
1-5 ABAAC 6-10 BCBBC 11-15 ABCCA 16-20 BBCAC
21-25 DBADC 26-30 CBADC 31-35 BCACD 36-40 GFCEB
41-45 BADAD 46-50 BCADA 51-55 DCBDA
题号 56 57 58 59 60
答案 built are believed who unlikely providing
题号 61 62 63 64 65
答案 to the commonly settlers invasion
Dear Mr. Green,
In order to make Britain students have a better understanding of traditional Chinese culture and promote the friendship of the two schools, our school is going to donate a large number of books to your school.
As is known to all, we have a rich traditional culture that covers a diversity of topics. Therefore, we have been carefully choosing books that are most typical and cater for us teenagers. After adequate consideration, we have agreed that books about traditional Chinese festivals, food and costumes, and some classic Chinese novels are likely to be what will appeal to your students.
There is still much detailed information we need to discuss about the donation, such as the time and the way to deliver the books. So I hope you can write me a reply at your earliest convenience.
Li Hua
One day, however, Mary came with good news. She told Jane the school music festival was to be held the next month and that her classmates all expected her to sing on behalf of her class. Jane’s eyes sparkled but responded doubtfully, “Can I... ” Mary and I immediately assured her that she could make it. In the following month, with the help of Mary, Jane kept on practicing singing. Beautiful songs echoed in our house again and smiles began to appear on her face. Finally the big day came when she could present herself.
When the host announced it was Jan’s turn, she was wheeled onto the stage. Jane was greeted with warm applause. As she began to sing, the audience got absorbed in her beautiful voice. Seconds after her performance, all the audience rose with thunderous cheers. When wheeled off stage, Jane received praise and bunches of flowers from her teachers and classmates. Jane was moved to tears. The kindness and encouragement from her teachers and classmates stimulated Jane's enthusiasm for life, making her regain confidence in pursuing her original dream, which I will support wholeheartedly.
Text 1
M: Who's been using my toothbrush
W: Not me, Dad. I use the blue one every morning, and mom uses the green one.
M: I knew it! Cassandra! Yours is red, not blue!
Text 2
M: Is this airline safe What's that clicking noise Do you hear it
W: Oh, the flight attendant is doing that. They count the passengers as passengers enter the plane with a little silver machine. The machine clicks every time they count someone.
Text 3
M: This is ridiculous! I've been waiting for my meal for more than half an hour.
W: I know, But you see, the restaurant is full and we are short handed today.
Text 4
W: What time do you have to go to bed every night, Craig
M: In the summer, I go to bed at 11:00. But when school starts, I'll have to be in bed by 9 o'clock.
W: I knew it! My 8:00 bedtime is unreasonable!
Text 5
M: This pillow smells like strawberries. When did you wash it
W: I didn't wash it. I think my little girl was eating candy on that bed. I'm so sorry.
M: No problem. I think it smells good.
Text 6
M: How's your week going, Jane
W: So far, so good. But we still have four and a half days to mess it up.
M: Don't be so negative. We're going to have a great week. Monday is just the opportunity for a new round of success.
W: I guess, Mike. So far, I've just answered emails and avoided angry customers.
M: That sounds rough. Maybe we should switch desks, if they walk in and see me first, I'll get the complaints first.
W: Then you'll become negative. Why don't we trade desks every week
M: Great idea. I'll take the sad desk after lunch, and then you move back next Monday.
W: Oh, Mike. I can't thank you enough! What a great team player you are!
Text 7
M: I thought you cleaned this. My shirt still has red stains on it.
W:I'm sorry, sir. Our laundry service doesn't treat marks like that. You have to pay extra.
M: I already paid you $20 for this load. How much more for the stain
W: Just $5. Cheaper than a new shirt, right
M: Yep. Well, this stain was from an unfortunate attempt to cook noodles. I made the noodles out of carrots.
W: Vegetable noodles Interesting. How'd that work for you
M: Great, until I tried to eat them. They were really long, and they slipped right out of my chopsticks. Can you finish this tonight I have a Sunday dinner to go to.
W: Sorry. We close soon. And we're not open on Mondays.
M: OK. I guess I'll have to wait until the day after tomorrow…
Text 8
W: Don't sit there! Don't you know what that is
M: It's just a chair. Anyone can sit where they like, you know.
W: OK. Go ahead, then.
