
(1)A.sends B.cents C.sand
(2)A.dark B.bark C.park
(3)A.bought B.brought C.taught
(4)A.duck B.last C.luck
(5)A.sometime B.someday C.someone
(1)A.Milk tea. B.Hamburgers. C.Thanks.
(2)A.Thank you. B.Yes,you are. C.Sorry,I can't.
(3)A.No.7 Middle School. B.The Great Wall. C.History and Geography.
(4)A.At 7 o'clock. B.21 hours. C.In October 2003.
(5)A.See you. B.No,you can't. C.I'm coming.
(1)Here's the weather report for some big cities in the UK.
(2)It will be cloudy in Beijing tomorrow.
(3)You should take an umbrella when you go out in Shanghai tomorrow.
(4)Tomorrow,you can have an ice cream in Guangzhou.
(5)The day after tomorrow,the weather will be nice in all the cities in China.
meal deaf please    
cloud shout soup    
dry cry why   
grab later cola   
classmate baseball mistake    
11.(1分) Susan can't read these Chinese w    .Who can help her?
12.(1分) I went to Qingdao last summer with my parents.We had a w    time there.
13.(1分)Welcome h    .How about your trip to Stonehenge?What did you buy?
14.(1分)On Children's Day,we had a picnic and f    the kites.
15.(1分)C    your eyes.I will give you a big surprise.
be interested in make mistakes at the same time keep on each other
(1)We can't do many things well    .
(2)We will send messages on WeChat to    .
(3)   remembering English words.Then you can speak English very well.
(4)It's easy to    with the Maths.Don't worry and try hard.
(5)When My father was young,he    making models of spaceship.
17.(1分)It's a fantastic speech___Mr Li.(  )
A.in B.with C. by D.on
18.(1分)My sister and I are in the___school but in___classes.(  )
A. same,same
B. same,different
C. different,same
D. different,different
19.(1分)Yuan Longping is a___ for you and me.We can learn a lot from him.(  )
A. farmer B. model C. star D. scientist
20.(1分)Take your umbrella!There are dark clouds in the sky.It is ___ soon.(  )
A. rain B.raining
C. going to rain D. rained
21.(1分)All of us are___ of our country.We love her very much.(  )
A. interested B. afraid
C. proud D. worried
22.(1分)Farmers sow(播种) the___in spring.Then they can get the fruit in autumn.(  )
A. seeds B. flowers C. grass D.plants
23.(1分)﹣Enjoy your meal.
﹣___(  )
A. Of course. B. That's right!
C. How much? D. Thank you.
24.(1分)下面哪组词语可以连读?(  )
A. try hard B. in the future
C.middle school D.keep on
25.(1分)This worker wrote a(n) ___to his workmates before retiring(退休).(  )
A. invitation B. message
C. goodbye letter D.email
26.(1分)选出语调错误的句子。(  )
A. Best wishes to you. ↘
B. Who can help me? ↘
C. How much is it? ↘
D. Am I going to study Chemistry? ↘
(1)Who can help me carry these boxes?     A.I don't know.
(2)Where was Confucius born?     B.We're watching a funny film.
(3)Here's your food.     C.Sorry.I'm cooking.
(4)Why are you laughing?     D.Thank you.
(5)What do you want to eat?     E.In China.
A: (1)   I once went to your house,but no one was in.
B:You know,it was the best time to climb the mountains in autumn.So I climbed Mount Tai with my father. (2)   
A:What was the weather like there?
B:At first,the weather was very hot.But it was cool when we got to the top.
A: (3)   
B:It was very great!We took many nice pictures there.Please come to my house and I'll show them to you after school.
A:Thanks a lot.
B: (4)   
A:I stayed at home.It was very hot and it rained every day. (5)    But I had a very good rest!
A:That's OK.
A.What about you?B.Where did you go during the holiday?C.It was really boring!D.And I came back yesterday.E.Did you buy anything?F.How was your trip?
29.(2分) Sweat waters hope,and struggle determines destiny.(汗水浇灌希望,奋斗决定命运)
30.(2分) Oh dear!     !(看图写句子)
31.(2分) I am taking some photos.(变成一般过去时)
32.(2分)Write a good wish to your friends.(给你的朋友写一句祝福语)
Country Birthday custom
China Chinese people usually eat a bowl of "long﹣life noodles" on birthdays.The long noodles mean a long life.The eggs is also one of the best choices for birthdays.
Ireland The most interesting thing is"birthday bump(碰撞)"custom.People hold the birthday children upside down and bump their heads gently on the floor.Bumps mean good luck.
