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第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. When are the swimming classes
A. On Saturday afternoon. B. On Sunday morning. C. On Sunday afternoon.
2. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a supermarket. B. In a restaurant. C. In a clothing shop.
3. How many more members will the girls’ team still need
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
4. What does the woman suggest adding
A. Cherries. B. Peaches. C. Pineapple.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Family members. B. Waiter and customer. C. Co-workers.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What does the woman say about the dress
A. It is the wrong color. B. It doesn’t cost too much. C. It doesn’t fit her.
7. What will the man do on Thursday morning
A. Do some exercise. B. Have a piano class. C. Go shopping.
8. What will the woman’s uncle care about most
A. The natural environment. B. The location of the factory. C. The driving test of the new cars.
9. Why are the woman’s family unwilling to sell the old car
A. It’s often driven by her father. B. It’ll be used as her wedding car. C. It’s a reminder of the happy moments.
10. To whom is the woman sending the gift
A. Her friend. B. Her family. C. Her classmate.
11. What will the man do in the afternoon
A. Buy himself a computer. B. Go shopping together. C. Attend a party.
12. What do we know about Amy
A. She is about to graduate. B. She had a tour in France. C. She had a baby last month.
13. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The plan for future life. B. Methods of balancing work and life.
C. The differences between city life and village life.
14. Why did the man come back to the countryside
A. To recover from an illness. B. To look for a well-paid job. C. To get together with his family.
15. What is good for the man in the countryside
A. The closeness to nature. B. The highly skilled doctor. C. The chance to earn more money.
16. What is the man’s opinion about urban life
A. It’s meaningful. B. It’s colorful. C. It’s fast-paced.
17. What is the purpose of the talk
A. To recommend a book. B. To introduce an author. C. To search for volunteers.
18. What does Albom do to inspire people
A. He produces motivating music. B. He conveys hope and kindness. C. He wins many sports competitions.
19. Which of the following provides medical care for citizens
A. S. A. Y. Detroit. B. A Time to Help. C. A Hole in the Roof Foundation.
20. What can we learn about Albom
A. He contributes a lot to charity. B. He is world-famous as a pianist.
C. He translates his books into other languages.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Eating ice cream is a summer must. But some people love ice cream so much that they eat it all year round. So what makes ice cream so delicious and irresistible Find this out in the Ice Cream College-also known as the Ice Cream Short course.
A brief introduction of the course
The course is the oldest and largest one that deals with the science of ice cream. It actually began in 1892 as part of a course about dairy manufacturing and was held in January when farm work was less pressing. In 1925, after ice cream became popular, a separate course that was devoted to making ice cream was established. Every year, 120 students from around the globe attend the program and there are 4,400 graduates to date. Certificates are awarded after the course.
Other information about the course
Length of learning time: a week.
Contents: More than 20 workshops about all aspects of ice cream production including flavors and freezing. You can learn how milk proteins interact with fat and what happens if ingredients are changed. Classes on milk composition, dairy production, and even ice cream physics are offered.
Research location: Penn State’s The Berkey Creamery.
Other tips: The course is so popular that when registration opens, it is full in hours. So remember to be concerned about the course in advance and contact us once you are lucky enough to be one of the students. You can also send us your advice after learning it.
21. What was the original purpose of the Ice Cream Short course
A. To advertise new brands of dairy products.
B. To promote the popularity of dairy products.
C. To train learners into experts in dairy products.
D. To introduce the procedure of making dairy products.
22. What do we know about the course
A. It takes students half a month to learn it. B. Students can learn it in twenty workshops.
C. Certificates will be presented after it is over. D. Students can choose it according to their habits.
23. What are people supposed to do to attend the Ice Cream College
A. Register quickly when it is open. B. Learn the course online in advance.
C. Contact the organizers when they’re free. D. Send their advice to the organizers.
61-year-old farmer, Cliff Young showed up to the most grueling (艰辛的) footrace in Australia-875 kilometers-in overalls and gumboots (橡胶靴). He went on to win in record time without any training, beating out best athletes.
