
一、语音辨别 (每小题1分,共10分)
1. A. back B. map C. take D. glad
2. A. miss B. film C. six D. nice
3. A. home B. box C. hot D. stop
4. A. teach B. bread C. leaf D. dream
5. A. work B. fork C. short D. horse
6. A. pear B. bear C. near D. wear
7. A. goose B. gate C. giraffe D. garden
8. A. hour B. here C. house D. hope
9. A. think B. thank C. third D. their
10. A. picked B. started C. stopped D. danced
二、单词选择 (每小题1分,共8分)
11. a large cat-like animal which lives in Asia.
A. giraffe B. tiger C. elephant D. whale
12. a place where people do exercise to keep fit.
A. island B. road C. gym D. living-room
13. to pick out what you want from two or more things.
A. choose B. return C. throw D. share
14. to ask someone to go somewhere or do something.
A. give B. enjoy C. bring D. invite
15. to go across from one side of the street to the other side.
A. climb B. cross C. ride D. arrive
16. feeling that you are better and more important than other people
A. interesting B. lovely C. careful D. proud
17. having a very good taste or smell
A. delicious B. full C. hungry D. thirsty
18. costing little money
A. expensive B. special C. cheap D. favourite
三、单项选择 (每小题1.5分,共15分)
19. Ms. Lin is our new class teacher. She teaches_________English.
A. our B. us C. we D. my
20. Jack is new here. He’s an English boy. He can only speak_________Chinese.
A. a few B. much C. a little D. many
21. My father was born_________July 24th, 1979.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
22. The boy got up late, _________he was late for school today.
A. or B. but C. because D. so
23. Tom likes playing_________football with his classmates after school.
A. the B. / C. a D. an
24. –Could you tell me_________it takes to walk to the new zoo
--About twenty minutes.
A. how long B. how far C. how often D. how much
25. Mike and Ben_________sports. They only_________ball games on TV.
A. doesn’t play, watch B. don’t play, watch
C. doesn’t play, watches D. don’t play, watches
26. People in England usually speak_________.
A. Chinese B. French C. Japanese D. English
27. – Could you please help me carry all these books to the classroom
-- _________.
A. Good idea. B. Go for it. C. Sure. D. Thank you.
28. –Welcome to our school. Let me show you around. _________
--Thank you so much.
A. This way, please. B. Hurry up. C. All right. D. See you then.
四、完型填空 (每小题1.5分,共12分)
Chopsticks are a pair of thin sticks for eating. They are the main eating tools for some Asian___29___, like China, Korea and Japan. Today, most chopsticks are made of wood, __30____, plastic(塑料)or metal.
Chinese chopsticks are usually __31____than other chopsticks, about 24-26cm,but Japanese chopsticks are about 21-23 cm. They usually have a thin eating end.
Chinese people started to use chopsticks over 4,000 years___32___. People of the Shang Dynasty used chopsticks to__33____small pieces of food from hot water and hot pots of oil. So in the beginning, chopsticks were much thinner than before those we use today.
In old China, chopsticks were once called zhu. The name has been__34____used, but later it became kuai, meaning “quick”. Hundreds of years later, the name changed to kuai zi. That is what we call them today.
In Chinese culture, there are some___35___of using chopsticks. For example, it is__36____to put chopsticks in the mouth for a long time. Don’t use chopsticks and bowl or plates to make any noise. And never stick chopsticks straight down into a bowl of rice!
29. A. villages B. countries C. cities D. towns
30. A. bamboo B. flowers C. grass D. leaves
31. A. better B. heavier C. bigger D. longer
32. A. after B. now C. ago D. later
33. A. help with B. carry on C. pick up D. watch out
34. A. widely B. brightly C. finally D. suddenly
35. A. signs B. rules C. races D. plans
36. A. funny B. important C. careless D. impolite
We know some animals are clever, but we don’t know how clever they are. These films will tell you the answer. Click each and find it!
PENGUINS Penguins are very interesting animals This is not just because of their lovely looks. They can think of maps in their heads, understand each other’s calls and work in groups to look for food. Penguins might not be the cleverest animal, but they’re quite amazing in their own way.
LIONS Lions usually live in small groups. Each group has both males and females. Some might think lions have no brains but only brawn (发达的肌肉). In fact, they are much more than that. They can remember other lions’ faces after a long time.
