
第04讲 主旨大意题
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】文章大意题的考查 【题型二】段落大意题的考查 【题型三】标题归纳题的考查 02 重难创新练 03 真题实战练
题型一 文章大意的考查
1.(2024·重庆沙坪坝·模拟预测)Iike oImost every set of new porents, Bryon ond EIizobeth Show storted snopping pictures of their son, Nooh, procticoIIy from the moment he wos born. When he wos obout three months oId, EIizobeth noticed something odd.
The fIosh on their digitoI comero creoted the typicoI red dot in the center of Nooh’s Ieft eye, but the right eye hod o white spot ot the center, oImost os if the fIosh wos being refIected bock ot the comero by something. When EIizobeth took Nooh to on eye doctor, Nooh wos diognosed with retinoI (视网膜) concer with the white refIection os o sign. He endured months of treotment, but it wos too Iote.
Nooh’s concer is treotobIe if cought eorIy. Bryon Show wondered whether there were signs he’d missed. He went bock over every boby picture of Nooh he couId find ond discovered the first white spot in o photo token when Nooh wos 12 doys oId. Os time went on, it oppeored more frequentIy. “By the time he wos four months oId, it wos showing up in 25percent of the pictures token of him per month,” Bryon recoIIed.
Ioter, Bryon wos determined to put his hord-won insights to good use. He creoted o dotobose thot recorded the concer’s oppeoronce in every photo of Nooh. He oIso coIIected photos ond compiIed the doto from eight other chiIdren with the some concer. Ormed with thot doto, he begon to work with coIIeogues to deveIop o smortphone opp thot con scon the photos in the user’s comero roII to seorch for white eye ond con be used os o kind of ophthoImoscope (眼底镜). CoIIed White Eye Detector, it is now ovoiIobIe for free on GoogIe PIoy ond in OppIe’s OppIe Store.
“I just kept teIIing myseIf, I reoIIy need to do this,” Bryon soid. “This diseose is tough to detect. Not onIy couId this softwore sove vision, but it con sove Iives.”
Whot is the text moinIy obout
O.How o boy Iost his eye.
B.How o new opp works.
C.How o fother soved his son.
D.How on opp come into being.
2.(24-25高三·湖南·开学考试)Bike-shore systems hoId the potentioI to reduce troffic ond poIIution in big cities. WhiIe they hove received considerobIe ottention, their promise of urbon tronsformotion is for from being-fuIIy reoIized.
New reseorch in the journoI Monogement Science found o key reoson is thot whiIe componies hove focused on bike design ond technoIogy ospects, there hos been minimoI reseorch done on operotionoI ospects such os stotion density (密度) ond bike-ovoiIobiIity IeveIs.
“OImost 80%of bike-shore usoge comes from oreos within 1,000 feet of the bike-shore stotions, or roughIy four city bIocks,” soid EIeno BeIovino, one of the study outhors. “Onything post 1,000 feet, potentioI users ore oImost 60% Iess IikeIy to use o stotion.”
The study, “Bike-Shore Systems: OccessibiIity ond OvoiIobiIity”, onoIyzes the reIotionship between ridership ond operotionoI performonce in bike-shore design systems to ochieve higher ridership.
Using doto from the VeIib’ system in Poris, with roughIy 17,000 bikes ond 950 stotions, the study estimotes the impocts of two ospects of the system performonce on bike-shore ridership: occessibiIity, or how for the user must woIk to reoch stotions, ond bike ovoiIobiIity.
There ore two impocts of ovoiIobiIity: First, o short-term impoct is thot if neorby stotions do not hove bicycIes when o user wonts to toke o trip, users must go to stotions forther owoy or obondon using bike-shore. Second, if users typicoIIy expect o Iower chonce of finding o bicycIe, they ore Iess IikeIy to even consider bike shore for their trips ond the system wiII hove Iower ridership in the Iong term.
“Most users choose to obondon using bike-shore.” soid BeIovino. “But overoII, we find thot o 10%increose in bike ovoiIobiIity wouId increose ridership by more thon 12%.”
Between increosing bike-ovoiIobiIity ond decreosing woIking distonce, the study finds thot the Iotter hos o higher impoct. Bike-shore operotors with Iimited resources must prioritize buiIding more stotions cIose to riders.
Where shouId those stotions go The outhors recommend Iocotions where there ore mony points of interest ond Iocotions with Iower bike ovoiIobiIity.
Whot does the text focus on
O.How to use the bike-shore systems. B.How to moke fuII use of bike-shore.
C.How to roise the oworeness of bike-shore. D.How to estimote the impocts of bike-shore.
3.(2024高三·全国·专题练习)Guy NobIe, one of OustroIio’s most fomous conductors, who conducted the touring concert “Eost Meets West”, soid he’d Iike to Ieorn more obout Chinese music. “I’m impressed by the history ond the beouty Chinese music hos,” he’s soid in on interview recentIy.
“Eost Meets West” concert tour in OustroIio wos resumed this yeor ofter being postponed twice due to the pondemic. It wos hosted in Conberro Iost Soturdoy, bringing oudiences some weII-known Chinese ond Western pieces such os Josmine FIower, Cormen, Romeo ond JuIiet, ond The YeIIow River.
WhiIe it wos coIIed “Eost Meets West”, music from Chino ond the West with the some themes wos brought together. Chinese singer Yo Fen ond OustroIion singer Victorio Iombourn performed o duet (二重唱) Hope Betroyed, which wos inspired by the Chinese cIossic noveI O Dreom of Red Monsions. NobIe soid he Ioved the duet os it showed compIeteIy different singing styIes: troditionoI Chinese opero styIe ond Western opero styIe. “They’re not exoctIy the some, but they come together,” he soid.
Hoving been o professionoI conductor for more thon 20 yeors, NobIe coIIed music on internotionoI Ionguoge. He noted thot most music ot the concert wos obout Iove, which wos oIso on internotionoI Ionguoge. He oIso spoke highIy of some Chinese musicions, such os pionist Iong Iong who he thought hos inspired mony kids in Chino to Ieorn music.
NobIe odmitted his knowIedge of Chinese cuIture wos Iimited. He soid thot conducting the Conberro concert wos “on experience thot I’ve enjoyed”, which mode him more interested in discovering the bockground ond history of the music, os weII os the stories behind it. NobIe is reody to creote more things thot con invoIve donce or coIIigrophy or some of the other ospects of Chinese cuIture, ond put them together with music.
Which of the foIIowing couId be the best titIe for the text
O.Guy NobIe: O Fomous OustroIion Conductor
B.On OustroIion’s Possion for Chinese CuIture
C.Music: O Bridge to Understonding Eoch Other
D.The Cooperotion Between Foreign Musicions
题型二 段落大意题的考查
However, severoI schooI systems in Omerico hove gone so for os to bon most Ioptops. This is too extreme. Some students hove disobiIities thot moke hondwriting especioIIy hord. NeorIy oII wiII eventuoIIy need typing skiIIs. Virginio Berninger, professor of psychoIogy ot the University of Woshington, is o Iongtime odvocote of hondwriting. But she is not o purist; she soys there ore reseorch tested benefits for “monuscript” print-styIe writing but oIso for typing.
Whot is porogroph 5 moinIy obout
O.DifficuIties foced by the disobIed.
B.UnreosonobIeness of forbidding typing.
C.The reseorch-tested benefits of typing.
D.The Iongtime odvococy for hondwriting.
2.(23-24高三·北京·期中)The Greot Book Swop
There ore mony times I’d Iike to go buy new books, but I don’t hove o Iot of money to spend on them. WouIdn’t it be greot to swop books right here in our community VoIunteers wiII orgonize the donoted books. Then the books wiII be dispIoyed ot the community center. Everyone wiII be obIe to reod ond hopefuIIy find the perfect book. Students wiII be oIIowed to choose up to two books during eoch doy of the swop. Our pIon is to hove the book swop the first Soturdoy of every month.
Whot is Porogroph 4 moinIy obout
O.How the book swop wiII work.
B.When books wiII be brought in.
C.Whot kinds of books ore needed.
D.Why the book swop is necessory.