Brazil The birthday child gets a pull on the earlobe(耳垂)for each year.
Holland Special birthday years such as 5,10,15,20,21 are called"crown(皇冠)"years.The birthday child gets a big,special present on a crown year birthday.
Denmark A national flag is flown (悬挂) outside a window to point out that someone who lives in that house is having a birthday.
(1)The dumplings mean a long life on birthdays in China.    
(2)Bumping heads on the wall means good luck in Ireland.    
(3)The birthday child gets a pull on the earlobe in Brazil.    
(4)Lucy,a girl from Holland,will get a special present on her 21 birthday.    
(5)This picture means the people in this house is having a birthday in Denmark.    
Before leaving school,students in Xiangyang Primary School had a class meeting.The topic was"the most unforgettable day".
Li Xuan:It was 1st September six years ago.On that day,I came to our school.I became a primary school student and started a new life.I also met many new teachers and classmates here.They were nice and helpful.What a wonderful day!I will remember that day forever!
Wang Chao:For me,it was last Children's Day.We had a party on that day.Everyone dressed up.We wore traditional costumes of different countries.We also had traditional dishes from different countries.It was so cool!We enjoyed the party.
Zhang Hui:The most unforgettable day is today,because I will leave our primary school.It means the end of our primary school life.I have to say goodbye to you,my classmates.In the past six years,we shared many happy moments together.I'll never forget you.
(1)What was the topic of the class meeting?
(2)When did Li Xuan come to primary school?
(3)What did Wang Chao do at the party of his last Children's Day?
(4)What does today mean to Zhang Hui?
(5)What's your most unforgettable day?
36.(10分)六年的小学时光,是否也有你最难忘的一天?参考上文,以"My Most Unforgettable Day"为题,分享你最难忘的一天吧!
My Most Unforgettable Day
(1)A.sends B.cents C.sand
(2)A.dark B.bark C.park
(3)A.bought B.brought C.taught
(4)A.duck B.last C.luck
(5)A.sometime B.someday C.someone
(1)A.Milk tea. B.Hamburgers. C.Thanks.
(2)A.Thank you. B.Yes,you are. C.Sorry,I can't.
(3)A.No.7 Middle School. B.The Great Wall. C.History and Geography.
(4)A.At 7 o'clock. B.21 hours. C.In October 2003.
(5)A.See you. B.No,you can't. C.I'm coming.
(1)Here's the weather report for some big cities in the UK.
(2)It will be cloudy in Beijing tomorrow.
(3)You should take an umbrella when you go out in Shanghai tomorrow.
(4)Tomorrow,you can have an ice cream in Guangzhou.
(5)The day after tomorrow,the weather will be nice in all the cities in China.
meal deaf please  × 
cloud shout soup  × 
【解答】字母组合ou在单词cloud,shout中发[a ],字母组合ou在单词soup中发[u:],发音不相同。
dry cry why × 
【解答】字母组合ry在单词dry,cry中发[ra ],辅音字母y在单词why中发[a ],发音不相同。
grab later cola × 
【解答】grab划线部分发 [ ],later划线部分发 [e ] ,cola划线部分发[ ] ,发音不同。
classmate baseball mistake  × 
【解答】classmates划线部分发[ɑ ],baseball和mistake划线部分发 [e ] ,发音不同。
11.(1分) Susan can't read these Chinese w  ords .Who can help her?
12.(1分) I went to Qingdao last summer with my parents.We had a w  onderful time there.
13.(1分)Welcome h  ome .How about your trip to Stonehenge?What did you buy?
【解答】根据句意可知,这是旅行回家时,家人表示欢迎的用语。欢迎回家可译为:welcome home。
14.(1分)On Children's Day,we had a picnic and f  lew the kites.
15.(1分)C  lose your eyes.I will give you a big surprise.
be interested in make mistakes at the same time keep on each other
(1)We can't do many things well  at the same time .
(2)We will send messages on WeChat to  each other .
(3) Keep on remembering English words.Then you can speak English very well.
(4)It's easy to  make mistakes with the Maths.Don't worry and try hard.
(5)When My father was young,he  was interested in making models of spaceship.