FOXES Foxes are good runners with super brains. They are also good problem solves(解决者). They can build the best maps of their living places in their heads, and they can remember each other’s voices. So what can we learn about IQ from them
Which animals can build maps in their heads in the passage
Foxes and lions. B. Penguins and lions.
Penguins and foxes. D. All of the three animals.
What does the underlined word that refer to(指代)?
A clever brain. B. An animal world. C. A small group. D. A strong body.
What can we know from the passage
Foxes are usually afraid of problems.
Both lions and penguins live in groups.
The films will show where these animals live.
People love penguins just because they look cute.
What’s the passage for
Showing three books about animals.
Telling people why animals are clever.
Getting people to watch the three films.
Asking people to save the clever animals.
Where can we read this passage
On a poster. B. On the Internet. C. In a newspaper. D. In a storybook.
Do you know rice first came to China There is an old Chinese story about it. It is about a little girl who went out to fish. At that time, there was very little food, so everybody was very hungry.
One day, when fishing, the little girl suddenly felt her fishing net get heavy. She was so happy! It was the King of Frogs that she found. When the frog heard how hungry the girl was, he wanted to help her. The frog told her to take out her fishing net and let the sun shine on it. The little girl followed his words. Then the King of Frogs began to sing a magic song. The girl was very surprised at what she saw. As the sun shone through the net, the sunlight turned into golden grains(谷粒)of rice. That was how the first rice arrived.
Maybe the story is not true, but it tells us rice is as important as gold to the Chinese. Rice is always one of the main foods on Chinese tables. For many years, much land has been used to grow rice and many Chinese people are farmers, who work very hard for each grain. So it’s important not to waste food. Remember, Waste not, want not.
Why did the girl go to fish
She liked eating fish. B. She had a fishing net.
She had no food to eat. D. The King asked her to do so.
What do we know about the King of Frogs from the story
He taught the girl to fish. B. He sang a song to the fish.
He took out the fishing net. D. He helped the girl get food.
What’s the Chinese meaning of the sentence “Waste not, want not”
勤俭节约,吃穿不缺。 B. 废寝忘食,分秒必争。
稀世之宝,价值连城。 D. 六畜兴旺,五谷丰登。
45. Which is the right order of the passage
① The girl found the King of Frogs.
② The sunlight became rice.
③ People didn’t have enough food to eat.
④ The sun shone through the net.
⑤ The King of Frogs sang a song.
A. ①③⑤②④ B. ③①⑤④② C. ③⑤①②④ D. ①⑤③④②
Which is the best title of the passage
The Hard-working Farmers. B. The Fishing Girl
C. The King of Frogs. D. The First Rice
六、词汇运用 (每空格1分,共10分)
47. 48. 49.
50. 51. 52.
53. 54. 55.
47. China is a great country with a long h__________, almost 5,000 years of it.
48. It is important for everyone to be kind and f__________.
49. He was not a painter, but a m__________. He wrote inspiring music.
50. This great a__________poet in China wrote a lot of poems.
51. On the coin, we can see two lovely p__________with black and white fur.
52. Kate is happy. She has a s__________on her face.
53. Many people think this city is the food c__________of China.
54. The new l__________in Zhujiang New Town looks like a book.
55. Gui Lin is famous for its n__________ b__________.
七、完成句子 (每空格1分,共10分)
56. Lily 早上经常看书吗?
__________Lily often__________some reading in the morning
57. 这问题好难呀!
__________ __________the question is!
58. 我家附近有一家新开的超市和两家水果店。
__________ __________a new supermarket and two fruit stores near my home.
59. Mike, 随便吃点鱼或牛肉吧!
Mike, __________ __________ to some fish or beef.
60. 酒后驾车会让人处于危险之中。
Driving after drinking can put people __________ __________.
Dear Steven,
How are you doing Today I would like to tell you something about my t___61______to Beijing this summer holiday. I went there b____62___ plane with my parents. On the first day, we v___63____the Palace Museum. On the second day, we went to Beihai Park. We rowed a boat and t____64___many wonderful photos. Then we went s__65_____ and I bought some gifts. I would like to g___66____them to the new friends in the new school. On the t___67____day, we went to Beijing Zoo. There are so m___68____ animals there. Of all the animals, I love the monkeys b___69____. I had so much fun on my holiday. What a____70___ your summer holiday Write my soon.