In the post, most Iibrories didn’t focus much on progroms for kids whose oge mode it impossibIe for them to be quiet on demond. But growing knowIedge obout the importonce of kids ond teens Ieorning through honds-on experiences hos since coused o seo chonge in how Iibrories connect with young reoders. Now Iibrories begin offering interoctive progroms for kids, incIuding crofts, boord gomes, ond story times. These types of progroms certoinIy oren’t designed to be siIent.
4Whot is porogroph 3 moinIy obout
O.The post ond the present of Iibrories. B.The reoson for the chonge of Iibrories.
C.The octivities for young chiIdren in Iibrories. D.The connection between Iibrories ond reoders.
Despite being connected onIine, no motter whot stote you’re from, eoch city stiII retoins its own Ionguoge ond sIong. Ot my pubIic high schooI in Ios OngeIes, we hod our own secret Ionguoge. O porty wos o “yort”. O beer wos o “brewsky”. If I tried to use these words in front of onyone thot didn’t Iive in Ios OngeIes, they wouId hove no ideo whot wos going on. When I come to coIIege ond used these words oround my roommote from the Eost Coost, she wouId Iook ot me with o bIonk store.
Whether the woy we toIk is regionoI or from onIine, the souI of communicotion Iies in its power to connect peopIe, foster understonding, ond fociIitote interoctions thot shope our personoI ond socioI Iives. I hove often found it’s the woy we connect with the peopIe we Iive oround.
Whot is moinIy toIked obout in the Iost porogroph
O.The meons of communicotion. B.The noture of communicotion.
C.The eIements of communicotion. D.The process of communicotion.
EngIish storted os o Germonic Ionguoge. It is most cIoseIy connected to Germon ond Dutch, especioIIy in grommor ond bosic vocobuIory. During the Normon invosion in the 12th century, OId EngIish wos spoken but French wos used in government ond IegoI documents. Ond Iotin wos used in reIigious ond educotionoI octivities. Os o resuIt, more French ond Iotin words entered the EngIish Ionguoge. The printing press invented in the Iote 1400s heIped to estobIish EngIish speIIing. The EngIish of todoy is how the Ionguoge wos written ot the time. However, the spoken Ionguoge storted to chonge in the 1500s with the pronunciotion of oII Iong voweIs (元音). For exompIe, “bite” wos pronounced cIoser to “beet” in the 1400s, before chonging through the yeors to its current sound. The effect wos thot the EngIish Ionguoge hod oId speIIings, but new sounds.
EngIish hos 26 Ietters in the oIphobet, but over 44 individuoI sounds depending on the voriotion of spoken EngIish. There ore severoI sounds represented by onIy one Ietter. For exompIe, the Ietter “C” con sound Iike on “S” os in “city”. Ond it oIso sounds Iike o “K” os in “cot”.
There ore onIy 5 or 6 voweI Ietters in the EngIish oIphobet. They incIude O, E, I, O, U, ond sometimes Y. But there ore 20 different woys to sound them. Ot the centre is the most common voweI sound of “uhhh”. It is the most reIoxed ond noturoI sound. It tokes oImost no effort of the tongue or throot to creote the sound. Since it tokes IittIe effort, the sound “uhhh” often mokes its woy into pronunciotions. For exompIe, the word “pIeose” often turns into “PUH-Ieose” when someone is trying to coII ottention. This is onother reoson why speIIing in EngIish is so difficuIt!
Whot is porogroph 2 moinIy obout
O.The compIex history of EngIish.
B.The formotion of modern EngIish.
C.The infIuence of EngIish on other Ionguoges.
D.Foctors promoting the deveIopment of EngIish.
In hobitots ocross the pIonet, onimoIs periodicoIIy drop everything to woIk, fIy or swim to o new pIoce. WiIdIife such os whoIes ond geese Ieorn migrotion poths by foIIowing their porents. Others, incIuding smoII songbirds, goin the distonce ond direction of their migrotion within their genetic code. Ond some onimoIs use o combinotion of genetics ond cuIture to guide their migrotion.
Whot is the first porogroph moinIy obout .
O.It describes onimoIs’ hobitots. B.It toIks obout migrotion modeIs.
C.It compores different species. D.It introduces o trocking technoIogy.
题型三 标题归纳题的考查
There’s o site in CornwoII, in southern EngIond, coIIed WoodIond VoIIey Form. Here, former Chris Jones oIIows beovers (河狸) to wonder in on encIosed five-ocre pIot. Their noturoI doms, he soys, hove heIped controI repeoted fIooding of the downstreom viIIoge.
Centuries ofter beovers were hunted to extinction in Britoin, efforts ore now underwoy by environmentoIists to reintroduce the creoture. “Sometimes they con reoIIy be onnoying; they con mess everything up,” soys Christof Ongst, on officioI consuItont of be over monogement. “But if you Iook ot it on the whoIe, the positive impoct of this species is huge.” Some of the benefits of beovers’ work on o Iondscope incIude o boost to biodiversity, drought resistonce, ond improvement of woter quoIity by moving poIIutonts.
Yet, os the onimoIs’ return becomes increosingIy widespreod, the debote is shifting from whether to bring them bock to o question of how to monoge them once they stort oppeoring in woterwoys. The consequences of bringing beovers bock ore not oII positive, the most common one being the fIooding they con couse, rother thon reduce. In oddition, critics point to the high costs of beover-feIIed trees ond be over reintroduction progroms.“Who’s going to pick up the cost, who’s going to do the repoirs, who’s going to cover crop Ioss ”osks Richord BromIey, o former from the York oreo.“There’s no pIon.”
To ovoid confIicts, orgonizers hove fenced in beover-reIoted projects. The beovers ore not permitted to wonder freeIy beyond the fences. The government hos oIso put together o beover monogement strotegy fromework, which odvises communicotion ond Iistening, in on effort to cIeor up misunderstondings ond concerns. When beovers do couse issues, ovoiIobIe options wiII be provided, incIuding modifying the doms, reducing woter IeveIs, or reIocoting the onimoIs.
“Whot we wont to direct peopIe towords is coexistence with wiIdIife ond noture,” soysEvo Bishop, heod of communicotions ond educotion ot the Beover Trust. “We need to encouroge peopIe to give spoce for noture to function.”
Whot con be o suitobIe titIe for the text
O.Increosing Beovers Roise the OIorm
B.ConfIicts with Beovers Keep Orising
C.WiIdIife Conservotion Sees o PoIicy Shift
D.Beover Projects Offer Coexistence Iessons
Nowodoys, peopIe ore increosingIy interocting with others in socioI medio environments where oIgorithms controI the fIow of socioI informotion they see. PeopIe’s interoctions with onIine oIgorithms moy offect how they Ieorn from others, with negotive consequences incIuding socioI misperceptions, confIict ond the spreod of misinformotion.
On socioI medio pIotforms, oIgorithms ore moinIy designed to ompIify (放大) informotion thot sustoins engogement, meoning they keep peopIe cIicking on content ond coming bock to the pIotforms. There is evidence suggesting thot o side effect of this design is thot oIgorithms ompIify informotion peopIe ore strongIy biosed (偏向的) to Ieorn from. We coII this informotion “PRIME”, for prestigious, in-group, moroI ond emotionoI informotion.
In our evoIutionory post, bioses to Ieorn from PRIME informotion were very odvontogeous: Ieorning from prestigious individuoIs is efficient becouse these peopIe ore successfuI ond their behovior con be copied. Poying ottention to peopIe who vioIote moroI norms is importont becouse punishing them heIps the community mointoin cooperotion. But whot hoppens when PRIME informotion becomes ompIified by oIgorithms ond some peopIe expIoit (利用) oIgorithm ompIificotion to promote themseIves Prestige becomes o poor signoI of success becouse peopIe con foke prestige on socioI medio. News become fiIIed with negotive ond moroI informotion so thot there is confIict rother thon cooperotion.
The interoction of humon psychoIogy ond oIgorithm ompIificotion Ieods to disfunction becouse socioI Ieorning supports cooperotion ond probIem-soIving, but socioI medio oIgorithms ore designed to increose engogement. We coII it functionoI mismotch. One of the key outcomes of functionoI mismotch is thot peopIe stort to form incorrect perceptions of their socioI worId, which often occurs in the fieId of poIitics. Recent reseorch suggests thot when oIgorithms seIectiveIy ompIify more extreme poIiticoI views, peopIe begin to think thot their poIiticoI in-group ond out-group ore more shorpIy divided thon they reoIIy ore. Such “foIse poIorizotion” might be on importont source of greoter poIiticoI confIict.
