
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从16-30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。
A wise man was on his long journey with a young man. Night was falling, so they decided to find a place 1. . They searched for a long time and at last found a tiny old house. A poor family lived in it. They gave the two visitors a warm welcome and prepared a simple meal 2. them including fresh milk and cheese.
After the meal, the wise man asked how they made a living in such a poor place. In a low voice the husband replied, "We have 3. cow. We sell her milk to our neighbors and keep some for 4. own needs — make some cheese and cream."
The next morning, the two visitors continued their journey. 5. they walked a few miles, the wise man said to the young man, "Go back and push the cow off the cliff(悬崖)." "Why Without the cow, they 6. nothing." The wise man repeated his order, "Go back and 7. the cow."
The young man was 8. about the future of the family. 9. finally he returned to the old house and did as the wise man told him.
A few years later, the young man 10. on the same road. He decided to visit the family again. To his 11. , he saw a large house with a beautiful garden there.
He knocked on the door and a well-dressed man answered it. He was the son of the family. The man invited him to enter the house and told him 12. their life changed. "You know, we had 13. but a cow to keep us alive years ago. But one day she fell off the cliff and died. We had to come up with new ways of 14. a living. You see, we are much 15. than before." At his words, the young man smiled.
1.A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. stays
2.A. with B. for C. to D. by
3.A. a B. an C. the D. /
4.A. we B. us C. our D. ours
5.A. While B. When C. If D. After
6.A. will have B. have C. having D. has
7.A. killed B. kill C. to kill D. killing
8.A. worry B. worries C. worried D. worriedly
9.A. So B. And C. Although D. But
10.A. travelled B. travels
C. travelling D. has travelled
11.A. surprised B. surprise C. surprisedly D. surprising
12.A. what B. when C. how D. where
13.A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing
14.A. making B. make C. made D. to making
15.A. good B. better C. best D. well
1.句意:夜幕降临了,所以他们决定找个地方住。stay停留,动词不定式;stay动词原形;staying动名词;stays第三人称单数。根据"Night was falling, so they decided to find a place ..."可知,找到住的地方,用不定式表目的。故选A。
2.句意:他们热情地欢迎了两位客人,并为他们准备了一顿简单的饭菜,包括新鲜的牛奶和奶酪。with和;for为了;to向,朝着;by通过。prepare sth. for sb."为某人准备……"。故选B。
4.句意:我们把她的牛奶卖给邻居,自己留一些,用来做奶酪和奶油。we我们,主格;us我们,宾格;our我们的,形容词性物主代词;ours我们的,名词性物主代词。根据"own needs"可知,应用形容词性物主代词our修饰。故选C。
5.句意:他们走了几英里后,智者对年轻人说。While与……同时;When当……时候;If如果;After在……之后。根据"Go back and push the cow off the cliff (悬崖)."可知,智者叫年轻人把牛推下悬崖是在他们走了几英里后。故选D。
6.句意:没有奶牛,他们将一无所有。will have将有,一般将来时;have动词原形;having动名词;has第三人称单数。根据"Without the cow, they ... nothing."及上文可知,奶牛是这户人家赖以生存的根本,没有了奶牛,他们将什么也没有。故选A。
7.句意:回去把牛杀了。killed杀死,过去式;kill动词原形;to kill动词不定式;killing动名词。根据"Go back and"可知,and表示并列,前后形式一致,故此处应用动词原形。故选B。
8.句意:年轻人担心这个家庭的未来。worry担心,动词原形;worries担忧,名词复数;worried担心的,形容词;worriedly担心地,副词。根据空前"was"可知,此处应用形容词,be worried about意为"对……担忧"。故选C。
9.句意:但最后他还是回到了老房子,按照智者的话做了。So因此;And而且;Although尽管;But但是。根据"The young man was ... about the future of the family."和"... finally he returned to the old house and did as the wise man told him."可知,前后句为转折关系。故选D。
10.句意:几年后,这个年轻人又在这条路上旅行。travelled旅行,过去式;travels第三人称单数;travelling动名词;has travelled现在完成时。根据"A few years later"和"decided"可知,时态为一般过去时,动词应用过去式。故选A。
11.句意:令他吃惊的是,他看到那里有一座带漂亮花园的大房子。surprised感到吃惊的,形容词;surprise惊讶,名词;surprisingly吃惊地,副词;surprising令人吃惊的,形容词。根据"To his…"可知,此处应用名词,to one's surprise意为"令某人吃惊的是"。故选B。
12.句意:那人邀请他进屋,告诉他他们的生活是如何改变的。what什么;when什么时候;how怎样;where在哪里。根据"told him…their life changed."可知,此处表示生活发生了怎样的变化。故选C。
13.句意:你知道吗,几年前我们只有一头牛能维持生计。anything任何东西;something一些事物;everything一切;nothing没有什么。根据"You know, we had ... but a cow to keep us alive years ago."可知,此处表示只有一头牛,nothing but意为"只有"。故选D。
14.句意:我们必须想出新的谋生方法。making使,动名词;make动词延续;made过去式;to making介词to+动名词。空前的"of"为介词,后接动名词;make a living"谋生"。故选A。
15.句意:你看,我们比以前好多了。good好的;better更好;best最好;well好地。根据"than before"可知,应用比较级better。故选B。
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31~40各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
A young man went for a job interview in a big company. The manager found that the young man's college grades were excellent. Then he asked the young man who paid for his 16. . The young man told the manager that his parents did and they 17. as laundry(洗衣店) workers.
The manager noticed that the young man's hands were smooth(光滑的) and 18. . He asked, "Have you ever helped your parents wash clothes "
"No. My parents always make me 19. . Besides, they wash clothes faster than I do."
The manager asked the young man to go back home and wash his parents' 20. . When he got home, he told his parents that he wanted to wash their hands. His parents felt surprised but 21. . Then the young man began to wash their hands slowly.
He was in tears. He 22. his parents'hands were so rough and pale because of washing a lot of clothes in the cold water. There were also many injuries(伤口) in their hands. After washing his parents'hands, the young man quietly washed all the 23. clothes.
The next morning, the young man went to the manager's office. The manager noticed the young man's 24. hands. He told the young man that he was 25. .