M: Ouch! Betty! This chair is made out of cardboard!
W: I tried to warn you,Chad. That's part of the set for the school play. It's just for show.
M: Well, thanks a lot. You could have tried harder to warn me.
W: Maybe next time, you'll listen to me the first time. Did you hurt yourself
M: No, but look at my shirt. It'll never be the same.
W: Oh, no! I guess it touched our newly painted sky. Well, at least it's a pretty shade of blue.
M: Very funny. My Mom will kill me! She just washed grass stains out of it last night. She told me to be more careful today. I can't wear this home.
W: Don't worry. I'll tell her what happened. I'm sure she'll understand.
M: No way. I'll have to just buy a new one. You have to come with me to Target after school…
Text 9
W: Where have you been, Justin
M: I was playing with Stanley. We built a treehouse in that big tree in Miss Johnson's yard.
W: That sounds dangerous. Couldn't you build one in our yard Or even across the street
M: No, those trees are too small. We built it in five days. It looks really good,
W: Can I see it
M: Sorry, Mum. No girls allowed.
W: OK, then, Justin. But where are your boots
M: I think I left them in the treehouse. Can I get them tomorrow
W: It's going to rain tonight. Just how great is the roof on this treehouse
M: Um, we didn't finish the roof yet. Do you think you could go get the boots out of there for me I left my bike at Stanley's house.
W: Sorry, Justin. I hear there are no girls allowed in this treehouse. But I'll be happy to drive you down the street and you can get them.
M: Oh, thanks, Mom. I can't wait to walk in the rain in my boots!
W: I knew you'd like them.
M: Yeah, Mom. Are you ready to go now I think I heard some thunder.
Text 10
Earthquakes are among the most harmful natural disasters. Earthquakes cannot be predicted, but your chances of survival are much better if you prepare in advance and you know what to do when an earthquake strikes.
Firstly, you need to get something ready. In the event of an emergency, many services like electricity and water may become unavailable. To ensure your survival, besides food and water, you will need the following emergency supplies: flashlights, blankets, money and so on.
Secondly, you should know what to do. When an earthquake happens, drop to the ground, find cover and hold on. If you're indoors, stay there and find shelter under a strong table. You should also stay clear of windows and outer walls. Don't use lifts as there's a risk you'll become trapped. If you're in a crowded area, don't rush towards the doors as there's a risk of injury. If you're outside, be aware of falling pieces and stay clear of buildings, overhead structures, walls, power lines and trees. If you're in a car, stop in an open area until the shaking stops. Check your ABC Radio station, or the ABC Emergency Twitter pages for warnings before moving. Be aware of damaged roads and bridges.玉溪一中2024—2025学年上学期高三年级月考(二)
英 语
注意事项: (2024.9)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What color is the man's toothbrush
A. Blue. B. Green. C. Red.
2. What is the man mostly worried about
A. The noisy plane.
B .The safety of the airplane.
C. The service of the flight attendant.
3. How does the man feel
A. Impatient. B. Helpless. C. Exhausted.
4. When does the girl have to go to bed
A.At 8:00 p. m. B. At 9:00p. m. C.At 11:00p.m.
5. Where does the conversation take place
A. At a fruit shop. B. At a candy shop. C.At the woman's house.
6. What's the relationship between the speakers
A.Boss and employee. B. Co- workers. C.Classmates.
7.Why is Jane unhappy
A. She forgot to answer some emails.
B. She had to face the angry boss all morning.
C. She is usually the first one to take complaint.
8. How much will the man pay in total
A.$20. B.$25. C.$45.
9. How did the man get his shirt dirty
A. By washing up. B. By eating noodles. C. By cooking vegetable soup
10. When will the man get his shirt back
A. On Sunday. B. On Monday. C. On Tuesday.
11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Schoolmates. B. Brother and sister. C. Teacher and student.
12. What just happened to Chad's shirt
A. He got a tea stain (污渍) on it.
B. He got blue paint on it.
C. He rolled in the grass with it.
13. What will Chad do after school
A. Tell his mother what happened.
B. Ask Betty to explain for him.
C. Buy a new shirt.
14. Where is the tree house
A. In Justin's yard. B. In Stanley's yard. C. In Miss Johnson's yard.
15. How will Justin get back to the tree house
A .By car. B. By bike. C. On foot .
