
满分 60分
15: 00-15: 55 做英语试卷
15: 56-16: 10 问卷星传答案
第一部分 选择题(50分)
I. 完形填空(10分)
A daughter graduated from college. Her father planned to teach her a 1 . He said to her, “My darling, you have grown up. Now I'm considering 2 .my car, and can you help me get a good price for it ”, The daughter agreed. Then the father asked her to take the car to 3 .places and then choose the best 4 .
The daughter knew that her father's car was a good one. She was 5 .that the car was worth a good price although it looked pretty old. She went to the first place—a used car market, and they offered her $1, 000. Then in a pawn (典当) shop, she was told the car was worth just $200, which really 6 .the daughter. Finally, she went to a car club. The workers there told the daughter 7 .that the car was very hard to 8 .in the market because it had been no longer in production and that they wanted to buy the car any time at $50, 000 and even more.
The daughter told these 9 .to her father. The father said, “Don't be surprised. The value (价值) of the car is different in different places. Only the right place can give you the right value. Therefore, if you are not appreciated (赏识) by someone, do not be angry. It just means you are in the 10 .place. You should move on and go to a better place where you can certainly go far.”
1. A. lesson B. skill C. style D. habit
2. A. washing B. selling C. repairing D. painting
3. A. popular B. pleasant C. different D. busy
4. A. type B. price C. shape D. example
5. A. sorry B. thankful C. doubtful D. confident
6. A. reminded B. changed C. surprised D. encouraged
7. A. strangely B. excitedly C. worriedly D. helplessly
8. A. move B. touch C. find D. use
9. A. results B. plans C. needs D. reasons
10. A. right B. small C. wrong D. big
II. 阅读理解(40分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共15小题,每小题 1. 5分)
Primary Plus English Classes
Primary Plus, our English classes for kids, will encourage your children to express themselves in a safe, encouraging environment.
About what we provide ▲ lively classes with an excellent teacher ▲ a safe, easy- to- use learning environment ▲ chances to work in teams or pairs to practise speaking, problem- solving, and working together on projects with real- world topics like the natural world and the environment
About why your children will love our classes ▲ lots of time to practise speaking English and have fun learning with classmates of the same age in groups and pairs ▲ small class sizes and responsible teachers ▲ the chance to enjoy natural communication and form a good relationship with classmates
About what the children will learn Children aged 6 to 7 will: ▲ begin to read and write in English, first at the word level (级别) , then at the sentence level build phrases using new words ▲ show their ideas in English on familiar (熟悉的) topics Children aged 8 to 9 will: ▲ learn and practise new words and phrases on familiar topics, in activities such as writing ▲ read by themselves and form an interest in different topics We also accept a small number of children at the age of five who have a strong wish to learn English.
About after- class learning We see parents as partners. You will receive regular feedback (定期的反馈) on your children's learning conditions. At each age, we will know their development in English language and important life skills. You will also get a password (密码) to the Primary Plus website so that your children can continue learning at home.
11. What is most likely to happen during the class
A. Students doing voluntary work. B. Students learning outdoors.
C. Students learning in groups. D. Students having many teachers.
12. Who can attend the class
A. English beginners aged five to seven. B. Teachers having difficulty teaching.
C. Kids learning together with their parents. D. Teenagers having trouble learning English.
13. What will children aged 7 be asked to do during the class
A. Communicate freely with foreign teachers. B. Choose difficult and exciting topics.
C. Practise making speeches in public. D. Write English words and sentences.
14. What can parents do with the password mentioned in the last paragraph
A. Know their kids' language levels. B. Let their kids learn online after class.
C. Communicate with teachers online. D. Receive advice on education.
15. Who is the passage mainly written for
A. Teachers. B. Children. C. Parents. D. Foreigners.
“BANG!” the door was shut loudly. I was just standing there, with my father standing on one side, and I on the other side. We were both in great anger. “Never set foot in this house again!” my father said angrily. With tears in my eyes, I rushed out and ran along the street. The street lights were shining. I felt sad and walked aimlessly (漫无目的地) .
I didn't know whether it was because I had grown up or because my dad was getting old. He always put his opinions on me. We were just like two people in two different worlds. It felt like there was an iron door between us that could never be opened.
My heart was frozen (冰冷的) on this hot summer night. As I walked on, there were fewer and fewer people on the streets. When I finally reached my house, I saw that the light was still on.