Back in 1983, the Westfield Sydney to Melbourne Ultramarathon, which began and ended randomly in mall parking lots, had never been completed in less than seven days. But the world’s best runners showed up to prove their courage.
As the race began, the runners left Cliff in the dust. Many spectators must have thought Cliff was a promotion for the race who would soon drop out. But when other racers paused to get some sleep before the next grueling day, Cliff kept on, making up distance on the leaders. He reflected on herding sheep to new grassland, a task that took three straight days and nights. He kept himself sharp by imagining he was moving sheep ahead of a storm.
Cliff finished the race in five days, 11 hours, a full two days faster than the previous record. He was an instant celebrity. Not only did he himself run so far with so little experience and sleep, but he also split the prize money with the race’s top runners. He said he didn’t know there was prize money and felt bad accepting it. “Those other runners worked as hard as I did,” he explained.
Today, a memorial in the shape of a gumboot stands in the Beech Forest where Cliff grew up. In later long-distance races, professional runners adopted Cliff’s energy-saving way of walking. But what Cliff Young will be remembered for most was his big heart. The locals remember him as bonzer, the Aussie slang word for excellent.
Cliff Young never ran for fame or money. He simply wanted to see how well he could do. For all of us, doing our best is what our life story is all about.
24. How did people feel after Cliff won the race
A. Surprised. B. Curious. C. Concerned. D. Nervous.
25. What is the previous record of 875-kilometer race
A. Five days and 11 hours. B. Six days and 7 hours.
C. Seven days and 11 hours. D. Eight days and 10 hours.
26. Which of the following can show Cliff’s big heart
A. Cliff ran for money to help the needy. B. Cliff made a living by feeding sheep.
C. Cliff had courage to challenge other runners. D. Cliff shared the prize money with top runners.
27. What does the underlined word “bonzer” in paragraph 5 probably mean
A. Very brave. B. Extremely good. C. Specially adventurous. D. More than creative.
A herd of life-sized elephant sculptures is making its way across America to promote coexistence between humans and animals. Called the Great Elephant Migration, the traveling exhibition features 100 replicas (仿制品) of real-life Indian elephants made by roughly 200 artists in southern India.
The first public appearance of the artworks was in London in 2021, and some of the sculptures are now permanently on display in the gardens of two royal family residences. After making a stop in India earlier this year, they’ve now made it across the Atlantic.
The herd is spending the summer in Newport, Rhode Island, before moving on to New York City’s Meatpacking District in the fall. From there, it will head to Florida, Montana and California.
Organizers hope the exhibition serves as a reminder that humans must learn to coexist with wild animals. This idea is especially important since human activities-including climate change and development-are primarily responsible for animals’ habitat loss.
The large sculptures are made of lantana camara, an invasive tropical bush that’s crowding elephants out of their natural habitats in India. As the weed outcompetes the plants that elephants like to eat, they’re heading into human-developed lands, like coffee and tea plantations.
Even so, people mostly live in harmony with elephants in India, even as the populations of both species have grown. India’s human population is now 1.4 billion, while the number of elephants stands at 25,000 to 30,000.
Artists from different communities in India crafted the sculptures based on elephants they know personally. Recognizing that animals have their own distinct personalities is “vitally important for the coexistence movement,” says researcher and conservationist Tarsh Thekaekara in the statement. “Individual animals may cause damage or pose a threat to humans, but not an entire species,” he adds.
28. Why does the traveling exhibition take place
A. To promote cross-cultural communication. B. To show the beauty of elephant sculptures.
C. To educate people to protect the environment.
D. To encourage humans to coexist with animals.
29. Where are the elephant sculptures on display in summer
A. In London. B. In Newport. C. In New York. D. In Florida.
30. What can be concluded from the last paragraph
A. Wild animals threaten human’s survival and life.
B. The artists in India are merely interested in elephants.
C. Knowing the personalities of animals helps coexist with them.
D. The elephant sculptures are crafted based on those in the zoos.
31. What’s the main idea of the text
A. The Great Elephant Migration is on the way.
B. Wild animals live in harmony with the Indians.
C. Many life-size elephant sculptures are crafted by Indian artists.
D. A flock of life-size elephant sculptures is marching across America.
New York (CNN) -OpenAI is worried that people might start to rely on ChatGPT too much for companionship, potentially leading to “dependence”, because of its new human-sounding voice mode.
ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode sounds remarkably lifelike. It responds in real time, can adjust to being interrupted, and makes the kinds of noises that humans make during conversations like laughing or “hmms”. It can also judge a speaker’s emotional state based on their tone of voice.
Within minutes of OpenAI announcing the feature at an event earlier this year, it was being compared to the AI digital assistant in the 2013 film Her, with whom the main character falls in love, only to be left heartbroken when the AI admits “she” also has relationships with hundreds of other users.
Now, OpenAI is apparently concerned that fictional story is a little too close to becoming reality, after it says it observed users talking to ChatGPT’s voice mode in language “expressing shared bonds” with the tool.
“Eventually, users might form social relationships with the AI, reducing their need for human interaction-potentially benefiting lonely individuals but possibly affecting healthy relationships,” the report states. It adds that hearing information from a bot (机器人程序) that sounds like a human could lead users to trust the tool more than they should, given AI’s tendency to get things wrong.
Some people are already forming what they describe as dependent relationships with AI chatbots, causing concern from relationship experts.
OpenAI said that human users’ interactions with ChatGPT’s voice mode could also, over time, influence what’s considered normal in social interactions.
For now, OpenAI says it’s committed to building Al “safely”, and plans to continue studying the potential for “emotional reliance” by users on its tools.
32. What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about ChatGPT’s voice mode
A. Its features. B. Its appearance. C. Its different voice tones. D. Its emotional states.
33. Why is the 2013 film Her mentioned
A. To test ChatGPT’s voice mode. B. To show the concern of OpenAI.
C. To share the content of the film. D. To indicate AI can hurt people.
34. According to the report, what aspect might AI have impact on
A. Social practice. B. Interpersonal interaction. C. Outdoor activities. D. Electronic products.
35. What do relationship experts express concern over
A. AI’s tendency for giving wrong information.
B. The positive influence that AI chatbots have on users.
C. Dependent relationships between people and AI chatbots.
D. The safety of the communication between AI chatbots and people.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Have you ever woken up at midnight with upsetting thoughts Maybe you argued with your partner. Perhaps you are worrying about an interview. These are common in our life. But they can make it hard to see reality as it is. 36 And thus we may lose sleep and have trouble concentrating. The following methods are helpful.
37 This method has the benefit of revealing the temporary nature of your thoughts. It can also help to make it easier to let them go. There are many mindfulness practices that might help with this. For example, a simple breath meditation may do the trick. Thoughts can still come into your head as you practice this.
Try to move preferably outside. Physical exercise can be helpful. 38 Walking in the woods can reduce rumination (沉思) more than walking along a road for the same amount of time. If we go out walking, it may help to keep our attention on our surroundings and prevent troubling thoughts from cropping up.
Stop feeding the fire and redirect your attention. If we’re ruminating over things, we may need to focus on better things. We can take a break from social media and practice gratitude for the good in our lives. We can also take action with like-minded people. 39
Talk to a trusted person or maybe a therapist. We can turn to others for help. Whether they do it with humor or by offering wisdom, sometimes getting an outsider’s perspective can help us a lot. 40 If we don’t have such kind of people, seeing a therapist might be our best option.
A. Push away our negative thoughts.
B. Learn to practice mindful awareness.
C. Being outside in nature is one of the best ways.
D. They will keep us locked into negative thinking patterns.
E. We need to give ourselves some space and not assume the worst.
F. These can help reduce our worry while pointing us in a right direction.
G. We should try to find the right person who can listen well and offer empathy.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
When I started my Ph. D., I knew my work was producing much waste, but I took it for granted. That all 41 one day when I saw plastic waste piled against the wall.
I went to my adviser and decided to create 3D-printed lab 42 out of our waste. But the process of making these tools didn’t go smoothly. After months of 43 , I felt worried about my dream.
