2025届高考英语一轮复习 外研版(2019)选择性必修 第四册 Unit 1 Looking forwards课件(共56张PPT)

Unit 1 Looking forwards
1. ___________ n. (男性的)童年时期, 少年时代
2. ___________ n. 接受工作培训的人; 实习生
3. ___________ n. 斗牛
4. ___________ n. 私家侦探
5. ___________ adv. 最后, 最终
6. ___________ n. 点, 小圆点
7. ___________ adv. 往回, 往前面
8. ___________ v. (两条路)岔开, 分开
9. _____________ n. (长在大树下或周边的)下木层, 下层灌木丛
10. ____________ adj. 许多的,很多的
11. ____________ adj. 认真思考的,深思的
12. ____________ n. 进退两难的境地,困境
13. ____________ n. 可供选择的事物
14. ____________ v. (由……)引起
15. ____________ n. 情况,情形
16. ____________ n. (工厂、医院等轮班制中的)当班时间
17. ____________ adj. (有关)历史的
1. ____________ n. 追求, 理想
____________ adj. 有抱负的; 有野心的; 费力的
2. ____________ v. 通信; 符合; 相一致; 类似, 相当
_____________ n. 通讯员, 记者
3. ____________ v. 容许; 承认; 接纳; 允许……进入/加入
____________ n. 允许进入(加入); 入场费; 承认
4. ____________ v. 参加; 参与
____________ n. 参与; 参加
____________ n. 参与者, 参加者
5. ____________ adj. 复杂的
____________ n. 复杂性;错综复杂
6. ____________ n. 商业; 贸易; 商务
____________ n. (电视或电台的)商业广告
adj. 商业的; 赢利的
7. ____________ v. 象征; 代表
____________ n. 象征; 标志
8. ____________ v. 混合; 融合; 调配; 交往; 相处
____________ n. 混合; 混合体
9. ___________ v. 打动; 影响; 使感染
___________ n. 喜爱; 钟爱
10. ___________ v. 取得资格; 使合格; 达标
___________ adj. 合格的; 胜任的
___________ n. 资格; 学历; 资历; 合格
11. ___________ n. 熟练; 流利
___________ adj. 流利的; 流畅的; 熟练的
12. ___________ adj. 真诚的; 诚挚的; 诚实的
___________ adv. 由衷地; 真诚地; 真心实意地
___________ n. 真诚; 诚挚; 诚实
13. ___________ v. 使恢复;使振作
___________ n. 恢复活力; 焕发精神; 茶点, 点心和饮料
1. ____________________ 面对……
2. ____________________ 采取行动
3. ____________________ 落在某人身上
4. ____________________ 被迫做某事
5. ____________________ 做出决定, 拿定主意
6. ____________________ 放过, 放弃, 错过(机会)
7. ____________________ (对原先的决定)犹豫, 产生怀疑
8. ____________________ 推迟……, 使……延期
9. ____________________ 坚决拒绝……; 彻底否决……
in the face of
take action
come one’s way
be forced to do sth.
make up one’s mind
pass up
have second thoughts
put off
reject … out of hand
10. ___________________ 仔细考虑, 权衡
11. ___________________ 每天
12. ___________________ 代替, 而不是
13. ___________________ 因……引起
14. ___________________ 拒绝
15. ___________________ 迎接未来
16. ___________________ 做好……的准备
17. ___________________ 相比而言
18. ___________________ 一个家喻户晓的名字
19. ___________________________ 效仿某人; 以某人为榜样
weigh up
on a daily basis
instead of
arise from
turn down
approach the future
be prepared for
by contrast
a household name
take a leaf out of/from one's book
1. Having set himself this goal, he wrote novels and short stories based on his personal experiences of the First World War, the Spanish Civil War, bullfighting and deep-sea fishing, amongst others. (P3)
2. So, whatever twists and turns you might encounter, take a leaf out of the books of these two authors and be prepared for the unexpected. (P4)
1. historical adj. (有关)历史的; 历史上的
But Doyle’s main ambition was to become a writer of historical novels. (P3)
historical 涉及历史、史学、过去的事实。如:a historical event是指有历史证据来证明其存在的历史事件,而不管其是否重要或著名。
historic 历史上著名的或具有重大历史意义的。 如:a historic event 是指一件历史上重要或著名的事件。
【语境应用】 选用historical, historic和historically填空(每词限用一次)。
1) In Buda, several __________ monuments can be seen.
