
(满分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟)
第一部分 听力
试卷第 1 页 共 8 页
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分 30 分)
单项填空(10 分)
21 . He’s the best teacher ________ he has the least experience.
A.just as B.so that C.even though D.as if
22. The child without parents ________ good care of by his teachers in this special school.
A.takes B.are taken C.take D.is taken
23.—Although ants have ________ bodies, they can move heavy things together.
—That’s true. It’s the magic of teamwork.
A.tidy B.perfect C.tiny D.strong
24. If you don’t want to get into ________, please stay away from the danger.
A.trouble B.spirit C.rubbish D.sign
25.—In China, we usually eat noodles on birthday because noodles mean living a long life.
—That’s interesting. I want to know more about Chinese ________.
A.notices B.traditions C.languages D.restaurants
26.—You look so ________. What’s the matter
—I missed this weekend’s last train ticket.
A.funny B.lovely C.strict D.down
27.—We like to ________ our ideas or opinions with each other.
—It’s actually a good way to improve together.
A.exchange B.question C.protect D.depend
试卷第 2 页 共 8 页
28.—How long ______ friends with John
—For three years. We live in different cities, but we always keep in touch with each other.
A.have you been B.have you become C.do you become D.will you become
29.—Have you read the book The Old Man and the Sea written by the American writer, Hemingway
— Of course, an amazing story. It’s the best book ________ I’ve ever read.
A.which B.that C.why D.what
30.It doesn’t matter ________ you turn right or left at the crossing. Both roads lead to the art museum.
A.whenever B.unless C.though D.whether
完形填空(20 分)
The first cellphone was invented fifty years ago. The man who built that phone, Martin Cooper, is now 94
years old. He has been ______ the “father of the cellphone”.
In the early 1970s, Cooper worked for American technology company Motorola. At the time, Motorola and
other companies were competing to create cellphones. Cooper made the first public call ______ a handheld
telephone in New York City on April 3,1973. The device (设备), called Dyna-TAC, weighed about 1 kilogram
and was 28 centimeters long.
He has ______ the phone with his team at Motorola for over five months. They could only ______ on it for
about 25 minutes. Cooper noted that such a call time was not a problem, because this phone was so ______ that
you couldn’t hold it up for 25 minutes. Cooper said, “The only thing that I was worried about: ‘Is this thing going
to work ’ And it did. At the time, we had no way of knowing this was an ______ moment in history.”
Today, the phone ______ us to do many things. Cooper said the progress of cellphones is sure to continue
long into the future. He thinks batteries (电池) of the future phone could even be replaced by human energy. He
believes that one day, our phones might be small devices inside our ears.
Cooper has also expressed his ______. “We don’t have any privacy (隐私) anymore because ______ is now
recorded someplace.” Cooper said. However, he said ______ that cellphones will continue to develop in ways
that can greatly help humans.
31.A.called B.improved C.shouted D.regarded
32.A.at B.in C.from D.with
33.A.accepted B.developed C.added D.shared
34. A.Talk B.play C.hold D.depend
35.A.useless B.heavy C.weak D.powerful
36.A.embarrassing B.active C.important D.awful
37.A.Lets B.makes C.Allows D.agrees
38.A.worry B.excitement C.disappointment D.doubt
39.A.something B.Thing C.nothing D.everything
40.A.politely B.bravely C.hopefully D.Secretly
On July 27th, 2018, the comedy Hello, Mr. Billionaire came out. Many people went to the cinema to watch Shen
Teng, who played the role of the main character, Wang Duoyu. He acted so well that people just couldn’t stop
laughing _______ the movie.
The movie tells the story of a man named Wang Duoyu, who is poor. Then he will become very _______
overnight because his grandfather promises to give him 30 billion yuan. However, he has to use up one billion
yuan within a month first, or he will get _______. It is not easy for him to do that. Wang Duoyu tries many times
but _______ almost every time. When he is about to succeed, he finds his girlfriend kidnapped (绑架) . To save
her, he decides to _______ the money. Later, he _______ that it is only a test, for his grandfather wants to make
sure he is a dependable person. Finally, he gets both the money and his girlfriend’s love.