16.A. journey B. training C. education D. programme
17.A. worked B. knew C. moved D. practised
18.A. dirty B. perfect C. ugly D. strong
19.A. work B. obey C. share D. study
20.A. clothes B. feet C. hands D. dishes
21.A. sorry B. happy C. angry D. sad
22.A. found B. made C. expected D. touched
23.A. selling B. missing C. remaining D. lasting
24.A. nice B. pale C. perfect D. common
25.A. refused B. included C. promised D. accepted
16.句意:然后他问那个年轻人谁付他的学费。journey旅途;training训练;education教育;programme节目。根据"The manager found that the young man's college grades were excellent."可知,经理问他是谁付他上学的学费。故选C。
17.句意:这个年轻人告诉经理,他的父母付的学费,他们是洗衣工。worked工作;knew知道;moved移动;practised练习。根据" laundry (洗衣店) workers"可知,年轻人的父母在洗衣店工作。故选A。
18.句意:经理注意到这个年轻人的手光滑而完美。dirty脏的;perfect完美的;ugly丑陋的;strong强壮的。根据"were smooth(光滑的)"以及"No. My parents always make me..."可知,年轻人从没有帮父母干过活,手很光滑完美。故选B。
19.句意:我的父母总是让我学习。work工作;obey遵从;share分享;study学习。根据上文"the young man's college grades were excellent."可知,年轻人的成绩非常好,说明父母总是让他学习。故选D。
20.句意:经理让年轻人回家给父母洗手。clothes衣服;feet脚;hands手;dishes菜。根据"When he got home, he told his parents that he wanted to wash their hands"可知,经理让年轻人回家给父母洗手。故选C。
21. 句意:他的父母感到惊讶但很高兴。sorry遗憾的;happy开心的;angry生气的;sad伤心的。根据"When he got home, he told his parents that he wanted to wash their hands"可知,年轻人要给父母洗手,父母感到惊讶但是很开心。故选B。
23. 句意:年轻人给父母洗手后,悄悄地把剩下的衣服都洗了。selling出售;missing失踪的;remaining剩下的;lasting持久的。根据后句语境可知,年轻人洗了剩下的衣服。故选C。
24.句意:经理注意到了那个年轻人苍白的手。nice好的;pale苍白的;perfect完美的;common普通的。根据上文"the young man quietly washed all the...clothes."可知,年轻人洗了衣服之后手变苍白了。故选B。
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
Most great people are also famous people, but famous people may not be great people. A great person is someone who is always willing to give his or her life to others. Read the information below to learn about four great people.
Sun Yat- sen(1866-1925), China He was the founder of the Republic of China in 1911 after many years' fighting. He was a fighter throughout his life for the freedom of the Chinese people. He is called the" Father of the Nation".
Nelson Mandela (1918- 2013), South Africa He fought for black people and was in prison for nearly thirty years. He helped black people get the same rights(权利) as white people. He served as the president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the first black president of South Africa.
Neil Armstrong(1930-2012), USA He was the first man to land on the Moon in July 1969." That's one small step for a man, one big leap(跳跃) for mankind," he said.
Norman Bethune (1890-1943), Canada Born in Canada but died in China, he was a great doctor fighting against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders(侵略者) during
26.When did Nelson Mandela get out of prison
A.In 1969. B.In 1994.
C.In 1999. D.It's not mentioned.
27.Why is Nelson Mandela a great man
A.He was the first man to land on the Moon.
B.He was the founder of the first Republic of South Africa.
C.He helped black people get the same rights as white people.
D.He fought against American invaders during World War II.
28.Which of the following is true according to the article
A.Man landed on the Moon for the first time in July 1969.
B.Nelson Mandela fought all his life for the freedom of the Chinese people.
C.Famous people are all willing to help others.
D.Famous people must be great people.
26.细节理解题。根据"Nelson Mandela (1918—2013), South Africa"和"He fought for black people and was in prison for nearly thirty years."可知,文章并没有说他什么时候入狱的,也没有说什么时候出狱的,只提到了在监狱中待了近30年。故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据"He helped black people get the same rights (权利) as white people."可知,因为他帮助黑人获得和白人一样的权利。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据"He was the first man to land on the Moon in July 1969."可知,1969年7月,人类首次登上月球。故选A。
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
In a list of child prodigies(神童), Judit Polgár is an interesting example. Her father, László, an educational psychologist, believed that prodigies were not born with high intelligence quotient (IQ). It was the result of proper training. He said that any child could be remarkable at an early age if given the right schooling and he even wrote a book called Raise a Genius!
László's ideas might sound strange and unusual at the time, but when all three of László's daughters turned out to be chess prodigies, nobody laughed at him. Judit and her sisters were taught at home as part of an educational experiment by their father László. Besides studying languages, they learned to play chess. By the time she was five, Judit could beat her father at chess. Raised in an environment of continuing chess practice, the Polgár sisters became better and better at chess competitions.
At that time, it was widely believed that men were much more excellent chess players than women. However, László's daughters changed the opinion. The eldest daughter, Susan, became the top woman player in the world at age 15. In January 1991, she was the first woman ever to get a grandmaster rank(大师级别) on the same level as men players.
But she was soon beaten by the youngest Polgár sister, Judit. In December 1991, the 15-year-old Judit became the youngest player ever to get the rank of grandmaster, breaking the record set by Bobby Fischer in 1958. During her career, Judit avoided women's-only events. Instead, she focused on playing against the best men players in the world, often with great success. In 2005, she reached eighth in the competition of the top players in chess, becoming the only woman ever to reach the top ten. "I played against men because it was challenging and interesting, and I felt I could improve the fastest and the best against them. It's very important to know what your goals and dreams are," said Judit.
29.The underlined word "remarkable" in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by "____".
A.strange B.excellent C.pleasant D.faithful
30.How did László deal with his daughters' education
A.He asked excellent teachers to teach them.
B.He sent them to school to learn to play chess.
C.He taught them languages and chess at home.
D.He did a lot of experiments together with them.
31.What did most people think of women chess players at that time
A.They were not as good as men players.
B.They were much better than men players.
C.They were not allowed to play against men players.
D.They often broke the records set by men players.
32.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.Judit's dream was to beat her sister Susan in the chess competition.
B.Judit thought women's-only events were challenging and interesting.
C.Judit played against Bobby Fischer and won the competition.
D.Judit improved herself by playing chess against men players.