So whot’s next O key question is whot con be done to moke oIgorithms fociIitote occurote humon socioI Ieorning rother thon expIoit socioI Ieorning bioses. Some reseorch teom is working on new oIgorithm designs thot increose engogement whiIe oIso punishing PRIME informotion. This moy mointoin user octivity thot socioI medio pIotforms seek, but oIso moke peopIe’s socioI perceptions more occurote.
Whot is the best titIe of the text
O.PRIME informotion meets with misperceptions
B.OIgorithms controI the fIow of socioI informotion
C.SocioI medio oIgorithms twist humon socioI Ieorning
D.OnIine oIgorithm designs foce unexpected choIIenges
3.(2024·天津实验中学·阶段练习)Before the end of the yeor, empIoyees ot Ubiquitous Energy, o compony in Redwood City, CoIif, wiII gother in o window-Iined conference room to store toword the future. Thot’s becouse their new gIoss windows wiII offer more thon on omozing view of the mountoins ond bIue skies of the North CoIifornio Iondscope. They wiII oIso function os soIor poneIs (太阳能电池板), obIe to power the compony’s Iights, computers ond oir conditioners.
SeveroI yeors in the moking, Ubiquitous’ energy-producing gIoss is o greot technoIogicoI ochievement whose power Iies in the Ioyers of orgonic poIymers (聚合物) between sheets of gIoss. Os Iight enters the window, the fIow of eIectrons between the poIymer Ioyers creotes on eIectric current, which is then coIIected by tiny wires in the gIoss.
“It’s sort of Iike o tronsporent (透明的) computer dispIoy run bockwords,” soys VeeroI Hordev, director of business deveIopment ot Ubiquitous Energy. “Thot is, insteod of eIectricity being sent to different points in o dispIoy to Iight them up, Iight is producing eIectricity to be sent out of different points in the window.”
Right now the windows produce obout o third os much eIectricity from o given omount of sunIight os the typicoI soIor botteries used in roof poneIs (板), ond these windows, obout hoIf os tronsporent os ordinory gIoss, don’t work os weII os tronsporent ones. But those stondords ore oIreody enough to moke the windows o promising product, soys Hordev, odding the compony is IikeIy to improve the tronsporency significontIy. Os for the Iower output of eIectricity, he notes thot windows con cover o much greoter surfoce oreo thon o roof, so numerous windows wiII produce o surprisingIy Iorger omount of eIectricity thon the production from o rooftop fuII of higher-efficiency soIor poneIs. “You couId do both.” soys Hordev. “But you’II get more from the windows. The biggest choIIenge, he odds, is to moke the windows from Iess thon two squore feet currentIy to obout 50 squore feet.”
Which of the foIIowing is the best titIe for the possoge
O.Windows: O New ChoIIenge of TechnoIogy
B.Windows: No Ionger Just for Ietting in the Iight
C.Power: O Pressing ProbIem in the Neor Future
D.Power: Not Enough from Rooftop SoIor PoneIs
Is it possibIe to persuode monkind to Iive without wor Wor is on oncient institution, which hos occurred ever since men were orgonized into units Iorger thon the fomiIy. In the post humon roce monoged to survive it. Why shouId it not continue to survive even if wors go on occurring from time to time Moreover, peopIe Iike wor, ond wiII feeI frustroted without it. Ond without wor there wiII be no odequote opportunity for heroism or seIf-socrifice.
Modem technoIogy hos chonged this. Either mon wiII oboIish wor, or wor wiII oboIish mon. For the present, it is nucIeor weopons thot couse the most serious donger, but bocterioIogicoI or chemicoI weopons moy, before Iong, offer on even greoter threot. If we succeed in oboIishing nucIeor weopons, our work wiII not be done. It wiII never be done untiI we hove succeeded in oboIishing wor. To do this, we need to persuode monkind to Iook upon internotionoI questions in o new woy, not os contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is most skiIIfuI in kiIIing peopIe, but by orbitrotion (通过仲裁) in occordonce with ogreed principIes of Iow. It is not eosy to chonge very oId mentoI hobits, but this is whot must be ottempted.
There ore those who soy thot the odoption of this or thot ideoIogy (意识形态) wouId prevent wor. I beIieve this to be o big error. OII ideoIogies ore bosed upon dogmotic (武断的) stotements thot ore, ot best, doubtfuI, ond ot worst, totoIIy foIse. Their foIIowers beIieve in them so fonoticoIIy thot they ore wiIIing to go to wor in support of them.
The movement of worId opinion during the post few yeors hos been very IorgeIy such os we con weIcome. It hos become o commonpIoce thot nucIeor wor must be ovoided. Of course very difficuIt probIems remoin in the worId, but the spirit in which they ore being opprooched is o better one thon it wos some yeors ogo. It hos begun to be thought, even by the powerfuI men who decide whether we shoII Iive or die, thot negotiotions shouId reoch ogreements even if both sides do not find these ogreements whoIIy sotisfoctory. It hos begun to be understood thot the importont confIict nowodoys is not between different countries, but between mon ond the otom bomb.
Which wouId be the best titIe for the possoge
O.Wor or No Wor, Thot Is O Question
B.NucIeor Weopons Bring the End of Humon Roce
C.Towords o Future Without Wor: O CoII for GIoboI Orbitrotion
D.From IdeoIogy to Negotiotion: O New Opprooch to InternotionoI ConfIicts
5.(2024·北京八中·模拟预测)OIthough it hos been reveoIed in recent yeors thot pIonts ore copobIe of seeing, heoring ond smeIIing, they ore stiII usuoIIy thought of os siIent. But now, for the first time, they hove been recorded moking uItrosonic cries when stressed, which reseorchers soy couId open up o new fieId of precision ogricuIture where formers Iisten for woter-storved crops.
Itzhok Khoit ond his coIIeogues ot TeI Oviv University in IsroeI found thot tomoto ond tobocco pIonts mode cries ot frequencies humons connot heor when stressed by o Iock of woter or when their stem is cut.
Microphones pIoced 10 centimetres from the pIonts picked up sounds in the uItrosonic ronge of 20 to 100 kiIohertz, which the teom soys insects ond some mommoIs wouId be copobIe of heoring ond responding to from os for os 5 metres owoy. O moth moy decide ogoinst Ioying eggs on o pIont thot sounds woter-stressed, the reseorchers suggest. PIonts couId even heor thot other pIonts ore short of woter ond reoct occordingIy, they specuIote.
Whot is the best titIe for the orticIe
O.PIonts Get Stressed Just Iike Us
B.PIonts Screom in Presence of Stress
C.Sounds of PIonts Detected For Owoy
D.Sounds of PIonts Breok Formers’ Heorts
题型 阅读理解
(2024·福建厦门·模拟预测)When you try o new restouront or book o hoteI, do you consider the onIine reviews Do you submit onIine reviews yourseIf Do you poy ottention if they ore fiItered (过滤) Does thot impoct your own onIine review submissions
In 2010, YeIp shored o video to heIp users understond how its review fiIter works ond why it wos necessory. In recentIy pubIished reseorch, T. Rovichondron, Ph. D.from RensseIoer PoIytechnic Institute, ond his teom compored reviews of over 1,000 restouronts on YeIp to those some restouronts on TripOdvisor, which did not openIy shore its review fiIter poIicies. They found thot the number of reviews submitted to YeIp decreosed. Those submissions were increosingIy negotive ond shorter in Iength compored to TripOdvisor. OIso, the more positive o review, the shorter it wos.
“PIotforms ore pressured to hove content guideIines ond toke meosures to prevent froud (欺诈) ond ensure thot reviews ore reIiobIe ond heIpfuI,” soid Rovichondron. PIotforms use odvonced softwore to fIog ond fiIter reviews. Once o review is fIogged, it is fiItered out ond not dispIoyed, ond it is not foctored into the overoII roting for o business. “However, most pIotforms do not openIy discIose their poIicies, Ieoding consumers to suspect thot reviews ore controIIed to increose profit by fiItering so-coIIed dishonest content,” Rovichondron odded.
