单元综合检测 Starter Unit Welcome to junior high!(原卷版+解析版)

单元综合检测 Starter Unit Welcome to junior high!(解析版)
(时间:60分钟 满分100分)
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分
1.People all over China like Dali. It’s a good place to take a h .
【详解】句意:中国各地的人喜欢大理。它是一个度假的好地方。根据“It’s a good place”和首字母h可知,是度假的好地方,holiday“假期”,有不定冠词a修饰,用单数名词,故填(h)oliday。
2.I want to i a friend of mine to all of you.
【详解】句意:我想向大家介绍我的一位朋友。根据“...a friend of mine to all of you”及首字母i,可知是动词“介绍”introduce,结合want to do,可知横线上是动词原形introduce。故填(i)ntroduce。
3.—Mum, my j is too small.
—I’ll buy one for you.
【详解】句意:——妈妈,我夹克衫太小了。——我给你买一件。根据“too small”和首字母j可知,我的夹克衫太小了,jacket“夹克衫”,谓语is是第三人称单数形式,主语用单数名词,故填(j)acket。
4.Hot pot is a kind of traditional food in China. It has a long h .
【详解】句意:火锅是中国的一种传统食物。它有着悠久的历史。根据“Hot pot is a kind of traditional food in China”和首字母h可知,火锅是传统食物,因此历史悠久,history“历史”,故填(h)istory。
5.You can go to the reading c if you like reading.
【详解】句意:如果你喜欢阅读,你可以去读书俱乐部。根据“if you like reading”以及首字母可知,是指读书俱乐部,应用reading club。故填(c)lub。
6.When talking in front of so many people, I will feel (紧张的).
7.Lisa is one of my (同班同学) and she is from Nanjing.
【详解】句意:丽莎是我的同班同学之一,她来自南京。classmate“同班同学”,one of后跟名词的复数,表示“……之一”。故填classmates。
8.David has two (爱好). One of them is running.
9.There is a science (实验室) in our school. It’s next to the computer room.
10.My favorite teacher is Mr. Zhang. He teaches us . (地理)
11.Our class has a new student. Let me ________ him to you.
A.invent B.introduce C.join D.invite
考查动词辨析。invent发明;introduce介绍;join加入;invite邀请。根据“Our class has a new
12.I'm Kate, ________ my sister is Gina. I'm tidy, ________ Gina isn't.
A.but; and B.and; but C.and; and D.but; but
考查连词辨析。but但是,表示转折关系;and和、并且,表示并列、顺承关系。根据“I'm Kate, … my sister is Gina.”可知前后句之间是并列关系,因此用and连接;再根据“I'm tidy, … Gina isn't.”可知前后句之间是转折关系,因此用but连接;故选B。
13.________ in my class is very happy.
A.Every B.Everyone C.Both D.All
考查不定代词辨析。Every每个;Everyone每个人;Both两者都;All所有。根据“…in my class is very happy.”可知,谓语动词是is,此处表示班里每个人都很开心,因此此处用Everyone作主语。故选B。
14.—That new building looks modern!
—Oh, that's our school ________. We can borrow books from it.
A.classroom B.hall C.library D.playground
【详解】句意:--那座楼看起来很现代化。--奥,它是我们学校的图书馆,我们可以从那里借书。考查名词辨析。A. classroom教室;B. hall大厅;C. library图书馆;D. playground操场。依据下句提示可以在那里借书,推断是图书馆。故选C。
15.My sister likes ________ and she wants to be a painter (画家).
A.maths B.art C.history D.geography
考查名词辨析。maths数学;art美术;history历史;geography地理。根据“she wants to be a painter (画家)”可知,她喜欢美术。故选B。
16.Tom grows quickly. He wants to buy a new pair of ________.
A.T-shirt B.uniform C.hat D.jeans
考查名词辨析。T-shirt T 恤衫;uniform制服;hat帽子;jeans牛仔裤。根据“a new pair of”可知,此处应用复数名词,只有jeans符合。故选D。
17.My cousin likes eating. So he wants to ________ the cooking club.
A.join B.go C.play D.hold
考查动词辨析。join加入;go去;play玩;hold容纳。根据“the cooking club.”可知,是指加入烹饪俱乐部。故选A。
18.Jack is ________ American boy. He likes playing ________ basketball.