【解答】(1)考查介词短语。at the same time同时,符合。句意:我们不能同时把很多事情做好。故填:at the same time。
(2)考查相互代词。each other彼此,相互代词。句意:我们将在微信上发送消息至彼此。故填:each other。
(3)考查动词短语。keep on doing sth.保持做某事,句意:保持记住英语单词。那么你的英语会说得很好。故填:Keep on。
(4)考查动词短语。make mistakes犯错,句意:学数学很容易犯错。别担心,努力点。故填:make mistakes。
(5)考查介词短语。be interested in对......感兴趣,was提示句子是一般过去时。主语是第三人称he,be动词用is的过去式was。句意:我爸爸年轻的时候,他对做宇宙飞船的模型感兴趣。故填:was interested in。
17.(1分)It's a fantastic speech___Mr Li.(  )
A.in B.with C. by D.on
【解答】in在......里面,with拥有,by由,on在......上面。speech by sb.由某人发表的演讲。C选项符合。
18.(1分)My sister and I are in the___school but in___classes.(  )
A. same,same
B. same,different
C. different,same
D. different,different
19.(1分)Yuan Longping is a___ for you and me.We can learn a lot from him.(  )
A. farmer B. model C. star D. scientist
20.(1分)Take your umbrella!There are dark clouds in the sky.It is ___ soon.(  )
A. rain B.raining
C. going to rain D. rained
【解答】rain下雨,动词原形,raining动词的现在分词,going to rain要下雨了,rained动词的过去式或过去分词。根据soon(很快)可知,时态为一般将来时,be动词is后需补充动词短语going to rain,构成一般将来时作谓语。
21.(1分)All of us are___ of our country.We love her very much.(  )
A. interested B. afraid
C. proud D. worried
【解答】interested感兴趣的,afraid害怕的,proud自豪的,worried担忧的。be proud of为......感到自豪,固定搭配。句意:我们都为我们国家感到自豪。我们非常爱她。C选项符合。
22.(1分)Farmers sow(播种) the___in spring.Then they can get the fruit in autumn.(  )
A. seeds B. flowers C. grass D.plants
23.(1分)﹣Enjoy your meal.
﹣___(  )
A. Of course. B. That's right!
C. How much? D. Thank you.
【解答】A当然。B那是正确的!C多少钱?D谢谢你。题干译为"享受你的饭。",对方可以用致谢语说:Thank you.
24.(1分)下面哪组词语可以连读?(  )
A. try hard B. in the future
C.middle school D.keep on
【解答】A.try hard尽力;B.in the future今后;C.middle school中学;D.keep on继续。根据读音规则可知,英语连读的条件是相邻的两个词在意义上必须密切相关,属于同一个意群。连读时,前一个词的末尾是辅音,后一个词的开头是元音时,可以连读构成一个音节。所给选项中可以连读的是keep on,前词尾为辅音p后面单词首字母为o需连读,读音为[ki p n]。
25.(1分)This worker wrote a(n) ___to his workmates before retiring(退休).(  )
A. invitation B. message
C. goodbye letter D.email
【解答】A.邀请。B.信息。C.告别信。D.电子邮件。句意:这位工人在退休前给同事写了一……。根据before retiring(退休前)可知,此处应是一封告别信。选项C.goodbye letter符合语境。
26.(1分)选出语调错误的句子。(  )
A. Best wishes to you. ↘
B. Who can help me? ↘
C. How much is it? ↘
D. Am I going to study Chemistry? ↘
(1)Who can help me carry these boxes?  C  A.I don't know.
(2)Where was Confucius born?  E  B.We're watching a funny film.
(3)Here's your food.  D  C.Sorry.I'm cooking.
(4)Why are you laughing?  B  D.Thank you.
(5)What do you want to eat?  A  E.In China.
【解答】(1)考查特殊疑问句。句意:谁能帮我搬这些箱子?答语应该是某人,结合选项,C.Sorry.I'm cooking.(对不起。我正在做饭。)符合语境。故选:C。
(2)考查特殊疑问句。句意:孔子在哪里出生?回答出生的地点,结合选项,E.In China.(在中国。)符合语境。故选:E。
(3)考查陈述句。句意:这是你的食物。答语应表示感谢,结合选项,D.Thank you.(谢谢你。)符合语境。故选:D。
(4)考查特殊疑问句。句意:你为什么笑?回答笑的原因,结合选项,B.We're watching a funny film.(我们正在看一部有趣的电影。)符合语境。故选:B。
(5)考查特殊疑问句。句意:你想吃什么?回答自己的想法,结合选项,A.I don't know.(我不知道。)符合语境。故选:A。
A: (1) B I once went to your house,but no one was in.
B:You know,it was the best time to climb the mountains in autumn.So I climbed Mount Tai with my father. (2) D 
A:What was the weather like there?