(二)书面表达。假如你是Steven,请给Lisa写一封回信,介绍今年暑假你在广州的生活。 (10分)
1. 40个单词以上(开头已给出,不计入总字数);
2. 不能抄袭或套用第(一)部分Lisa的邮件内容;
3. 内容丰富、语言准确、表达流畅;
4. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。
Dear Lisa,
I am writing to tell you about my summer holiday in Guangzhou.________________________
一、语音辨别 (每小题1分,共10分)
1. A. back B. map C. take D. glad
2. A. miss B. film C. six D. nice
3. A. home B. box C. hot D. stop
4. A. teach B. bread C. leaf D. dream
5. A. work B. fork C. short D. horse
6. A. pear B. bear C. near D. wear
7. A. goose B. gate C. giraffe D. garden
8. A. hour B. here C. house D. hope
9. A. think B. thank C. third D. their
10. A. picked B. started C. stopped D. danced
【答案】1-5 CDABA 6-10 CCADB
1. 选项ABD的a字母都发/ /,选项C的a字母发/e /。故选C。
2. 选项ABC的i字母都发/ /,选项D的i字母发/a /,故选D。
3. 选项BCD的o字母都发/ /,选项A的o字母发/ /,故选A。
4. 选项ACD的ea字母组合发/i /,选项B的ea字母组合发/e/,故选B。
5. 选项BCD的or字母组合发/ /,选项A的or字母组合发/ /,故选A。
6. 选项ABD的ear发/e /,选项C的ear字母组合发/ /,故选C。
7. 选项ABD的g发/g/,选项C的g发/d /,故选C。
8. 选项BCD的h发/h/, 选项A的h不发音,故选A。
9. 选项ABC的th发/θ/,选项D的th发/ /,故选D。
10. 选项ACD的ed发/t/,选项B的ed发/ d/,故选B。
二、单词选择 (每小题1分,共8分)
11. a large cat-like animal which lives in Asia.
A. giraffe B. tiger C. elephant D. whale
12. a place where people do exercise to keep fit.
A. island B. road C. gym D. living-room
13. to pick out what you want from two or more things.
A. choose B. return C. throw D. share
14. to ask someone to go somewhere or do something.
A. give B. enjoy C. bring D. invite
15. to go across from one side of the street to the other side.
A. climb B. cross C. ride D. arrive
16. feeling that you are better and more important than other people
A. interesting B. lovely C. careful D. proud
17. having a very good taste or smell
A. delicious B. full C. hungry D. thirsty
18. costing little money
A. expensive B. special C. cheap D. favourite
【答案】11-15 BCADB 16-18 DAC
三、单项选择 (每小题1.5分,共15分)
19. Ms. Lin is our new class teacher. She teaches_________English.
A. our B. us C. we D. my
20. Jack is new here. He’s an English boy. He can only speak_________Chinese.
A. a few B. much C. a little D. many
21. My father was born_________July 24th, 1979.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
22. The boy got up late, _________he was late for school today.
A. or B. but C. because D. so
23. Tom likes playing_________football with his classmates after school.
A. the B. / C. a D. an
24. –Could you tell me_________it takes to walk to the new zoo
--About twenty minutes.
A. how long B. how far C. how often D. how much
25. Mike and Ben_________sports. They only_________ball games on TV.
A. doesn’t play, watch B. don’t play, watch
C. doesn’t play, watches D. don’t play, watches
26. People in England usually speak_________.
A. Chinese B. French C. Japanese D. English
27. – Could you please help me carry all these books to the classroom
-- _________.
A. Good idea. B. Go for it. C. Sure. D. Thank you.
28. –Welcome to our school. Let me show you around. _________
--Thank you so much.
A. This way, please. B. Hurry up. C. All right. D. See you then.
【答案】19-20 BC 21-25 ADBAB 26-28 DCA
考查宾格的用法。词组teach sb. sth.,“教某人某事”,其中sb.在动词后,应用宾格,所以选B。
考查代词。句意“Jack是新来的,他是个英国男孩。他只能说一点点中文”。a little和a few都是“一点点”,a few接可数名词,a little接不可数名词。Chinese不可数,所以选C。
考查冠词。球类前不加冠词,直接play football,所以选B。
四、完型填空 (每小题1.5分,共12分)
Chopsticks are a pair of thin sticks for eating. They are the main eating tools for some Asian___29___, like China, Korea and Japan. Today, most chopsticks are made of wood, __30____, plastic(塑料)or metal.