【解析】【分析】本文向我们介绍了神童Judit Polgár,以及她是如何变得非常出色的原因。
29.词义猜测题。根据"Her father, László, an educational psychologist, believed that prodigies were not born with high intelligence quotient (IQ). It was the result of proper training."可知,她的父亲认为神童并不是天生就有高智商,这是经过适当训练的结果。结合"at an early age if given the right schooling可知,他认为如果接受正确的教育,任何孩子都可以在很小的时候变得很优秀,所以excellent符合。故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据"Judit and her sisters were taught at home as part of an educational experiment by their father László. Besides studying languages, they learned to play chess"可知,他在家教他们语言和国际象棋。故选C。
31.细节理解题。根据"At that time, it was widely believed that men were much more excellent chess players than women"可知,在那个时候,人们普遍认为男人比女人更擅长下棋。故选A。
32.推理判断题。根据"I played against men because it was challenging and interesting, and I felt I could improve the fastest and the best against them. It's very important to know what your goals and dreams are"可推知,Judit通过与男棋手下棋来提高自己。故选D。
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
When Claire Vlases of Montana was in Grade 7, she learned about plans to modernize her middle school. Claire asked the school board(董事会)to add solar panels(太阳能电池板) to the project because, she explained, clean energy would be helpful to a really modern school.
The board liked the idea but said it could offer just $ 25,000—one-fifth of the cost. So Claire organized a group of kids and grown-ups who set to work raising the rest. They sold their second-hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations(捐赠), even going door-to-door for them. One donated more than half the cost!
After two years of hard work, the group paid for the solar panels, which now provide one-fourth of the school's electricity needs—saving the neighbourhood thousands of dollars. "My favourite part about this project was that one person could start something small and then the project could grow and have a big influence on the community," Claire said. "There are always going to be hard parts. When there's a challenge presented to you, you can use it as a chance to learn from it."
33.After knowing the project was still in need of money, what did Claire do
A.She raised $ 25,000. B.She asked for more help.
C.She sold old newspapers. D.She donated half the cost.
34.What does the underlined word "them" in the second paragraph refer to
A.Solar panels. B.Second-hand books.
C.Shows. D.Donations.
35.From Claire's words in the last paragraph, what can we learn
A.Hard work was her favourite.
B.The project went smoothly.
C.A small thing makes a big difference.
D.Solar panels cost a lot.
36.What would be the best title for the text
A.dependent girl B.A modern school
C.Don't waste energy D.Never give up
33.细节理解题。根据"So Claire organized a group of kids and grown-ups who set to work raising the rest. They sold their second-hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations (捐赠), even going door-to-door for them."可知,Claire知道安装太阳能电池板需要还一大笔费用后,她通过寻求更多的帮助方式来筹钱。故选B。
34.代词指代题。根据"They sold their second-hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations (捐赠), even going door-to-door for them. "可知,他们卖二手书,参加才艺表演,募捐,甚至挨家挨户地募捐。所以them指的是捐赠,故选D。
35.推理判断题。根据"My favourite part about this project was that one person could start something small and then the project could grow and have a big influence on the community,"可知,可以从她的话中得知:一件小事会带来很大的不同,故选C。
36.最佳标题题。根据"There are always going to be hard parts. When there's a challenge presented to you, you can use it as a chance to learn from it"并结合全文可知,Claire和大家一起努力,解决了太阳能电池板的费用问题,所以遇到困难时,不要放弃,定会成功。选项D"决不放弃"是最合适的标题,故选D。
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
Yang Hongwei, born in 1966, is an inheritor (传承人) of the Weifang kite-making technique (技艺). Born into a kite-making family, Yang often saw kites with bright colours and different shapes in her grandfather's workshop.
Yang learned the technique from her grandfather at the age of 16. After practising the technique for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992.
"Many places around the world have a tradition of flying kites," Yang said. "But I think the cultural background behind our kites is unique."
On Yang's kites, people can see not only common designs like butterflies and birds, but also some prints telling Chinese myths and history. For example, she once made a kite showing a phoenix (凤凰) that was lined with portraits (肖像) of 50 famous women from Chinese history on each side.
Yang said that each woman is different in look, clothes and make-up style. To create their portraits, she made lots of effort to check historical records and talk about details with professionals.
"It took me a lot of time," Yang said, "but when I explain the stories of the kites to foreign people, I feel a great sense of achievement."
In her free time, she travels to different countries including Germany, Australia, the United States and New Zealand to tell people stories of Chinese kites and the traditional ways they are made. "It is an important job of mine to spread our heritage (遗产) around the world and onto the next generation," she said.
37.How old was Yang Hongwei when she began her own shop
A.10. B.16. C.26. D.57.
38.What's the meaning of the underlined word "unique" in Paragraph 3
A.The same. B.Special. C.Usual. D.Common.
39.What patterns may NOT be on Yang's kites
A.Butterflies. B.Birds.
C.Chinese characters. D.Foreign stars.
40.What is the passage mainly about
A.The only inheritor of traditional skills.
B.The importance of Chinese tradition.
C.An inheritor of the Weifang kite-making technique.
D.How to spread our heritage around the world.
37.推理判断题。根据"After practising the technique for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992."和"Yang Hongwei, born in 1966"可知,杨红卫出生于1966年,在1992年开了自己的店,当时她26岁。故选C。
38.词义猜测题。根据"On Yang's kites, people can see not only common designs like butterflies and birds, but also some prints telling Chinese myths and history."可知,在杨的风筝上,人们不仅可以看到蝴蝶和鸟类等常见的图案,还可以看到一些讲述中国神话和历史的图案。所以这里杨红卫表达的意思是"自己家风筝背后的文化背景是独特的",unique和special意思相近。故选B。
39.细节理解题。根据"On Yang's kites, people can see not only common designs like butterflies and birds, but also some prints telling Chinese myths and history. For example, she once made a kite showing a phoenix (凤凰) that was lined with portraits (肖像) of 50 famous women from Chinese history on each side."可知,杨红卫的风筝上有蝴蝶,鸟,中国人物等,没有外国明星,故选D。
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读短文及文后A-E选项,选出可以填入56-60各题空白处的最佳选项
Have you ever heard the saying "Home, sweet home" This is just another way of saying that it's nice to be home! A lot of the people and things we love are at home.