2) October 1st, 1949 is a ________ occasion for our country.
3) ___________, relations between the two countries have never been good.
history n. 历史 historian n. 历史学家
historically adv. 在历史上, 从历史角度
have no alternative but to do …
offer/provide an alternative 提供替代方案
an alternative to … 是……的替代物
alternative energy 替代性能源
2. alternative n. 可供选择的事物;
adj. 可替代的; 另外的; 两者择一的
Life throws many alternatives at us on a daily basis. (P11)
1) The disappearance of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by astronomical incidents. But ______________________ (其他的解释) are hard to find.
2) Danny别无所选择,只能使自己适应新的环境。
Danny __________ __________ ________________ __________ __________ adapt himself to the new surroundings.
alternative explanations
had no alternative/choice
but to
3. arise v. (由……)引起; 产生; (机会、困难、问题等)发生,
出现; 上升, 升起; 站起来; 起身
Of course, the greatest dilemmas arise from moral problems, when we are uncertain which choice results in doing the right thing. (P11)
arise from/out of (= result from) 由……引起, 产生
eg Accidents mostly arise from carelessness.
The current debate arose out of the concerns of
rise / arise / raise
rise vi. ①起身,起床(可与arise互换);
②增加,上涨,升高; ③(山)耸立
arise 意为“产生”时,其主语通常是“问题、困境”等抽象概念。
eg Questions naturally arose as to who was responsible.
raise vt. ①举起,抬起,提起;②增加,提高,改善;
【语境应用】用arise, raise, rise的适当形式填空。
1) The campaign has certainly succeeded in ________ public awareness of the problem.
2) Her parents died when she was a baby and she was ________ by her grandparents.
3) That morning I ___________ early and went out to the road waiting for Mr. Brown to pick me up.
4) Many diseases ________ from what people really don’t know about in their daily life.
arose / rose
4. circumstance n. 情况, 情形 (一般用复数)
Once we make a decision, in most circumstances, there is no going back. (P11)
circumstances 境况, 状况(尤指经济状况)
under/in the circumstances (用于句首时,句子要用部分倒装) 在这种情况下;既然如此
under/in no circumstances 决不;无论如何不
1) It might not be a perfect solution, but it’s the best I can do ________________________ (在这种情况下).
2) ___________________________________________ the door unlocked.
under/in the circumstances
Under / In no circumstances should you leave
5. affection n. 感情;喜爱;钟爱;影响
For example, the rose could represent love and affection, and the rainbow could symbolise hope. (P13)
have an affection for … 喜爱……
show sb. affection 向某人表示喜爱
with affection 深情地
affect vt. 影响; 使感伤;(指疾病)侵袭, 使感染;假装
affecting adj. 动人的, 感人的
affected adj. 做作的, 假装的
1) 你的意见将不会影响我的决定。
Your opinion will not affect my decision.
2) 他的肺部感染了,所以他得休息。
His lungs are affected so he has to rest.
3) 他对这位老人有很深的感情。
He had a deep affection for the old man.
4) 他们的父亲对他们总是表现出很多慈爱。
Their father always showed them much affection.