It was a 44 when my colleagues were eager to join us. We created a group devoted to 45 other greener ways. We began meeting every month to discuss some 46 . We introduced new recycling bins to each lab after learning that some waste could be recycled if it was sorted 47 . And we also tracked the energy consumption of lab equipment. By doing these, we could create 48 on how to use each device.
Our most energy-hungry devices were the ultra-low-temperature freezers, which caused much trouble. So, we started to 49 it, asking labs to remove samples that were not 50 anymore and make the most of the remaining ones. Through those 51 , we managed to increase the temperature of several freezers after realizing some samples didn’t have to be stored so 52 .
I’m still disappointed that I couldn’t 53 my 3D-printing dream, and I’m determined enough to keep trying. I’ve also learned that if one 54 isn’t working, sometimes it’s best to take a step back and look for other solutions. I’m 55 that with my colleagues’ help, we were able to do that
41. A. mattered B. changed C. happened D. worked
42. A. tests B. buildings C. machines D. tools
43. A. struggling B. dreaming C. delaying D. preparing
44. A. lesson B. relief C. signal D. point
45. A. searching for B. settling for C. heading for D. longing for
46. A. solutions B. topics C. articles D. techniques
47. A. randomly B. accidentally C. appropriately D. suddenly
48. A. pictures B. instructions C. patterns D. details
49. A. advocate B. protect C. adopt D. challenge
50. A. issued B. licensed C. needed D. involved
51. A. occasions B. efforts C. experiments D. manners
52. A. deep B. secret C. cold D. high
53. A. discuss B. practice C. realize D. pursue
54. A. position B. power C. direction D. approach
55. A. grateful B. anxious C. hopeful D. curious
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Ethnic costumes in China combine rich colors and patterns with style. Their beauty and grace are attracting people entering a village 56 the Dong ethnic group live. If they do, they may be 57 (fortune) enough to see women making “liangbu” (bright cloth) by hand. It is a special textile that takes a dozen steps to make.
The Dong people’s traditional dress-making craftsmanship 58 (recognize) as a form of national-level intangible cultural heritage. The costumes are 59 (most) made of the Dong cloth and dyed with a dark, rich blue by using wild plants. Both finished cloth and cotton threads are dyed. 60 former becomes “liangbu”, while the dyed threads are often combined with white threads to create 61 (variety) of patterns.
For the Dong people, “liangbu” has a range of meanings. It is a 62 (reflect) of life experience, as well as of wisdom obtained from nature, and it helps them deal with cool, wet weather. It continues a time-honored tradition of handicraft. And it is also a bond of love, 63 (connect) family members across generations. For example, a mother traditionally gives “liangbu” 64 a wedding gift to her daughter, and when the daughter later gives birth, the grandmother usually gifts her a 65 (pattern) baby carrier.
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假定你是李华,你刚刚参加了以 “Have a More Peaceful World” 为主题的国际中学生论坛。请你给英国朋友Jim写一封邮件分享此次经历,内容包括:
1. 分享你的经历;
2. 你的感想。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
第二节 (满分25分)
On a summer morning, Kate found herself hurrying to catch a flight from London to Paris for an important business meeting. However, unexpected traffic delayed her arrival at the airport, leaving her with only minutes to spare before boarding.
Anxious to catch her flight, Kate approached the first taxi in line. “Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5, please,” she claimed as she jumped into the back seat. The driver, a middle-aged man named Tom, nodded and pulled away. As they sped through the streets, Kate couldn’t shake off her nerves. “Are we going to make it in time ” she asked anxiously. Tom took a quick look at her through the rearview mirror (后视镜) with a smile. “Don’t worry, Ma’am. I know a shortcut that should get us there just in time,” he replied calmly. However, Kate couldn’t help but feel a knot of worry tighten in her stomach. She had to catch this flight. The success of the entire project depended on her presence at the meeting.
