
①glass cn 杯子 un. 玻璃 orange cn 橘子 un. 橘汁
chicken cn. 小鸡 un. 鸡肉 fish cn.鱼 un. 鱼肉
③salad, ice cream, food, fruit 作总称讲是不可数名词,作种类讲是可数名词
She likes hamburgers, salad and apples. a salad of tomato
变化规则 例词
一般情况下 在词尾直接加 s mouth→mouths house→houses
以 s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词 在词尾加 es glass→glasses match→matches
以辅音字母+ y结尾的名词 变y为i,再加 es country→countries factory→factories
以元音字母+ y结尾的名词 在词尾直接+ s holiday→holidays monkey→monkeys
以 o结尾的名词 无生命的在词尾加 s piano→pianos photo→photos
有生命的在词尾加 es hero→heroes potato→potatoes
以 f, fe结尾的名词 一般要变f或fe为v+ es self→selves wolf→wolves
少数直接加 s roof→roofs belief→beliefs
变化规则 例词
单复数同形 deer, sheep, means, series, works, Chinese, Swiss, aircraft, spacecraft
变内部元音 foot→feet, tooth→teeth, goose→geese man→men, woman→women, mouse→mice
外来名词 medium→media phenomenon→phenomena analysis→analyses
1. The study of ( ) can be very interesting.
A. history B. histories C. a history D. the history
2. There is no ( ) in the plate.
A. apples B. oranges C. rice D.eggs
3. They like to eat ( ) of the restaurant
A. fishes and beef B. fish and beef
C. fish and beefs D. fishes and beefs
4. Do you like ( )
A. sport B. a sport C. sports D. the sports
5. I was so hungry and I ate two ______.
A. bowls of noodle B. bowls of noodles
C. bowl of noodles
7. Would you like _______ ,please
A. two glass of water B. two glasses of water
C. two glass of waters D. two glasses of waters
8.You need ( ) scissors.
A. a piece of B. a cake of
C. a pair of D. a sheef of
9. We think he has a very happy ( ).
A. family B. failies C. house D. houses.
10.The ______ are running on the ______.
A. deer grasses B. deers grass C. deer grass
11. Most of ______ live in _______.
A. Germans, German B. German, Germen
C. Germen, Germany D. Germans, Germany
12. The book contains ( ) useful ( ).
A. a , information B. many , information
C. much , information D. much, informations
13. She lacks much ( ).
A. experiences B. a experience
C. an experience D. experience
14. There are many _______ at the foot of the hill.
A. cow B. horse C. sheep
15.There are four and two in the group.
A. Japanese Germen B. Japaneses Germen
C. Japanese German D. Japanese Germans
16.The old man wants .
A. six boxes of apples B. six boxes of apple
C. six box of apples D. six boxes of apples
17.There some in the river.
A. is fish B. are fishs C. is fishs D. are fish
18. There are birds in that big trees.
A. hundreds of B. five hundreds of
C. five hundred of D. hundred of
19.We should clean twice a day.
A. our tooth B. our tooths
C. teeth D. our teeth
20.I’m so hungry. Please give me to eat.
A. three bread B. three pieces of bread
C. three pieces of bread D. three piece of bread
1.The deer has four _________.(foot)
2.Her two brothers are both _________.(policeman).
3.There are four ___________ (Japanese) and two _________(German) in the group.
4.Can you see nine _________(horse) in the picture
5.The boy has two __________ (watch).
6.There are lots of _________(potato) in the basket.
7.The cat caught two__________ (mouse) last night.
8.There _________ (is)some __________(milk) in the bottle.
9.I want to have some __________(food).
10.He gives me some __________(money) as a reward.



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