人教版(2024)七年级上册Starter Unit Unit 2 Keep Tidy! Section A 1a-2d 练习题(含答案)

人教版七年级上册 Starter unit 2keep tidy Section A 1a-2d 练习题
1. What color is the sky It's ______.
A. white B. blue C. black D. green
2. The apple is ______.
A. red B. purple C. brown D. gray
3. Which color is the grass It's ______.
A. yellow B. pink C. green D. orange
4. The pen is ______.
A. black B. white C. purple D. blue
5. What color is the snow It's ______.
A. black B. brown C. white D. gray
1. The banana is (yellow).
2. The rose is (red).
3. The cloud is (white).
4. The grape is (purple).
5. The tree is (green).
1. Red A. 天空
2. Blue B. 香蕉
3. Yellow C. 葡萄
4. Purple D. 玫瑰
5. Green E. 树叶
1. The traffic light is (red) now. We must stop.
2. The leaves in autumn are (yellow) and (red).
3. My favorite color is (blue). I like the blue sky.
4. The walls of my room are (white).
5. Her dress is (pink). It's very beautiful.
There are many colors in the world. Some colors are very popular. Red is a hot color. It makes people feel excited. Blue is a calm color. It makes people feel peaceful. Green is the color of nature. It makes people feel relaxed. Yellow is a bright color. It makes people feel happy.
1. Which color makes people feel excited
A. Red B. Blue C. Green D. Yellow
2. Which color makes people feel peaceful
A. Red B. Blue C. Green D. Yellow
3. What color is the color of nature
A. Red B. Blue C. Green D. Yellow
4. Which color makes people feel happy
A. Red B. Blue C. Green D. Yellow
5. How many colors are mentioned in the passage
A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six
答 案
1. B (天空是蓝色的)
2. A (苹果是红色的)
3. C (草是绿色的)
4. D (钢笔可以是蓝色的)
5. C (雪是白色的)
1. yellow
2. red
3. white
4. purple
5. green
1. Red - D (玫瑰是红色的)
2. Blue - A (天空是蓝色的)
3. Yellow - B (香蕉是黄色的)
4. Purple - C (葡萄是紫色的)
5. Green - E (树叶是绿色的)
1. red
2. yellow; red
3. blue
4. white
5. pink
1. A (文中提到 Red is a hot color. It makes people feel excited. 红色让人感到兴奋。)
2. B (Blue is a calm color. It makes people feel peaceful. 蓝色让人感到平静。)
3. C (Green is the color of nature. 绿色是大自然的颜色。)
4. D (Yellow is a bright color. It makes people feel happy. 黄色让人感到开心。)
5. B (文中提到了 red, blue, green, yellow 四种颜色。)



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