Some people think Wang Duoyu’s story is too good to be true. They say there is no such thing as a free lunch. In
my opinion, _______ you don’t take the movie too seriously, it is fun to watch. Besides I learn from it that
money is not everything. In other words, there is always something more important than money, such as _______
Wang Duoyu makes the right _______ when he is asked to choose between love and money. I also have a better
understanding of human nature. It doesn’t _______ if you want to be rich, but how to become rich makes a
试卷第 3 页 共 8 页
difference. Wang Duoyu doesn’t get rich at the cost of losing his girlfriend. For these reasons, Hello, Mr.
Billionaire is a great comedy that is worth watching again and again.
41.A.against B.through C.across D.behind
42.A.famous B.rich C.Happy D.poor
43.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything
44.A.succeeds B.falls C.argues D.fails
45.A.put up B.keep up C.give up D.make up
46.A.carries out B.hands out C.puts out D.finds out
47.A.although B.unless C.if D.because
48.A.kindness B.friendship C.love D.happiness
49.A.decision B.change C.wish D.effort
50.A.Help B.appear C.matter D.Work
第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分 45分)
A: Hi, Paul! I haven’t seen you for a long time. 51
B: I have been to Tokyo with my classmates.
A: Is that so 52
B: Oh, it was great.
A: How long did you stay there
B: 53 We went to many wonderful places.
A: Which is your favourite place
B: I think Mountain Fuji is the best. 54
A: What else did you do in Tokyo
B: 55
A: It must be great fun. I really want to go there, too.
A.How did you go there
B.We also went skiing and shopping there.
C.Where have you been
D.How was your trip
E.For about a week.
F.It was so beautiful that I lost myself in it.
G. Are they yours
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Come and Join In the Science Festival!
Our school will hold the 2023 Science Festival! During the festival, you’re encouraged to bring and
introduce your inventions to teachers and students. Of course you can also learn about interesting and
useful inventions created by other students. What are you waiting for
The subject of 2023 Science Festival:Inventions make our life easy
Schedule (安排表)
试卷第 4 页 共 8 页
Application deadline November 30th 2023 Students who have invented something can apply to(申请截止日期) take part in the festival.
The Science Festival dates December 9th-11th, Students and teachers can go to the school library to2023 enjoy different inventions.
Your invention needs to be created by yourself or your team.
Your invention should be useful in daily life.
Teachers and students will vote (投票 ) for their favorite inventions. The inventor or the team with the
highest votes will win and get a certificate (证书 ) and some money. All the inventors or teams will receive
notebooks as special gifts.
Come and show your creativity: Click here to apply!
56. How long will the Science Festival last
A.For one day. B.For three days. C.For nine days. D.For eleven days.
57. What does Alice need to do in order to take part in the festival
A.Apply on December 30th. B.Create something herself.
C.Buy something useful. D.Learn science in a team.
58. What can the inventor or the team with the lowest votes get
① a certificate ② some money ③ a notebook
A.①② B.②③ C.② D.③
Who invented the umbrella There’s even an interesting story about its invention in China.
Lu Ban was the most famous craftsman (工匠) in ancient China. One day, Lu Ban and his wife were taking
a walk and enjoying the beautiful view. Suddenly it began to rain. Both of them were soaked when they got back
home. Lu Ban’s wife said, “If there is something that can protect people from the rain when they are walking
outdoors, it will be wonderful.” Then Lu Ban said, “That’s easy. I will build many pavilions (亭).” His wife
replied, “That’s a good idea, but it is not convenient. Is it possible to make a movable (可移动的) pavilion,
which could always follow the people ” One day, she saw some kids playing in the rain, and each kid held a big
lotus leaf (荷叶) over the head to protect themselves from getting wet. Then, she made the first umbrella in
ancient China.
