
(考试时间:100分钟 卷面总分:120分)
第一部分 听对话回答问题。本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间答题。
( )1. How are they going to the zoo
A. B. C.
( )2. Which animal are they talking about
A. B. C.
( )3. What’s Leo’s favourite subject
A. B. C.
( )4. Where has the boy been
A. B. C.
( )5. How does the girl feel now
A. Nervous. B. Excited. C. Relaxed.
( )6. Where did the boy find his math notebook
A. On the desk. B. In the bag. C. On the floor.
( )7. Why does the man learn German
A. To go to school in Germany.
B. To prepare for his trip to Germany.
C. To learn about German culture.
( )8. How has the weather been these days
A. Cold. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
( )9. How much is the blue skirt
A. 150yuan. B. 30yuan. C.180yuan.
( )10. What does the boy mean
A. He will go to Jane’s party tomorrow evening.
B. He will take the piano lesson tomorrow evening.
C. He will go to two different places tomorrow evening.
第二部分 听对话和短文答题。你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,听两遍。
( )11. Where will the girl go after school
A. To her home. B. To the library. C. To the English club.
( )12. Who will go to the party
A. The girl’s friends. B. The girl’s parents. C. The girl’s teachers.
Help animals
World Animal Day Time: October 13 Purpose: To make the world a better place for animals
Things you can do 14 animals. You can help look after homeless dogs or keep them at home.
Go outside to watch wildlife. You can see all kinds of animals and learn about their 15 .
Speak up for animals. You should tell their needs to the public.
( )13. A. 4th B. 5th C. 14th
( )14. A. Feed B. Train C. Love
( )15. A. good habits B. difficult situations C. different characters
( )16. When is the school trip
A. On February 8th. B. On February 18th. C. On February 28th
( )17. How long will the trip last
A. Two days. B. One week. C. Two weeks.
( )18. What special activity will be prepared on this trip
A. A dancing party. B. A birthday party. C. A magic show.
( )19. What does the speaker suggest wearing for the activity
A. Thick clothes. B. Beautiful clothes. C. Comfortable clothes.
( )20. Where can you find the speaker this afternoon
A. In the library. B. In the school hall. C. In the teaching building.
( )21. Luming Road Junior High School, like ______ beautiful garden, is a good place to study.
A. the B. a C. an D. /
( )22. Max has a good ______ of humor. He always tells us funny jokes.
A. feeling B. ability C. knowledge D. sense
( )23. —What was the weight of your sister when she was ______ birth
—She was about 2.5kg.
A. on B. at C. in D. for
( )24. Miss Lee asks Jimmy ______ computer games. He should do as she tells him.
A. not play B. not to play C. don’t play D. doesn’t play
( )25. —How fast did your brother run in the sports meeting last week
—My brother didn’t run ______ Sam.
A. so fast as B. as more quickly so C. so slower as D. as faster as
( )26. John ______ come to see us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.
A. must B. need C. can’t D. may
( )27. We should learn from her. She always finishes the work with ______ people and ______ time.
A. fewer; less B. fewer; more C. more; fewer D. more; less
( )28. To our surprise, the boys in our class can sing ______ than the girls.
A. more beautiful B. much more beautiful
C. much beautifully D. much more beautifully
( )29. You look tired. You’d better ______ a good rest.
A. to stop to have B. stop having
C. stop to have D. to stop having
( )30. —My mother says that we won’t go on a trip to Shanghai Disneyland. I just feel so sad.
—______ You were looking forward to it.
A. Never mind. B. Enjoy yourselves!
C. What a pity! D. Don’t worry about it.
Once upon a time, two hungry people got different gifts from an old man. One had a fishing rod (竿), 31 the other got a basket of fresh fish. Then, they went their own ways.
The person who got the fish made a fire and 32 the fish. The fish was delicious and he enjoyed his meal. He 33 finished all of the fish. Later, he died of hunger, because he had 34 left to eat. What about the other person The person with the fishing rod was still hungry. He walked to the beach step by step, but he was too 35 to go fishing by the time he got there. He also died of hunger at last.
There were another two people who also got a fishing rod and a basket of fish from the same old man. They had the 36 things as the first two people had. They 37 to find the sea together. At first, they cooked just one fish at a time as they traveled. Then, they arrived at the sea. They started to 38 fishing. Over time, they caught many fishes and started their own fishing business. Both of them lived 39 and rich lives.