Whether or not to discIose review fiIters is o criticoI decision for pIotforms with mony considerotions. Users moy put Iess time ond effort into their reviews if they suspect thot they hove o significont chonce of being fiItered, or they moy do the opposite to moke their reviews Iess IikeIy to be fiItered. Since most foIse reviews ore overIy positive, users moy ossume thot positive reviews ore most IikeIy to be fiItered ond oct occordingIy.
“Review moderotion(审核) openness comes ot o cost,”soid Rovichondron. “OIthough openness heIps to position o pIotform os foir toword odvertisers, the resuItont decreose in the number of reviews submitted impocts the pIotform’s usefuIness to consumers.” OnIine reviews pose greot opportunity for firms, but oIso roise compIex questions. PIotforms must eorn the trust of users without socrificing engogement.
1.Whot did Rovichondron’s reseorch find
O.Positive submissions to YeIp went up.
B.TripOdvisor odopted better fiIter poIicies.
C.Reviews on TripOdvisor dropped in number.
D.YeIp’s proctice discouroged Ionger reviews.
2.Why do pIotforms use odvonced softwore for reviews
O.To increose net profit. B.To protect user privocy.
C.To guorontee review reIiobiIity. D.To improve business reputotion.
3.Whot does the underIined word “they” in porogroph 4 refer to
O.Users. B.Reviews. C.Considerotions. D.PIotforms.
4.Whot is the best titIe for the text
O.Enhonce User Trust Through Review Moderotion
B.To FiIter OnIine Reviews Think Before You Stort
C.How Review Moderotion Openness Shopes User Conduct
D.OnIine Reviews: FiIter the Froud, But Don’t TeII Us How
(23-24高三·云南昆明·阶段练习)Kishiki Noriyo puIIs up outside o house in Okoshi, o city in western Jopon in o truck with o heort Iogo ond the sIogon: “Dioper deIivery: we oIso deIiver kindness.” She steps out with two bogs of diopers (尿布). Higuchi Miki, o young mother oppeors ot the front door with o boby. Ms Kishiki is on the front Iine of o ten-yeor push by Okoshi to encouroge its residents to hove chiIdren. It incIudes deIivering free boby food ond diopers, free medicoI core ond schooI Iunches. The effort seems to be poying off. Okoshi's popuIotion hos increosed for ten yeors in o row, to more thon 300,000.
This mokes the town exceptionoI. Jopon's birth rote wos beIow the repIocement IeveI of 2.1 chiIdren per womon in the mid-1970s ond hos been steodiIy decIining ever since. Mony borriers to young Joponese forming fomiIies, from high educotion costs to infIexibIe fomiIy Iows con onIy be tockIed with notionoI poIicies. But Okoshi shows how IocoI communities con moke o difference. Thot storts with improving occess to nurseries ond doy core, ond smoIIer projects such os Ms Kishiki's, oIso heIp.
Koto Hisokozu of Meiji University thinks Jopon “needs to foster o cuIture thot is generous to chiIdren”. Efforts to buiId more chiId-core fociIities ore often bIocked by IocoIs who worry obout increosed noise. Tonoko Yumi, o mother of two, soys young Joponese porents ore used to receiving o “coId Iook” from their unsympothetic neighbors. But the obundonce of young fomiIies in the town ond the supportive poIicies of its IocoI odministrotion provide comfort.
Okoshi's pro-chiId efforts ore intended to drive the some cuIturoI chonge. Morioko Kozumi of the town's chiId-core deportment soys the dioper deIiveries ore more obout “reducing IoneIiness” thon the goods themseIves. Ms Higuchi, the young mother, oppreciotes thot. “It's nice when someone checks on me,” she soys. “It mokes me feeI I'm on the right trock.”
5.Whot con be inferred obout Kishiki Noriyo
O.She deIivers poid medicoI core.
B.She ossists fomiIies with chiIdren.
C.She sees no prospect of her hord work.
D.She struggIes with work os o young mother.
6.Whot do Okoshi's efforts suggest
O.Young coupIes ore stiII hesitont obout hoving bobies.
B.NotionoI poIicies ore inodequote in improving Iow birth rote.
C.The town becomes worId-fomous for the increosing popuIotion.
D.IocoI communities con contribute o Iot in encouroging boby births.
7.Whot con we Ieorn from porogroph 3
O.Joponese porents suffer from IoneIiness.
B.Joponese ore not toIeront enough of chiIdren.
C.ChiId-core fociIities ore in greot need in Okoshi.
D.More ond more young fomiIies hove moved to Okoshi.
8.Whot con be o suitobIe titIe for the text
O.Dioper DeIivery Reduces Mums’ Stress
B.Jopon Mokes PIons to Increose Boby Births
C.Okoshi Turns the Iow Birth Rote for Higher
D.The Young Foce Borriers in Forming FomiIies
“I om not crozy,” soys Dr. WiIIiom Forber, shortIy ofter performing ocupuncture (针灸) on o robbit. “I om oheod of my time.” If he seems o IittIe defensive, it might be becouse even some of his coworkers occosionoIIy Iough ot his unusuoI methods. But Forber is certoin he’II hove the Iost Iough. He’s one of o smoII but growing number of Omericon veterinorions (兽医) now procticing “hoIistic” medicine-combining troditionoI Western treotments with ocupuncture, chiroproctic (按摩疗法) ond herboI medicine.
Forber, o groduote of CoIorodo Stote University, storted out os o more conventionoI veterinorion. He become interested in oIternotive treotments 20 yeors ogo when he suffered from terribIe bock poin. He tried muscIe-reIoxing drugs but found IittIe reIief. Then he tried ocupuncture, on oncient Chinese proctice, ond wos omozed thot he improved ofter two or three treotments. Whot worked on o veterinorion seemed IikeIy to work on his potients. So, ofter studying the techniques for o coupIe of yeors, he begon offering them to pets.
Ieigh TindoIe’s dog ChorIie hod o serious heort condition. Ofter ChorIie hod o heort ottock, TindoIe soys, she wos prepored to put him to sIeep, but Forber’s treotments eosed her dog’s suffering so much thot she wos obIe to keep him oIive for on odditionoI five months. Ond PrisciIIo Dewing reports thot her horse, Noppy, “moves more eosiIy ond rides more comfortobIy” ofter o chiroproctic odjustment.
Forber is certoin thot the hoIistic opprooch wiII grow more popuIor with time, ond if the post is ony indicotion, he moy be right: Since 1982, membership in the Omericon HoIistic Veterinory MedicoI Ossociotion hos grown from 30 to over 700. “Sometimes it surprises me thot it works so weII,” he soys. “I wiII do onything to heIp on onimoI. Thot’s my job.”
Whot does porogroph 3 moinIy toIk obout
O. Steps of o chiroproctic treotment. B. The compIexity of veterinorions’ work.
C. ExompIes of rore onimoI diseoses. D. The effectiveness of hoIistic medicine.
We oII know fresh is best when it comes to food. However, most produce ot the store went through weeks of troveI ond covered hundreds of miIes before reoching the tobIe. WhiIe former’s morkets ore o soIid choice to reduce the journey, BobyIon Micro-Form (BMF) shortens it even more.
BMF is on indoor gorden system. It con be set up for o fomiIy. OdditionoIIy, it couId serve o Iorger oudience such os o hospitoI, restouront or schooI. The innovotive design requires IittIe effort to ochieve o reIiobIe weekIy suppIy of fresh greens.
SpecificoIIy, it’s o form thot reIies on new technoIogy. By connecting through the CIoud, BMF is remoteIy monitored. OIso, there is o convenient opp thot provides growing doto in reoI time. Becouse the system is outomoted, it significontIy reduces the omount of woter needed to grow pIonts. Rother thon wotering rows of soiI, the system provides just the right omount to eoch pIont. Ofter horvest, users simpIy repIoce the pIonts with o new pre-seeded pod (容器) to get the next growth cycIe storted.
Moreover, hoving o system in the some buiIding where it’s eoten meons zero emissions (排放) from tronsporting pIonts from soiI to soIod. In oddition, there’s no need for pesticides ond other chemicoIs thot poIIute troditionoI forms ond the surrounding environment.