16. Why is Justin in a hurry
A. He is afraid of thunder.
B. He thinks it's going to rain.
C. He wants Mom to see the tree house.
听第 10 段材料,回答第17至20题。
17. What is the speaker mainly talking about
A. How to predict an earthquake.
B. How to survive an earthquake.
C. How to rescue people in an earthquake.
18. What do people need to get ready for an earthquake
A. Shelters. B.Cars. C. Blankets.
19. What does the speaker advise people to do when an earthquake hits
A. Drop to the ground. B. Stay by the window. C. Run towards the door.
20. What does the speaker warn people or at the end of the talk
A. Trapped lifts. B. Falling pieces. C. Damaged bridges.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
Big Thinkers Series
The 2022 Big Thinkers Series from New Scientist events features four online talks, covering a wide range of topics by world-class scientist speakers and experts. If you are curious about your planet or your universe, then this series is your place to hear the latest research.
Save 20 off the standard ticket price by purchasing a series ticket to all four talks in the Big Thinkers Series (available on-demand) or purchase single tickets for just 13 per lecture (available by early booking).
Reality+: From the Matrix to the Metaverse with David Chalmers
In this talk, philosopher David Chalmers argues that Metaverse-style virtual worlds experienced through headsets are also genuine and meaningful realities and we can live a meaningful life in VR.
What we don’t know about gravity with Claudia de Rham
We are all familiar with the concept of gravity. In this talk, Professor Claudia de Rham will explore how much we actually know about gravity and how much more there is left to uncover.
A Brief History of Timekeeping with Chad Orzel
From Stonehenge to atomic clocks, here is the 5, 000-year history of how science is used to mark time. Chad Orzel, the internationally bestselling author of How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog, offers us a witty journey through scientific theory and quirky (反常的) historical detail.
Physics at the End of the universe with Katie Mack
The Big Bang theory tells the story of the beginning of the universe for the last 13. 8 billion years. But how does the story end Join astronomer Katie Mack as she shares what modern astrophysics tells us about the final fate of the universe.
21.How much does a series ticket cost
A. 13. B. 20. C. 30. D. 32.
22.What will Chad Orzel lecture in
A.The genuine reality. B.The secrets of gravity.
C.The history of time marking. D.The final fate of the universe.
3.What do the four talks have in common
A.They are all aimed at science lovers.
B.They are all concerned with gravity.
C.They will all be given by bestselling authors.
D.They will all be given by excellent physicians.
On an extremely cold December night, fire trucks arrived in the sleepy little town of Manton, Michigan and shot to Chittle’s home. Was it because of a fire or a child climbing too high to a dangerous place Rather, it was for helping make a dream come true.
Outdoor activities and a slow pace of life are a mainstay in this rural town. When people were unable to leave the community, Scott Chittle decided they needed a safe place to come together and something joyful during the winter months. And what is a better outdoor activity to get people outside than ice skating
To fulfil his dream, Chittle downloaded instructions on how to build an ice rink and then ordered a 3,000 square foot waterproof cloth and some wood to create walls online. It took 12 fire trucks to get enough water to fill the plot.
It took a little time and some neighborly persuasion as Chittle went door to door to convince people to come to see his creation, and soon Chittle’s backyard ice rink became a Manton hot spot. Children were skating and shooting, a fire was burning, and hot chocolate was steaming in to-go cups. “When things were tough, it was a place,” says Chittle’s neighbor Audrey Hooker. “It was fantastic because we just came together and became calm and happy instead of concerned.”
But the goodwill didn’t stop with Chittle. When the community heard how much money he used to make this project happen, everyone stepped forward. A fundraiser brought in about $1,300, and letters flooded to Chittle’s home stuffed with cash. “Almost 30 complete strangers knocked on my door to just shake my hand and say thank you, most of them handing me money as well and three asking for a hug,” says Chittle. “This has been a community thing. It’s more than me. I want to show the rest of the world what a little effort and the best intentions can do.”
24.Why did fire trucks come to Manton
A.To deal with an emergency. B.To send supplies to the community.
C.To ensure people’s safety in the town. D.To help with Chittle building the ice rink.
25.What did Chittle do to carry out his project
A.Persuade his neighbors to make donations. B.Purchase a piece of land behind his house.
C.Turn to the Internet for tips and materials. D.Research the popular lifestyles in Manton.
26.How did the ice rink affect the community
A.It made the community popular in Mantan.
