Unit 1 You and Me 第2课时Section A Pronunciation-2e 课后练习(含答案)【课堂无忧】人教2024版七上英语

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学科 英语 年级 七年级上册
课题 Section A Pronunciation-2e
使用教材 新人教版 出版日期 2024年
姓名 学校 班级 学号
了解中英文姓名的差异和中外文化差异,提高跨文化意识。 使用正确的语音、 语调和肢体语言,分角色对话,学会正确运用本堂课所学重点知识句型。
) 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 What c___________ are you in I don’t like to make ____________.(错误) Let’s know more ______________.(同学) We are in the s____________ class. W_____________ is she from 根据要求翻译句子 6.我们在同一个年级。刘老师是我们的英语老师。 We’re ____ _______ __________ __________.Ms Liu is our ___________ __________. 7.如果你了解她,你就会发现她是一个善良的女孩。 If you _________ ______ __________her, you will find that she is a kind girl. 8.他们喜欢互相学习。 They like to learn from_________ ____________. 9.Linda今年12岁了。 Linda is 12_________ _________. 10.她来自英国,是一个英国的女孩。 She is from _______ _________ and she is ______ _________girl. 三、按要求完成句子 11.Their class teacher is Mr Liu.(划线部分提问) _________ ________ their class teacher 12.My first name is Peter.(划线部分提问) ________ _________ your first name 13.I am from Changsha.(划线部分提问) _________ _________ you from 14.Lily is 13 years old.(划线部分提问) _________ ________ is Lily 15.I s she Lingling (否定回答) No,___________ ____________. (
) 四、单项选择 16.—Hello,Tommy.___________Lisa. —Nice to meet you ! A.He is B.His name is C.This is D.Her name —Nice to meet you,Miss Li. —_____________. Very well B. Thank you. C.Nice to meet you. D.How’s the weather. The girl is Grace Brown.Grace is her__________name and her __________name is Brown. first;last B.last;first C.first;first D.last;first We think China is a beautiful_____________. city B.country C.university D.park —Where__________pandas from —__________from China. are;It’s B.is;It’s C.are;They’re D.is;They’re 五、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Good morning. 21 are you Nice to meet you. My name is Nancy Hand. Nancy is my 22 (one) name. Hand is my last name. I am from the UK. I am 13 years old. I’m a student 23 China now. I’m in Xingzhi Middle School. Students in my class 24 (be) very nice. I like to play(玩) with them. Peter is in Class One, Grade Seven. He’s my classmate. I can 25 (spell) his name, P-E-T-E-R. He’s 13, too. He likes black very much. He has a black phone, three black 26 (ruler) and a black eraser. And 325-2145 is 27 (he) telephone number. Cathy is my friend. She’s 28 English girl. Her favourite color is white. She has a white jacket, a white pen 29 a white cup. Her favorite 30 (number) are six and eight, because she thinks they are lucky numbers. Her telephone is red. Her telephone number is 365-2458. 六、完形填空 Hello! My name is Guo Qiang. I come from No. 6 Middle School in Guangzhou. You can 31 me Smart. I like this English name because I want to become 32 . I’m a 13-year-old boy. I don’t look very tall, 33 I am as healthy and strong as other boys. Every day I get up early. I’m interested in all my subjects and I love PE best. Basketball is my favourite sport. I 34 a lot about many basketball stars like Kobe, Yi Jianlian and Jeremy Lin. And I 35 to be a great basketball player. I 36 live in Guangzhou. If you ask me questions about this beautiful city, I can tell you a lot very 37 . I think it is one of the biggest and 38 cities in the world. You can see tall buildings, 39 streets and nice parks. People like to visit, work or live here because it is beautiful. Now I’m in 40 Seven. If I go to college (大学), the first city I’d like to choose (选择) is Guangzhou. I also want to work in Guangzhou. 31.A.learn B.know C.call 32.A.useful B.clever C.funny 33.A.and B.but C.so 34.A.know B.make C.worry 35.A.hate B.want C.feel 36.A.always B.seldom C.sometimes 37.A.slowly B.carefully C.easily 38.A.worst B.best C.smallest 39.A.dirty B.clean C.loud 40.A.Grade B.Class C.Team 七、阅读理解 What’s behind a Chinese name 你的名字有什么特殊的意义吗? What does your given name (名字) mean In China, given names always have special meanings. They show the culture of an era. In the old days, given names such as Wangcai (making the family prosperous and rich) were popular. During the 1950s and 1960s, many boys had given names such as “building the country” (Jianguo) and “celebrating (庆祝) National Day” (Guoqing). Girls had names of flowers like Guihua and Hehua. During the 1970s, many children got the given name of Bo (博), or Yuhang (宇航). Their parents wanted them to learn more and have big dreams. Last year, the Shanghai World Expo made Shibo (世博) a popular given name. Over 6,200 babies got the name of Shibo in the first nine months of last year, according to Xinhua News Agency. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 41.In the old days, which given names were popular A.Goudan. B.Wangcai. C.Shibo. D.Guoqing. 42.In 1965, ________ might be a boy’s name. A.Jianguo B.Guihua C.Wangcai D.Shibo 43.We can find the following names in the passage except (除了) ________. A.Guoqing B.Hehua C.Zhangwei D.Yuhang 44.During the 1970s, why did many parents give children the name of Bo or Yuhang A.Because they wanted their family rich. B.Because they hoped their children to build the country. C.Because these names sounded beautiful. D.Because they wanted their children to learn more and have big dreams. 45.How many babies were given the name of “Shibo” in the first nine months of last year A.6,100. B.6,200. C.6,300. D.6,400.