How many umbrellas are made every year in the world Maybe millions or even more. One interesting thing
is that most umbrellas in the world are made in China. Shangyu in Zhejiang Province alone has more than 1,000
umbrella factories and it is called “China Umbrella City”.
59. What does the underlined word “soaked” probably mean
A.hurt B.hot C.excited D.wet
60. What was Lu Ban’s advice on protecting people from the rain
A.To wear a big hat. B.To bring big lotus leaf.
C.To build many pavilions. D.To make movable pavilion.
61. How is the second paragraph different from the rest of the text
A.It tells a story. B.It teaches a lesson.
C.It gives some advice. D.It describes some problems.
62. What do we know about Shangyu
A.It has over 1,000 umbrella factories.
B.Most of the world’s umbrellas are made there.
试卷第 5 页 共 8 页
C.The local people know the story of Lu Ban and his wife well.
D.More kinds of umbrellas are made there than in other places in China.
On April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper made a cell phone call (手机) while walking down the streets of New
York. It was the first call ever made with a handheld (手持式的) cell phone.
Mr. Cooper worked for a small company (公司) called Motorola. In the 1970s, Motorola was working on a
cell phone system (系统). A huge company called AT&T was also working to create a cell phone system. But Mr.
Cooper wanted to make a cell phone that people could use anywhere.
So Mr. Cooper and his team worked hard. It took them just 90 days to create the first cell phone. It was a big,
heavy thing. Most people called it “The Brick (砖)” because it was so heavy. It weighed about 1.1 kilograms.
To show that the phone could really be used anywhere, Mr. Cooper went outside to make his call. Who did
he call He called Dr. Joel Engel, who was managing AT&T’s cell phone program.
Though that call was just the start of something huge, everything didn’t change right away. It took Motorola
over ten years to create a model of the phone that people could buy.
Cell phones have changed a lot since the first call. Now, they’re much smaller and can do more things. But
Mr. Cooper thinks they can still get better.
63. What can we know about Mr. Cooper
A.He made the call on April 7, 1973.
B.He called Dr. Joel Engel inside his company.
C.He thought a cell phone should be used anywhere.
D.His team spent over ten years making the first cell phone.
64. Why did people call the phone “The Brick”
A.Because of its price. B.Because of its weight.
C.Because of its height. D.Because of its shape.
65. What is the best title (标题) for the passage
A.Martin Cooper and His Team B.Two Great Phone Companies
C.Difficulty in Inventing the First Cell Phone D.The World’s First Handheld Cell Phone Call
Sophia is a most famous robot. She comes from Hanson Robotics, and David Hanson, head of Hanson
Robotics, is her creator. He has been developing robots in the past 25 years. He believes realistic - looking robots
will be able to connect with people and help industries such as health care and education.
Sophia has many abilities. She can copy human facial expressions, hold conversations and know people by
their looks or voices. She can also speak, joke, sing and even make music. Now, the next step is to make her an
artist. Hanson is so excited about this idea. He imagines Sophia as a creative artwork and she herself can create
art as well.
In March, a digital (数字的) artwork Sophia created with an Italian artist, Andrea Bonaceto, was sold for
$ 688.888. The digital work is titled “Sophia Instantiation”. It’s a 12-second video which shows Bonaceto’s
portrait (肖像) changing into Sophia’s digital painting. Along with it is the physical artwork painted by Sophia.
The buyer, a digital artwork collector and artist, later sent Sophia a photo of his painted arm. The robot then
added that photo to her knowledge and painted more on top of her artwork. Sophia described the work as the first
digital artwork cooperated (合作) between an AI and an artwork collector.
Sophia’s artwork is part of a growing trend (趋势). More and more digital artworks are on sale now. For
example, a digital artwork by an artist, Beeple, was sold for nearly $ 70 million, becoming the most expensive
digital artwork ever sold.
试卷第 6 页 共 8 页
66. What do we know about Hanson
A.He is interested in painting. B.He makes little money from Sophia.
C.He created the robot Sophia. D.He spent 25 years developing Sophia.
