Unit 1 You and Me单元检测卷(含答案)人教版(2024)七年级上册

时间:120分钟 满分:100分
( )1.-Sorry, there aren't enough books for everyone to have one .
-It doesn't matter. We can share one as a group.
A.both B. every C. all D. each
( )2.-How many sisters does Lin Tao have in his family
-He has two sisters. One is a driver, and is a teacher.
A.other B. others C. another D. the other
( )3.-I have too many tasks to finish these days.
-No wonder you seem to be so recently.
A.empty B. cold C. full D. brave
( )4. My brother is in .
A. class two, grade seven B. Grade Seven, Class Two
C. Class Two, Grade Seven D. Class two, Grade seven
( )5. careful you are, mistakes you will make.
A. The more, the fewer B. The more, the less
C. The less, the fewer D. The more, the more
( )6. My best friend Larry is outgoing boy. We are same.
A.a;the B.an;/ C.an;the D.the;the
( )7.-The twins have lessons for eight hours at weekends.But of them feel great.
-How hard-working they are!
A.some B.any C.both D. all
( )8. A means a small group of musicians who play popular music together.
A.team B. club C.band D.group
( )9.-What can I do for you, sir
-I'd like to the card to my daughter.
A.catch B.post C.keep D. match
( )10. Maria would like to play guitar when she is free.
A.a B.an C.the D./
( ) 11. - -I'd like some bread and a cup of black tea.
A. What do you want to eat B. What would you like
C. What kind of tea do you like D. What size bread would you like
( )12. The students can't find much about the writer on the Internet.
A.moments B.stories C.documents D.information
( )13. -What's your - I like singing.
A.name B. hobby C.subject D.address
( )14.-Tom, you play tennis so well. Could you please teach me at weekends
- .
A. Never mind B. No problem C. You're right D. That's all right
( )15.-I watched the new film Kung Fu Panda 4 last weekend. It was so wonderful.
- I also think it is one of the best films.
A. That's all right. B. No problem.
C. I agree with you. D. Come on.
( ) 16. - they their classroom -No, they aren't.
A.Do;clean B.Are;clean C.Are; cleaning D. Does;clean
( ) 17. - -Yes, they are. And I'm in Class 4, too.
A. Is she Nancy B. Are Amy and Nancy in Class 4
C. Is Nancy your cousin D. Are Amy and Nancy English girls
( )18. -Are there any flowers in your school - .
A. Yes, there is B. Yes, there are any
C. No, there isn't D. No, there aren't
( )19.-Hi, Mary. is your family trip going to the farm
-It's great. We all have fun there.
A.Where B. When C. What D.How
( )20.— are koalas from -They're from Australia.
A.Where B. What C. Who D. Which
Good afternoon, boys and girls. My 21 is Cherry King. I am from the USA, but now I am 22 China. My father and mother are here(在这里),too. I am a 23 school student. I am in Class Three, Grade Seven. I have some good 24 at school. They are very friendly(友好的) and 25 to me. I like them very much. Please look(看) here. What is this Oh, it is my 26 . My mother buys the jacket for me.The 27 of it is red and yellow. And what's that It's a cup. Is it 28 cup, too No, it is my brother's. It is blue. He has 29 cups. One is blue and three are white. I have one cup. It's green.
My phone 30 is 467-0936. Do you want to make friends with me
( )21.A.phone B.name C. school D.card
( )22.A.from B.at C.in D.for
( )23.A.middle B.first C.last D.next
( )24.A.keys B.rulers C.cups D.friends
( )25.A.nice B.red C.green D.brown
( )26. A. map B.jacket C.book D.pen
( )27.A.afternoon B.morning C.color D.evening
( )28. A. her B.your C.his D.my
( )29. A. two B.three C.four D.five
( )30.A.number B.English C.orange D.quilt
My name's Salina. I am an American girl. I am twelve years old. I am in Class Six, Grade Seven. Yang Li is a Chinese girl. She is thirteen. She is a good girl. She's in Class Six, Grade Seven.too. Mr Hand is our English teacher. His full name is Martin Hand. He is very nice. Our Chinese teacher is Miss Zhang. She's a good teacher.