Arriving at the airport, Tom drove skillfully and stopped right in front of the departure gate for Terminal 5. “Here we are,” he announced with pride. In relief but in a rush, Kate took out her wallet and paid the fare. But then she had some difficulty unfastening the seat-belt. It was stuck. Panic began to rise within Kate. She couldn’t afford to waste an extra minute. She pressed the button and dragged the belt again and again, but it didn’t work. Just as Kate was about to lose her temper, the taxi driver Tom realized what was happening. He quickly got off the car and helped Kate unfasten the belt. “I’m so sorry,” Tom apologized. Kate got off the taxi and hurriedly ran towards the terminal.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
“Ma’am, your wallet!” Tom was shouting loudly. ________________________________________________
When returning to London, Kate went to Tom’s taxi company. ______________________________________
Text I
W: Morris, why are you still here It’s 9:30 a. m.! Aren’t you having a swimming class right now
M: Mom. It’s Saturday. The swimming classes always take place on Sundays, and not before 2:30 p. m. anyway.
W: Oops, yes, that’s all right. Then you can help me clean the kitchen.
Text 2
W: I hope you like the way they’ve been cut. This is our chef’s new cuisine.
M: They look nice. Could you get me some tomato sauce
W: Of course, here you are. Enjoy your meal, and I will talk to you later.
Text 3
W: We need two more members for the boys’ basketball team.
M: Sure, but don’t forget that we also need three more for the girls’ team.
W: Oh no, I forgot about that. How about your cousin Doesn’t she want to join
M: Oh, yes, she does. And she may bring a friend as well.
Text 4
W: I think you can use some cherries. The juice will be totally different.
M: Yes, we can also add a couple of peaches and maybe a few slices of the pineapple.
W: Wow, you really want to make it unique. . . That’s fine. It’ll be interesting to taste it.
Text 5
M: The boss will announce the details of the pay raise today, right How much do you think we’ll get
W: Well, anything is better than nothing. Wait and see. We can have a big meal after work.
M: Good idea.
Text 6
M: Jennie, I went shopping with my sister at the shop near my home yesterday. I saw a dress there, the same one you’ve talked about recently, the white one with red stripes.
W: Yes, I saw it, too. I tried it on, but it didn’t look that great on me. I guess I have put on too much weight recently.
M: Don’t be ridiculous! You look great! Besides, don’t you think that dress is a bit pricey I wouldn’t pay that much for a piece of clothing.
W: Yeah. But I really like it. Never mind, I’ll choose something else. Are you free tomorrow afternoon Let’s go shopping.
M: Sorry, I’ll have to take George to a piano lesson. How about Thursday afternoon I only have one fitness class in the morning.
Text 7
M: Did you hear that Mercedes-Benz is starting a new project with the Chinese car company Geely They’re building a
joint factory near Ningbo.
W: Yes, I did. In fact, my uncle is involved in it, too. He’s in charge of the environmental protection plan that will be applied to the factory.
M: Oh, great! So they’ll only be making electric cars. I’m curious to see what they’ll look like. My father loves Mercedes-Benz.
W: So does my father. You know what We have a very old Mercedes-Benz, which was used during my parents’ wedding in the 1960s.
M: Really Wow, I want to see it! Some collectors would be eager to pay a fortune for it.
W: Yes, I know, but we’re not selling it. You know we don’t need to. It always brings my father’s memories back even though he doesn’t drive it.
Text 8
W: Are you free this evening I’m going to buy a Christmas gift for my sister-in-law and I need your help.
M: My classmate Patrick is having a party tonight, and I am invited. When do you plan to go shopping
W: Around 5:00 p. m. Could you go with me
M: The party starts at 7:30 p. m., if I remember correctly. So it will be fine with me. What do you want to buy
W: Her old computer is out of order, so I’d like to buy her a new one.
M: I know a new mall where you can buy good ones. Let’s hit the road.
W: OK. By the way, what do you plan to do during the holiday break
M: I’m going to visit some places of interest in Belgium with my mom and dad. What about you
W: I will attend a family gathering. My sister Amy just came back from her babymoon in France last week.
M: Wow, I couldn’t believe it. Your sister is going to be a mom. I still remember her graduation party.