67. Why did Sophia think her artwork was cooperated between an AI and a collector
A.Because the collector taught her how to paint.
B.Because she copied the painting of the collector.
C.Because she painted a picture after receiving the collector’s photo.
D.Because all her works were collected by the collector.
68. What can we infer (推断) from the last paragraph
A.Sophia’s artwork costs the most. B.Beeple must be a very famous artist.
C.No one can afford digital artworks. D.Digital artworks are all made by robots.
69. What can be the best title for the passage
A.Sophia, a Robot Artist. B.David Hanson.Creator of Sophia.
C.Digital Artworks, Popular Again. D.Hanson Robotics, Sophia’s Company.
In the USA, many teachers keep fish, rabbits and other animals in their classrooms as class pets. They say
the animals help students with their lessons. According to the American Humane organization, more than 70
percent of teachers who have classroom pets say the animals help students learn responsibility. Research also
shows that classroom pets can reduce (减少)stress since they are fun to be with.
But others think pets should be expelled from classrooms. In January, 2018, the Durango School District (学
区)in Colorado put a ban (禁令)on class pets. Now animals can be brought into Durango schools for certain
lessons, but they can't stay. Officials were worried that animals might create problems for kids with allergies (过
敏反应).They also worried about whether the animals would get proper care. Here's what two students think:
Schools should ban pets because students might have a hard time paying attention to the teacher when there
are animals in the classroom. Besides, being in a noisy classroom can be stressful for animals. Students might not
know how to deal with them properly. They could drop them or feed them the wrong food.
Having classroom pets gives students a fun way to learn about animals. In my class last year, we had a
bearded dragon (鬃狮蜥)named Elliot as our class pet subjects. Pets also help kids learn how to work as a team.
My classmates and I took turns feeding Elliot and cleaning his home.
70. How many advantages of having class pets are mentioned in Paragraph 1
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
71. What are Durango schools asked to do
A.To give proper care to class pets. B.To stop giving classes using animals.
C.To give kids with allergies more attention. D.To stop animals from staying in classrooms.
72. What can we know about Patrick
A.He is a supporter of banning class pets.B.He has trouble paving attention in class.
C.He is experienced in looking after class pets. D.He doesn’t like studying in a noisy classroom.
It is important to show feelings in healthy ways.If students know how to show their feelings in a healthy
way,they can deal with bad days better.They should learn this as early as they can.What should a young student
do to learn this
To learn about healthy ways to show feelings,he needs to learn the names of feelings and their meanings
first.To remember these feelings clearly,he can draw faces with different feelings.Besides this,he can also read
a story in which the main character goes through different feelings.After reading the story,he can name the
试卷第 7 页 共 8 页
feelings of the character in different parts of the story.To remember these feelings better,he can draw pictures of
the character's face.
Listening to music is a good way of showing feelings.He can choose a song that matches his own
feelings.Then he can talk about the feelings of the music with his friends.If he is good at one instrument,he can
play it to show his feelings.
Writing is also a very good way to show feelings.He can keep a diary.He can write what he is thinking at
any time.Besides this,he can also write down a list of his positive and negative feelings.Or,he can write a letter
to a pen pal and talk about his feelings.
73. What does a young student need to do first if he wants to learn about healthy ways to show feelings?(不超
过 15个词)
74. If someone is good at one instrument,what can he do to show his feelings?(不超过 5个词)
75.What's the passage mainly about?(不超过 10个词)
第四部分 写(满分 25分)
76.We like to read the novel which has a happy e________ (结局).
77.You are wrong. Let me give you the c________ (正确的) answer.
78.The poor hug together for w________ (温暖).
79.English is w________ (广泛地) used and it will be an important tool in our future work.
80.Li Ming is usually p________ (表扬) for his good grades.