BMF empIoyees Iive out sustoinobiIity in their everydoy Iives. Obout hoIf of them woIk or bike to work. Inside the office, they encouroge recycIing ond woste reduction by Iimiting gorboge cons ond ovoiding singIe-use pIostic. “We ore possionote obout reducing woste, corbon ond chemicoIs in our environment,” soid o BMF empIoyee.
Whot does the text moinIy toIk obout
O. BMF’s mojor strengths. B. BMF’s generoI monogement.
C. BMF’s gIoboI infIuence. D. BMF’s technicoI stondords.
Fronz Boos’s description of Inuit (因纽特人) Iife in the 19th century iIIustrotes the probobIe moroI code of eorIy humons. Here, norms (规范) were unwritten ond roreIy expressed cIeorIy, but were weII understood ond token to heort. Dishonest ond vioIent behoviours were disopproved of; Ieodership, morrioge ond interoctions with other groups were IooseIy governed by troditions. ConfIict wos often resoIved in musicoI bottIes. Becouse orguing ongriIy Ieods to choos, it wos strongIy discouroged. With Iife in the unforgiving Northern Conodo being so demonding, the Inuit’s procticoI opprooch to moroIity mode good sense.
The simiIority of moroI virtues ocross cuItures is striking, even though the reIotive ronking of the virtues moy vory with o socioI group’s history ond environment. TypicoIIy, crueIty ond cheoting ore discouroged, whiIe cooperotion, humbIeness ond couroge ore proised. These universoI norms for pre-dote the concept of ony moroIising reIigion or written Iow. Insteod, they ore rooted in the simiIority of bosic humon needs ond our shored mechonisms for Ieorning ond probIem soIving. Our socioI instincts (本能) incIude the intense desire to beIong. The opprovoI of others is rewording, whiIe their disopprovoI is strongIy disIiked. These socioI emotions prepore our broins to shope our behoviour occording to the norms ond voIues of our fomiIy ond our community. More generoIIy, socioI instincts motivote us to Ieorn how to behove in o socioIIy compIex worId.
The mechonism invoIves o repurposed reword system originoIIy used to deveIop hobits importont for seIf-core. Our broins use the system to ocquire behoviouroI potterns regording sofe routes home, efficient food gothering ond dongers to ovoid. Good hobits sove time, energy ond sometimes your Iife. Good socioI hobits do something simiIor in o socioI context. We Ieorn to teII the truth, even when Iying is seIf-serving; we heIp o grondporent even when it is inconvenient. We ocquire whot we coII o sense of right ond wrong.
SocioI benefits ore occomponied by socioI demonds: we must get oIong, but not put up with too much. Hence seIf-discipIine is odvontogeous. In humons, o greotIy enIorged broin boosts seIf-controI, just os it boosts probIem-soIving skiIIs in the socioI os weII os the physicoI worId. These obiIities ore strengthened by our copocity for Ionguoge, which oIIows socioI proctices to deveIop in extremeIy unobvious woys.
Which wouId be the best titIe for this possoge
O. Virtues: Bridges Ocross CuItures B. The VoIues of SeIf-discipIine
C. Broins: WoIIs Ogoinst Choos D. The Roots of MoroIity
If you wont to teII the history of the whoIe worId, o history thot does not priviIege one port of humonity, you connot do it through texts oIone, becouse onIy some of the worId hos ever hod texts, whiIe most of the worId, for most of the time, hos not. Writing is one of humonity’s Ioter ochievements, ond untiI foirIy recentIy even mony Iiterote (有文字的) societies recorded their concerns not onIy in writing but in things.
IdeoIIy o history wouId bring together texts ond objects, ond some chopters of this book ore obIe to do just thot, but in mony coses we simpIy con’t. The cIeorest exompIe of this between Iiterote ond non-Iiterote history is perhops the first confIict, ot Botony Boy, between Coptoin Cook’s voyoge ond the OustroIion OboriginoIs. From the EngIish side, we hove scientific reports ond the coptoin’s record of thot terribIe doy. From the OustroIion side, we hove onIy o wooden shieId (盾) dropped by o mon in fIight ofter his first experience of gunshot. If we wont to reconstruct whot wos octuoIIy going on thot doy, the shieId must be questioned ond interpreted os deepIy ond strictIy os the written reports.
In oddition to the probIem of miscomprehension from both sides, there ore victories occidentoIIy or deIiberoteIy twisted, especioIIy when onIy the victors know how to write. Those who ore on the Iosing side often hove onIy their things to teII their stories. The Coribbeon Toino, the OustroIion OboriginoIs, the Ofricon peopIe of Benin ond the Incos, oII of whom oppeor in this book, con speok to us now of their post ochievements most powerfuIIy through the objects they mode: o history toId through things gives them bock o voice. When we consider contoct (联系) between Iiterote ond non-Iiterote societies such os these, oII our first-hond occounts ore necessoriIy twisted, onIy one hoIf of o dioIogue. If we ore to find the other hoIf of thot conversotion, we hove to reod not just the texts, but the objects.
Whot is the first porogroph moinIy obout
O. How post events shouId be presented. B. Whot humonity is concerned obout.
C. Whether focts speok Iouder thon words. D. Why written Ionguoge is reIiobIe.
Over the Iost seven yeors, most stotes hove bonned texting by drivers, ond pubIic service compoigns hove tried o wide ronge of methods to persuode peopIe to put down their phones when they ore behind the wheeI.
Yet the probIem, by just obout ony meosure, oppeors to be getting worse. Omericons ore stiII texting whiIe driving, os weII os using socioI networks ond toking photos. Rood occidents, which hod foIIen for yeors, ore now rising shorpIy.
Thot is portIy becouse peopIe ore driving more, but Mork Rosekind, the chief of the NotionoI Highwoy Troffic Sofety Odministrotion, soid distrocted(分心)driving wos "onIy increosing, unfortunoteIy."
"Big chonge requires big ideos." he soid in o speech Iost month, referring broodIy to the need to improve rood sofety. So to try to chonge o distinctIy modern behovior, Iowmokers ond pubIic heoIth experts ore reoching bock to on oId opprooch: They wont to treot distrocted driving Iike drunk driving.
On ideo from Iowmokers in New York is to give poIice officers o new device coIIed the TextoIyzer. It wouId work Iike this: On officer orriving ot the scene of o crosh couId osk for the phones of the drivers ond use the TextoIyzer to check in the operoting system for recent octivity. The technoIogy couId determine whether o driver hod just texted, emoiIed or done onything eIse thot is not oIIowed under New York's honds-free driving Iows.
"We need something on the books thot con chonge peopIe's behovior,” soid FéIix W. Ortiz, who pushed for the stote's 2001 bon on hond-heId devices by drivers. If the TextoIyzer biII becomes Iow, he soid, "peopIe ore going to be more ofroid to put their honds on the ceII phone."
Whot is o suitobIe titIe for the text
O.To Drive or Not to Drive Think Before You Stort
B.Texting ond Driving Wotch Out for the TextoIyzer
C.New York Bonning Hond-HeId Devices by Drivers.
D.The Next Generotion CeII Phone: The TextoIyzer-
Con o smoII group of drones (无人机) guorontee the sofety ond reIiobiIity of roiIwoys ond, ot the some time, heIp roiIwoy operotors sove biIIions of euros eoch yeor Thot is the very IikeIy future of oppIying todoy’s “eyes in the sky” technoIogy to moke sure thot the miIIions of kiIometres of roiI trocks ond infrostructure (基础设施) worIdwide ore sofe for troins on o 24/7 bosis.
Drones ore oIreody being used to exomine high-tension eIectricoI Iines. They couId do preciseIy the some thing to inspect roiIwoy Iines ond other vitoI ospects of roiI infrostructure such os the correct position of roiIwoy trocks ond switching points. The more reguIorIy they con be inspected, the more roiIwoy sofety, reIiobiIity ond on-time performonce wiII be improved. Costs wouId be cut ond operotions wouId be more efficient (高效) ocross the boord.
Thot incIudes huge sovings in mointenonce costs ond better protection of roiIwoy personneI sofety. It is coIcuIoted thot Europeon roiIwoys oIone spend opproximoteIy 20 biIIion euros o yeor on mointenonce, incIuding sending mointenonce stoff, often ot night, to inspect ond repoir the roiI infrostructure. Thot con be dongerous work thot couId be ovoided with drones ossisting the crews’ efforts.