B.It slowed down the pace of the residents’ life.
C.It offered people there comfort and company.
D.It inspired the residents to do outdoor activities.
27.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean
A.Chittle had goodwill to the whole community.
B.Chittle received acts of kindness from others.
C.The community got better due to the ice rink.
D.Everyone could make a difference to society.
Have you ever seen your cat or dog eating grass They do so because it can help their digestion, and many wild species use natural substances to prevent and control diseases. This is called “zoo pharmacognosy” or, more commonly, animal self-medication.
Scientists have discovered that tamarin monkeys use a specific tree resin (树脂) as medicine. In the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, scientists followed several groups of them to collect data. During one of these daily studies, tamarin monkeys were observed rubbing their bodies on the trunk of a tree. At first, researchers thought that they were marking their territory, a common behaviour in this species. Botanical experts later confirmed that the tree was a species of cabreuva, which is well known for its medical properties.
Researchers decided to place camera-traps in different sites at the foot of the tree to record future visits by tamarin monkeys. The records surprisingly showed that many animals living in the forest visited it. Totally, ten species were observed. For many of them, it was the first time that behaviors similar to self-medication had been observed. More surprisingly, one species spread resin on each other’s fur in pairs. In general, the species seemed to specifically visit the tree to acquire the resin and seemingly benefit from it, either healing their wounds or fighting back parasites (寄生虫).
While further studies are needed to identify the properties of the resin and thus confirm that this is indeed self-medication, the use of it suggests that cabreuva represents a common and universal drugstore for the residents of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. It is likely to be a valuable resource helping the species maintain their magnitude by improving their health.
This discovery could have an important protection influence, as the disappearance of some trees could potentially affect the survival of some animals.
28.Why do tamarin monkeys rub themselves against the tree
A.They are trying to cure diseases.
B.They would like to digest what they eat.
C.They are attracting companions’ attention.
D.They regards the tree as part of their territory.
29. What do researchers find through camera- traps
A. Many animals copy monkeys'behaviors.
B. Animals can help each other clean the fur.
C. The eabreduva is the habitat of tamarin monkeys.
D. Resin may possibly ased as medicine by some species.
30. What does Andrew Gentry think about animals using the resin as medicine
A. It helps the species bond more frmly.
B. It's an strange but impressive animal behavior.
C.It benefits both the individuals and the whole species group.
C. They need much practice before mastering this survival skill.
31. What is the possible significance of the discovery according to the passage
A.Promoting evolution of creatures. B. Contributing to forest conseryation.
C.Developing new medicine from resin D. Motivating the study of monkeys' health
There are all electric cars, boats, trains, and small planes that are a sustainable way to travel. Larger airplanes have not been able to make the transition because the lithium-ion (锂离子的) batteries are too heavy and not strong enough to provide the power for the airplane to take-off.
NASA is working on a new innovative solid-state battery that can be used by the aviation(航空) industry. The batteries, called Solid-state Architecture Batteries for Enhanced Recharge ability and Safety (SABERS) do not suffer from any of the limitations of lithium-ion batteries and can outperform the batteries that are available now.
The solid-state batteries that NASA researchers are working on carry more energy, and are considerably lighter, and much safer to use. That’s because solid-state batteries do not contain liquids which can lead to overheating, fires, and charge loss.
Battery performance is the key to making aviation sustainable and practical. The batteries must be able to store large amounts of energy without being too heavy. And the battery must be able to rapidly release that energy. That’s where solid-state technology comes in.
Liquid batteries require each cell to be inside its own steel casing. Solid-state batteries can be stacked in a single casing and that reduces the weight. The battery can also run at much higher temperatures that require much less cooling. All of this makes NASA’s new battery very promising.
Now that NASA has demonstrated the new battery’s properties, the agency is looking at all its potential uses. SABERS is cooperating with researchers from Georgia Tech. “Georgia Tech has a big focus on micro mechanics of how the cell changes during operation. That helped us look at the pressures inside the battery, which then helped us improve the battery even more,” Viggiano said in the news release. “It also led us to understand from a practical standpoint how to make a cell like this.”
He added that SABERS has grown from an idea discussed around a lunch table to a possible solution for sustainable aeronautics (航空学). A fully electric airplane is more likely to appear on the market.
32.Which ofthe following statement is true according to the first two paragraphs?