The first two people couldn’t cooperate (合作) with each other. The second two made it and made their dreams come true 40 working together. What lesson can you learn from it
( )31. A. while B. when C. after D. if
( )32. A. sold B. fed C. freed D. cooked
( )33. A. long B. soon C. fast D. often
( )34. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
( )35. A. full B. scared C. tired D. excited
( )36. A. different B. same C. best D. following
( )37. A. agreed B. failed C. changed D. happened
( )38. A. take after B. take turns C. take off D. take place
( )39. A. poor B. different C. lazy D. happy
( )40. A. at B. in C. by D. on
Luming Boyue Growth Courses
School Time Course Place
Monday Chinese Painting Club School Library
Tuesday English Club Room 101
Wednesday DIY Cabin Dining Room
Thursday Magic Math Centre Room 202
Friday Creative Robot Club Room 303
You can search for more information at www.
( )41. If you are a DIY lover, you can’t miss ______.
A. Chinese Painting Club B. DIY Cabin
C. Sunshine Club D. Creative Robot
( )42. Simon wants to join the Creative Robot Club, where can he attend the class
A: Room 101. B. School Library. C. Room 202. D. Room 303.
( )43. Where can you find more information about these courses
A. In a magazine. B. In a guide book. C. On a website. D. In a newspaper.
Once a tortoise and two swans lived on a lake. They were very good friends. They spent many hours happily living together. To their bad luck, there was no rain that year. The lake became dry. So they had to leave the lake in search of another one to live.
The two swans could fly easily, but for the tortoise it was difficult. The three of them began to wonder, unsure of what to do next. At last, the two swans had an idea. They said to the tortoise, “We will place a stick (棍子) in your mouth. We will carry the stick in our beaks (鸟嘴) on either side. This will make us fly together. But remember, you must not open your mouth. If you do, you know what will happen to you.” The tortoise was sad to leave the lake, but it agreed to the idea happily.
One fine morning, they were flying over a large town. The people of the town were surprised at what they saw in the sky. They were very curious about it and started shouting excitedly.
The tortoise heard the noise and wondered what it was about. It forgot its promise and opened its mouth to ask curiously, “Why is there… Ah” Sadly, down fell the tortoise, and died.
The swans had no chance to save it. They were sad to lose their best friend but had to fly away and start their new life.
( )44. The underlined word “They” refers to ______.
A. The two swans B. The people of the town
C. The tortoise and the two swans D. The sticks
( )45. How did the story end for the tortoise and the swans
A. The tortoise lived happily ever after with the swans.
B. The swans tried to save the tortoise but it was too late.
C. The swans found a lake in the town and lived there.
D. The tortoise fell and died, and the swans had to move on.
( )46. What is the best title for the article
A. A Poor Tortoise. B. A Broken Stick. C. A Dry Lake. D. Two Silly Swans.
Suddenly, Peter remembers Tinker Bell. “Tink, Tink!” he calls. “Where is that fairy ”
“Peter!” Wendy says excitedly. “Is there a real fairy in the room ”
“Yes, but I don’t know where she is. Can you hear her ”
“I can only hear a tinkling sound, like small bells,” Wendy says.
“That’s Tink,” laughs Peter. “She’s speaking fairy language.” The tinkling sound is coming from the top drawer. Peter opens it and Tink flies out. She’s tinkling very loudly because she’s very angry.
“I’m sorry,” says Peter, “I’m sorry for shutting (关闭) you in the drawer, Tink.” The little fairy continue tinkling loudly.
“Peter, where do you live ” asks Wendy.
“With the Lost Boys. We live in Neverland. I’m their captain (首领).”
“What fun!”, cries Wendy.
“Yes, it is,” says Peter. “But we are lonely. There are no girls there, only boys! And no one tells us stories like your mother tells you and your brothers.”
“Oh, poor you!” cries Wendy. “I know lots and lots of stories!” Wendy says.
Peter takes her hands and pulls her to the window. “Wendy, come to Neverland with me and tell me stories!” Of course Wendy is very pleased. But she says, “Oh dear, I can’t. What about Mother And I can’t fly.”
“I can teach you,” says Peter, “You can fly around me and talk to the stars. And Wendy, there are mermaids (美人鱼) in Neverland!”
Peter is very clever. He knows the things that Wendy likes.
“Oh!” cries Wendy. “I’d love to see a mermaid, very exciting!” she says. “Can you teach John and Michael to fly, too ”
“If you like,” says Peter. Wendy goes and shakes John and Michael. “Wake up,” she cries, “Peter Pan can teach us to fly.” John opens his eyes and jumps out of bed. Michael gets up, too.
