Unit 3 Family ties 提升培优卷(含听力音频+答案)--2024-2025七年级上册 外研版(2024)

Unit 3 Family ties 提升培优卷
1.Which photo are they talking about
A. B. C.
2.What does Tom’s grandmother like doing
A. B. C.
3.Where does the girl’s mother work
A. B. C.
4.Why does Mary like horses
A.Because they’re friendly. B.Because they’re lovely. C.Because they’re beautiful.
5.How long did the man stay in Shanghai
A.Two days. B.Three days. C.Ten days.
6.What can Peter do
A.Play the piano. B.Play basketball. C.Play the violin.
7.Who went to the park yesterday
A.Fred. B.Jane. C.Billy.
8.How old is Daniel’s father
A.45. B.50. C.54.
9.Where do they have a birthday party
A.In a restaurant. B.At home. C.In a cinema.
10.Who else will go to the birthday party
A.Daniel’s uncle and cousin.
B.Daniel’s aunt and cousin.
C.Daniel’s uncle and aunt.
11.What class is Amy in
A.Class 2. B.Class 1. C.Class 3.
12.Where does Lucy’s father work
A.In a hospital. B.In a school. C.In a shop.
13.What does Amy’s father do
A.A worker. B.A doctor. C.A teacher.
14.Where does Tim’s family live now
A.In Hefei. B.In Beijing. C.In Shanghai.
15.What does Tim do every day
A.Read books. B.Play the piano. C.Listen to music.
16.What is Dave good at
A.Playing soccer. B.Playing basketball. C.Playing volleyball.
17.Who can sing well
A.Dave. B.Jimmy. C.Sally.
18.How does Tim’s father like playing the violin
A.Fun and easy. B.Fun but difficult. C.Easy and relaxing.
It is 9:00 a.m. Dad and Ian are busy with their camping (野营).
“The dog can’t go with us,” Dad tells Ian.
“But Jax is family,” says Ian.
At last, Jax can go too. They walk for hours. Ian feels his legs are heavy and he is exhausted, but his dog isn’t. He keeps running.
“This looks like a good place to put up our tent (帐篷),” says Dad.
Ian helps Dad put up the tent, and then Dad looks at his watch. It’s 3:50 p.m. “I need to make a campfire. We need to find some sticks (枯枝).”
Ian finds some short sticks. Then he sees a long stick. “We can use it when we make food!”
Before Ian gets the stick, Jax runs to it. The stick runs away. It isn’t a stick at all.
“A snake (蛇)!” says Ian.
“How dangerous (危险的), Ian!” says Dad. “ It’s a good thing Jax is here.”
19.What does the underlined word “exhausted” mean
A.excited B.tired C.polite D.worried
20.What can we learn from the story
A.Jax finds many sticks. B.Ian makes a campfire.
C.The long stick is a snake. D.Dad leaves his watch at home.
21.What does Dad think of Jax at last
A.Different. B.Useful. C.Strict. D.Beautiful.
On Friday afternoon, Tom meets his good friend Jack and says, “Jack, can you come to my home after school I want you to meet my cousin. He loves the same ball game as you.” Jack says happily, “Sure.”
When they get to Tom’s home, it’s about 5:45 p. m. Tom’s cousin Jim is in the living room (客厅). He is watching a basketball game on TV. Tom says to him, “Jim, this is my good friend Jack.”
Jim says to Jack, “Hi, Jack! Nice to meet you. I’m Jim.”
“Nice to meet you too, Jim,” Jack says. “You know what I have a penfriend called Jim. He’s from Wuhan,” says Jack.
“Oh, really What’s his last name ” asks Jim.
“Really I am Jim Brown and I am from Wuhan,” Jim says. “And I have a penfriend here. His name is Jack Miller. His favourite number is eight and he likes playing basketball best. His birthday is on June 12th.”
Hearing this, Tom says to Jack, “ ★ You are my good friend. And you are my cousin’s penfriend too.”