1. in the face of 面对(问题、困难、危险)
In the face of such questions, how should we approach the future (P2)
be faced with 面对, 面临
face to face (with sb.) (与某人)面对面地
face to face with sth. 面对某种处境
lose (one's) face 丢脸, 丢面子
save (one's) face 保全面子
make a face / faces 做鬼脸
2. take action 采取行动
Can we take action to shape it, or should we just accept whatever comes our way (P2)
take action/steps/measures to do sth.
in action 在活动中; 在运转
out of action 失去作用; 发生故障
put… into action 将……付诸实践
3. come one’s way 落到某人身上
Can we take action to shape it, or should we just accept whatever comes our way (P2)
all the way 全程, 自始至终; 完全地
be/get in the way (of) 挡……的路; 妨碍
give way 让路; 屈服; 让步
in a way / in one way / in some ways 在某种程度上
in no way 决不, 并不
lose one’s way 迷路; 忘记宗旨, 背离……的意图
make one's way 前往; 获得成功
on one's / the way 即将去(或来); 在路上, 在行进中
under way 已经开始, 在进行中
4. by contrast 相比之下
By contrast, the young Arthur Conan Doyle, born in Scotland in 1859, had originally worked as a doctor. (P3)
in contrast with / to 和……形成对比
contrast A with B 把……加以对比
contrast with 形成对比
1) 把英国的法制与美国的加以对比很有意思。
It is interesting to contrast the British legal system with the American one.
2) 就质量而言,没有任何厂家能和我们相比。
As for the quality, no manufacturers can be in contrast with ours.
3) 她考试差点不及格,而她的妹妹相比之下考得很好。
She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, by contrast, had done very well.
5. weigh up 仔细考虑, 权衡
Then we can weigh up the options and try to come to a decision. (P7)
weigh against 对……不利; 把……和……相权衡
weigh your words 推敲,斟酌字句
weigh heavily with sb. 对某人很重要
by weight 按重量
put on weight 增重; 长胖
lose/take off weight 减重; 变瘦
1) We have to _______________________________________ the costs.
2) She carefully ___________________________ such an action.
3) We know __________________________________ (我们应该做什么来减肥) — but actually doing it is another matter.
weigh the benefits of the programme against
weighed up the consequence of
what we should be doing to lose weight
So, whatever twists and turns you might encounter, take a leaf out of the books of these two authors and be prepared for the unexpected. (P3)
whatever引导让步状语从句,意为 “无论什么”, 相当于no matter what。
“疑问词+ ever”构成的复合词既可引导状语从句,又可引导名词性从句,但“no matter +疑问词”只可引导让步状语从句。
Whatever (= No matter what) may happen, we shall never lose hope.
Whichever (= No matter which) book you borrow, you must return it in a week.
Whoever is responsible for this should be punished.(此句中的Whoever不可用No matter who替换)
1) ___________________________________(无论发生什么事), you know that I'll stand by you.
2) ___________________________________ (无论他何时出门), he takes his dog with him.
3) ________________________ (不管是谁把那棵树连根拔起) ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Whatever / No matter what happens
Whenever / No matter when he goes out
Whoever uprooted that tree
一般 完成 进行 完成进行
现在 一般现在时 现在完成时 现在进行时 现在完成进行时
过去 一般过去时 过去完成时 过去进行时 /
将来 一般将来时 / 将来进行时 /
过去 将来 过去将来时 / / /
1. 一般过去时与现在完成时
eg We made thirty-two thousand pounds last year.
So far we have made thirty-two thousand pounds.
2. 一般过去时与过去完成时
eg I played basketball every day when I was a boy.
Long ago in a far-off land, there was a king called Midas.
Until then, his family hadn't heard from him for six months.
When we got there the basketball match had already started.
3. 现在完成时与现在完成进行时
eg I have looked for a suitable school all around the city.
I have been looking for a suitable school all around the city.
eg The strike has lasted for three months.
1. 主句谓语是现在或将来时态,从句谓语可以用任何所需要的时态。
eg It's reported that they are building a new railway.
Will you tell me how you two are getting along
2. 主句谓语是过去时态:
1) 如从句谓语动作与主句谓语动作同时发生,从句谓语常用一般过去时或过去进行时。
eg I was walking in the street when I met an old friend of mine.
While we were having breakfast, John was talking on the phone.