——Taken from Peter Pan
( )47. Who can tell stories for Wendy and her brothers
A. Wendy’s mother B. Tinker Bell C. Peter D. The Lost Boy
( )48. Where do they find the fairy “Tinker Bell” at last
A. In Neverland. B. Under the bed.
C. In the room of Wendy’s parents. D. In the top drawer
( )49. Which is the RIGHT order of what happened in the story
a. Wendy wakes up John and Michael.
b. Peter tells Wendy some things about Neverland.
c. Peter opens the drawer and Tink flies out.
d. Wendy wants Peter to teach them to fly.
A. c-a-d-b B. c-b-d-a C. a-d-b-c D. a-c-d-b
( )50. What can we infer (推断) according to the passage
A. Wendy will be the captain in Neverland.
B. The Lost Boys live in Neverland happily.
C. John and Michael will go to Neverland with Wendy.
D. Peter often tells the Lost Boys stories.
When you go to the park, you might notice many older people listening to audiobooks (有声书). Audiobooks have become quite popular these days. Why are more and more people choosing audiobooks over paper books Is listening to an audiobook just as beneficial (有益的) as reading a book
Reading needs us to focus (集中) all our attention on the words in a book, and we also need to find time and a place to sit down and read. However, you can listen to audiobooks any time and any place you like, and it gives your eyes a break, too.
But the big question is, do we get knowledge from audiobooks as effectively (有效地) as we do from paper books Researchers did a study to find the answer. Volunteers (志愿者) in Group One were asked to listen to an audiobook while volunteers in Group Two read a book of the same content (内容). It turned out that they recalled the same amount of information, whether they listened to it or read it.
Another study published in the Journal of Neuroscience further supported (支持) the result above. In the study, researchers scanned people’s brains when they listened to and read books, and they learned how their brains worked. The result showed that listening to audiobooks activates (激活) almost the same parts of the brain as reading does.
However, some people still believe that they learn better from reading paper books. One reason might be that when we listen to audiobooks, we are often multitasking (处理多个任务). “If you’ re trying to learn while doing two things, you’ re not going to learn as well,” Daniel Willingham, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, told The New York Times.
( )51. The audiobook users are freer (更自由) in ______ than paper book users.
A. price and age B. price and time
C. age and place D. time and place
( )52. What might the word “recall” mean
A. lose B. change C. remember D. speak
( )53. What do we know about the study in the Journal of Neuroscience
A. Researchers learned how people’s brains worked.
B. People need to read and listen to books at the same time.
C. People need to recollect the information in their heads.
D. Researchers activate people’s brains before reading.
( )54. Why do some people think paper books help them learn better than audiobooks
A. Because they can listen to audiobooks later.
B. Because people need to stay focused while reading paper books.
C. Because they can do other tasks at the same time while reading paper books.
D. Because they want to protect their cars.
( )55. What is the structure of the article (① = Paragraph 1 ② = Paragraph 2,…)
A. B. C. D.
China has a long and rich history with a great civilization (文明). Among the Chinese classics, The Book of Songs 《诗经》 and Historical Records 《史记》 are two of the most important works. 56. ______
The Book of Songs
The Book of Songs is the beginning of ancient Chinese poetry (诗 歌). 57. ______. When I read this book, I feel like I’m having a talk across time and space with people from thousands of years ago.
Among all the poems in this book, my favorite is called Homecoming After the War《采薇》. This poem mainly talks about how soldiers had to leave their homes to fight for many years. They missed their homeland very much. 58. ______. By reading the poem, we can understand what these soldiers went through and feel their sadness. It touches our hearts and makes us feel something deep inside.
Historical Records
Historical Records, or Shiji, is the first biographical (传记) general history of China Sima Oian, an official (官员) of the Western Han Dynasty, wrote it. The work records the events beginning with the famous Yellow Emperor. 59. ______ U I t covers around3,000 years.
In this book, I really like how the writer describes different people. 60. ______. They stood up for themselves and led a group of people against those in power. When I read this book, I can see how Sima Qian made the characters come alive with his words. He wrote good things about heroes and also criticized (批判) bad rulers.
