Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious 基础能力提升练习(无答案)人教版英语九年级全册

2024--2025九年级Unit 2基础能力提升练习
3. 关心;在意 _______________
4. be similar to __________________
5.put on_______________
1.I have a small house ________ an interesting garden.
A. at B. in C. of D. with
2.My house is ______ the garden.
A. cross in B. across from C. cross from D. across at
3.—Mum, where is Dad
—He ______ flowers in the garden now.
A. planted B. plants C. will plant D. is planting
4.We can't expect __________ the holiday with him be-cause he has some special work to do.
A.spend B.to spend C.spending D.spends
5.It's really important __________ and give love and joy to people around us.
A.sharing B.share C.to share D.shares
6.The policeman warns him that in the future.
A. doing B. did C. not to do D. do
7.Mrs.Brown ________ her son for stealing her money. She made him do a lot of chores.
A.punished B.improved C.created D.treated
8.Don’t eat too many hamburgers, or you may ______ weight.
A.put up B.put away C.put on D.put out
9.I took a picture ______ the garden______ many flowers and trees in it.
A. of;with B. to;on C. for;on D. to;with
10.—______ of the city ______ covered with parks and gardens.
—Wow, it's really a green city.
A. Two third; is B. Two thirds; is
C. Two third; are D. Two thirds; are
1.I a him for his success in business.
2.The p problem is to improve our environment.
3.Most of the students think Jim s David's money yesterday.
4.Early this morning I was busy ______(挖) in the garden to plant trees.
5.Anyone who has (偷) anything from our library should be punished.
1. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was ( punish) after he died.
2. They warn us (not walk) into that room.
3. _________ (actual), it is not a good idea to have a pic-nic this Sunday.
4.It is a good idea __________ (help) parents to do some-thing instead.
5.I have to __________(finish) my homework first.
1. 我过去常常抽烟,但去年戒掉了。
I , but I gave up last year.
She about the serious situation.
3. 吉姆今天下午要去划船。
Jim this afternoon.
4. 他们想知道我们明天是否会去参加聚会。
They ________ ________ we ________ go to the party tomorrow.
5. 周末对大部分人来说是放松的时间。
Weekends are ________ ________ ________ relaxation for most people.



上一篇:初中数学沪科版八年级上册 12.2 一次函数 同步分层训练培优卷(含详解)

下一篇:一.负数同步练习(含答案) 六年级下册数学人教版