人教版七年级上册(2024)Starter Unit1-3基础达标(教师版+学生版)

n. 单元unit 第五单元unit5 v. 招呼;问候greet 和某人打招呼greet sb.
adj.&pron. 每个的each pron. 另外的人 adj. 另外的other pron. 每人;所有人everyone
v. 开始;着手start n. 谈话;交谈conversation和某人交谈 have a conversation with sb.
n. 铃(声);钟(声)bell v. 用字母拼;拼写spell n. 瓶子bottle一瓶牛奶奶a bottle of milk
n. 橡皮eraser 一块橡皮an eraser n. 钥匙;关键key ……的关键the key to ...
n. 东西;事情thing v.&n. 需要 .需要做某事need n. 乐趣;快乐 adj. 有趣的;使人快乐fun
玩得开心have fun n. 院子;园圃 yard 在院子里in the yard n. 胡萝卜carrot
v. 数数count adj.&pron.另一;又一another adv. 其他的;别的else v.圈出n.圆圈circle
1.早上好 good morning 2.看……look at ...
3.互相;彼此each other 4.在盒子里in the box
5.拼写你的名字spell your name 6.去上课go to class
7.起床get up 8.放风筝fly kites
9.骑单车ride a bike 10.来吧come on
11.胡萝卜植株carrot plants 12.在桌子上on the desk
13.讲笑话tell jokes 14.在床下面under the bed
15.等一下wait a minute 16.在你的头上on your head
17.别客气;不用谢you're welcome 18.一片小湖a small lake
19.小鸡仔 baby chickens 20.听音乐listen to music
21.坐在太阳下 sit in the sun 22.黑白相间的奶牛black and white cows
23.苹果树apple trees 24.我叔叔的农场my uncle's farm
25.在大树后behind the big tree
1.n. 乐趣;快乐adj. 有趣的;使人快乐的fun
→(adj.) 滑稽的;搞笑的 funny
2.n. 鹅 goose→(pl.)geese
3.n. 绵羊sheep→(pl.)sheep
4.n. bus(pl.) buses
5.n. box(pl.)boxes
6.n.apple tree(pl.) apple trees
8.That is(缩写为)That’s
9.They are(缩写为)They’re
10.It is (缩写为)It’s
11.You are (缩写为)You’re
12.I am(缩写为)I’m
1.你叫什么名字?What’s your name
2.我叫埃玛。My name is Emma.
3.很高兴见到你,埃玛。Nice to meet you, Emma.
4.现在同学们,请对彼此说你好。Now class,please say hi to each other.
5.能告诉我你的名字吗?May I have your name
6.你的名字怎么拼?How do you spell your name
7.你可以叫我埃玛。You can call me.
8.我很好,谢谢你。I’m fine ,thank you.
9.铃响了。That's my uncle's farm.
10.哦,该上课了。Oh, that’s the bell class.
11.你书包里有什么?What do you have in your schoolbag
12.这顶帽子是什么颜色?What colour is the cap
13.它在你的书包里吗?Is it in your schoolbag
14.它在这里。Here it s.
15.你需要保持你的房间整洁。You need to keep your tidy.
16.这/那是什么?What's this/that?
17.这些/那些是什么?What are these/ those
18.让我数一数。Let me count.
19.这是我叔叔的农场。This is my uncle's farm.
20.你叔叔有多少只鸭子?How many ducks does you uncle have
1. That's the bell(铃声)。Let's begin.
2. The big(大的)pencil box is for me. I have many pens in it.
3. Ella likes potatoes (土豆)very much.
4.-May I have your name
-Yes, Peter.
5.It's time(时间)to begin.
6. Can you spell(拼写)this word
7. Do you have a bottle (瓶子)in your hand
8. There's a cap(帽子)on the bed.
9. Here are the keys to the doors. Don't forget to take them.
10. -How are you
-I'm fine(健康的),thanks.
11.My bags are black(黑色的)。
12. My pens are orange and brown.
13. These are tomato(西红柿)plants.
14.I see a very big white goose in the yard.
15. Look at the plants. They are black and white.
16.Mary's grandpa has two rabbits(兔子)。
17. Please circle (圈出)the animals in the picture.
18. My little sister can count from one to five.
19. He has an eraser (橡皮)in his hand.
20. I don't like this black ruler. Can you show me another (另一)one
21. There is a big duck behind (在······的后面)the tree.
22. Those are carrots(胡萝卜)plants.
23. What else can you see in the picture
24. Please keep tidy ,Fu Xing. It's your room.
25. Let's start (开始)with some games!
Dear Dad and Mum,
How is everything going I'm fine on my grandparents' farm.
It is warm here.There are many 1. trees (tree) on the farm. My grandparents' house is near the farm. It has a lot of 2.animals (animal). We often have breakfast by the window, so we can 3. see (see) the nice farm. I like the food here. It's delicious. Where is our food4 from
Can you guess Ha ha, all the food 5. are (be) from the farm. Grandma says it's green, so it's good 6. for my health. She gets the food from the farm early in the morning. Grandpa is7. a kind man. He often teaches me to do the farm work. Now, I can help him with8.his (he) work. It's interesting to work with him 9. on the farm. After work, I like to play with my new friends on the farm. I'm happy10.to live (live) here.