Chinese chopsticks are usually __31____than other chopsticks, about 24-26cm,but Japanese chopsticks are about 21-23 cm. They usually have a thin eating end.
Chinese people started to use chopsticks over 4,000 years___32___. People of the Shang Dynasty used chopsticks to__33____small pieces of food from hot water and hot pots of oil. So in the beginning, chopsticks were much thinner than before those we use today.
In old China, chopsticks were once called zhu. The name has been__34____used, but later it became kuai, meaning “quick”. Hundreds of years later, the name changed to kuai zi. That is what we call them today.
In Chinese culture, there are some___35___of using chopsticks. For example, it is__36____to put chopsticks in the mouth for a long time. Don’t use chopsticks and bowl or plates to make any noise. And never stick chopsticks straight down into a bowl of rice!
29. A. villages B. countries C. cities D. towns
30. A. bamboo B. flowers C. grass D. leaves
31. A. better B. heavier C. bigger D. longer
32. A. after B. now C. ago D. later
33. A. help with B. carry on C. pick up D. watch out
34. A. widely B. brightly C. finally D. suddenly
35. A. signs B. rules C. races D. plans
36. A. funny B. important C. careless D. impolite
【答案】29-30 BA 31-36 DCCABD
句意“在商朝,人们就使用筷子从热水或者热油中取出小片的食物”,pick up捡起挑出,所以选C。
We know some animals are clever, but we don’t know how clever they are. These films will tell you the answer. Click each and find it!
PENGUINS Penguins are very interesting animals This is not just because of their lovely looks. They can think of maps in their heads, understand each other’s calls and work in groups to look for food. Penguins might not be the cleverest animal, but they’re quite amazing in their own way.
LIONS Lions usually live in small groups. Each group has both males and females. Some might think lions have no brains but only brawn (发达的肌肉). In fact, they are much more than that. They can remember other lions’ faces after a long time.
FOXES Foxes are good runners with super brains. They are also good problem solves(解决者). They can build the best maps of their living places in their heads, and they can remember each other’s voices. So what can we learn about IQ from them
Which animals can build maps in their heads in the passage
Foxes and lions. B. Penguins and lions.
Penguins and foxes. D. All of the three animals.
What does the underlined word that refer to(指代)?
A clever brain. B. An animal world. C. A small group. D. A strong body.
What can we know from the passage
Foxes are usually afraid of problems.
Both lions and penguins live in groups.
The films will show where these animals live.
People love penguins just because they look cute.
What’s the passage for
Showing three books about animals.
Telling people why animals are clever.
Getting people to watch the three films.
Asking people to save the clever animals.
Where can we read this passage
On a poster. B. On the Internet. C. In a newspaper. D. In a storybook.
37. 细节题。题干问哪一种动物能在头脑里建立地图概念,在第二个penguin表格中,提到
“They can think of maps in their heads”,在第四个fox表格中,“They can build the best maps of their living places in their heads”,故选C的企鹅和狐狸。
38. 推测题。看上一句“Some might think lions have no brains, but only brawn (发达的肌肉)”,可知某些人认为狮子没有大脑,只有发达的肌肉,故选D。
39. 推测题。根据第四个fox表格“They are also good problem solves(解决者)”,所以排除A。根据第一个表格“We know some animals are clever, but we don’t know how clever they are. These films will tell you the answer.”,可以排除C和D。故选B。
40. 主旨题。根据第一个表格“We know some animals are clever, but we don’t know how clever they are. These films will tell you the answer.”可知,文章是让人们去看这3部电影。选C。
41. 推测题。根据“Click each and find it!”,可以点击按钮去看视频,可知这是网页。故选B。
Do you know rice first came to China There is an old Chinese story about it. It is about a little girl who went out to fish. At that time, there was very little food, so everybody was very hungry.
One day, when fishing, the little girl suddenly felt her fishing net get heavy. She was so happy! It was the King of Frogs that she found. When the frog heard how hungry the girl was, he wanted to help her. The frog told her to take out her fishing net and let the sun shine on it. The little girl followed his words. Then the King of Frogs began to sing a magic song. The girl was very surprised at what she saw. As the sun shone through the net, the sunlight turned into golden grains(谷粒)of rice. That was how the first rice arrived.