A. It’s also the earliest collection (集) of poetry in China.
B. Let us read these two books together.
C. For example, there are also two farmers Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.
D. They find it difficult for kids to understand.
E. Also, the ending with the first years of the Han Wudi period are recorded in the work.
F. However, they couldn’t return because of the war.
The traditional Chinese solar calendar (阳历) divides the year into twenty-four solar terms (节气). Minor Snow (小雪), the 20th solar term of the year, begins on November 22 this year. Here are several things you should know about Minor Snow. Wearing hats and scarves In China, starting in Minor Snow, the wind blows from the northeast a lot. Many people do not wear hats or scarves yet. In fact, according to an old Chinese saying, “the head is the place where all passages of the body gather”. It’s necessary (必要的) to wear hats and scarves to keep one’s head warm. Drinking soup During Minor Snow, the air indoors is dry and most people might find their nose and mouth feels a bit dry. This will cause “inner heat” in one’s body. The key is to drink more hot soup. Eating rice cake In some areas of South China, people eat rice cakes around Minor Snow. In ancient times, rice cakes were a traditional festival offering to the bull god (牛神). Making pickled (腌制) vegetables and pork After Minor Snow, because of low temperature and dry air. It is the best time to start making preserved pork, which by the Chinese Spring Festival would be ready to enjoy. The people in Yancheng, Jiangsu province, have welcomed Minor Snow with making pickled vegetables. In addition, we like to eat hot and spicy food to keep warm. However, it’s not wise to eat much spicy food because that will increase inner heat. This year’s Minor Snow is coming, wish you be surrounded by a life full of warmth.
61. When does Minor Snow begin this year
62. How do people keep head warm in Minor Snow
63. What is the key to avoid (避免) causing “inner heat”
64. Where do people eat rice cakes around Minor Snow
65. Why is it not wise to eat much spicy food
66. Look! Those ______ (游泳者) are trying to swim across the lake.
67. You can find some information about travelling on the ______ (网络).
68. Most of us grew up in the countryside, with the beauty of ______ (大自然) around.
69. Students can borrow more books from the library ______ (在…期间) the Reading Week.
70. Being a good listener means you should be ______ (耐心的) enough when listening to others.
visit main sad active few
71. Giant pandas live ______ on a special kind of bamboo.
72. Now more and more ______ come to visit my hometown every year.
73. The tall man is very strong, but he is carrying ______ bags than the short man.
74. Benny seems tired and ______ because he spent the whole night solving that difficult problem.
75. The war between Palestine (巴勒斯坦) and Israel (以色列) is one of the ______ things that I have ever heard.
reach mix help act smile
76. Sandy’s ______ eyes make her look more beautiful.
77. ______ the colour yellow with red, and you can get orange.
78. All of us should ______ the Sports Center at 2 p.m. this afternoon.
79. The boy felt so ______ when he lost his way. Finally, a kind policeman helped him.
80. Wild animals face quite a few problems, so everybody should take ______ to protect them.
Emperor penguins (帝企鹅) are the largest of all penguin species. They live in Antarctica (南极洲), and their thick (厚的) feathers help them to keep w 81 . Most emperor penguins live with the same one for life. Females (雌性) lay eggs, then give them to the males (雄性). Then, the females go off to the ocean to l 82 for something to eat. The males need to protect the e 83 . Males eat n 84 and just care for the eggs, and it makes them lose half their body weight. Females come back well fed when it is time for the chicks to hatch, filling their stomachs (胃) with f 85 to feed to the newly hatched chicks. At this time, the males will go off to feed.
Do you like the emperor penguins in Antarctica S 86 , these cute animals may nearly die out by the year 2100 because of warming temperatures, according to a recent study published in Nature. Emperor penguins spend part of the year living o 87 the ice. They lay eggs and raise babies on the ice. But with warming temperatures, the sea ice m 88 break earlier than normal. The babies may die in the water, reported CNN.
The study looked at five emperor penguin groups in Antarctica. It found that last year, no babies survived (存活) in four of the f 89 groups. Peter did the study and s 90 this is the first time that so many penguin babies have died because of sea ice loss (减少). Let’s take action to help emperor penguins.
91. “A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts who you have become, and still, gently allows you to know. ” —William Shakspeare
俗话说,同道为朋,同志为友。在茫茫人海中,能够遇到好朋友,是一种缘分,也是一种幸运。请以“My ______ friend”为题,写一篇英文短文,分享你们之间的故事。
1.补全题目,如“true, best, kind, warm-hearted, helpful, patient, hard-working, generous”等;
My ______ friend
Friends are like an umbrella, whether it’s sunny or rainy, they will always be there for you. _______________
21-25 BDBBA 26-30 DADCC
31-35 ADBDB 36-40 BABDC
41-43 BDC 44-46 BDA 47-50 ADBC 51-55 DCABC 56-60 BAFEC
61. On November 22. 62. To wear hats and scarves 63. To drink more hot soup
64. In some areas of South China 65. Because they will increase inner heat.
66-70 swimmers Internet nature during patient
71-75 mainly visitors fewer inactive saddest
76-80 smiling Mix reach helpless actions
81-85 warm look eggs nothing food
86-90 Sadly on may five said



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