八年级上册英语Unit3 Section A(1a-2d)同步练习(含答案)

Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.
第一课时Section A(1a-2d)
( )1.—Let me tell the twins about the result.
-There is no need to do so. Lucy Lily have heard about it.
A.Both;and B.Neither;nor
C. Not only; but also D.Either;or
( )2.-Jack, is your schoolbag
-The one with a picture of a duck on it.
A.who B.which C.how D.where
( )3.Do you know There's now a new kind of glasses on umbrellas, called goggles. They can help see the road on a rainy day.
A.mainly B.slowly C. exactly D.clearly
( )4.Water is than oil for the same volume(体积).
A.shorter B.short C.heavier D.heavy
( )5.-How can I finish the book report
-You can read the book every day. careful you are, you'll write.
A. The less; the better B. The more; the good
C. The less; the well D. The more; the better
6. Don't talk (大声地). Your grandmother is sleeping now.
7. Mary is a very (外向的) girl. She likes making friends and brings happiness to everyone around her.
8. (虽然) I failed a lot more times than I succeeded, I know how to fail well.
9. They won a new bicycle in the (竞赛).
10. What a (极好的) movie! I want to see it again.
11.To live a healthier life, Billy now puts (little)salt than before when cooking.
12. In the school library, the children have fun (read)books.
13. Dale came into the room so (quiet)that I didn't see him.
14. The young singer (win )the first prize at last.
15.In spring, the days are getting (long) and the weather gets warmer.
We in Jiayuguan yesterday.
Learning is a lifelong journey because we can learn every day.
Mike gets up at six o'clock in the morning. His sister .
She is her brother.
I'm my sister and my hair is longer than .
(Bob and Sam are talking about the differences between Sam and David. A is for Bob; B is for Sam.
A: Sam, are you different from your twin brother David
B: 21. .
A: Really In what ways are you different
B: Well, I'm quieter than David. 22. .
A: What else
B: I like drawing, but he likes sports.
A: 23. .
B: I guess I'm more hard-working.
A: Who's smarter, you or he
B: 24. .Maybe he is a little smarter than me. But I'm more hard-working. So we both get good grades.
A: 25. .
A. It's hard to say.
B. He's more outgoing than me.
C. Yes, you're both good students.
D. Who's more hard-working at school
E. Who's the tallest in your class
F. Yes, we look similar but we're very different.
G. She is beautiful.
II.6. loudly 7.outgoing 8.Though 9.competition 10.fantastic
Ⅲ.11.less 12.reading 13.quietly 14.won 15.longer
Ⅳ.16.had fun 17.something new 18.gets up earlier 19.as hard-working as 20.taller than, hers
V.21-25 FBDAC
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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