What do you like about being at home
What do you like best about being at home  41.   Maybe you enjoy staying with your mum and dad. Maybe you have a pet you like to play with. Spending time with your family is one thing that makes being at home special.
 42.   Your toys, your books, and your favourite things are in your bedroom. Consider what you like best about your room. Is it how it looks Is it your comfortable bed that you sleep on Maybe you like to have a quiet place to read a book or to think about your day.
Mealtime can be a special time at home.  43.   It's a time to share interesting stories about your day.
How do you help at home
There are a lot of things to do to make home a special place. Who does the housework like cleaning, cooking, and yardwork(庭院劳动) at your house
 44.   . Maybe you can help lay the dinner table or clean the plates. Maybe you can pull weeds(草) out of the flower garden. Maybe you can water the vegetable garden or the house plants.  45.  .
A. When families work together to do the housework, it seems easier and brings more fun to everyone. B. Families sit around the table to eat the food Mum or Dad has prepared. C. Maybe you like to play with your brothers and sisters. D. Think about what you can do, so that when you come home every day, you can say, "Home, sweet home!" E. Your bedroom is another thing that makes home special.
A. 当家人一起做家务时,家务似乎更轻松,也给每个人带来更多乐趣。
B. 家人围坐在餐桌旁吃妈妈或爸爸准备的食物。
C. 也许你喜欢和兄弟姐妹一起玩。
D. 想想你能做些什么,这样当你每天回家时,你就可以说:"家,甜蜜的家!"
E. 你的卧室是另一个让家变得特别的东西。
41.根据"What do you like best about being at home"可知此处介绍喜欢家里的什么,选项C"也许你喜欢和你的兄弟姐妹一起玩"符合语境。故选C。
42.根据"Your toys, your books, and your favourite things are in your bedroom"可知此处内容和卧室有关,选项E"你的卧室是另一个让家变得特别的东西"符合语境。故选E。
43.根据"Mealtime can be a special time at home"可知此处内容和吃饭时间有关,选项B"一家人围坐在桌子旁吃妈妈或爸爸准备的食物"符合语境。故选B。
44.根据"Maybe you can help lay the dinner table or clean the plates"可知此处内容和做家务有关,选项A"当一家人一起做家务时,这似乎更容易,给每个人带来更多的乐趣"符合语境。故选A。
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读短文,根据上下文和所给的首字母写出所缺单词。注意使用正确形式,每空限填一词。答卷时,要求写出完整单词。
When I was growing up, I did not recall hearing the words "I love you" from my father. To tell  46.  truth, I never e 47.   my father to say these words. And I could not remember when I had last said those words to him, e 48.  . Last week, I made a d 49.   to make the first move. After some hesitation(犹豫), in our next phone conversation, I spoke out the words, "Dad, I love you!" There was an awkward(尴尬的) silence at the other end and he replied, "Well, I love you too!" A few weeks later, as we met each other and we realized that this special moment had taken our father-son relationship much closer. So please don't forget to show your love to your parents. Saying "I love you" is never out of d 50.  .
46.句意:说实话,我从没想过我父亲会说这些话。to tell the truth"说实话"。固定搭配,故填the。
47.句意:说实话,我从没想过我父亲会说这些话。根据"my father to say these words"可知是从没想过父亲会说这些话,expect"期待",句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(e)xpected。
48.句意:我也不记得我最后一次对他说这些话是什么时候了。根据"And I could not remember when I had last said those words to him"可知自己也不记得最后一次对他说这些话是什么时候,否定句句尾用either"也"。故填(e)ither。
49.句意:上周,我决定迈出第一步。根据"to make the first move."可知是决定迈出第一步,make a decision"决定"。故填(d)ecision。
50.句意:说"我爱你"永远不会过时。根据"Saying ‘I love you' is never out of..."可知说"我爱你"永远不会过时,out of date"过时"。故填(d)ate。
51.(2023九上·广州期中) 谢谢你对本次活动的帮助。
Thank you for        this activity.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少:帮忙help with。固搭配,for是介词,其后用动名词,故答案为helping with。
【点评】考查汉译英,注意识记help with,动名词的用法。
52.(2023九上·广州期中) 学校通常会给学生设定规章制度。
Schools usually        for the students.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少:设定set,usually是一般现在时标志,主语是名词复数。故用动词原形,规则,rule,可数名词,名词复数表示泛指,故答案为set rules。
53.(2023九上·广州期中) 这些提示真有用啊!
       these tips are!
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少:有用的useful。形容词,多么,是感叹句引导词,how+形容词+主语+谓语,what修饰不可数名词或名词复数,故答案为How useful。
54.(2023九上·广州期中) 看,他们有麻烦了。
Look, they are       .
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少:有麻烦,be in trouble,固搭搭配,故答案为in trouble。
【点评】考查汉译英,注意识记be in trouble的用法。
55.(2023九上·广州期中) 我的妈妈上周买了一件新外套,它是羊毛制成的。
My mother bought a new coat last week and it           wool
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少:由某物制成,be made of,表示能够看出原材料是什么。不出原材料的是be made from。wool是羊毛,根据生活常识可知大衣能够看出是否是由羊毛制成的。根据My mother bought a new coat last week and,可知and前后一致是一般过去时,主语是第三人称单数。故用was,故答案为was made of。
【点评】考查汉译英,注意识记be made of,过去时的用法。
56.(2023九上·广州期中) 假设你是Jimmy,请根据以下内容写一篇短文介绍你的家庭生活。
Hello everyone. My name is
【答案】One possible version:
My name is Jimmy. There are three people in my family — my father, my mother and me. We are close to each other and we share housework together. My mother cooks the meals and washes all the clothes. My father helps with the dishes and cleans the kitchen after meals while I sweep the floor and iron the clothes. On weekends, we go to the park to have a picnic and take some beautiful pictures. What's more, we go to the supermarket and cook a great meal together.
【点评】本文结构紧凑,语言简练,要点齐全,亮点词汇,等词汇的使用,使上下文意连接紧密 ,本文还采用了丰富的句型,比如亮点词汇be close to 与……亲近;help with 帮助;on weekends 在周末。高分句型My father helps with the dishes and cleans the kitchen after meals and I sweep the floor and iron the clothes. (and连接的并列句)。
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从16-30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。
A wise man was on his long journey with a young man. Night was falling, so they decided to find a place 1. . They searched for a long time and at last found a tiny old house. A poor family lived in it. They gave the two visitors a warm welcome and prepared a simple meal 2. them including fresh milk and cheese.
