Unit 1 You and Me 综合训练(含听力原文+答案无听力音频) 人教版(2024)英语七年级上册

Unit 1 You and Me 综合训练
第Ⅰ卷 听力部分
Ⅰ.听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片。每个句子读两遍
1.    2.    3.    4.    5.   
Ⅱ.听句子, 选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍
6.A.How do you do     B.How are you       C.Fine, thank you.
7.A.It’s Smith. B.It’s Jenny. C.It’s Jim.
8.A.I’m Jenny’s sister. B.I’m in Class 3, Grade 7. C.She’s my mum.
9.A.Peter. B.Smith. C.Mr Zhang.
10.A.Hello, I’m Jim. B.Goodbye, Kim. C.You’re welcome.
Ⅲ.听对话, 根据你所听到的内容, 完成以下表格, 每空填一词, 对话读两遍
Name Li Ming Mary Brown
First name 11.      12.     
Last name Li 13.     
From Ningbo, Zhejiang 14.the      
Favourite food 15.       noodles
第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分
Hello, my name is Andy. I’m thirteen years old. I don’t have sisters  16  brothers in my family. But I  17  two friends at school. They’re Eric and Fred. They’re  18  at sports. They join the school sports club(俱乐部) this term. They can  19  in this club.
I don’t like sports, but I like music. So I join the school music  20 . I play the guitar in the club  21  Wednesday to Friday. Ms Jia is our guitar teacher. She is  22  our friend. She can play the guitar very well.
It’s March 2nd. It’s my mother’s thirty-seventh birthday. I want to give a surprise(惊喜) to her on her birthday party, so I ask Ms Jia, Eric and Fred to the party. Ms Jia and I play the  23 . Eric and Fred sing. My mother is very happy about that. She thanks us very much. She  24  I play the guitar very well, and she thinks I can be a  25  in the future(将来).
16.A.or     B.and    C.but     D.with
17.A.take B.make C.help D.find
18.A.nice B.fine C.great D.good
19.A.sing B.write C.swim D.dance
20.A.festival B.class C.club D.trip
21.A.on B.in C.at D.from
22.A.too B.also C.only D.about
23.A.violin B.guitar C.piano D.drums
24.A.speaks B.says C.talks D.calls
25.A.musician B.sports star C.teacher D.student
Do you know English people’s family names Everyone(每个人) has a family name. But what does it mean(意思是) What do family names come from
First, some family names are from the place(地点) of people’s homes. If a man lives on or near a hill, his family name may be Hill. In England, people’s family names may be Wood or Lake, because they live near the wood or lake(树林或湖). Second, family names are from a person’s job. If a person is a cook, he may be Mr Cook. Third, many people get their family names from their fathers’ given names. If you hear the family name “Jackson”, you will know that he is the son(儿子) of Jack.
26.Some family names come from the place of    .
A.people’s homes B.people’s habits
C.people’s dreams D.people’s schools
27.If a man lives near a lake, what may his family name be
A.Hill. B.Wood. C.Lake. D.Cook.
28.If you hear the family name “Jackson”, you will know that he is the son of    .
A.Tom B.Jack C.Jasper D.Daniel
29.How many kinds of family names are mentioned(提到)
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
30.What’s the best title(标题) of the passage
A.A Cook B.English People’s Family Names
C.Hill and Lake D.Jack’s Father
Henry is a dog. He is six years old. After being a police dog at the police station(警察局) for one year, people there have a party(聚会) for Henry.
People buy many things for Henry. They buy a party hat, a nice black T-shirt and some food. Henry looks really cool in the hat and the T-shirt. He looks very happy, too. He has a good time at the party.
The dog isn’t very big, but he does many “big” things. He’s always very busy(忙的) with his job(工作), but he does well in it. He helps many people. They like him very much.