A. Larger airplanes have been using lithium- ion batteries widely.
B. The solid- state battery developed by NASA has been on the market.
C. SABERS do much better than the lithium- ion batteries available now.
D. It's impossible to apply lithium- ion batteries to aviation for their limitations.
33.what is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A. Advantageous features of the new battery.
B. Current main tasks of NAS A researchers.
C. Potential problems of traditional batteries.
D. Working principles of lithium- ion batteries.
34. What can be inferred from Rocco Viggiano’s words in the last paragraph
A. SABERS appears too optimistic about its future.
B. The stability of SABERS has been proved perfect.
C. Further research is being done to improve ASBERS.
D. Georgia Tech is in charge of producing the cells for ASBERS.
35. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. NASA's Electric Airplanes Are Ready to Take Off.
B. Great Changes Are Taking Place in the Aviation Industry.
C. A Promising Sustainable Future Has Already Taken Root.
D.Solid- state Batteries May Help Larger Electric Airplanes Fly.
Meat is an indispensable part of Chinese cuisine. But not everyone is fond of eating meat. 36 As early as the Tang Dynasty(618-907), compassionate people invented “mock meat” from tofu and vegetables, a tradition that has lasted until the present day. Now, people who want to cut down on cholesterol, reduce their carbon footprint or express sympathy for animals may have found some answers from plant-based meat.
Plant-based meat is commonly used in many foods and the most popular case can be found in veggie burgers, whose “meat” part is often made from ingredients such as beans, nuts, grains and mushrooms. If you tried veggie burgers years ago and thought them as rubbery, flavourless, it’s a good time to give them another chance. 37 It is even more real and delicious than you can imagine.
38 Many meatless manufacturers don’t reveal their total emission, but research shows they do generate much fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to their meat equivalence. One study found that making a Beyond Burger, a veggie burger, uses 99 percent less water, 93 percent less land, and nearly 50 percent less energy.
More and more people are looking to limit their meat consumption. A lot of research supports the idea that a plant-based diet can boost your health, decrease the risk of heart disease, type II diabetes and certain cancers, and help you stay at a healthy weight. 39 .
Physical and economic benefits have drawn companies and manufacturers to devote themselves to the plant-based meat industry. But it is not so easy as we expect. 40 . They are patiently planning to increase their employee count, purchase manufacturing facilities, and expand their sales and distribution channels. Despite these challenges, the plant-based industry is continuing to grow rapidly and many in the industry are optimistic about the future.
A.Doubts have been raised over food safety issues.
B.Old habits die hard and it takes time to accept new things.
C.Popularity goes with reducing negative environmental impacts.
D.Plant-based meat industry will soon substitute the traditional one.
E.It can even lengthen your life and be good for your mental health.
F.Newer varieties mock the look, flavor, and texture of the real thing.
G.People’s reasons for not eating meat are as varied as people themselves.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
A couple, who began raising money for _ 41 40 years ago after their daughter’s battle with cancer,are about to 42 the fl million mark.Their youngest daughter Sally Kay was 43 with cancer when she was a teenager. She 44 successful chemotherapy (化疗) and totally recovered from the disease at the age of 18. On their way home after her final surgery and chemotherapy, Sally said, “Mum,I'm one of the 45 ones so I'd like to give something back,”This got her parents Mike and Bridget Locke thinking. The couple decided to raise money for,46research to find a cure and they have stuck to their promise raising 956,000.
The devoted pair have spent the past four decades working 47 to raise cash for Cancer Research. They have raised thousands through supermarket collections, breakfast mornings and golf events. Mike discovered a love of making marmalade(橘子酱) and has sold over 2,000 jars all for charity .
It became their 48 job after Mike retired 30 years ago.“ It makes me feel I’ve done something 49 ,”Mike said.“I’ve enjoyed it because l think l m doing something useful with my life." Bridget, a former local newspaper our journalist, said,“I think it's in my blood to raise money, Even as a small child during the war, I used to do a collection and was given a(n) 50 for raising more than the other girls.
Mike, who was awarded a Member of the British Empire in 2007 for his services to Cancer Research, added.“A few years ago, I mapped it out on a graph and worked out that we should hit the1 million mark by the time l turn 90.Well, I 5l it to 90 b ú t we still haven't hit cl million.”So he has 52 a fundraising page online to get the 44,00he needs to 53 his target.Sophie Bus son from Cancer Research said," What Mike said and his family have achieved is extraordinary .Their 54 will enable scientists to find new ways to 55 ,diagnose and treat cancer and we are incredibly grateful to him.”