B:At first,the weather was very hot.But it was cool when we got to the top.
A: (3) F 
B:It was very great!We took many nice pictures there.Please come to my house and I'll show them to you after school.
A:Thanks a lot.
B: (4) A 
A:I stayed at home.It was very hot and it rained every day. (5) C  But I had a very good rest!
A:That's OK.
A.What about you?B.Where did you go during the holiday?C.It was really boring!D.And I came back yesterday.E.Did you buy anything?F.How was your trip?
【解答】(1)由I once went to your house,but no one was in.(我曾经去过你家,但没有人在里面。)可知,此处询问对方假期里去哪里了。选项B.Where did you go during the holiday?(假期里你去哪里了?)符合。故选:B。
(2)由So I climbed Mount Tai with my father.(所以我和爸爸一起爬泰山。)可知,此处选项D.And I came back yesterday.(我昨天回来了。)符合。故选:D。
(3)由It was very great!(太棒了!)可知,此处询问某事或某物怎么样。选项F.How was your trip?(你的旅行怎么样?)符合。故选:F。
(4)由I stayed at home.It was very hot and it rained everyday. (我待在家里。天气很热,每天都在下雨。)可知此处询问对方你呢。选项A.What about you?(你呢?)符合。故选:A。
(5)由I stayed at home.It was very hot and it rained every day. (我待在家里。天气很热,每天都在下雨。)可知此处表示无聊。选项C.It was really boring!(这真的很无聊!)符合。故选:C。
29.(2分) Sweat waters hope,and struggle determines destiny.(汗水浇灌希望,奋斗决定命运)
【解答】句子Sweat waters hope,and struggle determines destiny.在四线格里,大写字母"S",小写字母"t、h、d、l、i"占中上格;小写字母"w、o、n、u、m、e、r、s、a"占中格;小写字母"p、g、y"占中下格。
30.(2分) Oh dear!  Oranges are falling over  !(看图写句子)
【解答】由图可知,橘子掉了一地。此句为现在进行时的陈述句肯定形式,主语为oranges(橘子),正在掉出来are falling over,构成句子:Oranges are falling over.译为:橘子掉出来了。
故答案为:Oranges are falling over。
31.(2分) I am taking some photos.(变成一般过去时)
 I took some photos .
【解答】原句句意:我正在拍一些照片。时态为现在进行时陈述句肯定形式。变成一般过去时,需把am taking 改为took,构成句子:I took some photos.译为:我曾拍了一些照片。
故答案为:I took some photos。
32.(2分)Write a good wish to your friends.(给你的朋友写一句祝福语)
 Hope you happy every day .
【解答】我们可以祝福朋友:希望你每天快乐。译为:Hope you happy every day.
故答案为:Hope you happy every day。
 Why do you have cups on your heads ?
【解答】为什么why;你们的头上on your heads;有have;杯子cups。由题干可知,句子是特殊疑问句。主语为you,助动词用do。结合相关语法知识及英语表达习惯。整句译为:Why do you have cups on your heads?
故答案为:Why do you have cups on your heads。
Country Birthday custom
China Chinese people usually eat a bowl of "long﹣life noodles" on birthdays.The long noodles mean a long life.The eggs is also one of the best choices for birthdays.
Ireland The most interesting thing is"birthday bump(碰撞)"custom.People hold the birthday children upside down and bump their heads gently on the floor.Bumps mean good luck.
Brazil The birthday child gets a pull on the earlobe(耳垂)for each year.
Holland Special birthday years such as 5,10,15,20,21 are called"crown(皇冠)"years.The birthday child gets a big,special present on a crown year birthday.
Denmark A national flag is flown (悬挂) outside a window to point out that someone who lives in that house is having a birthday.