A.a; the B.an; the C.the; / D.an; /
考查冠词辨析。a一个,不定冠词表泛指,用于辅音音素开头单词前;an一个,不定冠词表泛指,用于元音音素开头的单词前;the定冠词,表特指;/零冠词,可用于球类和三餐前。根据“Jack is … American boy.”可知,此处应用不定冠词表示泛指,American以元音音素开头,其前要加不定冠词an;根据“playing … basketball”可知,球类前应用零冠词,play basketball意为“打篮球”。故选D。
19.—What’s in your ________
—Two pencils and one eraser.
A.pencil case B.family photo C.computer game D.phone number
考查名词短语辨析。pencil case铅笔盒;family photo家庭照片;computer game电脑游戏;phone number电话号码。根据“Two pencils and one eraser.”可指,问句应问铅笔盒里有什么。故选A。
20.There ________ some beautiful flowers on the teacher’s desk now.
A.is B.was C.are D.were
考查there be句型的用法。根据“There…some beautiful flowers”可知,该句是there be句型,且设空处后是复数,排除选项AB;结合“now”可知,该句是一般现在时。故选C。
Amy is 12 years old. She is a junior high school 21 now. Today is her first day at school. She gets to school 22 7:30. She sees many boys and girls in the school. Amy 23 her classroom quickly (很快地). It’s on the second 24 .
The first class begins at 8:00. An old 25 comes into the classroom. She 26 very nice. “Good morning, I’m Mrs. Green. I’m your 27 teacher. Our English classes are on Monday and Wednesday. I think you’ll 28 my classes,” says Mrs. Green. After the English class, Amy has science, math and music. Math is her 29 subject. In the afternoon, Amy has art and P.E.
This is Amy’s first day at school. Do you remember (记得) 30 ?
21.A.student B.teacher C.classmate D.friend
22.A.in B.on C.at D.of
23.A.looks B.finds C.gets D.brings
24.A.building B.place C.map D.floor
25.A.man B.woman C.brother D.sister
26.A.sees B.looks C.watches D.makes
27.A.Chinese B.math C.history D.English
28.A.lose B.finish C.like D.think
29.A.first B.next C.favorite D.interesting
30.A.mine B.yours C.hers D.his
21.A 22.C 23.B 24.D 25.B 26.B 27.D 28.C 29.C
student学生;teacher老师;classmate同学;friend朋友。根据“Amy is 12 years old”可知,她是一名学生。故选A。
in后接时间段;on后接具体某天;at后接时间点;of属于。根据“She gets to school…7:30.”可知,此处是具体的时间点,应用at。故选C。
looks看;finds找到;gets到达;brings带来。根据“Amy…her classroom quickly (很快地)”可知,Amy是找到了她的教室。故选B。
building建筑;place地方;map地图;floor楼层。根据“It’s on the second….”可知,此处是指第四层楼。故选D。
man男人;woman女人;brother兄弟;sister姐妹。根据下句“She…very nice.”可知,走进来的是一位老太太。故选B。
sees看见;looks看起来;watches观看;makes使得。根据“She…very nice”可知,应是她看起来很好。故选B。
Chinese语文;math数学;history历史;English英语。根据“Our English classes are on Monday and Wednesday”可知,是英语老师。故选D。
lose丢失;finish完成;like喜欢;think想。根据“I think you’ll…my classes”可知,应是认为大家会喜欢自己的课。故选C。
first第一;next接下来;favorite最喜欢的;interesting有趣的。根据“After the English class, Amy has science, math and music. Math is her…subject”可知,数学应该是她最喜欢的科目。故选
mine我的;yours你的;hers她的;his他的。根据“This is Amy’s first day at school. Do you remember (记得)…”可知,这是艾米上学的第一天,故此处在询问还记得你上学的第一天吗。故选B。
Hi, I’m Jim. Here are three photos of mine (我的). In the first photo, there is an old man and a boy. The old man is my grandpa and the boy is me. My grandpa loves the Beijing Opera (京剧). He always listens to (听) it on the radio.
There are two boys in the next photo. They are my friends Timmy and Peter. They’re in T-shirts. They play basketball after school. They’re very healthy.
What is in the last photo It’s my dog, Ningning. It’s a white dog. It looks cool. And it likes balls.
31.Which is the first photo
A. B. C. D.
32.Who plays basketball after school
A.Timmy and Peter. B.Jim and his friends.
C.Jim and his grandpa. D.Timmy and his brother.