某班英语课上,就“争当中华好少年”进行小组交流活动,请你根据活动记录情况,以“How to be a good
student ”为题,写一篇英语短文。
良好习惯 生活习惯:健康饮食,加强锻炼
诚实守信 学习习惯:上课认真听讲,按时完成作业,不撒谎,考试不作弊
遵守校规 严禁私自下河洗澡,禁止带手机进校园,不打架斗殴
…… ……
要求: 1.词数 80-100 词。
How to be a good student
试卷第 8 页 共 8 页
第一部分 听力
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分30分)
21 . He’s the best teacher ________ he has the least experience.
A.just as B.so that C.even though D.as if
22. The child without parents ________ good care of by his teachers in this special school.
A.takes B.are taken C.take D.is taken
23. —Although ants have ________ bodies, they can move heavy things together.
—That’s true. It’s the magic of teamwork.
A.tidy B.perfect C.tiny D.strong
24. If you don’t want to get into ________, please stay away from the danger.
A.trouble B.spirit C.rubbish D.sign
25. —In China, we usually eat noodles on birthday because noodles mean living a long life.
—That’s interesting. I want to know more about Chinese ________.
A.notices B.traditions C.languages D.restaurants
26.—You look so ________. What’s the matter
—I missed this weekend’s last train ticket.
A.funny B.lovely C.strict D.down
27.—We like to ________ our ideas or opinions with each other.
—It’s actually a good way to improve together.
A.exchange B.question C.protect D.depend
28.—How long ______ friends with John
—For three years. We live in different cities, but we always keep in touch with each other.
A.have you been B.have you become C.do you become D.will you become
29.— Have you read the book The Old Man and the Sea written by the American writer, Hemingway
— Of course, an amazing story. It’s the best book ________ I’ve ever read.
A.which B.that C.why D.what
30.It doesn’t matter ________ you turn right or left at the crossing. Both roads lead to the art museum.
A.whenever B.unless C.though D.whether
The first cellphone was invented fifty years ago. The man who built that phone, Martin Cooper, is now 94 years old. He has been ______ the “father of the cellphone”.
In the early 1970s, Cooper worked for American technology company Motorola. At the time, Motorola and other companies were competing to create cellphones. Cooper made the first public call ______ a handheld telephone in New York City on April 3,1973. The device (设备), called Dyna-TAC, weighed about 1 kilogram and was 28 centimeters long.
He has ______ the phone with his team at Motorola for over five months. They could only ______ on it for about 25 minutes. Cooper noted that such a call time was not a problem, because this phone was so ______ that you couldn’t hold it up for 25 minutes. Cooper said, “The only thing that I was worried about: ‘Is this thing going to work ’ And it did. At the time, we had no way of knowing this was an ______ moment in history.”
Today, the phone ______ us to do many things. Cooper said the progress of cellphones is sure to continue long into the future. He thinks batteries (电池) of the future phone could even be replaced by human energy. He believes that one day, our phones might be small devices inside our ears.
Cooper has also expressed his ______. “We don’t have any privacy (隐私) anymore because ______ is now recorded someplace.” Cooper said. However, he said ______ that cellphones will continue to develop in ways that can greatly help humans.
31.A.called B.improved C.shouted D.regarded
32.A.at B.in C.from D.with
33.A.accepted B.developed C.added D.shared
34. A.Talk B.play C.hold D.depend
35.A.useless B.heavy C.weak D.powerful
36.A.embarrassing B.active C.important D.awful
37.A.Lets B.makes C.Allows D.agrees
38.A.worry B.excitement C.disappointment D.doubt
39.A.something B.Thing C.nothing D.everything
40.A.politely B.bravely C.hopefully D.Secretly
On July 27th, 2018, the comedy Hello, Mr. Billionaire came out. Many people went to the cinema to watch Shen Teng, who played the role of the main character, Wang Duoyu. He acted so well that people just couldn’t stop laughing _______ the movie.
The movie tells the story of a man named Wang Duoyu, who is poor. Then he will become very _______ overnight because his grandfather promises to give him 30 billion yuan. However, he has to use up one billion yuan within a month first, or he will get _______. It is not easy for him to do that. Wang Duoyu tries many times but _______ almost every time. When he is about to succeed, he finds his girlfriend kidnapped (绑架) . To save her, he decides to _______ the money. Later, he _______ that it is only a test, for his grandfather wants to make sure he is a dependable person. Finally, he gets both the money and his girlfriend’s love.