“Perhaps my dad is throwing away some of his old stamps,” I thought. “Perhaps he thinks they are useless.” I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps. All the lights were off except my father's.
Dad was always like this. Maybe he didn't know how to express himself. After shouting at me, he never showed any moments of regret (懊悔) . This was how he always was. He had been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do had become his second nature.
The light was still on. With the key in hand, I opened the door nervously. When I opened the door, tears ran down my face. I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had imagined between us did not exist (存在) at all. Love- it's second to none.
16. Why did the writer run out and walk lonely on the street
A. He wanted to make his father feel worried. B. He wanted to think about his career carefully.
C. Something unpleasant happened in his family. D. Something interesting happened on the street.
17. How did the writer really feel when saying the underlined sentence
A. Cold. B. Sad. C. Frightened. D. Relaxed.
18. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 4 refer to
A. The stamps. B. The opinions. C. The streets. D. The lights.
19. Why did the father often shout at his son according to the passage
A. The son had already grown up. B. They never agreed with each other.
C. The father was getting older and older. D. The father had got used to doing that.
20. What is the best title for the passage
A. Love- it's second to none B. Trust - it creates a better life
C. The importance of communication D. The relationship among family members
The last Eurasian lynx (猞猁) in the British Isles lived a life of danger as it moved quickly to avoid campfires and vicious dogs, and hid in holes. Because of disappearing woodlands, being short of animals for food, and hunting, lynx started to disappear from these islands about 1, 500 years ago. But experts hope to one day bring the Eurasian lynx back to Scotland.
Wildlife conservationists (环保主义者) in Switzerland, Germany, France, and other countries have taken Eurasian lynx from elsewhere in their areas and introduced them again to protected forests, allowing their populations to grow. Now they' re hoping to do the same thing in Scotland. Returning the cats would do more than just improve the numbers of this once- endangered animal. A win for the lynx is a win for the forest- and the planet.
When the Eurasian lynx disappeared, so did the Scottish landscape. Without these cats and other animals hunting them, deer populations increased a lot. Those animals lived on the leaves of trees and bushes for food, and soon large areas of the Scottish forest disappeared since it couldn't grow fast enough to keep up with the deer's wish for food. Birds and rodents (啮齿动物) that depended on shelter (庇护所) in the lower level of forest plants became food for foxes, which lynx also hunt.
Experts trying to restore the forests have to put up fences to keep deer from eating leaves of young trees. But with lynx hanging out in the woods, experts think these cats would keep the deer from harming the young trees, helping the forests make a comeback.
And that would have even bigger influences. The Earth is losing woodlands as people cut down trees to make room for farming, and to sell the wood for products like furniture and toilet paper. In 2020 alone, the Earth lost as many trees as would cover an area larger than Michigan.
So restoring forests in places like Scotland can help provide more space for wildlife and even fight climate change. That's because trees take in carbon dioxide, which takes in the sun's heat and warms our planet.
21. What are the reasons why Eurasian lynx disappeared
① Woodlands disappeared. ② The weather was too hot.
③ There was not enough food. ④ People hunted Eurasian lynx.
A. ①②③ B. ①③④ C. ②③④ D. ①②④
22. Why is a win for the lynx a win for the forest- and the planet
A. Because deer have enough food to eat. B. Because lynx can draw a lot of tourists.
C. Because lynx help fight climate change. D. Because lynx can protect birds and foxes.
23. What is the basic reason for the disappearance of the Scottish landscape
A. The lynx disappeared in England. B. Wildfires destroyed the forests.
C. Deer ate too many leaves of trees. D. Birds and rodents destroyed the forests.
24. What did experts firstly do to stop deer from eating leaves of young trees
A. They killed deer. B. They built fences.
C. They took lynx back. D. They planted more trees.
25. What's the purpose of the passage
A. To encourage us to raise more lynx. B. To tell us to be careful with rodents.
C. To show the facts of the environment. D. To show a way to protect the environment.
第二节 请阅读下面的短文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。(共5小题,每小题2分)
A. They were really thankful to us. B. About one hour later, my mom came. C. It was a cold day, and the wind was blowing hard. D. She was the same age as me, but we looked so different. E. “In that old car across the street!” said the girl. “Six of my family live in it.” F. On that night, my mom taught me one of the best lessons I had ever learned.