Maybe the story is not true, but it tells us rice is as important as gold to the Chinese. Rice is always one of the main foods on Chinese tables. For many years, much land has been used to grow rice and many Chinese people are farmers, who work very hard for each grain. So it’s important not to waste food. Remember, Waste not, want not.
Why did the girl go to fish
She liked eating fish. B. She had a fishing net.
She had no food to eat. D. The King asked her to do so.
What do we know about the King of Frogs from the story
He taught the girl to fish. B. He sang a song to the fish.
He took out the fishing net. D. He helped the girl get food.
What’s the Chinese meaning of the sentence “Waste not, want not”
勤俭节约,吃穿不缺。 B. 废寝忘食,分秒必争。
稀世之宝,价值连城。 D. 六畜兴旺,五谷丰登。
45. Which is the right order of the passage
① The girl found the King of Frogs.
② The sunlight became rice.
③ People didn’t have enough food to eat.
④ The sun shone through the net.
⑤ The King of Frogs sang a song.
A. ①③⑤②④ B. ③①⑤④② C. ③⑤①②④ D. ①⑤③④②
Which is the best title of the passage
The Hard-working Farmers. B. The Fishing Girl
C. The King of Frogs. D. The First Rice
42. 细节题。根据文章第一段It is about a little girl who went out to fish. At that time, there was very little food, so everybody was very hungry.可知选C。
43. 细节题。根据文章第二段When the frog heard how hungry the girl was, he wanted to help her...Then the King of Frogs began to sing a magic song.可知,ABC都不对,所以选D。
44. 猜测题。根据文章最后一段,农民辛苦劳作,所以不浪费食物是很重要的。只有A选项符合段意。
45. 排序题。根据文章,先是People didn’t have enough food to eat.,然后The girl found the King of Frogs.,再到The King of Frogs sang a song.,再到The sun shone through the net.,最后The sunlight became rice.,所以选B。
46. 主旨题。根据文章第一段第一句可知,这文章是关于一个古老的中国故事,述说米是怎么出现在中国的。故选D。
六、词汇运用 (每空格1分,共10分)
47. 48. 49.
50. 51. 52.
53. 54. 55.
47. China is a great country with a long h__________, almost 5,000 years of it.
48. It is important for everyone to be kind and f__________.
49. He was not a painter, but a m__________. He wrote inspiring music.
50. This great a__________poet in China wrote a lot of poems.
51. On the coin, we can see two lovely p__________with black and white fur.
52. Kate is happy. She has a s__________on her face.
53. Many people think this city is the food c__________of China.
54. The new l__________in Zhujiang New Town looks like a book.
55. Gui Lin is famous for its n__________ b__________.
【答案】47. history 48. friendly 49. musician 50. ancient 51. pandas 52. smile
capital 54. library 55. natural beauty
七、完成句子 (每空格1分,共10分)
56. Lily 早上经常看书吗?
__________Lily often__________some reading in the morning
57. 这问题好难呀!
__________ __________the question is!
58. 我家附近有一家新开的超市和两家水果店。
__________ __________a new supermarket and two fruit stores near my home.
59. Mike, 随便吃点鱼或牛肉吧!
Mike, __________ __________ to some fish or beef.
60. 酒后驾车会让人处于危险之中。
Driving after drinking can put people __________ __________.
【答案】56. Does, do 57. How difficult/hard 58. There is 59. help yourself to
in danger
Dear Steven,
How are you doing Today I would like to tell you something about my t___61______to Beijing this summer holiday. I went there b____62___ plane with my parents. On the first day, we v___63____the Palace Museum. On the second day, we went to Beihai Park. We rowed a boat and t____64___many wonderful photos. Then we went s__65_____ and I bought some gifts. I would like to g___66____them to the new friends in the new school. On the t___67____day, we went to Beijing Zoo. There are so m___68____ animals there. Of all the animals, I love the monkeys b___69____. I had so much fun on my holiday. What a____70___ your summer holiday Write my soon.
【答案】61. trip 62. by 63. visited 64. took 65. shopping 66. give 67. third 68. many
best 70. about
(二)书面表达。假如你是Steven,请给Lisa写一封回信,介绍今年暑假你在广州的生活。 (10分)
1. 40个单词以上(开头已给出,不计入总字数);
2. 不能抄袭或套用第(一)部分Lisa的邮件内容;
3. 内容丰富、语言准确、表达流畅;
4. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。
Dear Lisa,
I am writing to tell you about my summer holiday in Guangzhou.________________________



