Unit3 A3版基础知识训练卷(含答案)【人教(2024秋)九全英语Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?】

1.I keep a dictionary (在···旁边)me when I'm reading an English novel.
2.The lovely rabbits on these (邮票)remind me of my sweet childhood.
3.Lisa promised to send me a (明信片)when she visited Tokyo.
4.We have got about twenty minutes,so there's no need to (急促).
5. The history museum often (关闭)at5: 00 pm. Now it's too late to get there.
6.Go down this street and turn left. You can find the bookstore at the second (拐角).
7. It's (有礼貌的)to say thank you when someone helps you.
8. Mike is (直率的) and he always tells me his true feelings when he is angry.
9.I live next to a supermarket. It is very (方便的)to go shopping.
10.There is an (地下的)parking lot near here. You can park your car there.
1.Nancy often asks me for some (suggest)about English learning.
2. Mike promised (go)to the zoo with me,but today he is too busy to go with me.
3.The basketball match must be (excite). Let's go and watch it.
4. When we went into the magic land, we were very (scare). Later on, we were relaxed.
5. My mum asked me to come home a little (early)than usual.
6.I don't know this new word. Can you tell me how to pronounce it (correct)
7.Linda is requested (take) good care of her pet dog.
8.It is (polite) of you to enter the room without knocking at the door.
9.He is a good (speak) and often goes to different places to make a speech.
10. We couldn't get through this road because it was blocked in both (direction).
11.I went to the market and bought some (grape)and strawberries.
12.After the earthquake, some (medicine) teams went to the area as quickly as possible.
13.My hometown is a small village and it is in the (east)part of China.
14.Mr. Brown lives in the (centre)area of the city with his children.
15.I want to know where (buy)something for lunch.
( )1.What's your new I want to send postcards to you during my traveling in Yunnan.
A.expression B.secret C.address D.direction
( )2.The delicious food and waiters made us happy with the restaurant.
A.slow B.tired C.awful D.polite
( )3.Mike spent two hours the model plane.
A.make B.to make C.making D.made
( )4.-Do you know our English teacher is speaking to
-Yes, I do. He is talking to Lisa's mother.
A.when B.whom C.where D.how
( )5.—Let's go and get something to eat. What do you
-How about fish and chips
A.suggest B.imagine C.suppose D.insist
( )6.When you ask someone for directions, you need to talk .
A.loudly B.quietly C.wisely D.politely
( )7.Judy suggests money for the homeless children after the earthquake.
A.raise B.raising C.to raise D.raised
( )8.-Excuse me, where is the bookstore
-I'm afraid you just the bookstore.Now, turn back and you can see it.
A.ended up B.passed by C.found out D.left for
( )9.—Mike, why are you reading outside
-I cannot enter the library it opens.
A.because B.if C. until
( )10.Do you know that many Australians come from Britain
- That's why they speak English.
A. Yes, of course! B.Here it is!
C. It doesn't matter! D. Nice idea!
( )11.There is a in the neighborhood. We often go there and buy books.
A.bookstore B.restroom C.kitchen D.restaurant
( )12.Jack a lot of Chinese traditions since he began to live in China.
A.learns B.learned C.is learning D. has learned
( )13.- Hello,Mr. White. Could you tell me your e-mail address
- I didn't hear you clearly.
A. How come B.Why not C. So what D. Pardon me
( )14.The passengers are asked to remain seated the plane has come to a complete stop.
A.although B. until C.though D.because
( )15.—I wonder this evening.
-What about the Sports Center It's big and clean.
A. where we can play basketball B. when we can play basketball
C. when can we play basketball D. where can we play basketball
The gift store is your .
His speech always a joke.
.I will help you solve the problem.
He is teaching us these smart garbage sorting boxes.
, could you first tell me the restrooms
Could you please tell me to the post office
Please tell me join the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
I am wondering a bank in the shopping center.
I asked Mary she going on vacation the next month.
I Shijiazhuang at 8: 00 last night.
The health of your teeth basic care and the food you eat.
Mark is smarter than his cousin, but .
Nowadays, peace development are two themes of the world.
When he is free, he loves doing sports running and swimming.
When you have trouble, you should your parents.
1.The post office is on the left of our school, and the bank is on the right of our school.(改为同义句)
Our school is the post office the bank.
2.My friends have already been to the countryside.(改为否定句)
My friends been to the countryside .
3.I don't know where I should go next.(改为简单句)
I don't know where next.
4.I go out and play soccer after I finish my homework.(改为同义句)
I go out and play soccer, I finish my homework.
一、1.beside/by 2.stamps 3. postcard 4.rush 5.closes 6.corner 7. polite 8.direct 9.convenient 10.underground
二、1.suggestions 2.to go 3.exciting 4.scared 5.earlier 6.correctly 7.to take 8.impolite 9.speaker 10.directions 11.grapes 12. medical 13.eastern 14.central 15.to buy
三、1-5 CDCBA 6-10 DBBCA 11-15 ADDBA
四、1.on; right 2.begins/starts with 3. No problem 4.how to use 5. Before we decide; where;are 6.how to get 7.how I can 8.if/whether there is 9.where; was 10.arrived in/ got to 11.depends on/upon 12.less hard-working 13.both; and 14.such as municate with
五、1.between; and 2.haven't; yet 3.to go 4.Before
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