After the meal, the wise man asked how they made a living in such a poor place. In a low voice the husband replied, "We have 3. cow. We sell her milk to our neighbors and keep some for 4. own needs — make some cheese and cream."
The next morning, the two visitors continued their journey. 5. they walked a few miles, the wise man said to the young man, "Go back and push the cow off the cliff(悬崖)." "Why Without the cow, they 6. nothing." The wise man repeated his order, "Go back and 7. the cow."
The young man was 8. about the future of the family. 9. finally he returned to the old house and did as the wise man told him.
A few years later, the young man 10. on the same road. He decided to visit the family again. To his 11. , he saw a large house with a beautiful garden there.
He knocked on the door and a well-dressed man answered it. He was the son of the family. The man invited him to enter the house and told him 12. their life changed. "You know, we had 13. but a cow to keep us alive years ago. But one day she fell off the cliff and died. We had to come up with new ways of 14. a living. You see, we are much 15. than before." At his words, the young man smiled.
1.A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. stays
2.A. with B. for C. to D. by
3.A. a B. an C. the D. /
4.A. we B. us C. our D. ours
5.A. While B. When C. If D. After
6.A. will have B. have C. having D. has
7.A. killed B. kill C. to kill D. killing
8.A. worry B. worries C. worried D. worriedly
9.A. So B. And C. Although D. But
10.A. travelled B. travels
C. travelling D. has travelled
11.A. surprised B. surprise C. surprisedly D. surprising
12.A. what B. when C. how D. where
13.A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing
14.A. making B. make C. made D. to making
15.A. good B. better C. best D. well
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31~40各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
A young man went for a job interview in a big company. The manager found that the young man's college grades were excellent. Then he asked the young man who paid for his 16. . The young man told the manager that his parents did and they 17. as laundry(洗衣店) workers.
The manager noticed that the young man's hands were smooth(光滑的) and 18. . He asked, "Have you ever helped your parents wash clothes "
"No. My parents always make me 19. . Besides, they wash clothes faster than I do."
The manager asked the young man to go back home and wash his parents' 20. . When he got home, he told his parents that he wanted to wash their hands. His parents felt surprised but 21. . Then the young man began to wash their hands slowly.
He was in tears. He 22. his parents'hands were so rough and pale because of washing a lot of clothes in the cold water. There were also many injuries(伤口) in their hands. After washing his parents'hands, the young man quietly washed all the 23. clothes.
The next morning, the young man went to the manager's office. The manager noticed the young man's 24. hands. He told the young man that he was 25. .
16.A. journey B. training C. education D. programme
17.A. worked B. knew C. moved D. practised
18.A. dirty B. perfect C. ugly D. strong
19.A. work B. obey C. share D. study
20.A. clothes B. feet C. hands D. dishes
21.A. sorry B. happy C. angry D. sad
22.A. found B. made C. expected D. touched
23.A. selling B. missing C. remaining D. lasting
24.A. nice B. pale C. perfect D. common
25.A. refused B. included C. promised D. accepted
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
Most great people are also famous people, but famous people may not be great people. A great person is someone who is always willing to give his or her life to others. Read the information below to learn about four great people.
Sun Yat- sen(1866-1925), China He was the founder of the Republic of China in 1911 after many years' fighting. He was a fighter throughout his life for the freedom of the Chinese people. He is called the" Father of the Nation".
Nelson Mandela (1918- 2013), South Africa He fought for black people and was in prison for nearly thirty years. He helped black people get the same rights(权利) as white people. He served as the president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the first black president of South Africa.
Neil Armstrong(1930-2012), USA He was the first man to land on the Moon in July 1969." That's one small step for a man, one big leap(跳跃) for mankind," he said.
Norman Bethune (1890-1943), Canada Born in Canada but died in China, he was a great doctor fighting against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders(侵略者) during
26.When did Nelson Mandela get out of prison
A.In 1969. B.In 1994.
C.In 1999. D.It's not mentioned.
27.Why is Nelson Mandela a great man
A.He was the first man to land on the Moon.
B.He was the founder of the first Republic of South Africa.
C.He helped black people get the same rights as white people.
D.He fought against American invaders during World War II.
28.Which of the following is true according to the article
A.Man landed on the Moon for the first time in July 1969.
B.Nelson Mandela fought all his life for the freedom of the Chinese people.
C.Famous people are all willing to help others.
D.Famous people must be great people.
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
In a list of child prodigies(神童), Judit Polgár is an interesting example. Her father, László, an educational psychologist, believed that prodigies were not born with high intelligence quotient (IQ). It was the result of proper training. He said that any child could be remarkable at an early age if given the right schooling and he even wrote a book called Raise a Genius!
László's ideas might sound strange and unusual at the time, but when all three of László's daughters turned out to be chess prodigies, nobody laughed at him. Judit and her sisters were taught at home as part of an educational experiment by their father László. Besides studying languages, they learned to play chess. By the time she was five, Judit could beat her father at chess. Raised in an environment of continuing chess practice, the Polgár sisters became better and better at chess competitions.
At that time, it was widely believed that men were much more excellent chess players than women. However, László's daughters changed the opinion. The eldest daughter, Susan, became the top woman player in the world at age 15. In January 1991, she was the first woman ever to get a grandmaster rank(大师级别) on the same level as men players.
But she was soon beaten by the youngest Polgár sister, Judit. In December 1991, the 15-year-old Judit became the youngest player ever to get the rank of grandmaster, breaking the record set by Bobby Fischer in 1958. During her career, Judit avoided women's-only events. Instead, she focused on playing against the best men players in the world, often with great success. In 2005, she reached eighth in the competition of the top players in chess, becoming the only woman ever to reach the top ten. "I played against men because it was challenging and interesting, and I felt I could improve the fastest and the best against them. It's very important to know what your goals and dreams are," said Judit.
29.The underlined word "remarkable" in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by "____".
A.strange B.excellent C.pleasant D.faithful
30.How did László deal with his daughters' education
A.He asked excellent teachers to teach them.
B.He sent them to school to learn to play chess.