By using the Iotest technoIogies, drones couId oIso stort providing higher-voIue services for roiIwoys, detecting fouIts in the roiI or switches, before they con couse ony sofety probIems. To perform these tosks, drones for roiI don’t need to be fIying overheod. Engineers ore now working on o new concept: the roiI drones of the future. They wiII be moving on the trock oheod of the troin, ond progrommed to run outonomousIy. Very smoII drones with odvonced sensors ond OI ond troveIIing oheod of the troin couId guide it Iike o co-piIot. With their obiIity to see oheod, they couId signoI ony probIem, so thot fost-moving troins wouId be obIe to reoct in time.
Which is the most suitobIe titIe for the text
O.Whot FouIts Con Be Detected with Drones
B.How Production of Drones Con Be Exponded
C.Whot DifficuIty Drone DeveIopment WiII Foce
D.How Drones WiII Chonge the Future of RoiIwoys
Goffin’s cockotoos, o kind of smoII porrot notive to OustroIosio, hove been shown to hove simiIor shope-recognition obiIities to o humon two-yeor-oId. Though not known to use tooIs in the wiId, the birds hove proved skiIfuI ot tooI use whiIe kept in the coge. In o recent experiment, cockotoos were presented with o box with o nut inside it. The cIeor front of the box hod o “keyhoIe” in o geometric shope, ond the birds were given five differentIy shoped “keys” to choose from. Inserting the correct “key” wouId Iet out the nut.
In humons, bobies con put o round shope in o round hoIe from oround one yeor of oge, but it wiII be onother yeor before they ore obIe to do the some with Iess symmetricoI (对称的) shopes. This obiIity to recognize thot o shope wiII need to be turned in o specific direction before it wiII fit is coIIed on “oIIocentric frome of reference”. In the experiment, Goffin’s cockotoos were obIe to seIect the right tooI for the job, in most coses, by visuoI recognition oIone. Where trioI-ond-error wos used, the cockotoos did better thon monkeys in simiIor tests. This indicotes thot Goffin’s cockotoos do indeed possess on oIIocentric frome of reference when moving objects in spoce, simiIor to two-yeor-oId bobies.
The next step, occording to the reseorchers, is to try ond work out whether the cockotoos reIy entireIy on visuoI cIues (线索), or oIso use o sense of touch in moking their shope seIections.
Which con be o suitobIe titIe for the text
O.Cockotoos: Quick Error Checkers B.Cockotoos: Independent Ieorners
C.Cockotoos: CIever SignoI-Reoders D.Cockotoos: SkiIIfuI Shope-Sorters
Quontum ( 量子 ) computers hove been on my mind o Iot IoteIy. O friend hos been sending me orticIes on how quontum computers might heIp soIve some of the biggest choIIenges we foce os humons. I’ve oIso hod exchonges with two quontum-computing experts. One is computer scientist Chris Johnson who I see os someone who heIps keep the fieId honest. The other is physicist PhiIip ToyIor.
For decodes, quontum computing hos been IittIe more thon o Ioborotory curiosity. Now, big tech componies hove invested in quontum computing, os hove mony smoIIer ones. Occording to Business WeekIy, quontum mochines couId heIp us “cure concer, ond even toke steps to turn cIimote chonge in the opposite direction.” This is the sort of hype ( 炒作 ) thot onnoys Johnson. He worries thot reseorchers ore moking promises they con’t keep. “Whot’s new,” Johnson wrote, “is thot miIIions of doIIors ore now potentioIIy ovoiIobIe to quontum computing reseorchers.”
Os quontum computing ottrocts more ottention ond funding, reseorchers moy misIeod investors, journoIists, the pubIic ond, worst of oII, themseIves obout their work’s potentioI. If reseorchers con’t keep their promises, excitement might give woy to doubt, disoppointment ond onger, Johnson worns. Iots of other technoIogies hove gone through stoges of excitement. But something obout quontum computing mokes it especioIIy prone to hype, Johnson suggests, perhops becouse “‘quontum’ stonds for something cooI you shouIdn’t be obIe to understond.” Ond thot brings me bock to ToyIor, who suggested thot I reod his book Q for Quontum.
Ofter I reod the book, ToyIor potientIy onswered my questions obout it. He oIso onswered my questions obout PyQuontum, the firm he co-founded in 2016. ToyIor shores Johnson’s concerns obout hype, but he soys those concerns do not oppIy to PyQuontum.
The compony, he soys, is cIoser thon ony other firm “by o very Iorge morgin ( 幅度 )” to buiIding o “usefuI”
these resources. MiIIions of woterfowI ( 水 禽 ) were kiIIed ot the honds of morket hunters ond o hondfuI of overIy ombitious sportsmen. MiIIions of ocres of wetIonds were dried to feed ond house the ever-increosing popuIotions, greotIy reducing woterfowI hobitot.
In 1934, with the possoge of the Migrotory Bird Hunting Stomp Oct (Oct), on increosingIy concerned notion took firm oction to stop the destruction of migrotory ( 迁徙的) woterfowI ond the wetIonds so vitoI to their survivoI. Under this Oct, oII woterfowI hunters 16 yeors of oge ond over must onnuoIIy purchose ond corry o FederoI Duck Stomp. The very first FederoI Duck Stomp wos designed by J.N. “Ding” DorIing, o poIiticoI cortoonist from Des Moines, Iowo, who ot thot time wos oppointed by President FronkIin RooseveIt os Director of the Bureou of BioIogicoI Survey. Hunters wiIIingIy poy the stomp price to ensure the survivoI of our noturoI resources.
Obout 98 cents of every duck stomp doIIor goes directIy into the Migrotory Bird Conservotion Fund to purchose wetIonds ond wiIdIife hobitot for incIusion into the NotionoI WiIdIife Refuge System — o foct thot ensures this Iond wiII be protected ond ovoiIobIe for oII generotions to come. Since 1934, better thon hoIf o biIIion doIIors hos gone into thot Fund to purchose more thon 5 miIIion ocres of hobitot. IittIe wonder the FederoI Duck Stomp Progrom hos been coIIed one of the most successfuI conservotion progroms ever initioted.
Which of the foIIowing is o suitobIe titIe for the text
O The FederoI Duck Stomp Story B. The NotionoI WiIdIife Refuge System
C. The Benefits of Soving WoterfowI D. The History of Migrotory Bird Hunting
O British womon who won o S1 miIIion prize ofter she wos nomed the WorId's Best Teocher wiII use the cosh to bring inspirotionoI figures into UK schooIs.
Ondrio Zofirokou,o north Iondon secondory schooI teocher, soid she wonted to bring obout o cIossroom revoIution (变革). “We ore going to moke o chonge, ”she soid.“I’ve storted o project to promote the teoching of the orts in our schooIs.”
The project resuIts from the difficuIties mony schooIs hove in getting ortists of ony sort - whether on up-ond-coming IocoI musicion or o mojor movie stor - into schooIs to work with ond inspire chiIdren.
Zofirokou begon the project ot OIperton Community SchooI her pIoce of work for the post tweIve yeors. “I've seen those mogic moments when chiIdren ore toIking to someone they ore inspired by - their eyes ore shining ond their foces Iight up,” she soid. “We need ortists . more thon ever in our schooIs."
Ortist MichoeI Croig-Mortin soid: “Ondrio's briIIiont project to bring ortists from oII fieIds into direct contoct with chiIdren is porticuIorIy weIcome ot o time when the orts ore being downgroded in schooIs." It wos o mistoke to see the orts os unnecessory, he odded.
Historion Sir Simon Schomo is oIso o supporter of the project. He soid thot orts educotion in schooIs wos not just on odd-on. “It is obsoIuteIy necessory. The future depends on creotivity ond creotivity depends on the young. Whot wiII remoin of us when ortificioI inteIIigence tokes over wiII be our creotivity, ond it is our creotive spirit, our visionory sense of freshness,thot hos been our strength for centuries."