33.Which is the best title for the passage (哪一项是这篇文章的最佳标题)
A.My dog B.My friends
C.My photos D.My grandparents
【答案】31.B 32.A 33.C
31.细节理解题。根据“ In the first photo, there is an old man and a boy. The old man is my
grandpa and the boy is me.”可知,第一张照片中有一个老人和一个男孩,老人是Jim的爷爷,男孩是Jim自己。选项B符合这个描述。故选B。
32.细节理解题。根据“They are my friends Timmy and Peter. They’re in T-shirts. They play basketball after school.”可知,Timmy和Peter在放学后打篮球。故选A。
Hi! My name is John. I’m eleven years old. I’m in Grade Seven. Our school day starts at 8:00 in the morning and finishes at 3:25 in the afternoon. My favourite subject is science, because I can learn a lot from it. I don’t like geography. I think it’s boring. I’m very busy every day. Here is my class schedule (课程表). Please have a look.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00~8:30 Morning Reading
8:45~9:30 English History Maths Chinese Science
9:40~10:25 Maths Chinese Science History English
10:35~11:20 Art P.E. History Maths P.E.
11:30~13:30 Lunch Break
13:45~14:30 Geography English Music English Music
14:40~15:25 History Art Chinese Science Maths
34.What subject does John like best
A. B. C. D.
35.What is John most possibly (最可能) doing at 10:55 on Tuesday
A.Playing football. B.Having a music lesson.
C.Doing morning reading. D.Having a history lesson.
36.How many classes does John have in a week
A.Twenty. B.Twenty five.
C.Thirty. D.Thirty five.
37.What can we learn from the text
A.John has a music lesson on Friday morning.
B.John has eight subjects to learn at school.
C.John thinks geography is not interesting.
D.John only has one P.E. lesson in a week.
【答案】34.D 35.A 36.B 37.C
34.细节理解题。根据“My favourite subject is science, because I can learn a lot from it.”可知,John最喜欢的科目是科学。故选D。
35.细节理解题。根据课程表“Tuesday” “10:35~11:20” “P. E.”可知,星期二的10:55分John在上体育课,最可能在踢足球。故选A。
37.细节理解题。根据“I don’t like geography. I think it’s boring.”可知,John认为地理很无聊,所以他不喜欢地理。故选C。
Hello, I’m Michael. I am 13. I have two friends. They’re Gary and Jason. Gary is 13, too. But Jason is 12. We are in the same class. I like basketball. And I like watching NBA games. I have a basketball. I play basketball after school. Gary and Jason don’t like it. Gary likes soccer. He has
two soccer balls. He always plays soccer on Thursday afternoon and Sunday morning. It’s easy for Gary. Jason can play soccer, too. He plays it with Gary sometimes (有时). He has a soccer ball and two volleyballs. He likes volleyball. He watches volleyball games on TV.
What about you What ball games do you like
38.Jason is Michael’s _______.
A.classmate B.brother
C.uncle D.father
39.When does Gary play soccer
A.On Wednesday and Thursday.
B.On Thursday and Friday.
C.On Thursday and Sunday.
D.On Saturday and Sunday.
40.What can we know about the three boys
A.All of them like sports.
B.They have four soccer balls.
C.They all like playing basketball.
D.They are not in the same school.
41.What is the best title (最佳标题) for the text
A.Two Good Friends of Mine
B.We Like Ball Games
C.Welcome to My School
D.I Like Playing Basketball
【答案】38.A 39.C 40.A 41.B
38.细节理解题。根据“But Jason is 12. We are in the same class.” 可知,Jason是Michael的同班同学。故选A。
39.细节理解题。根据“Gary likes soccer. He always plays soccer on Thursday afternoon and Sunday morning.”可知,Gary在星期四和星期天踢足球。故选C。
40.细节理解题。根据“I like basketball…Gary likes soccer…Jason can play soccer, too… He likes volleyball.”可知,三个人都喜欢运动。故选A。
Do you know what an American school is like There are some buildings in it: the classroom building, the science building, the sports building, the dining hall and the library. Every school has a big playground too. There are a lot of trees and flowers in some schools, so they look like parks.
There are 20 or 30 students in a class. In the classroom, students sit in groups (组). There are 5 or 6 students in a group. In the classroom, every student has a locker (锁柜). They can put their books and clothes in it.