C.He taught them languages and chess at home.
D.He did a lot of experiments together with them.
31.What did most people think of women chess players at that time
A.They were not as good as men players.
B.They were much better than men players.
C.They were not allowed to play against men players.
D.They often broke the records set by men players.
32.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.Judit's dream was to beat her sister Susan in the chess competition.
B.Judit thought women's-only events were challenging and interesting.
C.Judit played against Bobby Fischer and won the competition.
D.Judit improved herself by playing chess against men players.
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
When Claire Vlases of Montana was in Grade 7, she learned about plans to modernize her middle school. Claire asked the school board(董事会)to add solar panels(太阳能电池板) to the project because, she explained, clean energy would be helpful to a really modern school.
The board liked the idea but said it could offer just $ 25,000—one-fifth of the cost. So Claire organized a group of kids and grown-ups who set to work raising the rest. They sold their second-hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations(捐赠), even going door-to-door for them. One donated more than half the cost!
After two years of hard work, the group paid for the solar panels, which now provide one-fourth of the school's electricity needs—saving the neighbourhood thousands of dollars. "My favourite part about this project was that one person could start something small and then the project could grow and have a big influence on the community," Claire said. "There are always going to be hard parts. When there's a challenge presented to you, you can use it as a chance to learn from it."
33.After knowing the project was still in need of money, what did Claire do
A.She raised $ 25,000. B.She asked for more help.
C.She sold old newspapers. D.She donated half the cost.
34.What does the underlined word "them" in the second paragraph refer to
A.Solar panels. B.Second-hand books.
C.Shows. D.Donations.
35.From Claire's words in the last paragraph, what can we learn
A.Hard work was her favourite.
B.The project went smoothly.
C.A small thing makes a big difference.
D.Solar panels cost a lot.
36.What would be the best title for the text
A.dependent girl B.A modern school
C.Don't waste energy D.Never give up
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。
Yang Hongwei, born in 1966, is an inheritor (传承人) of the Weifang kite-making technique (技艺). Born into a kite-making family, Yang often saw kites with bright colours and different shapes in her grandfather's workshop.
Yang learned the technique from her grandfather at the age of 16. After practising the technique for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992.
"Many places around the world have a tradition of flying kites," Yang said. "But I think the cultural background behind our kites is unique."
On Yang's kites, people can see not only common designs like butterflies and birds, but also some prints telling Chinese myths and history. For example, she once made a kite showing a phoenix (凤凰) that was lined with portraits (肖像) of 50 famous women from Chinese history on each side.
Yang said that each woman is different in look, clothes and make-up style. To create their portraits, she made lots of effort to check historical records and talk about details with professionals.
"It took me a lot of time," Yang said, "but when I explain the stories of the kites to foreign people, I feel a great sense of achievement."
In her free time, she travels to different countries including Germany, Australia, the United States and New Zealand to tell people stories of Chinese kites and the traditional ways they are made. "It is an important job of mine to spread our heritage (遗产) around the world and onto the next generation," she said.
37.How old was Yang Hongwei when she began her own shop
A.10. B.16. C.26. D.57.
38.What's the meaning of the underlined word "unique" in Paragraph 3
A.The same. B.Special. C.Usual. D.Common.
39.What patterns may NOT be on Yang's kites
A.Butterflies. B.Birds.
C.Chinese characters. D.Foreign stars.
40.What is the passage mainly about
A.The only inheritor of traditional skills.
B.The importance of Chinese tradition.
C.An inheritor of the Weifang kite-making technique.
D.How to spread our heritage around the world.
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读短文及文后A-E选项,选出可以填入56-60各题空白处的最佳选项
Have you ever heard the saying "Home, sweet home" This is just another way of saying that it's nice to be home! A lot of the people and things we love are at home.
What do you like about being at home
What do you like best about being at home  41.   Maybe you enjoy staying with your mum and dad. Maybe you have a pet you like to play with. Spending time with your family is one thing that makes being at home special.
 42.   Your toys, your books, and your favourite things are in your bedroom. Consider what you like best about your room. Is it how it looks Is it your comfortable bed that you sleep on Maybe you like to have a quiet place to read a book or to think about your day.
Mealtime can be a special time at home.  43.   It's a time to share interesting stories about your day.
How do you help at home
There are a lot of things to do to make home a special place. Who does the housework like cleaning, cooking, and yardwork(庭院劳动) at your house
 44.   . Maybe you can help lay the dinner table or clean the plates. Maybe you can pull weeds(草) out of the flower garden. Maybe you can water the vegetable garden or the house plants.  45.  .
A. When families work together to do the housework, it seems easier and brings more fun to everyone. B. Families sit around the table to eat the food Mum or Dad has prepared. C. Maybe you like to play with your brothers and sisters. D. Think about what you can do, so that when you come home every day, you can say, "Home, sweet home!" E. Your bedroom is another thing that makes home special.
(2023九上·广州期中) 阅读短文,根据上下文和所给的首字母写出所缺单词。注意使用正确形式,每空限填一词。答卷时,要求写出完整单词。
When I was growing up, I did not recall hearing the words "I love you" from my father. To tell  46.  truth, I never e 47.   my father to say these words. And I could not remember when I had last said those words to him, e 48.  . Last week, I made a d 49.   to make the first move. After some hesitation(犹豫), in our next phone conversation, I spoke out the words, "Dad, I love you!" There was an awkward(尴尬的) silence at the other end and he replied, "Well, I love you too!" A few weeks later, as we met each other and we realized that this special moment had taken our father-son relationship much closer. So please don't forget to show your love to your parents. Saying "I love you" is never out of d 50.  .
51.(2023九上·广州期中) 谢谢你对本次活动的帮助。
Thank you for        this activity.
52.(2023九上·广州期中) 学校通常会给学生设定规章制度。
Schools usually        for the students.
53.(2023九上·广州期中) 这些提示真有用啊!
       these tips are!
54.(2023九上·广州期中) 看,他们有麻烦了。
Look, they are       .