When I was about 12, I went to a restaurant for dinner with my family at night one day. (26) _________ When my mom and I walked to the restaurant from our car, a girl about the same age as me and her mother came up to us. They asked if we had any spare change (多余的零钱) . My mom immediately asked where they kept their things. (27) _________.
After giving them a few dollars, we said goodbye. My mom said she had something to do. Then, she sent me inside the restaurant with my dad. But she didn't come. (28) _________ She said she had gone home and brought some food and clothes to the girl. I asked her why she helped those people. She told me that we were lucky and that the girl's family wasn't. I remembered that girl. (29) _________ I dressed in almost new clothes but her clothes were so old. And I had my bedroom but she had to stay in an old car with 5 other people. “My mom really did the right thing,” I thought to myself.
(30) _________ Until now, I still remember that night.
第三节 信息匹配
下面的材料 A-F分别是对六个节日的介绍,请根据下面各题中人物的庆祝活动,帮他们选择正确的节日,并将其标号填入题前括号内。(共5小题,每小题1. 5分)
A. February 14 is European Valentine's Day (情人节) . It is for lovers. People celebrate the festival to honor a man named Valentine. He helped lovers get married though the king didn't allow people to do that in ancient Rome.
B. World Water Day is on March 22 every year. It tells people water is important to humans. And it calls on people to do something to protect clean water and save water in everyday life and work. Today many groups celebrate the day.
C. April Fool's Day is the first day of April. It is a “for- fun- only” holiday. People today usually play small tricks on friends on this day.
D. Mother's Day is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It is a day for us to show our thanks to our mothers.
E. Christmas is a special holiday. And it5s one of the greatest western holidays. It is similar to the Spring Festival in China. There is always a Christmas tree in each home.
F. The International Day of Forests comes on March 21 every year. And the first International Day of Forests was held on March 21, 2013. People celebrate the day in order to encourage everyone to protect the forest.
31. Water is very important to people's life. On this day, Mary tries to save water and tell others not to pollute the lakes and rivers.
32. On this day, Tom likes playing jokes or tricks on others. For example, he always tells others that their shoelaces are undone (鞋带松了) when they are actually not.
33. To celebrate this festival, Lily and her parents, usually decorate (装饰) their home with colorful paper, green leaves and beautiful greeting cards. And they also decorate a tree with colored lights and glass balls.
34. On the day, Mike and his friends usually hold different kinds of activities to encourage people to protect forests. They want other people to learn more about the forest and call on people to plant trees.
35. Jane loves her mother very much. On this day, Jane usually cooks breakfast and makes a card for her mother to show her love and thanks to her.
第二部分 非选择题(10分)
III. 语法填空(10分)
Is a crow (乌鸦) smarter than a seven- year- old kid
When we think of intelligent animals, we usually think of dogs, cats, and apes (猿) . But do you know that crows are among (36) __________ (smart) animals in the world
Crows have memories and they are able to imagine the future. This (37) __________ (help) them solve problems like an ape. They even use tools sometimes. A crow can hold a tiny bar (棒) in (38) __________ (it) mouth and use it to get at tasty insects.
It's normal (39) __________ (think) that a crow in a tree hardly pays any attention (40) __________ you. You might be wrong, though. Crows can remember human (41) __________ (face) . Some scientists believe that they can even tell other crows whether (42) __________ human is friendly or not.
Since twenty years ago, some scientists (43) __________ (study) how intelligent crows are compared to humans. They found that crows were able to solve a difficult problem just as (44) __________ (good) as a 7- year- old human. In another test, a crow solved an eight- stage puzzle within three minutes.
Therefore, (45) __________ anyone ever calls you a “bird brain”, be sure to thank him or her for the praise.
第一部分 选择题(50分)
I. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)
1-5 ABCBD 6-10 CBCAC
II. 阅读理解(11-25每小题1. 5分,26-30每小题2分,31-35每小题1. 5分,共40分)
11-15 CADBC 16-20 CBADA 21-25 BCABD 26-30 CEBDF 31-35 BCEFD
第二部分 非选择题(10分)
III. 语法填空(每小题1分,共10分)
36. the smartest 37. helps 38. its 39. to think 40. to
41. faces 42. a 43. have studied 44. well 45. if