Text 9
W: Hi, Mark. Long time no see. But why are you here
M: I quit my job. I’ve made up my mind to get away from the city.
W: Why
M: I’ve got seriously ill and can’t recover quickly there. My doctor said the fresh air and pollution-free environment in the village would help.
W: Oh, I am sorry to hear about your illness. How are you now
M: I am getting better. I feel refreshed and energetic in the natural environment of the village here.
W: Good.
M: City life is quite busy. I had to work overtime often. The pollution, the smoke from cars and factories had a bad effect on my health. That is why I came here. The pace of life in the city is getting faster and faster. People there have no time for friends or family. Technology has changed people’s behavior and their attitudes toward life.
W: Well, people here are simple and honest. They live a simple life and have no strong desire for wealth. If I were you, I wouldn’t earn at the cost of my health.
M: That makes sense.
Text 10
Good morning, everyone. Before going through the meaningful book Tuesdays with Morrie, let’s start with its creator-Mitch Albom.
Originally, he was a pianist and wanted to pursue a life as a musician. However, he became an inspiration around the world as a columnist and sports reporter. His books have sold over 35 million copies and have been translated into over 40 languages so far. While nationally recognized for his sports writing, Albom is perhaps best known for the themes of hope and kindness described in his books, plays, and films.
His book, Tuesdays with Morrie, became an international phenomenon with over 14 million copies sold. The book remains one of the best-selling memoirs of all time, and was adapted into an Emmy Award-winning TV movie.
Albom has founded 10 charities, including nine in the Detroit area, such as S. A. Y. Detroit, which operates a family health clinic; A Time to Help, a volunteer organization; and A Hole in the Roof Foundation, which repairs homeless shelters. He also directs other charity organizations aiming to help poor children and homeless kids. In his talks and presentations, he brings the same inspiring message of community building, giving, and purpose.
1-5 CBBAC 6-10 CAACB 11-15 BBCAA 16-20 CBBAA
21. D细节理解题。根据第二段的“It actually began in 1892 as part of a course about dairy manufacturing and was held in January when farm work was less pressing.”可知,这个课程最开始是关于乳制品制作的。故答案选D项。
22. C细节理解题。根据第二段的“Certificates are awarded after the course.”和其他内容可知,学习者学完课程之后会颁发证书。故答案选C项。
23. A细节理解题。根据最后一段的“The course is so popular that when registration opens, it is full in hours. So remember to be concerned about the course in advance and contact us once you are lucky enough to be one of the students.”可知,因课程较火爆,报名需从速。故答案选A项。
24. A推理判断题。根据第三段中的“As the race began, the runners left Cliff in the dust. Many spectators must have thought Cliff was a promotion for the race who would soon drop out.”可知,比赛开始时,选手们把Cliff远远地甩在了后面。许多观众认为Cliff很快就会退出比赛。由此推断出,Cliff赢得比赛让人们感到意外。故选A。
25. C细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Cliff finished the race in five days, 11 hours, a full two days faster than the previous record.”可知,Cliff用了5天11小时完成了比赛,比之前的纪录整整快了两天,也就是说原来的纪录是7天11小时。故选C。
26. D推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Not only did he himself run so far with so little experience and sleep, but he also split the prize money with the race’s top runners.”可知,Cliff自己不仅在没有经验和睡眠的情况下跑了这么远,而且还与比赛的顶级选手分享了奖金。由此可知,体现Cliff心胸宽大的是他把奖金分给了其他优秀的选手。故选D。