55.(2023九上·广州期中) 我的妈妈上周买了一件新外套,它是羊毛制成的。
My mother bought a new coat last week and it           wool
56.(2023九上·广州期中) 假设你是Jimmy,请根据以下内容写一篇短文介绍你的家庭生活。
Hello everyone. My name is
1.句意:夜幕降临了,所以他们决定找个地方住。stay停留,动词不定式;stay动词原形;staying动名词;stays第三人称单数。根据"Night was falling, so they decided to find a place ..."可知,找到住的地方,用不定式表目的。故选A。
2.句意:他们热情地欢迎了两位客人,并为他们准备了一顿简单的饭菜,包括新鲜的牛奶和奶酪。with和;for为了;to向,朝着;by通过。prepare sth. for sb."为某人准备……"。故选B。
4.句意:我们把她的牛奶卖给邻居,自己留一些,用来做奶酪和奶油。we我们,主格;us我们,宾格;our我们的,形容词性物主代词;ours我们的,名词性物主代词。根据"own needs"可知,应用形容词性物主代词our修饰。故选C。
5.句意:他们走了几英里后,智者对年轻人说。While与……同时;When当……时候;If如果;After在……之后。根据"Go back and push the cow off the cliff (悬崖)."可知,智者叫年轻人把牛推下悬崖是在他们走了几英里后。故选D。
6.句意:没有奶牛,他们将一无所有。will have将有,一般将来时;have动词原形;having动名词;has第三人称单数。根据"Without the cow, they ... nothing."及上文可知,奶牛是这户人家赖以生存的根本,没有了奶牛,他们将什么也没有。故选A。
7.句意:回去把牛杀了。killed杀死,过去式;kill动词原形;to kill动词不定式;killing动名词。根据"Go back and"可知,and表示并列,前后形式一致,故此处应用动词原形。故选B。
8.句意:年轻人担心这个家庭的未来。worry担心,动词原形;worries担忧,名词复数;worried担心的,形容词;worriedly担心地,副词。根据空前"was"可知,此处应用形容词,be worried about意为"对……担忧"。故选C。
9.句意:但最后他还是回到了老房子,按照智者的话做了。So因此;And而且;Although尽管;But但是。根据"The young man was ... about the future of the family."和"... finally he returned to the old house and did as the wise man told him."可知,前后句为转折关系。故选D。
10.句意:几年后,这个年轻人又在这条路上旅行。travelled旅行,过去式;travels第三人称单数;travelling动名词;has travelled现在完成时。根据"A few years later"和"decided"可知,时态为一般过去时,动词应用过去式。故选A。
11.句意:令他吃惊的是,他看到那里有一座带漂亮花园的大房子。surprised感到吃惊的,形容词;surprise惊讶,名词;surprisingly吃惊地,副词;surprising令人吃惊的,形容词。根据"To his…"可知,此处应用名词,to one's surprise意为"令某人吃惊的是"。故选B。
12.句意:那人邀请他进屋,告诉他他们的生活是如何改变的。what什么;when什么时候;how怎样;where在哪里。根据"told him…their life changed."可知,此处表示生活发生了怎样的变化。故选C。
13.句意:你知道吗,几年前我们只有一头牛能维持生计。anything任何东西;something一些事物;everything一切;nothing没有什么。根据"You know, we had ... but a cow to keep us alive years ago."可知,此处表示只有一头牛,nothing but意为"只有"。故选D。
14.句意:我们必须想出新的谋生方法。making使,动名词;make动词延续;made过去式;to making介词to+动名词。空前的"of"为介词,后接动名词;make a living"谋生"。故选A。
15.句意:你看,我们比以前好多了。good好的;better更好;best最好;well好地。根据"than before"可知,应用比较级better。故选B。
16.句意:然后他问那个年轻人谁付他的学费。journey旅途;training训练;education教育;programme节目。根据"The manager found that the young man's college grades were excellent."可知,经理问他是谁付他上学的学费。故选C。
17.句意:这个年轻人告诉经理,他的父母付的学费,他们是洗衣工。worked工作;knew知道;moved移动;practised练习。根据" laundry (洗衣店) workers"可知,年轻人的父母在洗衣店工作。故选A。
18.句意:经理注意到这个年轻人的手光滑而完美。dirty脏的;perfect完美的;ugly丑陋的;strong强壮的。根据"were smooth(光滑的)"以及"No. My parents always make me..."可知,年轻人从没有帮父母干过活,手很光滑完美。故选B。
19.句意:我的父母总是让我学习。work工作;obey遵从;share分享;study学习。根据上文"the young man's college grades were excellent."可知,年轻人的成绩非常好,说明父母总是让他学习。故选D。
20.句意:经理让年轻人回家给父母洗手。clothes衣服;feet脚;hands手;dishes菜。根据"When he got home, he told his parents that he wanted to wash their hands"可知,经理让年轻人回家给父母洗手。故选C。
21. 句意:他的父母感到惊讶但很高兴。sorry遗憾的;happy开心的;angry生气的;sad伤心的。根据"When he got home, he told his parents that he wanted to wash their hands"可知,年轻人要给父母洗手,父母感到惊讶但是很开心。故选B。
23. 句意:年轻人给父母洗手后,悄悄地把剩下的衣服都洗了。selling出售;missing失踪的;remaining剩下的;lasting持久的。根据后句语境可知,年轻人洗了剩下的衣服。故选C。
24.句意:经理注意到了那个年轻人苍白的手。nice好的;pale苍白的;perfect完美的;common普通的。根据上文"the young man quietly washed all the...clothes."可知,年轻人洗了衣服之后手变苍白了。故选B。
26.细节理解题。根据"Nelson Mandela (1918—2013), South Africa"和"He fought for black people and was in prison for nearly thirty years."可知,文章并没有说他什么时候入狱的,也没有说什么时候出狱的,只提到了在监狱中待了近30年。故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据"He helped black people get the same rights (权利) as white people."可知,因为他帮助黑人获得和白人一样的权利。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据"He was the first man to land on the Moon in July 1969."可知,1969年7月,人类首次登上月球。故选A。
【解析】【分析】本文向我们介绍了神童Judit Polgár,以及她是如何变得非常出色的原因。
29.词义猜测题。根据"Her father, László, an educational psychologist, believed that prodigies were not born with high intelligence quotient (IQ). It was the result of proper training."可知,她的父亲认为神童并不是天生就有高智商,这是经过适当训练的结果。结合"at an early age if given the right schooling可知,他认为如果接受正确的教育,任何孩子都可以在很小的时候变得很优秀,所以excellent符合。故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据"Judit and her sisters were taught at home as part of an educational experiment by their father László. Besides studying languages, they learned to play chess"可知,他在家教他们语言和国际象棋。故选C。
31.细节理解题。根据"At that time, it was widely believed that men were much more excellent chess players than women"可知,在那个时候,人们普遍认为男人比女人更擅长下棋。故选A。
