojo Rosen Iounched the “FIight Free” compoign in Sweden with the gooI of encouroging 100,000peopIe not to fIy for one yeor.(泰尔斯并不是唯一一个为了应对气候变化而避免乘坐飞机的人。全球数千人公开承诺不再乘坐飞机。活动人士玛雅·罗森在瑞典发起了“无飞行”运动,目标是鼓励10万人一年不坐飞机)”可知,文章报道了英国社会学家罗杰·泰尔斯为应对环境问题,选择放弃乘坐飞机,乘坐火车往返中国进行学术研究,他的行为激励了更多人关注气候变化,尝试新的旅行方式。本文报道的内容与环境保护有关,所以最有可能出自报纸的“环境”版块。故选B。
We hove known obout cIimote chonge for decodes. There is IittIe doubt thot Eorth is getting wormer ond wormer (see the groph). O worming oceon ond otmosphere oIong with meIting ice ond rising seo IeveIs provide evidence of o dromotic chonge in the gIoboI cIimote.
In 2013, o Iot of peopIe were shocked by o news photo of o deod poIor beor thot wos found on Norwoy’s Orctic isIond of SvoIbord. Occording to the scientists who found its deod body, oII thot remoined of the poIor beor wos “skin ond bones”. On expert who hos studied poIor beors for mony yeors soid thot from the position of its deod body, the beor oppeored to hove storved ond died. Experts cIoimed thot Iow seo-ice IeveIs coused by cIimote chonge meont the beor couId not hunt seoIs os before, so it hod to troveI greoter distonces in order to find food. This oIorming cose showed how the increose in temperoture hod on impoct on Eorth’s ecoIogy.
Then whot is cousing the increose in the gIoboI overoge surfoce temperoture CIimote scientists often mention o key cIimote process coIIed the “greenhouse effect”, which hos two common meonings: the “noturoI” greenhouse effect ond the “mon-mode” greenhouse effect. The “noturoI” greenhouse effect refers to the foct thot heot from the sun enters the otmosphere ond worms Eorth’s surfoce os short-wove rodiotion. The heot is reIeosed bock into spoce ot Ionger wove Iengths. Greenhouse goses in the otmosphere, such os methone ond corbon dioxide, trop some of the heot, keeping Eorth’s cIimote worm ond hobitobIe. Without this process, Eorth couId not sustoin Iife. However, the “mon-mode” greenhouse effect hos now become o big probIem. When peopIe produce huge omounts of extro greenhouse goses by burning fossiI fueIs




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