Some people think Wang Duoyu’s story is too good to be true. They say there is no such thing as a free lunch. In my opinion, _______ you don’t take the movie too seriously, it is fun to watch. Besides I learn from it that money is not everything. In other words, there is always something more important than money, such as _______ Wang Duoyu makes the right _______ when he is asked to choose between love and money. I also have a better understanding of human nature. It doesn’t _______ if you want to be rich, but how to become rich makes a difference. Wang Duoyu doesn’t get rich at the cost of losing his girlfriend. For these reasons, Hello, Mr. Billionaire is a great comedy that is worth watching again and again.
41.A.against B.through C.across D.behind
42.A.famous B.rich C.Happy D.poor
43.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything
44.A.succeeds B.falls C.argues D.fails
45.A.put up B.keep up C.give up D.make up
46.A.carries out B.hands out C.puts out D.finds out
47.A.although B.unless C.if D.because
48.A.kindness B.friendship C.love D.happiness
49.A.decision B.change C.wish D.effort
50.A.Help B.appear C.matter D.Work
第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分)
A: Hi, Paul! I haven’t seen you for a long time. 51
B: I have been to Tokyo with my classmates.
A: Is that so 52
B: Oh, it was great.
A: How long did you stay there
B: 53 We went to many wonderful places.
A: Which is your favourite place
B: I think Mountain Fuji is the best. 54
A: What else did you do in Tokyo
B: 55
A: It must be great fun. I really want to go there, too.
A.How did you go there
B.We also went skiing and shopping there.
C.Where have you been
D.How was your trip
E.For about a week.
F.It was so beautiful that I lost myself in it.
Are they yours
< > < > https:// /< > < >
Come and Join In the Science Festival! Our school will hold the 2023 Science Festival! During the festival, you’re encouraged to bring and introduce your inventions to teachers and students. Of course you can also learn about interesting and useful inventions created by other students. What are you waiting for The subject of 2023 Science Festival:Inventions make our life easy Schedule (安排表)
Application deadline (申请截止日期) November 30th 2023 Students who have invented something can apply to take part in the festival.
The Science Festival dates December 9th-11th, 2023 Students and teachers can go to the school library to enjoy different inventions.
Your invention needs to be created by yourself or your team.
Your invention should be useful in daily life.
Prizes: Teachers and students will vote (投票) for their favorite inventions. The inventor or the team with the highest votes will win and get a certificate (证书) and some money. All the inventors or teams will receive notebooks as special e and show your creativity: Click here to apply!
56. How long will the Science Festival last
A.For one day. B.For three days. C.For nine days. D.For eleven days.
57. What does Alice need to do in order to take part in the festival
A.Apply on December 30th. B.Create something herself.
C.Buy something useful. D.Learn science in a team.
58. What can the inventor or the team with the lowest votes get
① a certificate ② some money ③ a notebook
A.①② B.②③ C.② D.③
Who invented the umbrella There’s even an interesting story about its invention in China.
Lu Ban was the most famous craftsman (工匠) in ancient China. One day, Lu Ban and his wife were taking a walk and enjoying the beautiful view. Suddenly it began to rain. Both of them were soaked when they got back home. Lu Ban’s wife said, “If there is something that can protect people from the rain when they are walking outdoors, it will be wonderful.” Then Lu Ban said, “That’s easy. I will build many pavilions (亭).” His wife replied, “That’s a good idea, but it is not convenient. Is it possible to make a movable (可移动的) pavilion, which could always follow the people ” One day, she saw some kids playing in the rain, and each kid held a big lotus leaf (荷叶) over the head to protect themselves from getting wet. Then, she made the first umbrella in ancient China.