22.What does Jack go to Tom’s home for
A.Watching TV. B.Playing basketball.
C.Meeting Tom’s cousin. D.Playing computer games.
23.Which of the following can we put in the ★
A.Oh, have a good day. B.Oh, what a coincidence (巧合).
C.Oh, what a mess (一团糟). D.Oh, what good friends.
24.What is Jack’s favourite sport
A.Basketball. B.Tennis. C.Volleyball. D.Ping-pong.
25.Which of the following is TRUE
A.①—good friends; ②—cousins; ③—penfriends B.①—penfriends; ②—cousins; ③—good friends
C.①—cousins; ②—good friends; ③—penfriends D.①—good friends; ②—penfriends; ③—cousins
26.What can we know from the passage
A.Jim likes the number eight best. B.Jack sees Jim in the morning.
C.Jim has a penfriend from Wuhan. D.Jim and Jack love the same ball game.
It’s Mona’s birthday. She and Mr. Black are in a 27 store. Mona sees a yellow sweater and says, “Daddy, 28 the yellow sweater! Do you think Mom will (将) like it ”
“Yeah! And I’m sure it looks good 29 her,” says Mr. Black.
“Its 30 is 98 dollars,” Mona says. “What about 31 it for Mom ”
“Uh, dear, it’s your birthday. And I only have 100 dollars. Don’t you want to 32 a pair of black sports trousers ”
“Yes, 33 I have two pairs of them now,” Mona 34 . “My birthday is special (特别的) to me. It’s special to Mom, too, And Mom doesn’t have a 35 sweater. I want to make 36 happy.”
Hearing (听) this, Mr. Black says, “What a good girl! Let’s take it”.
27.A.book B.clothes C.flower
28.A.help with B.look at C.thank for
29.A.in B.on C.for
30.A.time B.price C.number
31.A.to buy B.buying C.buy
32.A.watch B.play C.have
33.A.so B.because C.but
34.A.speaks B.talks C.says
35.A.white B.black C.yellow
36.A.you B.him C.her
“Never give up (放弃)!” It is my law (法则) of life. I learnt the law 37 my father’s life story.
My father was born in 38 poor village in Jiangsu. When he was young, he went to school in the day, and then after school he worked in the fields. He could only did 39 homework during midnight.
At the age of 14, my father heard of the United States of America. It was the land of gold, the land where poor people can 40 rich.
“ 41 don’t I go to America ” he thought to himself.
So, my father went to America. “I had thought it was easy 42 money,” he told me. “But when I arrived there, I knew it was not true. They did not like to hire (雇佣) me because I couldn’t speak English. I wanted to go to school to learn English, 43 it was impossible. I had no money. Later, I worked in a small restaurant. Life was 44 for the first few years.”
My father kept 45 hard, and reached his goal.
“Alan,” he often says to me, “if you want something, you have to work for it and never give up. Things do not come 46 in life.” That’s what I have learnt from my father.
37.A.for B.to C.from
38.A.a B.an C.the
39.A.he B.his C.him
40.A.be B.are C.were
41.A.When B.Where C.Why
42.A.make B.to make C.making
43.A.so B.but C.and
44.A.hard B.harder C.hardest
45.A.work B.to work C.working
46.A.easy B.easily C.easiness
On my way home, I walk into a stranger (陌生人) as she passes by me. “Oh, excuse me,” I say. She smiles at me and says, “Please excuse me, too.” We apologize (道歉) and continue on our own ways.
Later, when I cook dinner, my daughter stands too close. When I turn to get some milk, I nearly knock (撞倒) her over. “Get out of my way!” I shout.
