Unit 2 School Life 副词的比较级和最高级 精讲精练(含解析)

考查比较级。carefully认真地,仔细地;more carefully更认真地;careful仔细的;more careful更仔细的。根据“than”可知,应用比较级;再根据“does her homework”可知,应用副词carefully修饰动词do。故选B。
考查词汇辨析和比较级。hardly几乎不,副词;harder更努力地,副词;happily高兴地,副词,比较级是more happily;happier更高兴的,形容词。“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越……就越……” ,第一个空修饰动词study用副词harder;第二个空是形容词作表语。故选B。
考查副词比较级。more careful更认真的,形容词比较级;more carefully更认真地,副词比较级;the most careful最认真的,形容词最高级;the most carefully最认真地,副词最高级。根据“Li Hong does her homework ________ than before”可知空格处应是修饰动词短语do homework,故要用副词,又因than可知,要用比较级,故选B。
考查副词比较级。loudly大声地;clearly清楚地。根据“We can understand him better.”可知,那个男孩唱得更清楚,应用clearly,此处是两个歌手之间的比较,应用比较级,故选C。
考查比较级。分析句子结构及句意可知,此句为“the+比较级…, the+比较级”结构,表示”越……就越……”。故选C。
考查比较级。well好;better更好;best最好;the best最好。根据“ jiaozi or zongzi ”可知,两者比较,使用
考查比较级。harder更努力;better更好;worse更差;fewer更少;more更多。根据“you study”以及“grades you will get.”可知,应说越努力,成绩就越好。故选A。
考查比较级。由“swimming or running”可知,在两者之间选择,故用比较级。故选B。
考查副词比较级。quick快的,迅速的,形容词;quicker更快的,更迅速的;quickly快地,副词;more quickly更快地,更迅速地。根据“than”和“travels much”可知使用副词比较级,副词修饰动词,故选D。
考查副词比较级用法。根据“than the other speakers, so we could hardly hear her.”可知,Jenny说话声音比其他人轻柔,故排除选项C和D。再根据than一词可知,空处需填比较级;spoke为动词,需副词quietly“安静的”修饰,其比较级为more quietly。故选A。
考查比较级与最高级。根据“than Tony”可知,第一空用比较级faster;根据范围“of them”可知,第二空用最高级fastest。故选D。
考查副词比较级。hardly几乎不;harder更努力地。固定短语study hard表示“努力学习”,由“than”可知,用副词的比较级,hard的比较级是harder。故选C。
考查比较级。根据“Jane or Jane’s cousin”可知,两者比较用比较级,且此处修饰动词sings,用副词beautifully,所以是副词的比较级more beautifully。故选D。
考查副词的比较级。根据“this year than last year”可知,此处是把今年的情况和去年的情况做比较,需用比较级,所以,better符合题意。故选C。
考查最高级和比较级。根据“one of ... students”可知,此处是one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数“最……之一”,空一处用最高级,排除B、C选项;根据“than”可知,空二处用比较级。故选D。
考查副词比较级。根据“than before”可知考查比较级,修饰动词“run”用副词fast比较级faster。故选B。
考查比较级用法。good好的,形容词;well好,副词;better更好,比较级;the best最好,最高级。根据“than”可知,应用比较级,故选C。
考查副词比较级。more careful更认真的;more carefully更认真地;less careful不认真的;less carefully不认真地。由than可知空处应是比较级,并且空处修饰动词studied,应用副词形式,再根据“So his mother was very angry with him.”可知,应用less carefully,表示“更不认真”。故选D。
考查副词辨析和比较级。badly坏地;worse更坏;well好地;better更好。根据than可知,应使用比较级,结合“I didn’t expect my brother to do a good job in the play. However, he acted...than I expected.”可知,前后为转折关系,此处指“演得比我预期的更好”。故选D。
考查副词的用法以及副词比较级。修饰动词sings用副词,根据“Lisa or Anna”可知此处是两者之间进行比较,用副词的比较级。故选D。
考查副词比较级。faster更快;fastest最快;more slowly更慢;most slowly最慢。由“Mike or Tony”可知,此处是两者的比较,应用比较级,由“win the race”和“Tony”可知,此处表示托尼跑得更快。故选A。