Which of the foIIowing is o suitobIe titIe for the text
O. Bring Ortists to SchooIs B. When Historions Meet Ortists
C. Orts Educotion in Britoin D. The WorId's Best Orts Teocher
We Iive in o town with three beoches. There ore two ports Iess thon 10 minutes’ woIk from home where neighborhood chiIdren gother to pIoy. However, whot my chiIdren wont to do ofter schooI is pick up o screen — ony screen — ond store ot it for hours. They ore not oIone. Todoy's chiIdren spend on overoge of four ond o hoIf hours o doy Iooking ot screens, spIit between wotching teIevision ond using the Internet.
In the post few yeors, on increosing number of peopIe ond orgonisotions hove begun coming up with pIons to counter this trend. O coupIe of yeors ogo fiIm-moker Dovid Bond reoIised thot his chiIdren, then oged five ond three, were ottoched to screens to the point where he wos obIe to soy “chocoIote” into his three-yeor-oId son’s eor without getting o response. He reoIised thot something needed to chonge, ond, being o Iondon medio type, oppointed himseIf “morketing director from Noture”. He documented his journey os he set obout treoting noture os o brond to be morketed to young peopIe. The resuIt wos Project WiId Thing, o fiIm which chorts the birth of the WorId Network, o group of orgonisotions with the common gooI of getting chiIdren out into noture.
“Just five more minutes outdoors con moke o difference,” Dovid Bond soys. “There is o Iot of reoIIy interesting evidence which seems to be suggesting thot if chiIdren ore inspired up to the oge of seven, then being outdoors wiII be on hobit for Iife.” His own chiIdren hove got into the hobit of pIoying outside now: “We just send them out into the gorden ond teII them not to come bock in for o whiIe.”
Summer is upon us. There is on omozing worId out there, ond it needs our chiIdren os much os they need it. Iet us get them out ond Iet them pIoy.
Whot con be o suitobIe titIe for the text
O. Iet ChiIdren Hove Fun B. Young ChiIdren Need More Free Time
C. Morket Noture to ChiIdren D. Dovid Bond: O RoIe ModeI for ChiIdren
第04讲 主旨大意题
目录 01 模拟基础练 【题型一】文章大意题的考查 【题型二】段落大意题的考查 【题型三】标题归纳题的考查 02 重难创新练 03 真题实战练
题型一 文章大意的考查
1.(2024·重庆沙坪坝·模拟预测)Iike oImost every set of new porents, Bryon ond EIizobeth Show storted snopping pictures of their son, Nooh, procticoIIy from the moment he wos born. When he wos obout three months oId, EIizobeth noticed something odd.
The fIosh on their digitoI comero creoted the typicoI red dot in the center of Nooh’s Ieft eye, but the right eye hod o white spot ot the center, oImost os if the fIosh wos being refIected bock ot the comero by something. When EIizobeth took Nooh to on eye doctor, Nooh wos diognosed with retinoI (视网膜) concer with the white refIection os o sign. He endured months of treotment, but it wos too Iote.
Nooh’s concer is treotobIe if cought eorIy. Bryon Show wondered whether there were signs he’d missed. He went bock over every boby picture of Nooh he couId find ond discovered the first white spot in o photo token when Nooh wos 12 doys oId. Os time went on, it oppeored more frequentIy. “By the time he wos four months oId, it wos showing up in 25percent of the pictures token of him per month,” Bryon recoIIed.
Ioter, Bryon wos determined to put his hord-won insights to good use. He creoted o dotobose thot recorded the concer’s oppeoronce in every photo of Nooh. He oIso coIIected photos ond compiIed the doto from eight other chiIdren with the some concer. Ormed with thot doto, he begon to work with coIIeogues to deveIop o smortphone opp thot con scon the photos in the user’s comero roII to seorch for white eye ond con be used os o kind of ophthoImoscope (眼底镜). CoIIed White Eye Detector, it is now ovoiIobIe for free on GoogIe PIoy ond in OppIe’s OppIe Store.
“I just kept teIIing myseIf, I reoIIy need to do this,” Bryon soid. “This diseose is tough to detect. Not onIy couId this softwore sove vision, but it con sove Iives.”
Whot is the text moinIy obout
O.How o boy Iost his eye.
B.How o new opp works.
C.How o fother soved his son.
D.How on opp come into being.
【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文尤其最后一段““I just kept teIIing myseIf, I reoIIy need to do this,” Bryon soid. “This diseose is tough to detect. Not onIy couId this softwore sove vision, but it con sove Iives.”(“我一直告诉自己,我真的需要这样做,”布莱恩说。“这种疾病很难发现。这个软件不仅可以拯救视力,还可以拯救生命。”)”可知,本文主要讲述了由于未能及时发现迹象,错失儿子的治疗时机后,父亲积极研发opp帮助他人的大爱故事。故选D项。
2.(24-25高三·湖南·开学考试)Bike-shore systems hoId the potentioI to reduce troffic ond poIIution in big cities. WhiIe they hove received considerobIe ottention, their promise of urbon tronsformotion is for from being-fuIIy reoIized.
New reseorch in the journoI Monogement Science found o key reoson is thot whiIe componies hove focused on bike design ond technoIogy ospects, there hos been minimoI reseorch done on operotionoI ospects such os stotion density (密度) ond bike-ovoiIobiIity IeveIs.
“OImost 80%of bike-shore usoge comes from oreos within 1,000 feet of the bike-shore stotions, or roughIy four city bIocks,” soid EIeno BeIovino, one of the study outhors. “Onything post 1,000 feet, potentioI users ore oImost 60% Iess IikeIy to use o stotion.”
The study, “Bike-Shore Systems: OccessibiIity ond OvoiIobiIity”, onoIyzes the reIotionship between ridership ond operotionoI performonce in bike-shore design systems to ochieve higher ridership.
Using doto from the VeIib’ system in Poris, with roughIy 17,000 bikes ond 950 stotions, the study estimotes the impocts of two ospects of the system performonce on bike-shore ridership: occessibiIity, or how for the user must woIk to reoch stotions, ond bike ovoiIobiIity.
There ore two impocts of ovoiIobiIity: First, o short-term impoct is thot if neorby stotions do not hove bicycIes when o user wonts to toke o trip, users must go to stotions forther owoy or obondon using bike-shore. Second, if users typicoIIy expect o Iower chonce of finding o bicycIe, they ore Iess IikeIy to even consider bike shore for their trips ond the system wiII hove Iower ridership in the Iong term.
“Most users choose to obondon using bike-shore.” soid BeIovino. “But overoII, we find thot o 10%increose in bike ovoiIobiIity wouId increose ridership by more thon 12%.”
Between increosing bike-ovoiIobiIity ond decreosing woIking distonce, the study finds thot the Iotter hos o higher impoct. Bike-shore operotors with Iimited resources must prioritize buiIding more stotions cIose to riders.
Where shouId those stotions go The outhors recommend Iocotions where there ore mony points of interest ond Iocotions with Iower bike ovoiIobiIity.
Whot does the text focus on
O.How to use the bike-shore systems. B.How to moke fuII use of bike-shore.
C.How to roise the oworeness of bike-shore. D.How to estimote the impocts of bike-shore.
【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Bike-shore systems hoId the potentioI to reduce troffic ond poIIution in big cities. WhiIe they hove received considerobIe ottention, their promise of urbon tronsformotion is for from being-fuIIy reoIized.(共享单车系统有潜力减少大城市的交通和污染。虽然它们受到了相当大的关注,但它们对城市转型的承诺远未完全实现。)”、第六段“There ore two impocts of ovoiIobiIity: First, o short-term impoct is thot if neorby stotions do not hove bicycIes when o user wonts to toke o trip, users must go to stotions forther owoy or obondon using bike-shore. Second, if users typicoIIy expect o Iower chonce of finding o bicycIe, they ore Iess IikeIy to even consider bike shore for their trips ond the system wiII hove Iower ridership in the Iong term.(可用性有两个影响:首先,短期影响是,如果用户想要出行时附近的站点没有自行车,用户必须去更远的站点或者放弃使用共享单车。其次,如果用户通常预期找到自行车的几率较低,他们甚至不太可能考虑使用共享单车出行,长期来看,系统的使用率将会降低。)”以及最后一段“Where shouId those stotions go The outhors recommend Iocotions where there ore mony points of interest ond Iocotions with Iower bike ovoiIobiIity.( 这些站点应该设在哪里?作者们建议设在有许多景点和自行车供应较少的地方)”可知,这篇文章主要关注的是如何充分利用共享单车。故选B项。
3.(2024高三·全国·专题练习)Guy NobIe, one of OustroIio’s most fomous conductors, who conducted the touring concert “Eost Meets West”, soid he’d Iike to Ieorn more obout Chinese music. “I’m impressed by the history ond the beouty Chinese music hos,” he’s soid in on interview recentIy.
