Unit 1 How can we become good learners?基础巩固训练卷(含答案)

九年级英语Unit 1基础巩固训练卷
Section A基础训练
1.教科书;课本 n. 12. 秘密 n.‖秘密的 adj. .
2.交谈;谈话 n. ……的秘密 .
3.大声地;出声地 adv. 13.查阅;抬头看 .
4.发音;读音 n. 14.语法 n. .
5.起初 15.重复;重做v. .
6.逐字地 16.笔记 n.‖注意;指出 ν. .
7.句子 n. 做笔记 .
8.有耐心的 adj.‖病人 n. 17.朋友;伙伴 n. .
→耐心 n. 18.物理;物理学 n. .
9.爱上 →物理学的 adj. .
10.表情;表示;表达方式 n. 19.化学 n. .
→表达;表示 v. 20.记忆;记住v. .
11.发现;发觉v. 21.模式;方式 n. .
→发现 n. .
Do you friends in English
reading aloud to practice pronunciation
It's spoken English.
you read, you'll be.
I could not understand everything the characters said, their
and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning.
I want to learn new words and more grammar I can have a better understanding of English movies.
( )1.-Julia, your mobile phone is ringing.
-Wait a minute. It's dangerous it while I am crossing the street.
A.answering B. answer C. to answer D. answered
( )2.— do you improve your spoken English
- speaking English with a foreign teacher online.
A.Where; In B.How;By C. What;For D. When; With
( )3. In order to protect the environment, many people choose to go to work
A.in B. on C.by D.at
( )4.The we do for other people, the we'll be.
A. much;happier B. more; happy
C. more; happier D.most;happiest
( )5.— go to the movies with me tonight
-Good idea!
A. What about B. Why not C. Would you like
1. People usually use a knife to cut things.(改为同义句)
People usually cut things .
2. Watching English programs on TV is a good way to learn English.(改为同义句)
a good way to learn English watching English programs on TV.
3. I find that it is boring to listen to the speech.(改为同义句)
I find boring to the speech.
4. Jane learns Chinese by studying on the Internet.(就画线部分提问)
Jane learn Chinese
Section B 基础训练
1.发音v. →有创造力的 adj. .
→ 发音 n. 10.大脑 n. .
2.增加;增长v. 11.活跃的;积极的 adj. .
增加到 → 活跃地 adv. .
增加了 12.注意;关注 n. .
3.速度 n. 注意;关注 .
4.回顾;复习v.&n. 13.(使)连接;与···有联系 v. .
5.搭档;同伴 n. 把···和···连接或联系起来 .
6.出生 v.‖天生的 adj. 14.一夜之间;在夜间 adv. .
天生具有 15.知识;学问 n. .
7.能力;才能 n. 16.终身的;毕生的 adj. .
→有能力的 adj. 17.明智地;聪明地 adv. .
8.取决于 →明智的 adj. .
9.创造;创建v. .
But you can do this well depends on your learning habits.
Studies show that you are something, your brain is more active and it is also you to pay attention to it for a longtime.
Good learners often connect they need to learn something interesting.
Good learners what they are good at and what they need
一、补全对话(根据教材P2 Section A 2d改编)
A: I haven't finished reading the book.
B: 1. You still have three days left.
A: But I'm a very slow reader.
B: Just read quickly to get the main ideas.2. Read word groups.
A: But I need to look new words up.
B: 3. .
A: That sounds difficult.
B: Well, be patient. 4. The more you read, the faster you'll be.
A: 5. .
B: You're welcome.
A. It takes time.
B. Take it easy.
C. Thank you for your advice.
D. Don't read word by word.
E. I have to use a dictionary.
F.You can guess the meaning of a word by reading the sentences before and after it.
二、短文填空(根据教材P3 Section A 3a改编)
call answer pronounce because express real excite use classmate fall
Last year, I did not like my English class. I was afraid to 1. questions in class. My 2. was poor. And I found that a lot of my 3. were just like me. When the teacher asked a question, I always lowered my head 4. I was afraid that the teacher saw me. Then one day an English movie 5. Toy Story caught my eye. It was 6.
and funny. I began to watch other English movies. The actors' body language and the 7. on their faces helped me understand the characters. I didn't need to understand everything. I only needed to understand the keywords. I 8. in love with the way of learning English. My pronunciation was better. Listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. I looked up new words when it was necessary. I also learned some 9.
expressions, such as"It's a piece of cake"or "It serves you right". Now I 10.
enjoy my English class.
Section A基础训练
一、1. textbook 2. conversation 3.aloud 4. pronunciation 5. at first 6. word by word
7. sentence 8. patient; patience 9. fall in love with 10.expression;express 11. discover; discovery 12. secret; the secret to 13. look up 14. grammar 15. repeat 16. note; take notes
17. pal 18. physics; physical 19.chemistry 20. memorize 21. pattern
二、 1. have conversations with 2. What/How about 3. too hard/difficult to understand
4. The more; the faster 5. Although/Though; body language 6. so that
一、1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B
二、1. by using knives/with a knife 2. It's; by 3. it; to listen 4. How does
Section B基础训练
一、1. pronounce; pronunciation 2. increase; increase to; increase by 3. speed 4. review 5.partner 6. born; be born with 7. ability; able 8. depend on 9.create;creative 10. brain 11. active;actively 12. attention; pay attention to 13. connect; connect...with... 14. overnight 15. knowledge 16. lifelong 17. wisely; wise
二、1. whether or not 2. if; interested in; easier for 3. what; with 4. think about; to practice
一、、1.B2.D 3.F4.A 5.C
二、1. answer 2.pronunciation 3. classmates 4. because 5. called 6. exciting 7. expressions 8. fell 9. useful 10. really
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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上一篇:Unit 1 You and Me 第2课时Section A Pronunciation-2e 课后练习(含答案)【课堂无忧】人教2024版七上英语

下一篇:Unit 1 Let's be friends! 单元测试 (含答案含听力原文无音频)