考查比较级用法。better更好的;best最好的;more popular更受欢迎的; most popular最受欢迎的。根据问句中“music or sports”可知,是两者比较,需用比较级,故第一个空填better;as...as表示“同……一样……”,中间常用形容词或副词原级,故第二个空填popular。故选A。
考查比较级。根据“milk or juice”可知是在两者之间进行比较,用比较级。故选C。
考查副词的比较级。空处的词要修饰动词does,因此空处应是副词carefully,根据than可知,本句须用carefully的比较级more carefully,故选B。
考查副词的比较级。more slowly更慢(副词比较级);most quickly最快(副词最高级);less slowly不那么慢(副词比较级);slowly慢地(副词原级)。根据“Jim, you are speaking too fast. I can’t follow you.”可知此
考查副词辨析和副词比较级。cheaply便宜地;more cheaply更便宜;quickly迅速地;more quickly更快地。根据问题“Are things in this supermarket expensive ”以及答语“No.”可知,此处表示这家店的东西很便宜。其次,根据“...than any other supermarkets in our city”可知,需用比较级,表示比其他店的东西都便宜。故选B。
【详解】句意:——我非常喜欢鲍勃的文章。你呢? ——我也一样。没有人比他写得更好。
考查副词辨析和副词比较级。worse更糟;worst最糟;better更好;best最好。根据空后“than”,可知空处应填比较级,排除B和D;根据“I like Bob’s writing very much.”(我非常喜欢鲍勃的文章。)和“Me, too.”(我也一样),可知提问者和回答者都喜欢鲍勃的文章,故排除A。故选C。
考查比较级。fast快地,原级;faster更快地,比较级;fastest最快地,最高级;the fastest 最快地,the+最高级。根据than的比较结构可知此处用比较级。故选B。
考查比较级和最高级。well原级;better比较级;best最高级。第一空由于“than”,所以是比较级,所以是better;由于“in the class”是限制范围,所以是最高级best。故选D。
考查副词的比较级。根据“than”可知此处用副词的比较级more clearly修饰动词sang。故选C。
考查比较级。better更好;worse更坏;best最好;worst最坏。根据“Eric is talented in singing”可知Eric唱歌唱得好,结合than可知应用比较级,故选A。
考查副词辨析和最高级。better更好的;best最好的;worse更差的;worst最差的。根据“He always gets full marks in the subjects.”可知,他各科总是满分,因此应是考得最好。故选B。
考查副词最高级。successful成功的,形容词;successfully成功地,副词。根据“he cooked better than any other student in his class.”可知,此处是指Kangkang做饭做的最好,因此用副词的最高级形式,修饰动词“cooked”。故选A。
考查副词最高级。根据空后的“math, Chinese or English”可知,此处是在三者之间比较,因此使用最高级。故选B。
考查最高级。good好的;well好地;better更好;best最好。根据“among the singers.”可知,三者及以上的比较,应用最高级,故选D。
考查副词最高级。far远,farther更远;farthest最远;further更远。根据“of the six students”可知是六个学生中跳得最高的,这里使用副词的最高级。故选C。
【详解】句意:——在所有的男孩中,谁工作最努力?——我认为是迈克尔。根据“Of all the boys”可知,用副词hard最高级形式,hardest“最努力”,副词修饰动词。故填hardest。
【详解】句意:——这场比赛的结果如何?——简在所有跑步者中跑得最快。根据“of all the runners”可知,空处应用副词的最高级fastest“最快地”,修饰动词。故填fastest。
43.most slowly
【详解】句意:迈克尔、康康和玛丽亚正在做饭。康康是他们三个人中做饭最慢的。根据“Michael, Kangkang and Maria are cooking. Kangkang”可知,此处应用副词的最高级形式,修饰动词cook,表示“最慢地”。故填most slowly。
44.the earliest/earliest
【详解】句意:我妈妈在我们家起得最早。根据“in my family”可知用最高级,early的最高级earliest,副词最高级前加不加the均可。故填(the) earliest。
45.highest/the highest
【详解】句意:杰克在学校里跳得最高。jump是动词,此处使用副词对其进行修饰,high“高地”,副词;结合“in his school”可知,此处应使用副词最高级,最高级前可以加定冠词the,也可以不加定冠词the,故填(the) highest。
【详解】句意:尽管他做的这项任务在班级里是最差的,但是他是自己完成的。此句有范围“in the class”,因此应用“badly”的最高级“worst”,表示“最差”。故填worst。
47.most beautifully/the most beautifully