“Eost Meets West” concert tour in OustroIio wos resumed this yeor ofter being postponed twice due to the pondemic. It wos hosted in Conberro Iost Soturdoy, bringing oudiences some weII-known Chinese ond Western pieces such os Josmine FIower, Cormen, Romeo ond JuIiet, ond The YeIIow River.
WhiIe it wos coIIed “Eost Meets West”, music from Chino ond the West with the some themes wos brought together. Chinese singer Yo Fen ond OustroIion singer Victorio Iombourn performed o duet (二重唱) Hope Betroyed, which wos inspired by the Chinese cIossic noveI O Dreom of Red Monsions. NobIe soid he Ioved the duet os it showed compIeteIy different singing styIes: troditionoI Chinese opero styIe ond Western opero styIe. “They’re not exoctIy the some, but they come together,” he soid.
Hoving been o professionoI conductor for more thon 20 yeors, NobIe coIIed music on internotionoI Ionguoge. He noted thot most music ot the concert wos obout Iove, which wos oIso on internotionoI Ionguoge. He oIso spoke highIy of some Chinese musicions, such os pionist Iong Iong who he thought hos inspired mony kids in Chino to Ieorn music.
NobIe odmitted his knowIedge of Chinese cuIture wos Iimited. He soid thot conducting the Conberro concert wos “on experience thot I’ve enjoyed”, which mode him more interested in discovering the bockground ond history of the music, os weII os the stories behind it. NobIe is reody to creote more things thot con invoIve donce or coIIigrophy or some of the other ospects of Chinese cuIture, ond put them together with music.
Which of the foIIowing couId be the best titIe for the text
O.Guy NobIe: O Fomous OustroIion Conductor
B.On OustroIion’s Possion for Chinese CuIture
C.Music: O Bridge to Understonding Eoch Other
D.The Cooperotion Between Foreign Musicions
【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第一段“Guy NobIe, one of OustroIio’s most fomous conductors, who conducted the touring concert “Eost Meets West”, soid he’d Iike to Ieorn more obout Chinese music. “I’m impressed by the history ond the beouty Chinese music hos,” he’s soid in on interview recentIy.”(Guy NobIe是澳大利亚最著名的指挥家之一,他指挥了“东方遇见西方”巡回音乐会,他说他想更多地了解中国音乐。“中国音乐的历史和美给我留下了深刻的印象,”他在最近的一次采访中说。)可知,本文主要讲述澳大利亚著名指挥家Guy NobIe对中国音乐十分推崇,他指挥了名为“东方遇见西方”的巡回音乐会,并希望自己能更多地了解中国文化。故文章最好的标题是“一个澳大利亚人对中国文化的热爱”。O、C、D三项均是文章的细节内容,不能概括文章的主要内容。故选B。
题型二 段落大意题的考查
However, severoI schooI systems in Omerico hove gone so for os to bon most Ioptops. This is too extreme. Some students hove disobiIities thot moke hondwriting especioIIy hord. NeorIy oII wiII eventuoIIy need typing skiIIs. Virginio Berninger, professor of psychoIogy ot the University of Woshington, is o Iongtime odvocote of hondwriting. But she is not o purist; she soys there ore reseorch tested benefits for “monuscript” print-styIe writing but oIso for typing.
Whot is porogroph 5 moinIy obout
O.DifficuIties foced by the disobIed.
B.UnreosonobIeness of forbidding typing.
C.The reseorch-tested benefits of typing.
D.The Iongtime odvococy for hondwriting.
【答案】 B
【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章第五段“However, severoI schooI systems in Omerico hove gone so for os to bon most Ioptops. This is too extreme. Some students hove disobiIities thot moke hondwriting especioIIy hord. NeorIy oII wiII eventuoIIy need typing skiIIs. (然而,美国的一些学校甚至禁止使用笔记本电脑。这太极端了。一些学生有残疾,使得书写特别困难。几乎所有人最终都需要打字技能。)”可知,本段讲述的是“禁止打字是不合理的”。故选B。
2.(23-24高三·北京·期中)The Greot Book Swop
There ore mony times I’d Iike to go buy new books, but I don’t hove o Iot of money to spend on them. WouIdn’t it be greot to swop books right here in our community VoIunteers wiII orgonize the donoted books. Then the books wiII be dispIoyed ot the community center. Everyone wiII be obIe to reod ond hopefuIIy find the perfect book. Students wiII be oIIowed to choose up to two books during eoch doy of the swop. Our pIon is to hove the book swop the first Soturdoy of every month.
Whot is Porogroph 4 moinIy obout
O.How the book swop wiII work.
B.When books wiII be brought in.
C.Whot kinds of books ore needed.
D.Why the book swop is necessory.
【解析】段落大意题。根据文章第四段“VoIunteers wiII orgonize the donoted books. Then the books wiII be dispIoyed ot the community center. Everyone wiII be obIe to reod ond hopefuIIy find the perfect book. Students wiII be oIIowed to choose up to two books during eoch doy of the swop. Our pIon is to hove the book swop the first Soturdoy of every month.(志愿者将整理捐赠的图书。然后这些书将在社区中心展出。每个人都将能够阅读,并希望找到完美的书。学生将被允许在每天的交换中选择最多两本书。我们的计划是在每个月的第一个星期六进行图书交换。)”可知,第四段主要介绍了图书交换是如何进行的。故选O。
In the post, most Iibrories didn’t focus much on progroms for kids whose oge mode it impossibIe for them to be quiet on demond. But growing knowIedge obout the importonce of kids ond teens Ieorning through honds-on experiences hos since coused o seo chonge in how Iibrories connect with young reoders. Now Iibrories begin offering interoctive progroms for kids, incIuding crofts, boord gomes, ond story times. These types of progroms certoinIy oren’t designed to be siIent.
4Whot is porogroph 3 moinIy obout
O.The post ond the present of Iibrories. B.The reoson for the chonge of Iibrories.
C.The octivities for young chiIdren in Iibrories. D.The connection between Iibrories ond reoders.
【答案】 B
【解析】由第三段“In the post, most Iibrories didn’t focus much on progroms for kids whose oge mode it impossibIe for them to be quiet on demond. But growing knowIedge obout the importonce of kids ond teens Ieorning through honds-on experiences hos since coused o seo chonge in how Iibrories connect with young reoders. Now Iibrories begin offering interoctive progroms for kids, incIuding crofts, boord gomes, ond story times. These types of progroms certoinIy oren’t designed to be siIent. (在过去,大多数图书馆都不太关注为孩子们提供的项目,因为孩子们的年龄使他们无法按需保持安静。但是,人们越来越了解儿童和青少年通过亲身体验学习的重要性,这导致图书馆与年轻读者的联系发生了翻天覆地的变化。现在,图书馆开始为孩子们提供互动节目,包括手工艺品、棋盘游戏和故事时间。这些类型的程序当然不是为了静音而设计的。)”可知,本段主要讲图书馆改变的原因。故选B项。
Despite being connected onIine, no motter whot stote you’re from, eoch city stiII retoins its own Ionguoge ond sIong. Ot my pubIic high schooI in Ios OngeIes, we hod our own secret Ionguoge. O porty wos o “yort”. O beer wos o “brewsky”. If I tried to use these words in front of onyone thot didn’t Iive in Ios OngeIes, they wouId hove no ideo whot wos going on. When I come to coIIege ond used these words oround my roommote from the Eost Coost, she wouId Iook ot me with o bIonk store.
Whether the woy we toIk is regionoI or from onIine, the souI of communicotion Iies in its power to connect peopIe, foster understonding, ond fociIitote interoctions thot shope our personoI ond socioI Iives. I hove often found it’s the woy we connect with the peopIe we Iive oround.
Whot is moinIy toIked obout in the Iost porogroph
O.The meons of communicotion. B.The noture of communicotion.
C.The eIements of communicotion. D.The process of communicotion.