27. B词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“the Aussie slang word for excellent”可知,bonzer是澳大利亚俚语,意思是“优秀”,excellent 与extremely good 意思接近。故选B。
28. D细节理解题。根据第一段中的“A herd of life-sized elephant sculptures is making its way across America to promote coexistence between humans and animals.”可知,大象雕塑旅行展的目的是宣扬人与动物的共存。故选D。
29. B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The herd is spending the summer in Newport, Rhode Island, before moving on to New York City’s Meatpacking District in the fall.”可知,大象雕塑群在罗得岛州的纽波特市度过夏天,然后在秋天转移到纽约市。故选B。
30. C推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Recognizing that animals have their own distinct personalities is ’vitally important for the coexistence movement’...”可知,认识到动物有自己独特的个性对人与动物的共存运动至关重要。由此推断出,了解动物们的个性有助于与它们共存。故选C。
31. D主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“A herd of life-sized elephant sculptures is making its way across America to promote coexistence between humans and animals.”以及后文内容可知,本文主要介绍一群大象雕塑正在跨越美国,旨在促进人与动物的共存。故选D。
32. A段落大意题。根据第二段中的“ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode sounds remarkably lifelike. It responds in real time, can adjust to being interrupted...”可知,本段主要介绍了ChatGPT的先进声音模式的特点,如逼真的声音、实时响应、适应被打断等。故选A。
33. B推理判断题。根据第三段以及第四段中的“Now, OpenAI is apparently concerned that fictional story is a little too close to becoming reality”可知,第三段中提到《她》这部电影的目的是清晰地表明OpenAI担心人类会对人工智能产生情感依赖。故选B。
34. B细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Eventually, users might form social relationships with the Al, reducing their need for human interaction...”可知,用户可能会与人工智能建立社交关系,从而会减少他们对现实中的社会互动关系的需求。故选B。
35. C细节理解题。根据第六段的“Some people are already forming what they describe as dependent relationships
with AI chatbots, causing concern from relationship experts.”可知,一些人已经开始与人工智能聊天机器人建立依赖关系,这引起了情感专家的担忧。故选C。
36. D根据上文的“But they can make it hard to see reality as it is.”和下文的“And thus we may lose sleep and have trouble concentrating.”可知,空格处的内容应与“半夜胡思乱想带来的影响”有关。比较选项可知,D项符合。
37. B本段主要讲的是正念练习 (mindfulness practices) 给人们带来的益处。因此空格处的内容应与此方面的内容有关。比较选项可知,B项符合。
38. C根据小标题“Try to move preferably outside.”和下文的“Walking in the woods can reduce rumination more than walking along a road for the same amount of time.”可知,空格处的内容应与“人们要经常到户外进行体育锻炼”有关。比较选项可知、C项符合。
39. F 根据小标题“Stop feeding the fire and redirect your attention.”和上文的“We can take a break from social media and practice gratitude for the good in our lives. We can also take action with like-minded people.”可知,空格处的内容应与“我们采取的措施带来的益处”有关。比较选项可知,F项符合,选项中的“These”指的是上文提到的措施。
40. G 根据小标题“Talk to a trusted person or maybe a therapist.”上文的“Whether they do it with humor or by offering wisdom, sometimes getting an outsider’s perspective can help us a lot.”和下文的“If we don’t have such kind of people, seeing a therapist might be our best option.”可知、空格处的内容应与“通过与信任的人交流来解决问题”有关。比较选项可知,G项符合。
41. B根据上文的“I knew my work was producing much waste, but I took it for granted”和下文的内容可知,当看到塑料垃圾成堆时,作者改变了态度。故答案选B项。
42. D根据下文的“But the process of making these tools didn’t go smoothly.”可知,作者决定从实验室的废弃物中挑选出可利用的材料来制作实验室工具。故答案选D项。
43. A根据上文的“But the process of making these tools didn’t go smoothly.”和下文的“I felt worried about my dream”可知,努力几个月后,作者为自己 (是否能实现) 梦想感到担忧。故答案选A项。
44. B根据下文的“when my colleagues were eager to join us”可知,同事们非常想加入,这让作者感到这是一件非常欣慰的事。故答案选B项。
45. A根据下文的“other greener ways”可知,作者和同事们在寻找更环保的方法。故答案选A项。