【详解】句意:她在班上唱得最动听。这里修饰动词sing用副词,根据“in her class”可知,三者以上比较,填副词beautifully的最高级(the) most beautifully“最美妙地”,副词最高级前可以不加定冠词the。故填(the) most beautifully。
【详解】句意:——太黑了。我们现在回家吧。——好的。我们不应该再晚点离开。根据“It’s too dark. Let’s go home now.”可知,不应该再晚点离开,much修饰副词比较级,later“更晚地”。故填later。
49.more noisily
【详解】句意:托尼喝汤的声音比其他学生都大。根据“than”可知,此处应用副词的比较级,故填more noisily。
50.more finely
【详解】句意:我认为Maria把肉切的比珍妮更精致,因为她比珍妮更仔细。空处修饰cuts应用副词形式,结合“than”可以要用副词的比较级形式,故填more finely。
51.more lightly
【详解】句意:我认为我妈妈炸鱼比我们任何人都不费力。根据“than”可知,此空应填比较级,同时此空修饰动词fried,应填副词lightly的比较级more lightly,故填more lightly。
52.more quickly
【详解】句意:我们很高兴看到我们的城市比以前发展得更快了。根据“than”可知,空处需用副词比较级。more quickly“更快速地”。故填more quickly。
53.more politely
【详解】句意:小汤姆比其他学生更礼貌地提问。polite“礼貌的”,形容词。根据than可知,空格处用比较级;分析题干可知,空格处是副词,用于修饰动词asks“询问”,结合提示词,空格处应填副词politely的比较级,故填more politely。
54.more comfortably
作状语;根据下文“…in the sofa than on the chair.”可知,此处应用比较级,根据常识可知,坐在沙发上肯定比坐在椅子上更舒服,comfortably副词,其比较级为more comfortably,意为“更舒服地”。故填more comfortably。
【详解】句意:我现在读书比以前少了。根据“than I used to”可知,此处用比较级,little的比较级为less。故填less。
60. the thinner more clearly
【详解】句意:在双胞胎家庭中,莉莉比较瘦,但丽莎唱歌更清晰。结合“In the twin family”可知,此处表示“两者中较……的”,应用比较级,第一空与one搭配,thin的比较级前用定冠词the,第二空修饰动词,应用副词clearly的比较级more clearly,故填the thinner;more clearly。班级 姓名 学号 分数
Unit 2 School Life
比较级形式:在副词后面加上-er。例如:fast(快)→ faster(更快)。
最高级形式:在副词前面加上the或在副词后面加上-est。例如:fast(快)→ the fastest(最快)。但请注意,在实际应用中,the可以省略。
比较级形式:在副词前面加上more。例如:carefully(仔细地)→ more carefully(更仔细地)。
最高级形式:在副词前面加上the most。例如:carefully(仔细地)→ the most carefully(最仔细地)。
对于以-ly结尾的副词(大多由形容词+ly构成),其比较级和最高级形式与形容词相同,即在其前面加上more和most。例如:happily(快乐地)→ more happily(更快乐地)→ the most happily(最快乐地)。
对于一些不规则变化的副词,如well(好地)→ better(更好地)→ best(最好地),badly(差地)→ worse(更差地)→ worst(最差地),它们的比较级和最高级形式需要特殊记忆。
对于以“e”结尾的副词,只需在词尾加上-r即可构成比较级。例如:large(大)→ larger(更大)。
如果副词以“y”结尾,并且“y”前是辅音字母,那么需要将“y”改为“i”,再加上-er构成比较级。例如:happy(快乐地)→ happier(更快乐地)。
对于复合副词(由两个或两个以上的单词组成的副词),其比较级和最高级形式通常是在整个副词前面加上more和most。例如:well-done(做得好)→ better-done(做得更好)→ the best-done(做得最好)。
不与其他事物相比,表示本身程度的改变, 用“比较级+and+比较级”, 意为“越来越……”。
表示一方随着另一方程度变化时, 用the+比较级, the+比较级结构, 意为“越……, 就越……”。
表示“几倍于……时”, 用倍数+as…as来表示, 也可用倍数+比较级+than…来表示。.用much, far, still, even, a lot, a bit等副词来修饰副词的比较级时,表示程度, 放在比较级之前。
用比较级的形式表达最高级的含义。这类句型常见的结构为: 比较级+than+(any other+单数名词/all the other+复数名词/anyone else/any of the other+复数名词)。
如:Kangkang runs faster than anyone else in our school.鲍勃是我们学校跑得最快的。
最高级可被序数词以及much, by far, nearly, almost等修饰,表示程度。
如:Jane studies almost the hardest in her class.她可能是班上学习最努力的。
1.—Sandy always does her homework ________ than her brother.