Henry likes to play ball games with people. It’s interesting for him. He likes to eat vegetables and meat. He has good eating habits(习惯). And he needs to eat well to help people.
What a great dog! Do you want to have a dog like Henry
31.Henry is a(n)    .
A.nice boy B.old woman C.police dog D.English teacher
32.What do people buy for Henry
①a hat ②a T-shirt ③some food ④a pair of shoes
A.①②④ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②③
33.Henry thinks    .
A.the games are interesting B.his job is difficult
C.people are not nice D.the food is not good
34.What does the underlined part mean(画线部分的意思是)
A.Henry is a very big dog.
B.Henry does a lot of great things.
C.Henry gets much help from people.
D.Henry is very fat(胖的) and old.
35.Which is TRUE about Henry
A.He doesn’t like ball games.
B.He has a lot of work to do.
C.He is sixteen years old.
D.He likes to eat apples and bananas.
Good morning, everyone! I 36.      (be) Gina Green. Gina is my 37.       (one) name and Green is my last name. I am 38.       the UK. I’m 39.       China now. My favourite colour is red. My favourite 40.        is playing ping pong. I have a friend.41.      (his) is Frank. Beef noodles are his favourite food. Look! This bowl(碗) of beef noodles is his supper. What’s his 42.      (China) name Aha, 43.       is Ma Gang. He and I are in 44.       same middle school.
Ms Smith is his English teacher. And 45.     (I) English teacher is Ms White.
A: Good morning! I’m Helen.
B: 46.        , Helen! My name is Jack.
A: Nice to meet you.
B: 47.        . Is this your sister
A: 48.      . She’s my cousin Grace.
B: Grace 49.        
A: G-R-A-C-E.
B: Oh, I see. 50.         
A: I’m in Class 5, and Grace is in Class 6.
B: OK. Bye!
A: Bye!
Photo Name Debbie Brown
Country Canada
Family father,mother,sister
Pet a cat, Mimi
School Baiyun Middle School, Guangzhou
Favourite dumplings, tennis
Hello, everyone!Let me introduce my new friend to you. _________________________
Unit 1 综合训练
Ⅰ.1.My name is Li Qiang.
2.Nice to meet you.
3.Tennis is my favourite sport.
4.Can you play the guitar
5.You can call me Fangfang.
Ⅱ.6.How are you
7.What’s your last name
8.What class are you in
9.What is the first name of Peter Smith
10.Hello, I’m Kim.
Ⅲ.W: Good morning! I’m Mary Brown. I’m your English teacher, from the UK. What’s your name, please
M: My name is Li Ming, Miss Mary.
W: Oh, no. Brown is my last name. And Mary is my first name.
M: Sorry, Miss Brown. Nice to meet you!
W: Nice to meet you too!Where are you from, Li Ming
M: I’m from Ningbo, Zhejiang. My parents work here.
W: So, you live in Lanzhou with your family. What food do you like here
M: Well, the food here is really good. And my favourite is the beef noodles.
W: Your English is very good, Li Ming.
M: Thank you, Miss Brown.
Ⅱ.6—10 CABAA
Ⅲ.11.Ming 12.Mary 13.Brown 14.UK 15.beef
Ⅳ.16—20 ABDCC 21—25 DBBBA
Ⅴ.26—30 ACBCB 31—35 CDABB
Ⅵ.36.am 37.first 38.from 39.in 40.sport 41.He 42.Chinese 43.it 44.the 45.my
Ⅶ.46.Good morning
47.Nice to meet you too
48.No(, she isn’t)
49.How do you spell it
50.What class are you in
Hello, everyone!Let me introduce my new friend to you.
This is Debbie Brown. She’s from Canada, and now she lives in Guangzhou with her parents and her sister. She has a pet cat, and its name is Mimi.
Debbie and I are both at Baiyun Middle School. Debbie likes Chinese food. Her favourite food is dumplings. She likes sports too. Her favourite sport is tennis. We often play it after school. Debbie likes music, and she plays the guitar very well.
You can make friends with her too, if you’d like to.



上一篇:Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 综合训练(含听力原文+答案无听力音频) 人教版(2024)英语七年级上册

下一篇:Unit 4 My Favourite Subject 综合训练(含听力原文+答案无听力音频) 人教版(2024)英语七年级上册