I hope you can come here soon.
Your son,
n. 单元 第五单元 v. 招呼;问候 和某人打招呼
adj.&pron. 每个的 pron. 另外的人(或物) adj. 另外的 pron. 每人;所有人人
v. 开始;着手 n. 谈话;交谈 和某人交谈
n. 铃(声);钟(声) v. 用字母拼;拼写 n. 瓶子 一瓶牛奶奶
n. 橡皮 一块橡皮 n. 钥匙;关键 ……的关键
n. 东西;事情 v.&n. 需要 .需要做某事 n. 乐趣;快乐 adj. 有趣的;使人快乐的
玩得开心 n. 院子;园圃 在院子里 n. 胡萝卜
v. 数数 adj.&pron. 另一;又一 adv. 其他的;别的 v.圈出 n. 圆形;圆圈
1.早上好 ________________ 2.看……________________
3.互相;彼此________________ 4.在盒子里________________
5.拼写你的名字 ________________ 6.去上课________________
7.起床________________ 8.放风筝________________
9.骑单车________________ 10.来吧________________
11.胡萝卜植株________________ 12.在桌子上________________
13.讲笑话________________ 14.在床下面________________
15.等一下________________ 16.在你的头上________________
17.别客气;不用谢________________ 18.一片小湖________________
19.小鸡仔 ________________ 20.听音乐________________
21.坐在太阳下 ________________ 22.黑白相间的奶牛________________
23.苹果树________________ 24.我叔叔的农场________________
1.n. 乐趣;快乐adj. 有趣的;使人快乐的________________
→(adj.) 滑稽的;搞笑的 ________________
2.n. 鹅 ________________→(pl.)________________
3.n. 绵羊________________ →(pl.)________________
4.n. bus(pl.) ________________
5.n. box(pl.)________________
6.n.apple tree(pl.) ________________
8.That is(缩写为)________________
9.They are(缩写为)________________
10.It is (缩写为)________________
11.You are (缩写为)________________
12.I am(缩写为)________________
1.你叫什么名字?________________ your name
2.我叫埃玛。My________________ is Emma.
3.很高兴见到你,埃玛。Nice ________________ you, Emma.
4.现在同学们,请对彼此说你好。Now class,please say hi to ________________.
5.能告诉我你的名字吗?May I have ____________
6.你的名字怎么拼?How do you_____________your name
7.你可以叫我埃玛。You can__________ me.
8.我很好,谢谢你。________________,thank you.
10.哦,该上课了。Oh, ________________ class.
11.你书包里有什么?What do you have________________
12.这顶帽子是什么颜色?________________ is the cap
13.它在你的书包里吗?Is it________________
15.你需要保持你的房间整洁。You need to ________________.
16.这/那是什么?What's ________________?
17.这些/那些是什么?What are________________
18.让我数一数。Let me________________.
19.这是我叔叔的农场。________________ my uncle's farm.
20.你叔叔有多少只鸭子?________________ does you uncle have
1. That's the_________(铃声)。Let's begin.
2. The_________(大的)pencil box is for me. I have many pens in it.
3. Ella likes_________(土豆)very much.
4.-May I h_________your name
-Yes, Peter.
5.It's_________(时间)to begin.
6. Can you_________(拼写)this word
7. Do you have a_________(瓶子)in your hand
8. There's a_________(帽子)on the bed.
9. Here are the k_________to the doors. Don't forget to take them.
10. -How are you
11.My bags are_________(黑色的)。
12. My pens are o_________ and brown.
13. These are_________(西红柿)plants.
14.I see a very big white g_________ in the yard.
15. L_________ at the plants. They are black and white.
16.Mary's grandpa has two_________(兔子)。
17. Please_________(圈出)the animals in the picture.
18. My little sister can c_________ from one to five.
19. He has an_________(橡皮)in his hand.
20. I don't like this black ruler. Can you show me_________(另一)one
21. There is a big duck_________(在······的后面)the tree.
22. Those are_________(胡萝卜)plants.
23. What e_________ can you see in the picture
24. Please keep t_________,Fu Xing. It's your room.
25. Let's_________(开始)with some games!
Dear Dad and Mum,
How is everything going I'm fine on my grandparents' farm.
It is warm here.There are many 1._________(tree) on the farm. My grandparents' house is near the farm. It has a lot of 2._________(animal). We often have breakfast by the window, so we can 3._________(see) the nice farm. I like the food here. It's delicious. Where is our food4._________
Can you guess Ha ha, all the food 5._________(be) from the farm. Grandma says it's green, so it's good 6._________my health. She gets the food from the farm early in the morning. Grandpa is7._________kind man. He often teaches me to do the farm work. Now, I can help him with8._________(he)work. It's interesting to work with him 9._________ the farm. After work, I like to play with my new friends on the farm. I'm happy 10._________(live) here.
I hope you can come here soon.
Your son,