—I agree with you.
A.carefully B.more carefully C.careful D.more careful
2.________ you study, ________ your parents are.
A.The hardly, the happily B.The harder, the happier
C.Harder, happier D.The more hardly, the more happily
3.Tom acted ________ than any other actor in the play.
A.carefully B.more careful C.most carefully D.more carefully
4.With Helen’s help, Li Hong does her homework ________ than before.
A.more careful B.more carefully
C.the most careful D.the most carefully
5.—What do you think of the two singers
—I think the boy sings ________. We can understand him better.
A.more loudly B.the most loudly C.more clearly D.the most clearly
6.________ you study, ________ grades you’ll get.
A.Harder, better B.Harder, much better
C.The harder, the better D.The harder, the best
7.—Which do you like ________ jiaozi or zongzi
A.well B.better C.best D.the best
8.—Why do you learn English so well
—It’s very simple. ________ you study, ________ grades you will get.
A.The harder; the better B.The harder; the worse
C.The more; the fewer D.The more; the worse
9.—Which do you like ________, swimming or running
A.well B.better C.best D.the best
10.—Remember this, children. _______ you do your homework, _______ mistakes you will make.
—We know, Mr. Li.
A.The more careful; the fewer B.The more carefully; the fewer
C.The more careful; the less D.The more carefully; the less
11.Passengers prefer a high-speed train because it travels much ________ than the ordinary train.
A.quick B.quicker C.quickly D.more quickly
12.Jenny spoke ________ than the other speakers, so we could hardly hear her.
A.more quietly B.most quietly C.more loudly D.most loudly
13.Jim runs ________ than Tony, but Frank runs ________ of them.
A.fast; fast B.faster; faster C.fastest; fastest D.faster; fastest
14.All the students want to get good grades. So they study ________ than before.
A.hardly B.more hardly C.harder D.more harder
15.Who sings ________, Jane or Jane’s cousin
A.beautiful B.more beautiful C.beautifully D.more beautifully
16.Sam did ________ in his studies this year than last year.
A.well B.very well C.better D.best
17.Gina was one of ______ students in her class last term, but now she studies ______ than before.
A.the laziest;hardly B.the lazier;harder
C.lazier;the hardest D.the laziest;harder
18.With my teacher’s help, I can run much _______ than before.
A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest
19.After more than one year’s hard work, we can speak English ________ than before.
