期末培优提升专项练习--阅读理解(无答案) 外研版(三起)英语四年级上册

Jim: Hi, Sue! Where are we going
Sue: We're going to the park.
Sue: What do you want to do
Jim: I want to fly kites.
Jim: How can we get to the park
Sue: On foot.
Jim: How long can we get
Sue: Only a few minutes.
Jim: OK! Let's go!
1.Where are they going ( )
A.The West Lake. B.The library. C.The park.
2.How can they get to the park ( )
A.By bus. B.By car. C.On foot.
3.What does Jim want to do ( )
A.He wants to sing. B.He wants to fly kites. C.He wants to dance.
4.How many children are looking at the photos ( )
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.
5.Is the horse running fast ( )
A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn’t. C.It’s jumping.
6.What’s the sheep doing ( )
A.It’s eating bread. B.It’s eating fruit. C.It’s eating vegetables.
7.What does Daming have ( )
A.A horse. B.A sheep. C.A cat.
8.Who is riding a horse ( )
A.Daming. B.Lingling. C.Amy.
Hi, I’m Lily. I’m from Canada. But now I live in China. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. I’m going to buy some fruit in the supermarket this afternoon. Next week, I’m going to visit Harbin. I’m going to see the snow. I’m going there by plane.
9.Lily is from ______. ( )
A.Canada B.England C.China
10.Tomorrow is ______. ( )
A.Chinese New Year B.Christmas Day C.Halloween
11.Lily is going to ______ in the supermarket. ( )
A.buy some eggs B.buy some flowers C.buy some fruit
12.Lily is going to visit ______ next week. ( )
A.Shanghai B.Guangzhou C.Harbin
13.Lily is going there by ______. ( )
A.train B.plane C.bus
Tom: Hello! Do you go to school every day
Lily: No, we go to school from Monday to Friday.
Tom: What are you going to do this Sunday
Lily: I am going to swim.
Tom: What about your brother Jack
Lily: He is going to fly a kite.
Tom: Where is he now
Lily: He is at home. He is making the kite.
Tom: Can I go and visit him
Lily: Sure. Let’s go.
14.Lily goes to school ________.( )
A.every day B.from Monday to Friday
15.Lily’s brother is ________.( )
A.Tom B.Jack
16.Jack is ________ now. ( )
A.at home B.at school
17.Jack is going to ________ this Sunday. ( )
A.swim B.fly a kite
18.Tom is going to ________ now. ( )
A.visit Lily B.visit Jack
Next week (下周) we are going to have a sports day. Wang Yong can run fast. He’s going to run the 400 metres. Lily can jump far. She’s going to do the long jump. Jack can jump high. He’s going to do the high jump. Xiaoming can swim fast. He is going to swim. PE is our favourite subject.
19.We are going to have a party. ( )
20.Wang Yong is going to run the 200 metres. ( )
21.We love PE very much. ( )
22.Lily can jump far. She’s going to do the high jump. ( )
23.Daming is going to swim. ( )
Amy: What are you going to do this weekend
Daming: I am going to visit my friend, Sarah.
Amy: Where does she live
Daming: She lives near the cinema.
Amy: Are you going to see a film
Daming: Yes, we are.
Amy: I am going to see a film, too. Let's go together.
Daming: Great!
24.Daming is going to visit his friend. ( )
25.Sarah lives far from the cinema. ( )
26.Daming is going to see a film. ( )
27.Amy is going together with Daming. ( )
Christmas is coming. The children are very happy. They decorate (装饰) the Christmas trees. They give presents and eat sweets. On Christmas Day, they get up very early and open the presents in their stockings (长筒抹). Then they wake up (叫醒) their parents and say ‘‘Merry Christmas!”
28.The children are very happy at Christmas. ( )
29.The children say “Merry Christmas!” to their parents. ( )
30.The children get up early on Christmas Day. ( )
31.The children don’t eat sweets at Christmas. ( )
32.The Spring Festival is coming. ( )
My name is Jim Green. I am twelve. This is my mother. She is a teacher. This is my father. His name is Jeff Green. He is a teacher too. He is an English teacher. This is my sister, Kate. She is eight. This is Polly. It is a bird.
33.Jim Green is eleven. ( )
34.Jim Green’s mother is a teacher. ( )
35.Jim Green’s father is a Chinese teacher. ( )
36.Jim Green’s sister is twelve. ( )
37.Jim Green has a bird. ( )



上一篇:期末精选练习【阅读理解】(无答案)--牛津译林版 小学英语五年级上册
