新概念英语第二册Lesson 30 练习题(无答案)

一、根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词, 并注意运用其正确形式。
1.They quickly _ (划船) across the lake.
2.In order not to be late, she _ (穿过) across the fields.
3.Their first _ (看见) of land came after three days at sea.
4.She is _ (几乎) fifty now.
5.He _ (踢) the football out of the field.
6.I saw her walking _ (朝向) the bank.
7. 飞机飞得很快现在已经看不见了。
The plane flies so fast and now it is not_____________ ____________.
8. 一个暖和的日子,安妮和往常一样来到河边散步并坐在了岸边。
It was a warm day, and Annie walked along the river and sat ____________ the river _____________.
9. 打碎玻璃的男孩跑了。
The boy who broke the window _____________ ____________.
10. 玛丽跑过去帮助那位摔倒沟里的盲人。
Mary ran to help the blind man who ____________ into the ditch.
11. 当船开始下沉的时候,人们没有意识到发生了什么。
When the ship began to sink, people didn’t _____________ what happened.
二、请从a, the, some或者any中选出适当的词填入下面的横线上。
1. There isn't milk in the fridge. You'd better buy some.
2. If you go by train, you can have quite comfortable journey.
3. We couldn't eat in a restaurant because none of us had money on us.
4. I asked him for some oil, but he hadn't .
5.—There isn't water here. Could you get for me
—All right.
6. This is one of most interesting books I've ever read.
三、单项选择(从所结选项A, B, C和D中选出最佳选项)。
1. this street, turn right at the second corner and then you will find the bank.
A. Cut down B. Cut across C. Cut off D. Cut in
2. I kept my car while I was fishing by a stream.
A.in sight B. out of sight C. catching sight of D. losing sight
3. They were all very tired, but_______ of them would stop to take a rest.
A. any B. some C. none D. neither
4. There is a man the guitar under the tree.
A. plays B. played C. to play D. playing
5. It was raining heavily that we couldn't go for a picnic(野餐).
A. such B. too C.so D. very
6. A new teacher was sent to the village in place of_______ one who had retired.
A. a B. the C.an D. its
7. When I opened the door, the clock was____ twelve.
A. beating B. striking C. hitting D. knocking
8. The man________ to the teacher is our monitor's father.
A. speaks B. spoken C. to speak D. speaking
9. I promised to________ her after the examination.
A. call on B. call at C. call out D. call for
10. He says he usually goes to the park_________quiet evenings.
A.in B. on C.at D. during
11. Columbus called people of the New World “Indians”.
A. a B. the C. an D. /
12. The disease went_____ the village like a wind during the war.
A. over B. around C. along D. through
13. Your hair is so long and you'd better have it_______tomorrow.
A. cut B. took C. gave D. borrowed
14.There is not______ juice in the bottle, but there is some in the jug(壶).
A. some B. any C. many D. more
15. My father walks_____ quickly___ I cannot catch up with him.
A. too, to B. too, that C. so, that D. so, too
16. Susan was born in a village which is two miles the city.
A. by B. over C. inside D. from
17. The train______ already left when I got to the station.
A. had B. has C. have D.is
18. On Sunday afternoon, Harry always plays with his classmates______ the rivet bank.
A.at B.in C. on D. /
19. He ran so far away that he couldn't hear me though I called .
A. out B. for C.in D. of
20. Rebecca's appearance has changed so much that you______ not recognize her.
A. must B. need C. may D. have to
3.我太紧张了, 以至于一句话都说不出来。