2) 如从句谓语动作发生在主句谓语动作之前,从句谓语用过去完成时。
eg I didn't know I had given you so much trouble.
3) 如从句谓语动作发生在主句谓语动作之后,从句谓语用过去将来时。
eg I wanted to know when they would come to see me.
4) 如从句表示的是真理、规律或科学事实,从句谓语用一般现在时。
eg The teacher said the polar ice melts each summer.
1. 一般现在时可用于状语从句、宾语从句或定语从句表将来。
eg I will give her the book when she comes.
I hope you have a wonderful time.
Everyone who comes first will get a present.
2. 一般现在时可表示客观事实、客观规律或客观真理。
eg Gases expand when heated.
3. 现在进行时可用来表示经常性的动作,常和constantly, always, forever等这类副词连用,表示厌烦、赞美等情绪。
eg He is always sleeping with the windows open.
She's forever working.
4. 在时间及条件从句中用现在完成时代替将来完成时。
eg I will put the book back when I have finished reading it.
If you have finished the homework, I will send it to your teacher.
5. hope, intend, mean, think等动词用于过去完成时表示未实现的愿望。
eg I had intended to come over to see you, but someone called and I couldn't get away.
I had thought to return early but they wouldn't let me go.
We're interviewing Song Yin and Wan Qiuwen, China's first two female rescue helicopter pilots, who serve at China Rescue and Salvage (CRS). CRS is the only national professional rescue and salvage (打捞) force in China, providing emergency response for any marine accidents in Chinese waters.
Q: How did you get to your current role What qualifications do you have
We 1. ________________ (have studied, were studying) at Shanghai Maritime University when the Donghai No. 1
were studying
Rescue Flying Service came looking for female pilots. Wan and I were the only two who got in. We 2. ______________ (had passed, passed) all the physical checks and successfully completed a series of interviews before we 3. ___________ (received, have received) formal employment offers. After strict training, we learned how to fly helicopters and conduct rescue operations at sea. Over time we have gained life-saving experience and improved our skills to become professional search and rescue captains. Since we joined CRS, we
4. _____________ (have been saving, have saved) more than 358 people at sea.
have saved
had passed
Q: What is the best part of your job
Without question — saving people's lives. We often 5. _________ (meet, met) the dangers caused by bad weather or other complicated situations. Fortunately, we can overcome the difficulties and complete the mission.
Q: What do you want to do next in your career
We are looking forward to becoming flight instructors. If it comes true, we 6. _____________ (are helping, will help) more young people learn flight skills, especially search and rescue operations.
will help
Q: What would you say to girls wanting to follow your career path
Life-saving is a noble (崇高的) cause worth doing. If you have a dream, chase it no matter what it takes. It 7. _________ (didn't let, won't let) you down.
won't let
Dear Sir or Madam,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
★ Knowing / Learning from ... you are in need of ..., I'd like to apply for the position.
★ As soon as I saw your advertisement for ..., I felt it was just the position for which I have been looking.
★ I do believe I'm well qualified for the position.
★ To begin with, being excellent in ... ensures I'd be able to communicate with ... freely.
★ What's more, I used to work as a (n) ... for ..., so the relevant experience has been acquired.
★ Last but not least, as a keen fan of ..., I have confidence in ...
★ I would appreciate it if you could offer me this chance. Nothing could delight me more than to receive your early reply.
★ I would be grateful if you could take my application into consideration. Please reply at your earliest convenience.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Learning from your website you are in need of part-time English reporters for the upcoming art exhibition, I'd like to apply for the position.
I do believe I'm well qualified for the position. To begin with, being excellent in spoken English ensures I'd be able to communicate with people from English-speaking countries freely. What's more, I used to work as a reporter for our school
newspaper, so the relevant experience has been acquired. Last but not least, as a keen fan of contemporary art, I have confidence in the quality of my coverage of the exhibition.
I would appreciate it if you could offer me this chance. Nothing could delight me more than to receive your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua




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