
1. Where does the conversation most probably take place
A. In a bank. B. In a shop. C. In a library
2. What's the weather like
A. Cool. B. Hot. C. Windy.
3. Where does the man want to go
A. To a restaurant. B. To a post office. C. To a store.
4. What does the man think of the trip
A. Boring. B. Expensive. C. Wonderful.
5. How did the man get there
A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot
6. Who does Max want to talk to
A. Kate. B. Dave. C. Alex.
7. Where is Alox now
A. In a store. B. At home. C. In a hospital.
8. What is Max going to do at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow
A. Visit a friend. B. See a doctor. C. Make a call.
9. What's the woman going to do next week
A. Make a speech. B. Give a lesson. C. Have a test.
10. How does she feel when she speaks in class
A. Excited. B. Nervous. C. Angry.
11. What's the man's suggestion
A. Finish writing a little earlier. B. Use some beautiful words. C. Practice on him and his friends.
12. How old is the speaker new
A. 10. B. 12. C. 14
13. Why was he unhappy
A. Because he was tired of the city life.
B. Because he had to move to a new place.
C. Because he couldn't find his skateboard.
14. What does he think of his life now
A. Enjoyable. B. Difficult. C. Lonely.
15. Who is Tony
A. His new classmate. B. His younger brother. C. His old friend.
A Farewell Party Plan
Tom, our foreign teacher, is going back to America next Sunday. Let's have a party for him. Please check below.
Date: July 19(Friday) Time:15:45-16:45 Place: Classroom 2
Tasks before the party Tasks at the party
Make a video for Tom Jane Take photos Jerry
Prepare some games Jack Make a speech Tracy
Clean the classroom Alice & May
We'll take pictures of everyone when the party starts
Let's have a meeting three days before the party and think about, what else we can do for Tom's party.
16. When is the party
A. On July 16. B. On July 17. C. On July 18. D. On July 19.
17. How many students have tasks for the party
A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.
18. What is TRUE about the party
A. The party is about one hour long. B. Jerry will give a speech for the party.
C. Students will have a meeting after the party. D. The party is for Tom because he is leaving for the UK.
What do most people remember about their school days Playing with classmates during breaks, eating food in the dining hall, or going to the headmaster's office, perhaps. But 850, 000 teenagers in the United States don't experience these things, because they are homeschooled. They don't go to a regular school.
Their parents teach them. Their education takes place at home and in the community. What is it like to be home- schooled Read Dylan's blog about his homeschooling experience.
MONDAY. July 10
I'm Dylan and I'm 14 years old. This is my third year of being homeschooled by my mom, a university professor(教授). A lot of people ask me how I feel about it. They ask, “Do you miss being in school with other kids ”
Well, my daily life is different from the daily lives of millions of children who go to regular schools, but I'm enjoying my time with my mom. I'm learning things at my own pace. We can go fast or slow. depending on the subject. These days, I'm reading books that most kids only read when they get to college. I'm studying French German, art, and the his tones of the world-things I'm very interested in.
A lot of kids think I never get to communicate with other kids, but that's not true. I get together with the other homeschooled kids during our weekly sports games and at social events. I don't just study at home. My mom takes me to all kinds of field trips-to museums, theaters, libraries and lots of other cool places. And college I'm not worried about it. I know I'm preparing myself well for it.
19. Who teaches homeschooled children according to the text
A. School headmasters B. Their friends C. University professors D. Their parents.
20. What does the underlined word “pace” probably mean___________.
A. Cost. B. Distance C. Risk. D. Speed
21. How can homeschooled kids communicate with other kids
A. Through home meetings B. Through college festivals C. Through social events D. Through school lessons
22.What does Dy lan think of homeschooling
A. He thinks it costs too much B. He likes traditional school better
C. He enjoys homeschooling. D. He thinks it makes kids lonely.
A tiny forest is a small area of closely planted, fast growing local trees. It is created to copy a natural forest.bringing all its benefits, but for a small space in cities. The first tiny forest was planted by a Japanese plant expert, Dr. Akira Miyawaki in the 1970s. It was so great that it grew quickly in countries such as Denmark. Britain Germany, Ireland and Spain.
As the name suggests, the place doesn't have to be big. An area the size of about 200 m2 is perfect. 600 trees with as many as 40 different kinds, can be planted in the place. With 2 to 7 trees every square metre, the trees are planted much more closely than the ones in normal forests. But there's still room for the trees to grow naturally without the use of fertilizers(肥料)
To plant a tiny forest, one starts with testing the soil and choosing right kinds of trees. In cities, the soil is often in poor condition. It is important to create loose and rich soil. When the soil is prepared, the community will invite school children on a planting day. The forests need 2 to 3 years of care from children. Then the trees can become self-growing. It's believed if children plant their own forest and spend a lot of time caring for it, they will grow up to be healthy adults with a sense of responsibility for the society.