Every day, students have six or seven classes. They study science, maths, English and other subjects. They go to different classrooms for every subject. That’s because every teacher has his/her classroom. The school day finishes early in the afternoon.
After school, most students go to different after-school activities, such as sports games and different kinds of club activities.
42.Why do some schools in America look like parks
A.Because there are many buildings.
B.Because there are lots of trees and flowers.
C.Because there is a big playground.
D.Because students can play sports.
43.How do American students sit in a classroom
A.In groups. B.Alone.
C.In a line. D.In a circle.
44.What is Para. 4 about
B.After-school activities.
C.Buildings in a school.
D.Teachers in schools.
45.Which sentences are true
①Students have six or seven classes every day.
②They go to the same classroom on weekdays.
③The school day finishes early in the afternoon.
④Every student has a locker in the classroom.
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④
【答案】42.B 43.A 44.B 45.D
42.细节理解题。根据“There are a lot of trees and flowers in some schools, so they look like parks.”可知,有些学校有很多树和花,所以看起来像公园。故选B。
43.细节理解题。根据“In the classroom, students sit in groups.”可知,在教室里,学生们分组坐。故选A。
44.段落大意题。根据“After school, most students go to different afters-chool activities, such as sports games and different kinds of club activities.”可知,第四段主要介绍了课外活动。故选B。
45.细节理解题。根据“Every day, students have six or seven classes.”、“The school day finishes early in the afternoon.”以及“In the classroom, every student has a locker.”可知,学生们每天有六到七节课,下午放学早,并且在教室里每个学生都有一个锁柜。综上所述可判断①③④描述是正确的。故选D。
A: Hello, Lingling.
B: Hello, Jim.
A: 46
B: I am in Class 4 Grade 7.
A: Is your classroom big
B: 47
A: 48
B: There are 20 boys and 17 girls in my class.
A: 49
B: No, but there is a map of America.
A: 50
B: Goodbye!
A.It’s time to go home. See you!
B.Yes, it’s really big.
C.Is there a map of the world on the wall
D.How many girls are there in your classroom
E.What class are you in
F.There is a computer on my teacher’s desk.
G.What does your mother do
【答案】46.E 47.B 48.D 49.C 50.A
46.根据“I am in Class 4 Grade 7.”可知,横线上应是询问在哪个班级。选项E“你在哪个班级”符合语境。故选E。
47.根据“Is your classroom big ”可知,询问你的教室大吗?所以选项B“是的,真得很大”符合语境。故选B。
48.根据“There are 20 boys and 17 girls in my class.”可知,横线上询问数量,选项D“在你的教室有多少女生”符合语境。故选D。
49.根据“No, but there is a map of America.”可知,横线上是一般疑问句,并说的是关于地图情况。选项C“墙上有世界地图吗”符合语境。故选C。
I am Susan. I am a student. I’m ten 51 (year) old. My favorite subject is English, and I like to speak English very much. Why Because I have 52 good English teacher. 53 (she) name is Liang Hui. She loves 54 (we) very much, and she teaches English very 55 (good). We all like her. After class, she often 56 (help) us with our English. And she often plays with us 57 she is free (空闲的). She likes sports, and we often play them 58 school.
She often says English is useful and asks us 59 (learn) it well. 60 (student) in my class all like English very much.
51.years 52.a 53.Her 54.us 55.well 56.helps 57.when 58.after 59.to learn 60.Students
55.句意:她非常爱我们,而且她教英语教得非常好。good“好的”,是形容词,修饰动宾短语teach English,用副词,故填well。
58.句意:她喜欢运动,我们经常在放学后做运动。根据“She likes sports, and we often play them”可知,我们做运动,应是在放学后,after school“放学后”,故填after。
59.句意:她经常说英语是有用的,要求我们好好学习它。learn“学习”,ask sb to do sth“要求某人做某事”,故填to learn。
61.当同学们踏入新的校园时,你们的初中生活就开始了,你喜欢这所新学校吗?你周围的同学和老师怎么样?请你以“My New School”为题,写一篇短文描述一下你在新学校的感受。
My New School
My New School
Yu Cai Middle School is my new school. Let me introduce it to you.
The new school is clean and tidy. It has a big playground in the middle. There are new teaching buildings and tall trees and flowers around it. We also have a big school library. I’m glad
to meet my new classmates. Although we’re from different schools, we’re very friendly to each other. And our teachers are very nice. They are friendly to us all.
