
一、class hospital traffic exercise thirty speak cinema hundred flowers
二、1.be careful 2.照相 3.play football 4.等一下 5.see a film
6.演奏乐曲 7.turn right 8.举办聚会 9.cross the road 10.制作卡片
三、1.happily 2.careful 3.children 4.sitting 5.sea
6.right 7.shopping 8.her 9.can’t 10.glasses
四、1-5:BCCCA 6-10:BCCBA
六、1.The light is yellow.
2.Are they listening to music
3.It can swim very well.
4.He can draw some pictures for us.
5.There are so many birds in the tree.
七、1.Don’t wait a minute.
2.No,I can’t.
3.How old are you
4.Are they going to buy a cake
5.What does your brother often do on Sunday
一 、补全单词。(10分)
cl s h sp t l tr ff ex cise th ty
sp k c n m h dr d fl w s b hr m
二 、英汉互译。( 20分)
1.小心 2.take photos
3.踢足球 4.wait a minute
5.看电影 6.play the music
7.向右拐 8.have a party
9.过马路 10.make a card
三 、按要求写单词。(10分)
1.happy(副词) 2.care(形容词)
3.child(复数) 4.sit(现在分词)
5.see(同音词) 6.left(反义词)
7.shop(现在分词) 8.she(宾格)
9.can not(缩写) 10.glass(复数)
四 、单项选择题。(20分)
( )1. -- are you
--I'm in the study.
A.How B.Where C.What
( )2.Does she like flying kites
A.Yes,she doesn't. B.No,she does. C.Yes,she does.
( )3.-Happy birthday to you!
A.Me,too. B.Happy birthday to you! C.Thank you.
( )4.There a desk and some books in the bookstore.
A.are B.am C.is
( )5.Kitty can sing English song
A.an B.a C.the
( )6. are you going to do
A.How B.What C.Where
( )7.--What's twenty and forty
--It's .
A.fifty B.sixteen C.sixty
( )8.I'm going to buy a gift my mother.
A.to B.at C.for
( )9.The living room is big beautiful.
A.but B.and C.or
( )10.He can the tree.
A.climb B.climbs C.climbing
( )1.Is there a living room in new house
( )2.What can he do
( )3.What do you like to do
( )4.What is Li Shan doing
( )5.How about some flowers
A.Good idea.
B.He can help the man.
C.We like to fly a kite.
D.She is reading a book.
E.Yes,there is.
1.yellow,the, is, light (.)
2.listening,they,music,to,are( )
1.Please wait a minute.(改写否定句)
2.Can you do some washing (否定回答)
3.I am ten years old.(划线部分提问)
4.They are going to buy a cake.(改写一般疑问句)

5.My brother often plays basketball on Sunday.(对画线部分提问)

八 、阅读短文,判断句子正(T) 误 (F)。(10 分 )
It's Sunday today.Children are visiting(参观)the zoo.There are many animals in the zoo.Look, what are they doing The elephant is playing with a ball.The monkey is jumping rope.What is the panda doing The panda is swimming.That's a lovely dog.He is drawing a picture.There is a beautiful bird. She is singing songs.What can the tiger do He can run very fast.
( )1.Children are at school today.
( )2.The elephant is playing with a ball.
( )3.The monkey is jumping rope.
( )4.The panda is eating grass.
( )5.The dog can run very fast.