【答案】1.lass 2.mistakes 3.classmates 4.here
【答案】6. in the same class; English teacher 7.get to know 8.each other 9.years old 10.the UK; an English
【答案】11.Who is 12.What is 13.Where are 14.How old 15. she isn’t
【答案】C C A B C
21.How 22.first 23.in 24.are 25.spell 26.rulers 27.his 28.an 29.and 30.numbers
21.句意:你好吗?根据“are you ”可知,此处是问候语,How are you表示“你好吗”。故填How。
22.句意:南希是我的名。根据“My name is Nancy Hand.”和常识可知,Nancy是名“first name”。故填first。
29.句意:她有一件白色夹克,一支白色钢笔和一个白色杯子。此处“a white jacket”,“a white pen”和“a white cup”三者是并列关系,用and。故填and。
31.C 32.B 33.B 34.A 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.B 39.B 40.A
learn学会;know知道;call叫做。根据“I like this English name”可知,此处指的是“可以叫我聪明”,故选C。
useful有用的;clever聪明的;funny有趣的。根据“me Smart”可知,因为想变聪明,所以叫做“聪明”,故选B。
know知道,认识;make制作;worry担心。根据“Basketball is my favourite sport. I...a lot about many basketball stars like Kobe, Yi Jianlian and Jeremy Lin.”可知,认识很多明星,故选A。
hate讨厌;want想要;feel感觉。根据“to be a great basketball player.”可知,想要成为篮球运动员,故选B。
always总是;seldom很少;sometimes有时。根据“If you ask me questions about this beautiful city, I can tell you a lot”以及“If I go to college (大学), the first city I’d like to choose (选择) is Guangzhou.”可知,作者一直待在广州,故选A。
slowly慢慢地;carefully仔细地;easily容易地。根据“If you ask me questions about this beautiful city, I can tell you a lot”及下文的介绍可知,可以很容易地说出很多关于这个城市的事情,故选C。
worst最差的;best最好的;smallest最小的。根据“the first city I’d like to choose (选择) is Guangzhou”可知,广州是最好的城市之一,故选B。
Grade年级;Class班级;Team团队。根据“I’m a 13-year-old boy.”可知,作者在七年级,故
【答案】41.B 42.A 43.C 44.D 45.B
41.细节理解题。根据“In the old days, given names such as Wangcai (making the family prosperous and rich) were popular.”可知,在过去,像旺财这样的名字很流行。故选B。
42.细节理解题。根据“During the 1950s and 1960s, many boys had given names such as “building the country” (Jianguo) and “celebrating (庆祝) National Day” (Guoqing). Girls had names of flowers like Guihua and Hehua.”可知,20世纪50-60年代,男孩一般取名“建国”、“国庆”,女孩取名“桂花”和“荷花”。故选A。
43. 细节理解题。通读全文可知,文中提到了Guoqing(国庆),Hehua(荷花),Yuhang(宇航),没有提到Zhangwei(张伟)。故选C。
44.细节理解题。根据“During the 1970s, many children got the given name of Bo (博), or Yuhang (宇航). Their parents wanted them to learn more and have big dreams.”可知,70年代的父母给孩子取名“博”或“宇航”,是想要他们学习更多,拥有更大的梦想。故选D。
45.细节理解题。根据“Over 6,200 babies got the name of Shibo in the first nine months of last year”可知,去年前9个月,有超过6200名婴儿被取名为“世博”。故选B。
ugly丑的;same相同的;clean干净的;beautiful漂亮的。根据下文“I will show you something nice. Please take this great orange.”可知,国王又看上了这个金杯,想用心爱的大橘子来换。故选D。
【答案】文章以第一人称介绍了John Brown的家庭情况。
6.细节理解题。根据“In England, a family like this is a big one.”可知John来自英国。故选D。
7.细节理解题。根据“My brother is a doctor. He works in a hospital.”可知John的弟弟在医院里工作。故选A。
8.细节理解题。根据“I’m John Brown. ... I teach English in a high school.”可知在这个家里,John是一名老师。故选C。
9.词义猜测题。根据“She is a housewife.”可知是一名家庭主妇,应是做家务,housewotk意为“家务劳动”。故选B。
10.标题归纳题。文章主要介绍John的家庭情况,以“My Family”做标题最合适。故选B。
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