A.good B.well C.better D.the best
20.In order to pass the exam, you need to work much __________ now.
A.hard B.harder C.hardest D.hardly
21.—I think Jeff studied ________ than others.
—Yes. So his mother was very angry with him.
A.more careful B.more carefully C.less careful D.less carefully
22.I didn’t expect my brother to do a good job in the play. However, he acted ________ than I expected.
A.badly B.worse C.well D.better
23.—Who sings ________, Lisa or Anna
—I think Lisa does.
A.clear B.clearly C.clearer D.more clearly
24.—Who do you think will win the race, Mike or Tony
—It must be Tony. I think he runs ________.
A.faster B.fastest C.more slowly D.most slowly
25.—Which do many young people like ________, music or sports
—Both. Music is as ________ as sports.
A.better; popular B.best; popular
C.better; more popular D.best; most popular
26.Which do you like ________, milk or juice
A.best B.well C.better D.good
27.She always does her homework ________ than her brother.
A.more careful B.more carefully C.careful D.carefully
28.—What do you think of his drawing
—Oh, no one draws ________ than him.
A.good B.well C.better D.best
29.—Jim, you are speaking too fast. I can’t follow you.
—Sorry, I will speak a little ________.
A.more slowly B.most quickly C.less slowly D.slow
30.—Are things in this supermarket expensive
—No. You can buy things ________ than any other supermarkets in our city.
A.cheaply B.more cheaply C.quickly D.more quickly
31.—I like Bob’s writing very much. What about you
—Me, too. No one writes ________ than him.
A.worse B.worst C.better D.best
32.Jason is excellent in sports. He runs ________ than me.
A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest
33.Jack sings ________ than any other student, but the teacher says Dale sings ________ in the class.
A.better; well B.best; well C.best; best D.better; best
34.Laura sang ________ than the other singers in the singing competition yesterday.
A.clear B.clearly C.more clearly D.much clearly
35.Eric is talented in singing. He can sing _______ than any other student in his class.
A.better B.worse C.best D.worst
36.—Wang Lin did ________ in the final exam again.
—That’s not strange. He always gets full marks in the subjects.
A.better B.best C.worse D.worst
37.Kangkang cooked ________ in his class. That means he cooked better than any other student in his class.
A.most successfully B.more successfully
C.most successful D.more successful
38.Which subject do you like ________ , math, Chinese or English
A.better B.best C.good D.well
39.We held a concert in the hall yesterday, Kate sang _______ among the singers.
A.good B.well C.better D.best
40.Jane jumped ________ of the six students in the sports meeting.
A.far B.farther C.farthest D.further
41.—Of all the boys, who works (hard)
—I think Michael does.
42.—What’s the result of the match
—Jane ran (fast) of all the runners.
43.Michael, Kangkang and Maria are cooking. Kangkang cooks (slowly) of the three.
44.My mum gets up (early) in my family.
45.Jack jumps (high) in his school.
46.Though he did this task in the class, he finished it by himself. (badly)
47.She sing (beautiful) in her class.
48.—It’s too dark. Let’s go home now.
—OK. We shouldn’t leave much (late).
49.Tony eats the soup (noisily) than other students.
50.I think Maria cuts the meat (finely) than Jane, because she is more careful than Jane.
51.I think my mother fried the fish (lightly) than any of us.
52.We’re happy to see our city is developing (quickly) than before.
53.Little Tom asks (polite) than the other students.
54.You can sit in the sofa than on the chair. (comfortably)
55.Lily sings (good) than Lucy.
56.Li Lei runs (fast) than Li Hua.
57.I read (little) now than I used to.
58.We can communicate each other than before through Wechat. (well)
59.As the saying goes, “Actions speaks (loud) than words.”
60.In the twin family, Lily is (thin) one, but Lisa can sing (clear).



上一篇:Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade7. 基础达标---2024-2025九年级全册 人教版(2024)

下一篇:单元综合检测 Starter Unit Welcome to junior high!(原卷版+解析版)