I love my new school. I’ll work hard and make many friends here.
①be glad to do sth.很高兴做某事
②be friendly to sb.对某人友好
Although we’re from different schools, we’re very friendly to each other. (although引导的让步状语从句)单元综合检测 Starter Unit Welcome to junior high!(原卷版)
(时间:60分钟 满分100分)
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分
1.People all over China like Dali. It’s a good place to take a h .
2.I want to i a friend of mine to all of you.
3.—Mum, my j is too small.
—I’ll buy one for you.
4.Hot pot is a kind of traditional food in China. It has a long h .
5.You can go to the reading c if you like reading.
6.When talking in front of so many people, I will feel (紧张的).
7.Lisa is one of my (同班同学) and she is from Nanjing.
8.David has two (爱好). One of them is running.
9.There is a science (实验室) in our school. It’s next to the computer room.
10.My favorite teacher is Mr. Zhang. He teaches us . (地理)
11.Our class has a new student. Let me ________ him to you.
A.invent B.introduce C.join D.invite
12.I'm Kate, ________ my sister is Gina. I'm tidy, ________ Gina isn't.
A.but; and B.and; but C.and; and D.but; but
13.________ in my class is very happy.
A.Every B.Everyone C.Both D.All
14.—That new building looks modern!
—Oh, that's our school ________. We can borrow books from it.
A.classroom B.hall C.library D.playground
15.My sister likes ________ and she wants to be a painter (画家).
A.maths B.art C.history D.geography
16.Tom grows quickly. He wants to buy a new pair of ________.
A.T-shirt B.uniform C.hat D.jeans
17.My cousin likes eating. So he wants to ________ the cooking club.
A.join B.go C.play D.hold
18.Jack is ________ American boy. He likes playing ________ basketball.
A.a; the B.an; the C.the; / D.an; /
19.—What’s in your ________
—Two pencils and one eraser.
A.pencil case B.family photo C.computer game D.phone number
20.There ________ some beautiful flowers on the teacher’s desk now.
A.is B.was C.are D.were
Amy is 12 years old. She is a junior high school 21 now. Today is her first day at school. She gets to school 22 7:30. She sees many boys and girls in the school. Amy 23 her classroom quickly (很快地). It’s on the second 24 .
The first class begins at 8:00. An old 25 comes into the classroom. She 26 very nice. “Good morning, I’m Mrs. Green. I’m your 27 teacher. Our English classes are on Monday and Wednesday. I think you’ll 28 my classes,” says Mrs. Green. After the English class, Amy has science, math and music. Math is her 29 subject. In the afternoon, Amy has art and P.E.
This is Amy’s first day at school. Do you remember (记得) 30 ?
21.A.student B.teacher C.classmate D.friend
22.A.in B.on C.at D.of
23.A.looks B.finds C.gets D.brings
24.A.building B.place C.map D.floor
25.A.man B.woman C.brother D.sister
26.A.sees B.looks C.watches D.makes
27.A.Chinese B.math C.history D.English
28.A.lose B.finish C.like D.think
29.A.first B.next C.favorite D.interesting
30.A.mine B.yours C.hers D.his
Hi, I’m Jim. Here are three photos of mine (我的). In the first photo, there is an old man and a boy. The old man is my grandpa and the boy is me. My grandpa loves the Beijing Opera (京剧). He always listens to (听) it on the radio.
There are two boys in the next photo. They are my friends Timmy and Peter. They’re in T-shirts. They play basketball after school. They’re very healthy.
What is in the last photo It’s my dog, Ningning. It’s a white dog. It looks cool. And it likes balls.
31.Which is the first photo
A. B. C. D.
32.Who plays basketball after school
A.Timmy and Peter. B.Jim and his friends.
C.Jim and his grandpa. D.Timmy and his brother.
33.Which is the best title for the passage (哪一项是这篇文章的最佳标题)
A.My dog B.My friends
C.My photos D.My grandparents
Hi! My name is John. I’m eleven years old. I’m in Grade Seven. Our school day starts at 8:00 in the morning and finishes at 3:25 in the afternoon. My favourite subject is science, because
I can learn a lot from it. I don’t like geography. I think it’s boring. I’m very busy every day. Here is my class schedule (课程表). Please have a look.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00~8:30 Morning Reading
8:45~9:30 English History Maths Chinese Science
9:40~10:25 Maths Chinese Science History English
10:35~11:20 Art P.E. History Maths P.E.
