河北省邯郸市永年区实验中学 2024-2025上学期八年级开学考试英语试题(图片版无答案)

)58.How long does Linda usually run each time in fact(实际上)?
A.For 5 minutes.
B.For 10 minutes.C.For 15 minutes.
D.For 20 minutes.
)59.What does the underlined word“that”refer to(指代)?
A.Going to the health club.
B.Exercising with others.
C.Doing some push-ups before going to bed.D.Controlling the food that he eats.
)60.What can we learn from the text
A.Linda and Paul both like running.
B.Aki eats less fruit and more vegetables.
C.Matthew lives in a noisy place in America.D.Paul likes running outside in winter.
A new report says 80%of the world's people don't get enough exercise every day.About 2 million people
aged 18 to 40 around the world took part in the survey.Why don't people go out for exercise On weekdays,
people are busy studying or working.They spend too much time on computers or phones in their free time.
We all know August 8th is National Fitness Day.If we exercise for enough time a day,we will work
healthily for 50 years.People can learn well and feel less stressed (when they have more time to
play sports.Young people need to spend less time in the virtual (world and more in the real world.
The report advises (people to get at least an hour of exercise every day.This could be running,
biking,playing sports,or many other outdoor activities.
You will be healthy both in the body and mind by doing exercise.Mark,a sportsman,started to play
football when he was 6.He used to be shy and his body was always not good enough,but now he has become
outgoing and strong.He made lots of friends.They often have football games together
So this weekend,don't make any plans,just get up early and start exercising.
)61.How does the writer start the text
A.By showing the result.
B.By asking a question.
C.By telling his ideas.
D.By giving some examples.
)62.What does the writer advise young people to do in Paragraph2(第二段)?
A.To learn more about National Fitness Day.B.To feel less stressed about their study.
C.To spend less time on computers and phones.
D.To exercise for half an hour a day.
)63.Which word is close to the underlined word "strong"
)64.What does the writer mainly want to tell by using Mark's story
A.Doing exercise is good for our body and mind.B.Football is the best sport for men.
C.Sports can bring us a lot of friends.
D.It's better to play sports with other people.
)65.Which can be a proper title(合适的题目)for the text
A.How to Exercise
B.A New Report
C.Let's Do More Exercise
D.Stay Away from the Virtual World
What can you do to stay in good health when taking a vacation There are some things you should
remember when you take a vacation:relax,sleep,and eat well.



上一篇:陕西省教育联盟2025届高三上学期第一次模拟考试 英语试题(含解析含听力原文无音频)