Trees and forests aren't special pieces of nature that should only exist in the countryside. They need to be apart of life in cities too
23. The idea of a tiny forest came from a scientist in_________.
A. Britain B. Japan C. Germany D. Spain
24. What's special about a tiny forest
A. There are usually about 7 kinds of trees B. It usually covers an area of about 600 m2.
C. It grows quickly with the help of fertilizers D. Trees are planted closely in snull places in cities.
25. Planting tiny forests can__________.
A. help children grow into responsible adults B. tell children the way to test the soil condition
C. teach children knowledge about the community D. let children experience the life in the countryside
26. What is the best title for the passage
A. Save the World with a Tiny Forest B. Tiny Forests Live in the countryside
C. Learn to Grow Your Own Tiny Forest D. Tiny Forest: Super Tiny, Super Powerful
Once upon a time, there was a huge crab(螃) living in the mountains
One day, the crab decided to return to the ocean. While he was moving to the sea, the whole earth shook.
An old man felt the land shake. He shouted loudly to his villagers,"We must build a raft(木筏)! Quickly! Quickly!
“Why should we do that ” asked one of them
“Because he is so massive that when he dives into the ocean, it will cause a flood!” The old man replied, “We must build a raft big enough to hold all of us and many animals!”
The villagers accepted his warming and began working together. Some of them cut down trees, while others were busy building the raft. After seeing what villagers did, the animals of the forest sensed that danger was coming so they joined in the work as well. The monkeys and the water buffalo wove(编) ropes, while the horses and the tiny mouse deer helped to pull trees from the forest. Finally, the old man tied one end of the rope to the raft and the other end to a big tree.
“What is that for ”asked a child.
The old man smiled, “This will help us find our way home.”
Finally, the raft was ready. Not long after, this big crab completed his journey and jumped into the sea! Suddenly, the huge waves flooded the land. The villagers and animals climbed onto the life raft, which was swept away by the rushing water. People and animals were all in fear!
But the raft suddenly came to a stop because of the rope which was tied to the tree. People and animals hugged together for warmth. They sang to keep their spirits when they floated(漂浮) on the raft
The crab finally settled on the sea bottom. Soon after, the sea level returned to its original position, and the passengers found themselves back on land. Both humans and animals were happy to be alive! They turned to the old man, “Thanks for saving us by getting us to build a raft!”
But he smiled, “Oh, it was not me that saved you. We worked together-the men and women and children, and the animals too. When we work together, there's nothing we can't do.”
27. What does the underlined word “massive” mean
A. thin B. ugly C. large D. dangerous
28. Which of the following is the correct order of the events
① Villagers cut down trees to build a raft. ② The old man tied the rope to a tree
③ Animals wove ropes and carried trees ④ The old man gave warning to villagers.
A.①④②③ B.④①③② C.①③④② D.④①②③
29. What kind of person is the old man
A. Wise. B. Strict. C. Difficult. D. Humorous.
30. What can you learn from the story__________.
A. Practice makes perfect. B. Two heads are better than one.
C. Great minds think alike. D. Do in Rome as the Romans do.
How to Ask Someone to Hang Out
Asking someone to hang out can feel like a big step at the start of a new friendship. It may be a classmate or someone you met at a party. Here are our best tips to help you ask him or her to hang out.
Ask in an accidental way. If you have been planning to ask them for a while, take a breath and use your daily conversational tone(语气). ___31___. So when you ask them to hang out, it doesn't turn out to be embarrassing.
___32___. You may have a hard time asking someone to hang out without a good reason. If you're asking someone you know you have a common interest with, use that to invite. Tell them it would be fun to do the activity together.
Be confident that they will say yes. It's no good to ask someone to hang out if you tell yourself they won't want to. ___33___. If you are confident in yourself, the person will be more open when you ask directly.
___34___. When you ask someone to hang out, make sure you have a few dates in mind when you know you're free. Offer those dates to the person and ask if they are free during any of those dates.
Invite someone to go wherever you're going. Anytime you're about to do something and you see someone you want to hang out with, ask them to join you. Since you are going to do it no matter what they say, it's not a big deal if they turn you down.
Even though it feels scary at first, follow the tips above and it will not be stressful to let someone know that you'd like to hang out in the future.
A. Try to make a direct ask.
B. Keep yourself relaxed and calm
C. Make plans for the following weekend
D. Use a common interest as a reason
E. Tell the person the time that works for you
35. What do you usually do when you hang out with someone (10词左右)
My day began when I saw my six-year-old son Jonathan doing something in the garden by my azalea bush(杜鹃花从). By the time I got __36__, I found he'd broken it! It was my favorite! “Can I take this to school ” he asked. smiling. Though a bit unhappy, I nodded. Then I turned back to the broken bush and __37__ it as if to say silently, “I'm sorry.” Later I pruned (修剪) it with great care.
The rest of the day, I was busy doing endless housework. Time had passed by fast __38__I realized it was already 3:00. Leaving the clothes in the washing machine. I hurriedly got to school to __39__Jonathan. When I got there, the teacher told me she wanted to talk about Jonathan.