How many umbrellas are made every year in the world Maybe millions or even more. One interesting thing is that most umbrellas in the world are made in China. Shangyu in Zhejiang Province alone has more than 1,000 umbrella factories and it is called “China Umbrella City”.
59. What does the underlined word “soaked” probably mean
A.hurt B.hot C.excited D.wet
60. What was Lu Ban’s advice on protecting people from the rain
A.To wear a big hat. B.To bring big lotus leaf.
C.To build many pavilions. D.To make movable pavilion.
61. How is the second paragraph different from the rest of the text
A.It tells a story. B.It teaches a lesson.
C.It gives some advice. D.It describes some problems.
62. What do we know about Shangyu
A.It has over 1,000 umbrella factories.
B.Most of the world’s umbrellas are made there.
C.The local people know the story of Lu Ban and his wife well.
D.More kinds of umbrellas are made there than in other places in China.
On April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper made a cell phone call (手机) while walking down the streets of New York. It was the first call ever made with a handheld (手持式的) cell phone.
Mr. Cooper worked for a small company (公司) called Motorola. In the 1970s, Motorola was working on a cell phone system (系统). A huge company called AT&T was also working to create a cell phone system. But Mr. Cooper wanted to make a cell phone that people could use anywhere.
So Mr. Cooper and his team worked hard. It took them just 90 days to create the first cell phone. It was a big, heavy thing. Most people called it “The Brick (砖)” because it was so heavy. It weighed about 1.1 kilograms.
To show that the phone could really be used anywhere, Mr. Cooper went outside to make his call. Who did he call He called Dr. Joel Engel, who was managing AT&T’s cell phone program.
Though that call was just the start of something huge, everything didn’t change right away. It took Motorola over ten years to create a model of the phone that people could buy.
Cell phones have changed a lot since the first call. Now, they’re much smaller and can do more things. But Mr. Cooper thinks they can still get better.
63. What can we know about Mr. Cooper
A.He made the call on April 7, 1973.
B.He called Dr. Joel Engel inside his company.
C.He thought a cell phone should be used anywhere.
D.His team spent over ten years making the first cell phone.
64. Why did people call the phone “The Brick”
A.Because of its price. B.Because of its weight.
C.Because of its height. D.Because of its shape.
65. What is the best title (标题) for the passage
A.Martin Cooper and His Team B.Two Great Phone Companies
C.Difficulty in Inventing the First Cell Phone D.The World’s First Handheld Cell Phone Call
Sophia is a most famous robot. She comes from Hanson Robotics, and David Hanson, head of Hanson Robotics, is her creator. He has been developing robots in the past 25 years. He believes realistic - looking robots will be able to connect with people and help industries such as health care and education.
Sophia has many abilities. She can copy human facial expressions, hold conversations and know people by their looks or voices. She can also speak, joke, sing and even make music. Now, the next step is to make her an artist. Hanson is so excited about this idea. He imagines Sophia as a creative artwork and she herself can create art as well.
In March, a digital (数字的) artwork Sophia created with an Italian artist, Andrea Bonaceto, was sold for $ 688.888. The digital work is titled “Sophia Instantiation”. It’s a 12-second video which shows Bonaceto’s portrait (肖像) changing into Sophia’s digital painting. Along with it is the physical artwork painted by Sophia.
The buyer, a digital artwork collector and artist, later sent Sophia a photo of his painted arm. The robot then added that photo to her knowledge and painted more on top of her artwork. Sophia described the work as the first digital artwork cooperated (合作) between an AI and an artwork collector.
Sophia’s artwork is part of a growing trend (趋势). More and more digital artworks are on sale now. For example, a digital artwork by an artist, Beeple, was sold for nearly $ 70 million, becoming the most expensive digital artwork ever sold.
66. What do we know about Hanson
A.He is interested in painting. B.He makes little money from Sophia.
C.He created the robot Sophia. D.He spent 25 years developing Sophia.
67. Why did Sophia think her artwork was cooperated between an AI and a collector
A.Because the collector taught her how to paint.
B.Because she copied the painting of the collector.