(1)The dumplings mean a long life on birthdays in China.  F 
(2)Bumping heads on the wall means good luck in Ireland.  F 
(3)The birthday child gets a pull on the earlobe in Brazil.  T 
(4)Lucy,a girl from Holland,will get a special present on her 21 birthday.  T 
(5)This picture means the people in this house is having a birthday in Denmark.  T 
【解答】(1)句意:在中国,饺子意味着生日长寿。根据The long noodles mean a long life.(长长的面条象征着长寿。)可知,长长的面条象征着长寿。故答案为:F。
(2)句意:在爱尔兰,把头撞到墙上意味着好运。根据People hold the birthday children upside down and bump their heads gently on the floor.Bumps mean good luck.(人们会把过生日的孩子倒提起来,轻轻地把他们的头撞到地板上。碰撞意味着好运。)可知,在爱尔兰,把头撞到地板上意味着好运。故答案为:F。
(3)句意:在巴西,过生日的孩子会被拉耳垂。根据The birthday child gets a pull on the earlobe for each year.(过生日的孩子每年会被拉一次耳垂。)可知,在巴西,过生日的孩子会被拉耳垂。故答案为:T。
(4)句意:露西,一个来自荷兰的女孩,将在她21岁生日时得到一份特别的礼物。根据Special birthday years such as 5,10,15,20,21 are called"crown"years.The birthday child gets a big,special present on a crown year birthday.(特别的生日年份,如5岁、10岁、15岁、20岁、21岁被称为"加冕"年。在这些年份的生日上,孩子会收到一份大而特别的礼物。)可知,在露西21岁生日时得到一份特别的礼物。故答案为:T。
(5)句意:这张图片意味着这个房子里的人正在丹麦过生日。根据A national flag is flown outside a window to point out that someone who lives in that house is having a birthday.(一面国旗悬挂在窗外指出住在那栋房子里的某个人正在过生日。)可知,在丹麦过生日会在窗外悬挂国旗,图中窗外挂着国旗,意味着这个房子里的人正在丹麦过生日。故答案为:T。
Before leaving school,students in Xiangyang Primary School had a class meeting.The topic was"the most unforgettable day".
Li Xuan:It was 1st September six years ago.On that day,I came to our school.I became a primary school student and started a new life.I also met many new teachers and classmates here.They were nice and helpful.What a wonderful day!I will remember that day forever!
Wang Chao:For me,it was last Children's Day.We had a party on that day.Everyone dressed up.We wore traditional costumes of different countries.We also had traditional dishes from different countries.It was so cool!We enjoyed the party.
Zhang Hui:The most unforgettable day is today,because I will leave our primary school.It means the end of our primary school life.I have to say goodbye to you,my classmates.In the past six years,we shared many happy moments together.I'll never forget you.
(1)What was the topic of the class meeting?
 The topic was"the most unforgettable day". 
(2)When did Li Xuan come to primary school?
 He came to primary school on 1st September six years ago. 
(3)What did Wang Chao do at the party of his last Children's Day?
 He wore traditional costumes of other countries,and he also had traditional dishes from different countries. 
(4)What does today mean to Zhang Hui?
 It means the end of his primary school life. 
(5)What's your most unforgettable day?
 It was 1st March two years ago,and it was my birthday. 
【解答】(1)由The topic was"the most unforgettable day".(主题是"最难忘的一天"。)可知班会主题是"最难忘的一天"。故答案为:The topic was"the most unforgettable day".
(2)由It was 1st September six years ago.On that day,I came to our school.(那是六年前九月的第一天。那天,我来到了我们学校。)可知六年前九月的第一天李轩上小学。故答案为:He came to the primary school on 1st September six years ago.
(3)由We wore traditional costumes of different countries.We also had traditional dishes from different countries.(我们穿上了不同国家的传统服装。我们还品尝了来自不同国家的传统菜肴。)可知王超穿上了别的国家的传统服装。他还品尝了来自不同国家的传统菜肴。故答案为:He wore traditional costumes of other countries,and he also had traditional dishes from different countries.
(4)由It means the end of our primary school life.(它意味着我们小学生活的结束。)可知它意味着他的小学生活的结束。故答案为:It means the end of his primary school life.
(5)我印象最深刻的一天两年前的三月一日,那天是我的生日。故答案为:It was 1st March two years ago,and it was my birthday.
36.(10分)六年的小学时光,是否也有你最难忘的一天?参考上文,以"My Most Unforgettable Day"为题,分享你最难忘的一天吧!
My Most Unforgettable Day
 My most unforgettable day was my last birthday.I had a birthday party.My parents bought a birthday cake for me.My good friends came to my house.They said "Happy birthday!" to me.We ate many delicious food.We played the game.They sang the birthday song.And I made a wish.After that we ate the birthday cake.I had a good time on that day. 
My Most Unforgettable Day
My most unforgettable day was my last birthday.I had a birthday party.My parents bought a birthday cake for me.My good friends came to my house.They said "Happy birthday!" to me.We ate many delicious food.We played the game.They sang the birthday song.And I made a wish.After that we ate the birthday cake.I had a good time on that day.



上一篇:【高分攻略·微专题】备战2025年高考化学一轮复习考点微专题16 热点金属(Li、Sr、Pb、Zn、Ti、Mo)及化合物的制备和性质