What now I thought.
I had prepared myself for the worst,__40__the teacher's words greatly surprised me.“Did you know Jonathan brought __41__to school today ” she asked. I nodded, thinking about my favorite bush. “See that little girl ” the teacher__42__. I saw a bright-eyed child busily drawing a picture with crayons. I__43__again
“Well, her parents are separated(分居的) and she has been__44__these days. I did all I could to comfort(安慰)her, but nothing__45__. This morning I watched your son walk over to__46__with some pretty pink flowers and say, ‘This is for you.’”
I felt my heart full of__47__for what my son had done. Holding Jonathan's hand, I said, “Thank you, you've__48__my day.”
I was warmed by the___49___Jonathan showed to the little girl and I made up my mind to pass it on. Later that evening when my husband came back home from a tiring workday, I picked some pink azaleas and__50__them to him. “This is for you,” I said.
36. A. off B. out C. up D. on
37. A. dropped B. pulled C. touched D. kicked
38. A. after B. since C. before D. once
39. A. pick up B. look for C. take care D. catch up with
40. A. and B. as C. or D. but
41. A. clothes B. pictures C. crayon D. flowers
42. A. laughed B. continued C. doubted D. shouted
43. A. nodded B. turned C. smiled D. thought
44. A. sad B. tired C. bored D. angn
45. A. lasted B. appeared C. worked D. remained
46. A. him B. her C. them D. you
47. A. trust B. courage C. interest D. pride
48. A. recorded B. made C. missed D. stolen
49. A. kindness B. magic C. value D. humor
50. A. threw B. lent C. handed D. sent
Once there was a rich man. But his son had no goals in life and wasn't happy. One day, he handed his son 51._______ map and said, “I want you to go to the marked place and find a treasure.”
The son set out and travelled really far, across 52.________(forest) and mountains. At last, he reached the place and began to dig. He dug 53.________a long time but nothing was found. Tired and sad, he decided 54.________(go)back home. On 55.________(he) way back, he noticed dancing birds and beautiful flowers. He met the farmers who were 56.________(work)happily in the fields. He found everything nice l 57._________(final), he got home and his father asked, “How was your journey there Did you enjoy it ”
“Of course not! 18 I really enjoyed the journey back home and almost 59._________(forget) the pain of not finding the treasure.” “Nice things are always there” the father smiled. “My son, I want you to have a goal. 60._________you don't have a goal, you won't set out. But if the goal is the only thing in your mind, you'll miss something nice and won't be happy. So remember: It's important to have a goal in life and enjoy the journey well.”
nearby happen steal hour feel
Last year, my friends and I went on a trip. We started early in the morning and traveled for several 61._________on a bus. When we arrived, everyone was tired.
While we were getting off the bus, I noticed a young man, probably in his early twenties, standing very close to one of my friends. Suddenly I realized that he was trying to 62._________my friend's wallet from her bag! I 63._________really nervous, but I knew I had to take action to stop him. Luckily, I saw two police officers standing 64._________and got an idea. So I fell over and cried out painfully. The police officers heard that and came over to help. When they were by my side, I told them what was 65._________. They caught the thief right away.
After that, we thanked the police officers and went on with our trip happily
No one lives without food. For centuries, people grew their own food and 66._________(吃) it themselves. But now most people buy food in shops and 67._________(超市). The next time you have dinner, look close at the food on your plate. If you're dining in summer, it's possible that some of the food comes from small 68._________(私人的)farms, but more of it comes from large farms and companies.
How do you know where your food s from You an check by 69._________(你自己). Most food gives information on its packet. And you may be surprised at what you 70._________(收集) because it comes from places around the world. You can enjoy a(n) 71._________(橙子)from Sooth Africa and a tomato from Mexico. You can 72._________(甚至) enjoy a pizza from Italy. And you needn't travel to these places. Instead, the food travels to you. Thanks to73._________(现的) trucks, trains, ships and 74._________(飞机), the food travels fast. So the food is 75._________ (新鲜的) and heartly when it reaches your dinner table. Also, now technology helps the food last long while it travels.
Dear Li Mei,
We haven't seen each other for a long time. Nowadays I'm so worried because I still can't follow the teachers in class. And I feel bored during the weekends. How to improve my Chinese How to spend my free time on weekends Do you have any good advice Please tell me.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Dear May,
Li Mei
16-18 DCA 19-22 DDCC 23-26 BDAD 27-30 CBAB
31-34 BDAE
36-40 BCCAD 41-45 DBAAC 46-50 BDBAC
51.a; 52.forests; 53.for; 54.to go; 55.his; 56.working; 57.Finally; 58.But; 59.forgot; 60.If;
66.ate; 67.supermarkets; 68.personal; 69.yourself; 70.collect; 71.orange; 72.even; 73.modern; 74.planes; 75.fresh;