While I am in bed, my husband (丈夫) says to me, “While dealing with a stranger, you are polite. But to our daughter, you are not so kind. She picks some flowers for you in the afternoon. You can find them in the kitchen. Do you see the tears in her eyes ”
I go to my daughter’s room and sit down by her bed. “I am so sorry,” I say. “Are these flowers for me ” She says, “I pick them because they’re pretty like you. I know you’d like them, especially the blue ones.” I reply with tears, “ I’m really sorry today.” “ It’s okay. I love you anyway,” she says as she kisses me on my face.
47.Why does the writer shout at her daughter (不超过15个词)
48.What does the daughter want to give the writer (不超过5个词)
49.How does the daughter feel when she goes out of the kitchen (不超过5个词)
50.What colour does the writer like (不超过5个词)
51.新考法·开放性设问 What do you learn about family relationships from the passage (不超过10个词)
根据教材中Understanding ideas部分的内容及所给提示,填入适当的内容补全短文。
Do you like watching films Postman in the Mountains is not a new film. Many people enjoy it 52 (因为它是感人的).
The father works as a postman for many years. 53 (他是忙碌的), so his son seldom see him. When the son 54 (长大), he does the job. On the 55 (son) way to work, the father follows the son and is ready to help him. 56 (在这一过程中), they don’t say many words, but they know more about 57 (彼此). The father 58 (对……感到高兴) the son’s growth.
Different parents show their love in different ways. How about your parents
comment, marry, build, high-speed, abroad
59.We hope a beautiful home by living a low-carbon life (低碳生活).
60.He always makes video calls to his family while he is .
61.—Can you give us a few on this film
—Sure. In my opinion, it is touching.
62.Bob will Gina next month. They are getting ready for their wedding (婚礼).
63.The trains are amazing. They make travels much easier than before.
A: Hello, Henry! You look upset.
B: Hello. My mother’s birthday is coming, but I don’t know what I can buy for her.
A: I see. 65
B: She likes enjoying delicious food. Oh, maybe I can cook for her as a gift.
A: Great idea! I’m sure she is happy because you remember her birthday.
B: Actually, I remember everyone’s birthday in my family.
A: That’s sweet. 66
B: There are 4 people in my family, my parents, my twin sister and me.
A: Does your family get along well with each other
B: 67 . We always support (支持) and help each other.
A: You have such a lovely family.
B: 68 .
Family Memories
Hi, everyone. I am very happy to share some memories about my home with you. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8.C 9.A 10.C
11.B 12.A 13.B
14.B 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.A
19.B 20.C 21.B
22.C 23.B 24.A 25.A 26.D
27.B 28.B 29.B 30.B 31.C 32.C 33.C 34.C 35.C 36.C
37.C 38.A 39.B 40.A 41.C 42.B 43.B 44.A 45.C 46.B
47.Because the daughter stands too close and the writer nearly knocks her over. 48.Some flowers. 49.She feels sad. 50.Blue. 51.I think we should be kind to our family members.
52.because it’s touching 53.He is busy 54.grows up 55.son’s 56.Along the way 57.each other 58.is happy about
59.to build 60.abroad 61.comments 62.marry 63.high-speed
64.What’s wrong/What’s the matter/the trouble (with you)/What’s up 65.What does your mother like/What’s your mother’s favourite thing 66.How many people are there in your family 67.Of course/Yes/Certainly 68.Thank you/Thanks a lot
Family Memories
Hi, everyone. I am very happy to share some memories about my home with you.
Last Sunday, my grandma celebrated her 80th birthday. All of my family came together to celebrate it.
My father bought a big cake for her. My grandma really liked the cake. My mother cooked some of my grandma’s favourite dishes. She also prepared a bowl of noodles for my grandma. It means longevity in Chinese culture. My grandma was moved and said thanks to my mum. I made a picture book for my grandma. I put all the pictures of our family in it. She said she was really lucky to have such a happy family. Family brought happiness to us. It is also the place to make us forget all the terrible memories.



上一篇:Module 12 Help 提升培优卷(含听力音频+答案)--2024-2025八年级上册 外研版

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