41. A. institution B . charity C. corporation D. union
42.A. bit B. spin C. pay D. charge
43. A. associated B. pleased C. bored D. diagnosed
44. A. underwent B. underestimated C. undertook D. understood
45. A. miserable B. intellectual C. adorable D. fortunate
46. A. soul- stirring B. life- saving C. mind- blowing D. life- changing
47. A. carelessly B. selflessly C. tirelessly D. restlessly
48. A. full- time B. high- speed C. short- term D. past- time
49. A. permanent B. temporary C. meaningless D. positive
50 A. award B. payment C. schedule D. quotation
51. A. packed B. brought C. caught D. made
52. A. raised up B. cut up C. set up D. broke up
53. A. search B. reach C. catch D. match
54. A. efficiency B. significance C. issue. D. devotion
55. A. prevent B. promote C. protect D. preserve
The phrase“living under a rock”usually means being unaware of what is happening in the world. But in Setenil de lasBodegas, the idiom takes on a literal meaning. Many of the Spanish town’3,000 residents live in homes 56 (build) inside the rock formations of a narrow gorge(峡谷) of the Rio Trejo River.
The unusual structure 57 (believe) to have been inspired by the ancient Arab tradition of underground carve dwellings(住宅)to deal with extreme heat.They can be credited to the Moors, 58 founded the town in the 12th century.Rather than building entire homes, they enlarged natural cups in the gorge and a a few extra walls.
The dwellings are inexpensive and keep residents cool during the hot summer months. They are also earthquake-resistant and 59 (likely) to catch fire. The rock coverings extend over the street, 60 ( provide) natural shade for passers- by.
The town’s name, Setenil de las Bodegas, reveals its rich history.“Setenil” comes from the Lati phrase“Septem nihil”, which means seven times nothing, This refers 61 the Catholic Spanislrulers’ seven attempts to reconquer the territory from the Moors. The didn’t succeed until 62 eighth time.“Bodegas”is now 63 (common) used to describe small Hispanic grocery stores in urban areas. However, it initially meant a“storehouse for wine”. It was added to the town's name by the Christian 64 (settler) who introduced vineyards (葡萄园) to the region in the 15th century.Most of the wine yards were destroyed by an insect 65 ( invade) in the 1800s. But the town is still known for its delicious olives and almonds.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Mr. Green,
Li Hua.
第二节(满分 25分)
As a single mother, I’ve never doubted my daughter Jane’s dream to be a singer on the stage. At an early age, she was crazy about singing. Whenever she had a chance, she would sing to her heart’s content. Her sweet and charming voice tended to get people around attracted to her songs.
Living in a small city, I took several odd jobs, determined to do everything in my power to support her. Soon after Jane attended school, her music teacher Mary noticed her talent by chance and volunteered to give her some guidance on how to sing. Jane practiced so hard that before long she made great progress in singing.
Unfortunately, one noon a year later, Jane was crossing the street when a careless driver knocked her down. She was rushed to hospital. When I hurried there, the doctor told me that my daughter would probably not stand on her own feet. I froze with shock, feeling as if I had been thrown into a dark world. Weak and dizzy, I was about to fall to the ground when someone took hold of me.
It was Mary, who got the news and raced here. She comforted me, saying firmly, “Grace, Jane needs you. You must stay calm and strong.” I nodded. Having calmed down, I entered the ward with Mary.
That night, Jane recovered her consciousness (知觉) and opened her eyes. Holding her hand, I said, “My dear, everything would be fine.” Mary comforted her gently, “I know you are a strong girl, Jane. Don’t worry. We’ll be standing by you.” I was heartbroken to see tears streaming down Jane’s cheeks.
After two months, we returned home from hospital. Her teachers and friends frequently visited her. Jane eventually accepted the fact that she would have to get around in a wheelchair. Never did she refer to the subject of singing again. I knew she was a nice and understanding girl, who was afraid that talking about her original dream would upset the two of us.
One day, however, Mary came with good news.
When the host announced it was Jane’s turn, she was wheeled onto the stage.



上一篇:Unit 3 Amazing animals达标测试卷(含答案含听力原文含音频)

下一篇:Unit 1 Our school subjects 单元测试(无答案)