( )31. Salina is a Chinese girl.
( )32. Yang Li is fourteen.
( )33. Salina and Yang Li are in Class Eight, Grade Seven.
( )34. Miss Zhang is their English teacher.
( )35. Mr Hand is very nice.
Do you know English people's family names Everyone(每个人) has a family name. But what does it mean(意思是)? What do family names come from
First, some family names are from the place(地点) of people's homes. If a man lives on or near a hill, his family name may be Hill. In England, people's family names may be Wood or Lake,because they live near the wood or lake(树林或湖). Second, family names are from a person's job.If a person is a cook, he may be Mr Cook. Third, many people get their family names from their fathers' given names. If you hear the family name "Jackson", you will know that he is the son of Jack.
( )36. Some family names come from the place of .
A. people's homes B. people's habits
C. people's dreams D. people's schools
( )37. If a man lives near a lake, what may his family name be
A. Hill. B. Wood. C.Lake. D. Cook.
( )38. If you hear the family name "Jackson", you will know that he is the son of
A.Tom B.Jack C.Jasper D. Daniel
( )39. How many kinds of family names are mentioned(提到)
A.One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
( )40. What's the best title of the passage
A. A Cook B. English People's Family Names
C. Hill and Lake D. Jack's Father
how, be, one, he, ruler, and, number, an, spell, in
Good morning. 41. are you Nice to meet you. My name is Nancy Hand. Nancy is my 42. name. Hand is my last name. I am from the UK. I am 13 years old. I'm a student 43. China now. I'm in Xingzhi Middle School. Students in my class 44. very nice. I like to play(玩) with them.
Peter is in Class One, Grade Seven. He's my classmate. I can 45. his name, P-E-T-E-R. He's 13, too. He likes black very much. He has a black phone, three black 46.
and a black eraser. And 325-2145 is 47. telephone number. Cathy is my friend. She's 48. English girl. Her favourite color is white. She has a white jacket, a white pen 49. a white cup. Her favorite 50. are six and eight, because she thinks they are lucky numbers. Her telephone is red. Her telephone number is 365-2458.
A: Good morning!
B:51. .
A: My name's Maria White. 52. .
B: Yes, I'm Grace.53. .
A: Nice to meet you, too. A girl is there. Do you know her
B: Yes, I do.
A:54. .
B: Her name is Jane Green.
A: Look at that boy. Is he your friend Jeff Brown
B:55. My friend's name is Mike Brown.
A: I see. Thank you.
A. What's her name B. No, he isn't.
C. Are you Grace D. Nice to meet you.
E. Yes, he is. F. Good morning! G. What kind of fruit do you like
56. Do you have trouble (remember) the names of your new classmates
57. Oh, no! I'm really sorry, Madam. I (mistake)8 for 3.
58. Lucy and Lily are twins(双胞胎). They (be)12 years old.
59. America and China are both large (country).
60. James is taking these flower (pot) into his room.
61. The kid is not good at (play)tennis.
62. My teachers are all very nice. I love (they).
63. Jim sits next to me,on (I)left.
64. Do you like singing Please come and join (we).
65. It's important for (he)to eat much fruit.
I want to with young people from all over the world!
Here is the library and you can't chat with .
I can learn from the book.
69. Tony 是他的名字,Smith 是他的姓。
Tony is his first name and Smith is his .
I learn more about Chinese history.
I.1-5 DDCCB 6-10 CCCBC 11-15 BDBBC 16-20 CBDDA
II.21-25 BCADA 26-30 BCDCA
III.31-35 BBBBA 36-40 ACBCB
IV.41.How 42.first 43.in 44.are 45.spell 46.rulers 47.his 48.an 49.and 50.numbers
V.51-55 FCDAB
Ⅵ.56.remembering 57. mistook 58.are 59. countries 60.pots 61.playing 62. them 63. my 64.us 65. him
Ⅶ.66.make friends 67.each other 68.a lot 69.last/family name 70.would like
Ⅷ.My name is Jenny Smith. Jenny is my first name. Smith is my last name. I'm 13 years old. I am in No. 1 Middle School. My telephone number is 916-7398.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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