人教版(2024)七年级上册Starter Unit 3 Welcome! 同步分层练习(含答案)

Starter Unit 3 Welcome!
1.A.Eric     B.Pencil
C.next D.me
2.A.up B.nut
C.unit D.supper
3.A.minute B.fine
C.find D.like
4.A.band B.hand
C.plane D.carrot
5.A.open B.bottle
C.clock D.doctor
1.I often hear you sing songs in the (院子).
2.Bill likes      (胡萝卜), chicken and fruit for dinner.
3.—What e     do you want, Ms Lin
—No, thanks.
4.This shirt is too small for me.Could you show me a     one
5.Please c     the numbers from one to one hundred.
1.Ann      (have) many interesting Chinese books at home.
2.What can you      (see) in the picture of the farm
3.Let me       (tell) you a story about our class.
4.There are many        (kind) of animals on the farm.
5.Look!Those white      (sheep) are under the trees.
1.—What’s this
—It’s         .
B:They are apples.
A:         are they
B:They are red.
Welcome to the zoo. You can see many different animals in it.
  Tuantuan is a cute panda. She is five years old. She is from China. She is kind to kids. She is black and white. She likes eating bamboo(竹子) and drinking water.
  This is a big elephant. His name is Martin. He is from India. He is ten years old. He has a long nose. He likes eating grass. He is clever. People can teach him to do something for them.
  Dudu is a monkey. He is two years old. He is from Japan. He is very naughty(淘气的). He likes eating bananas and cakes. He often lives in the tree.
  That is a lion. His name is Nick. He is strong. He is nine years old. He is from Africa. He likes eating meat. He sleeps(睡) for more than ten hours(小时) every day. He is very happy in the zoo.
1.What colour is Tuantuan
A.Yellow and gray.
B.White and blue.
C.Black and white.
D.Brown and red.
2.    can help people to do something.
3.Where does Nick come from
A.China. B.Japan.
C.India. D.Africa.
4.What does Dudu like eating
A.Bananas and cakes.
B.Meat and grass.
C.Meat and cakes.
D.Grass and bananas.
5.Which is right according to the passage
A.Martin is the name of a lion.
B.These animals are all in the zoo now.
C.Dudu sleeps for more than ten hours every day.
D.Martin is nine years old.
一、1.D 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A
二、1.yard 2.carrots 3.else 4.another 5.count
三、1.has 2.see 3.tell 4.kinds 5.sheep
四、1.a key
2.are those; What colour
3.are these
4.white and black/black and white
5.How many
五、1—5 CBDAB



上一篇:人教版(2024)七年级上册Starter Unit 1Hello 同步分层练习(含答案)

下一篇:Unit 1 You and Me Section A (3a-3d)随堂练习 (含答案)人教版英语七年级上册