32.推理判断题。根据"I played against men because it was challenging and interesting, and I felt I could improve the fastest and the best against them. It's very important to know what your goals and dreams are"可推知,Judit通过与男棋手下棋来提高自己。故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据"So Claire organized a group of kids and grown-ups who set to work raising the rest. They sold their second-hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations (捐赠), even going door-to-door for them."可知,Claire知道安装太阳能电池板需要还一大笔费用后,她通过寻求更多的帮助方式来筹钱。故选B。
34.代词指代题。根据"They sold their second-hand books, put on talent shows and asked for donations (捐赠), even going door-to-door for them. "可知,他们卖二手书,参加才艺表演,募捐,甚至挨家挨户地募捐。所以them指的是捐赠,故选D。
35.推理判断题。根据"My favourite part about this project was that one person could start something small and then the project could grow and have a big influence on the community,"可知,可以从她的话中得知:一件小事会带来很大的不同,故选C。
36.最佳标题题。根据"There are always going to be hard parts. When there's a challenge presented to you, you can use it as a chance to learn from it"并结合全文可知,Claire和大家一起努力,解决了太阳能电池板的费用问题,所以遇到困难时,不要放弃,定会成功。选项D"决不放弃"是最合适的标题,故选D。
37.推理判断题。根据"After practising the technique for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992."和"Yang Hongwei, born in 1966"可知,杨红卫出生于1966年,在1992年开了自己的店,当时她26岁。故选C。
38.词义猜测题。根据"On Yang's kites, people can see not only common designs like butterflies and birds, but also some prints telling Chinese myths and history."可知,在杨的风筝上,人们不仅可以看到蝴蝶和鸟类等常见的图案,还可以看到一些讲述中国神话和历史的图案。所以这里杨红卫表达的意思是"自己家风筝背后的文化背景是独特的",unique和special意思相近。故选B。
39.细节理解题。根据"On Yang's kites, people can see not only common designs like butterflies and birds, but also some prints telling Chinese myths and history. For example, she once made a kite showing a phoenix (凤凰) that was lined with portraits (肖像) of 50 famous women from Chinese history on each side."可知,杨红卫的风筝上有蝴蝶,鸟,中国人物等,没有外国明星,故选D。
A. 当家人一起做家务时,家务似乎更轻松,也给每个人带来更多乐趣。
B. 家人围坐在餐桌旁吃妈妈或爸爸准备的食物。
C. 也许你喜欢和兄弟姐妹一起玩。
D. 想想你能做些什么,这样当你每天回家时,你就可以说:"家,甜蜜的家!"
E. 你的卧室是另一个让家变得特别的东西。
41.根据"What do you like best about being at home"可知此处介绍喜欢家里的什么,选项C"也许你喜欢和你的兄弟姐妹一起玩"符合语境。故选C。
42.根据"Your toys, your books, and your favourite things are in your bedroom"可知此处内容和卧室有关,选项E"你的卧室是另一个让家变得特别的东西"符合语境。故选E。
43.根据"Mealtime can be a special time at home"可知此处内容和吃饭时间有关,选项B"一家人围坐在桌子旁吃妈妈或爸爸准备的食物"符合语境。故选B。
44.根据"Maybe you can help lay the dinner table or clean the plates"可知此处内容和做家务有关,选项A"当一家人一起做家务时,这似乎更容易,给每个人带来更多的乐趣"符合语境。故选A。
46.句意:说实话,我从没想过我父亲会说这些话。to tell the truth"说实话"。固定搭配,故填the。
47.句意:说实话,我从没想过我父亲会说这些话。根据"my father to say these words"可知是从没想过父亲会说这些话,expect"期待",句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(e)xpected。
48.句意:我也不记得我最后一次对他说这些话是什么时候了。根据"And I could not remember when I had last said those words to him"可知自己也不记得最后一次对他说这些话是什么时候,否定句句尾用either"也"。故填(e)ither。
49.句意:上周,我决定迈出第一步。根据"to make the first move."可知是决定迈出第一步,make a decision"决定"。故填(d)ecision。
50.句意:说"我爱你"永远不会过时。根据"Saying ‘I love you' is never out of..."可知说"我爱你"永远不会过时,out of date"过时"。故填(d)ate。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少:帮忙help with。固搭配,for是介词,其后用动名词,故答案为helping with。
【点评】考查汉译英,注意识记help with,动名词的用法。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少:设定set,usually是一般现在时标志,主语是名词复数。故用动词原形,规则,rule,可数名词,名词复数表示泛指,故答案为set rules。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少:有用的useful。形容词,多么,是感叹句引导词,how+形容词+主语+谓语,what修饰不可数名词或名词复数,故答案为How useful。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少:有麻烦,be in trouble,固搭搭配,故答案为in trouble。
【点评】考查汉译英,注意识记be in trouble的用法。
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少:由某物制成,be made of,表示能够看出原材料是什么。不出原材料的是be made from。wool是羊毛,根据生活常识可知大衣能够看出是否是由羊毛制成的。根据My mother bought a new coat last week and,可知and前后一致是一般过去时,主语是第三人称单数。故用was,故答案为was made of。
【点评】考查汉译英,注意识记be made of,过去时的用法。
56.【答案】One possible version:
My name is Jimmy. There are three people in my family — my father, my mother and me. We are close to each other and we share housework together. My mother cooks the meals and washes all the clothes. My father helps with the dishes and cleans the kitchen after meals while I sweep the floor and iron the clothes. On weekends, we go to the park to have a picnic and take some beautiful pictures. What's more, we go to the supermarket and cook a great meal together.
【点评】本文结构紧凑,语言简练,要点齐全,亮点词汇,等词汇的使用,使上下文意连接紧密 ,本文还采用了丰富的句型,比如亮点词汇be close to 与……亲近;help with 帮助;on weekends 在周末。高分句型My father helps with the dishes and cleans the kitchen after meals and I sweep the floor and iron the clothes. (and连接的并列句)。




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