
许昌市东城区新时代精英学校 2024-2025 学年入学评估
二年级 英语
时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分 卷面分:1分
同学们,卷面分有 1 分,一定要认真书写哦!
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 卷面分 合计
( ) 1. A. colour B. animal C. sport
( ) 2. A.tall B. short C. all
( ) 3. A. football B. basketball C. meatball
( )4. A.they B. there C. them
( ) 5. A. favourite B.five C.four
二、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否一致,一致的画“ ”,不一
( )1. We like football.
( )2. Let's play together!
( )3. What's your favourite sport
( )4. Five pupils like tigers.
( )5. Is it basketball
三、听录音,给下列图片排序。(共 10分)
二年级英语 第 1 页 共 4 页
学校__________ 姓名_________ 考号________ 班级________
…………… 密………封………线………内………不………准………答………题……………………………………
( ) 1. A. football B. basketball C. meatball
( ) 2. A. colour B. animal C. play
( )3. A.them B. we C. they
( )4. A.lion B. red C.tiger
( ) 5. A. your B.he C.my
( ) 1. -What's your favourite sport
A. It's basketball. B.It's green. C. It's the tiger.
( )2. The monkeys_______small.
A.am B. is C. are
( )3. I like football. I like basketball,_______.
A.to B.two C. too
( )4. We like_____ all.
A. They B.them C. he
( )5.--My favourite sport is ______.--Me too.
二年级英语 第 2 页 共 4 页
A. the tiger B.swim C.swimming
( ) 6. There is _____ elephant under the tree.
A.a B.an C. /
( )7. There is a bird _____ the tree.
A.in B.on C. at
( )8. ---How many______can you see
A. monkey B. tiger C. horses
( )9.-Let's_____the dog.
A. helps B. help C. to help
( )10._____ this
A.What B.Is it C.What’s
( )1.你想让朋友看这些蛇,可以说:______
A. Look at the cats. B. Look at the snakes.
( )2.你想告诉朋友这头大象非常大,可以说:______
A. The elephant is very big. B. The elephant is very small.
( )3.你想告诉朋友这些铅笔是长的,可以说:_______
A. The pencils are long. B. The pencils are short.
( )4.你想告诉朋友树上有一只鸟,可以说:______
A. There is a bird in the tree. B. There is a bird under the tree.
( )5.你想向朋友提议,一起帮助这只棕色的狗,可以说:
A. Let's help the brown dog. B. Let's help the brown cat.
二年级英语 第 3 页 共 4 页
A. Let's go to the zoo.
B.-Look at the giraffe. -It's tall
C. The bear is big.
D. --Is the snake long -Yes,it is·
E. The baby horse is cute
1.① sit ② down③ Let's ④!
2. ① sing ② dance ③ and④ Let's ⑤!
3. ① Look ② the ③ elephant ④ at ⑤!
4. ①a ②father ③ is ④ doctor ⑤My ⑥.
5.① is ②my ③family ④This ⑤.
二年级英语 第 4 页 共 4 页
…………… 密………封………线………内………不………准………答………题……………………………………



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