46. A根据上文的“We created a group devoted to ________ other greener ways.”和下文的“We introduced new recycling bins to each lab after learning that some waste could be recycled”可知、作者和同事们每个月都会讨论解决问题的方法。故答案选A项。
47. C根据上文的“after learning that some waste could be recycled”可知,如果正确分类,有些垃圾可以回收。故答案选C项。
48. B根据上文的“And we also tracked the energy consumption of lab equipment.”可知,作者和同事们记录实验设备的能源消耗,并把它们写成了设备的用法说明。故答案选B项。
49. D根据下文的“asking labs to remove samples that were not ________ anymore and make the most of the remaining ones”可知,作者和同事们敢于挑战,叫实验室清理不再需要的实验样本。故答案选D项。
50. C根据上题解析可知答案选C项。
51. B根据上文的“asking labs to remove samples that were not ________ anymore and make the most of the remaining ones”可知,通过这些努力,作者和同事们做成了一些事情。故答案选B项。
52. C根据上文的“we managed to increase the temperature of several freezers”可知,有些样品不需要低温保存,通过改变温度,从而减少了能源消耗。故答案选C项。
53. C根据上文的“I’m still disappointed”和下文的“and I’m determined enough to keep trying”可知,作者无法实现用废料制作3D打印的实验工具的梦想。故答案选C项。
54. D根据下文的“sometimes it’s best to take a step back and look for other solutions”可知,如果一种方法不奏效时,那得寻找其他方法。故答案选D项。
55. A根据下文的“with my colleagues’ help, we were able to do that”可知,作者还是非常感激,有同事的帮忙,他们才能做成一些事情。故答案选A项。
56. where考查定语从句。空处和下文的“the Dong ethnic group live”是定语从句,在句中充当定语、分析句子成分可知,空格处须填关系副词where。
57. fortunate考查形容词。形容词在句中充当表语,所以空格处须填形容词fortunate。
58. is recognized/is recognised考查时态语态。本句的主语是The Dong people’s traditional dress-making craftsmanship,空格处在句中充当谓语,主语与谓语是被动关系,故空处须填被动语态。结合上下文可知,须填一般现在时的被动语态。
59. mostly考查副词。be made of意为“由······构成”,空处在句中充当状语,意为“主要地,大部分地”。
60. The考冠词。The former是固定搭配,意为“前者”。
61. varieties考查名词复数。varieties of是固定搭配,意为“各种各样的”。
62. reflection考查词性转换。根据上文的“a”和下文的“of life experience”可知、空处须填名词形式。
63. connecting考查非谓语动词。A bond意为“一种关系,一种纽带”,空处与下文的“family members across generations”在句中充当定语,修饰a bond;且提示词与逻辑主语a bond为主动关系,故用现在分词形式。
64. as考查介词。空格处与下文的“a wedding gift”在句中充当状语,意为“作为结婚礼物”。
65. patterned考查非谓语动词。根据上文的“a”和下文的“baby carrier”可知,空格处须填过去分词patterned,意为“印有图案的”。
One possible version:
Dear Jim,
I have just participated in an forum on the theme of “Have a More Peaceful World”. I’m writing to share my experience with you.
I first made a specific explanation for the advantages of owning a peaceful world. Then I focused my topic on what we can do to keep the whole world peaceful. After finishing my statement, I answered some questions raised by participants. Undoubtedly, not only did this forum enrich my knowledge and broaden my horizons, but it also inspired me to study much harder to make contributions to keeping the world more peaceful.
Li Hua
One possible version:
“Ma’am, your wallet!” Tom was shouting loudly. Kate froze, realizing she had left her wallet on the seat. She turned around and saw Tom running up to her, holding her wallet out to her. Kate was in such a hurry that she grabbed her wallet without saying “Thank you” to Tom. She rushed towards the terminal, leaving Tom standing still there. With Tom’s help, Kate managed to board her flight just in time. Only then did Kate feel an urge to thank Tom.
When returning to London, Kate went to Tom’s taxi company. She was grateful for his help in getting her to the airport in time. And more importantly, Tom gave back her wallet. In it there was her passport, identity card and some cash, without which she could not have got on board, not to mention participating in the conference in Paris. Unfortunately. Tom was at work when Kate arrived at the taxi company. To express her appreciation, Kate left a box of chocolates and a thank-you note for Tom, which read, “Your kindness makes the world a better place. Thank you.”