11:30~13:30 Lunch Break
13:45~14:30 Geography English Music English Music
14:40~15:25 History Art Chinese Science Maths
34.What subject does John like best
A. B. C. D.
35.What is John most possibly (最可能) doing at 10:55 on Tuesday
A.Playing football. B.Having a music lesson.
C.Doing morning reading. D.Having a history lesson.
36.How many classes does John have in a week
A.Twenty. B.Twenty five.
C.Thirty. D.Thirty five.
37.What can we learn from the text
A.John has a music lesson on Friday morning.
B.John has eight subjects to learn at school.
C.John thinks geography is not interesting.
D.John only has one P.E. lesson in a week.
Hello, I’m Michael. I am 13. I have two friends. They’re Gary and Jason. Gary is 13, too. But Jason is 12. We are in the same class. I like basketball. And I like watching NBA games. I have a basketball. I play basketball after school. Gary and Jason don’t like it. Gary likes soccer. He has two soccer balls. He always plays soccer on Thursday afternoon and Sunday morning. It’s easy for Gary. Jason can play soccer, too. He plays it with Gary sometimes (有时). He has a soccer ball and two volleyballs. He likes volleyball. He watches volleyball games on TV.
What about you What ball games do you like
38.Jason is Michael’s _______.
A.classmate B.brother
C.uncle D.father
39.When does Gary play soccer
A.On Wednesday and Thursday.
B.On Thursday and Friday.
C.On Thursday and Sunday.
D.On Saturday and Sunday.
40.What can we know about the three boys
A.All of them like sports.
B.They have four soccer balls.
C.They all like playing basketball.
D.They are not in the same school.
41.What is the best title (最佳标题) for the text
A.Two Good Friends of Mine
B.We Like Ball Games
C.Welcome to My School
D.I Like Playing Basketball
Do you know what an American school is like There are some buildings in it: the classroom building, the science building, the sports building, the dining hall and the library. Every school has a big playground too. There are a lot of trees and flowers in some schools, so they look like parks.
There are 20 or 30 students in a class. In the classroom, students sit in groups (组). There are 5 or 6 students in a group. In the classroom, every student has a locker (锁柜). They can put their books and clothes in it.
Every day, students have six or seven classes. They study science, maths, English and other subjects. They go to different classrooms for every subject. That’s because every teacher has his/her classroom. The school day finishes early in the afternoon.
After school, most students go to different after-school activities, such as sports games and different kinds of club activities.
42.Why do some schools in America look like parks
A.Because there are many buildings.
B.Because there are lots of trees and flowers.
C.Because there is a big playground.
D.Because students can play sports.
43.How do American students sit in a classroom
A.In groups. B.Alone.
C.In a line. D.In a circle.
44.What is Para. 4 about
B.After-school activities.
C.Buildings in a school.
D.Teachers in schools.
45.Which sentences are true
①Students have six or seven classes every day.
②They go to the same classroom on weekdays.
③The school day finishes early in the afternoon.
④Every student has a locker in the classroom.
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④
A: Hello, Lingling.
B: Hello, Jim.
A: 46
B: I am in Class 4 Grade 7.
A: Is your classroom big
B: 47
A: 48
B: There are 20 boys and 17 girls in my class.
A: 49
B: No, but there is a map of America.
A: 50
B: Goodbye!
A.It’s time to go home. See you!
B.Yes, it’s really big.
C.Is there a map of the world on the wall
D.How many girls are there in your classroom
E.What class are you in
F.There is a computer on my teacher’s desk.
G.What does your mother do
I am Susan. I am a student. I’m ten 51 (year) old. My favorite subject is English, and I like to speak English very much. Why Because I have 52 good English teacher. 53 (she) name is Liang Hui. She loves 54 (we) very much, and she teaches English very 55 (good). We all like her. After class, she often 56 (help) us with our English. And she often plays with us 57 she is free (空闲的). She likes sports, and we often play them 58 school.
She often says English is useful and asks us 59 (learn) it well. 60 (student) in my class all like English very much.
61.当同学们踏入新的校园时,你们的初中生活就开始了,你喜欢这所新学校吗?你周围的同学和老师怎么样?请你以“My New School”为题,写一篇短文描述一下你在新学校的感受。
My New School



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