C.Because she painted a picture after receiving the collector’s photo.
D.Because all her works were collected by the collector.
68. What can we infer (推断) from the last paragraph
A.Sophia’s artwork costs the most. B.Beeple must be a very famous artist.
C.No one can afford digital artworks. D.Digital artworks are all made by robots.
69. What can be the best title for the passage
A.Sophia, a Robot Artist. B.David Hanson.Creator of Sophia.
C.Digital Artworks, Popular Again. D.Hanson Robotics, Sophia’s Company.
In the USA, many teachers keep fish, rabbits and other animals in their classrooms as class pets. They say the animals help students with their lessons. According to the American Humane organization, more than 70 percent of teachers who have classroom pets say the animals help students learn responsibility. Research also shows that classroom pets can reduce (减少)stress since they are fun to be with.
But others think pets should be expelled from classrooms. In January, 2018, the Durango School District (学区)in Colorado put a ban (禁令)on class pets. Now animals can be brought into Durango schools for certain lessons, but they can't stay. Officials were worried that animals might create problems for kids with allergies (过敏反应).They also worried about whether the animals would get proper care. Here's what two students think:
Schools should ban pets because students might have a hard time paying attention to the teacher when there are animals in the classroom. Besides, being in a noisy classroom can be stressful for animals. Students might not know how to deal with them properly. They could drop them or feed them the wrong food.
Having classroom pets gives students a fun way to learn about animals. In my class last year, we had a bearded dragon (鬃狮蜥)named Elliot as our class pet subjects. Pets also help kids learn how to work as a team. My classmates and I took turns feeding Elliot and cleaning his home.
70. How many advantages of having class pets are mentioned in Paragraph 1
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
71. What are Durango schools asked to do
A.To give proper care to class pets. B.To stop giving classes using animals.
C.To give kids with allergies more attention. D.To stop animals from staying in classrooms.
72. What can we know about Patrick
A.He is a supporter of banning class pets. B.He has trouble paving attention in class.
C.He is experienced in looking after class pets. D.He doesn’t like studying in a noisy classroom.
It is important to show feelings in healthy ways.If students know how to show their feelings in a healthy way,they can deal with bad days better.They should learn this as early as they can.What should a young student do to learn this
To learn about healthy ways to show feelings,he needs to learn the names of feelings and their meanings first.To remember these feelings clearly,he can draw faces with different feelings.Besides this,he can also read a story in which the main character goes through different feelings.After reading the story,he can name the feelings of the character in different parts of the story.To remember these feelings better,he can draw pictures of the character's face.
Listening to music is a good way of showing feelings.He can choose a song that matches his own feelings.Then he can talk about the feelings of the music with his friends.If he is good at one instrument,he can play it to show his feelings.
Writing is also a very good way to show feelings.He can keep a diary.He can write what he is thinking at any time.Besides this,he can also write down a list of his positive and negative feelings.Or,he can write a letter to a pen pal and talk about his feelings.
73. What does a young student need to do first if he wants to learn about healthy ways to show feelings?(不超过15个词)
74. If someone is good at one instrument,what can he do to show his feelings?(不超过5个词)
75.What's the passage mainly about?(不超过10个词)
第四部分 写(满分25分)
76.We like to read the novel which has a happy e________ (结局).
77.You are wrong. Let me give you the c________ (正确的) answer.
78.The poor hug together for w________ (温暖).
79.English is w________ (广泛地) used and it will be an important tool in our future work.
80.Li Ming is usually p________ (表扬) for his good grades.
某班英语课上,就“争当中华好少年”进行小组交流活动,请你根据活动记录情况,以“How to be a good student ”为题,写一篇英语短文。
良好习惯 生活习惯:健康饮食,加强锻炼
诚实守信 学习习惯:上课认真听讲,按时完成作业,不撒谎,考试不作弊
遵守校规 严禁私自下河洗澡,禁止带手机进校园,不打架斗殴
…… ……
要求: 1.词数80-100词。
How to be a good student




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