外研版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 5 Into the wild 同步练习(含答案)

Unit 5 Into the wild
Starting out & Understanding ideas
I. 根据语境用本部分所学词汇的正确形式替换下列句子中的画线部分。
1. Due to human activity, the population of some wildlife has dropped heavily.
2. The hiker tried to find higher ground when he saw a bear in the distance.
3. The wildfire in the national park damaged the forest, leaving many animals homeless.
4. After months of preparation, the birds finally began their migration to warmer places.
5. Environmental elements can have a great influence on the timing and direction of animal migration.
6. We love observing the behaviour of the animals and learning about their habitats, so the yearly animal adventure is always our favourite part.
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________
4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________
II. 选用方框内合适的内容并用其正确形式完成下面短文(每项限用一次)。
charity, creature, per cent, survive, solution, determine
Sir David Attenborough has strongly suggested the nation go to the wild to help nature get through crisis ( 危机). The 97-year-old naturalist spoke out as the 1. __________ WWF, the RSPB and the National Trust started the Save Our Wild Isles activity to stop the damage to UK nature.
People who attend the activity warn effective action is needed because it has been 2. __________ that a quarter of mammals ( 哺乳动物) in the UK are now at risk, 38 million birds have disappeared in the last 50 years and 97 3. __________ of wildflower fields have been lost since the 1930s.
But Sir David said, “It's easy to feel powerless by the seriousness of the issues our planet faces, but we have 4. __________. I am hopeful for the future, and now is the time for us to take action to help nature 5. __________.”
Sir David's five-part BBC series Wild Isles focused on wild plants and 6. __________ in the UK and Ireland. The activity calls on people to “go to the wild once a week”, which includes planting wildflower seeds, eating plant-based food or taking part in environmental-friendly projects.
Using language
I. 选用方框内合适的内容并用其正确形式完成下列句子(每项限用一次)。
as busy as a bee, rain cats and dogs, hold your horses, kill two birds with one stone
1. I've never seen my cat so frightened before until it started to ____________________ outside.
2. Our team is ____________________, with each member working tirelessly to gather information about the project.
3. Reducing plastic waste not only helps the environment but also saves sea life — it's like ____________________.
4. ____________________ and carefully consider the long-term impact that new activities aiming to deal with global warming may have on the environment.
II. 选用括号内合适的内容完成下面短文。
Researchers in New Zealand have discovered fossils ( 化石) from two previously unknown penguin species. One of the new species is the largest penguin ever discovered 1. __________ (that, where) weighs about 154 kg.
Though some bones of both penguins were similar to those of birds 2. __________ (that, when) could fly and swim, the researchers believe neither penguin could fly. The reason 3. __________ (that, why) they were flightless was that they preferred to live in water.
The flightless birds lived between 55 and 60 million years ago. This was around the time 4. __________ (where, when) the dinosaurs died out. Dr. Ksepka thinks the penguins' larger size helped them keep warm in cold waters. This may have made it possible for them to migrate from New Zealand, 5. __________ (where, which) they first lived, to other parts of the world.
The penguins disappeared about 27 million years ago. Ksepka and his team guess that the increasing sea mammal population may have outcompeted them for food.
Researchers published their findings in an article 6. __________ (that, where) they stress the two new species were probably some of the first ancient penguins. The findings may provide valuable knowledge about how the flightless birds evolved (进化).
Developing ideas & Presenting ideas
I. 根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。
1. 尽管天气条件恶劣,渔民们还是冒着风雨,一大早就出海了。(brave the elements)
2. 志愿者们正集中精力提高公众对保护环境重要性的意识。(concentrate on)
3. 过了好一会儿,我才从遇到一只熊的震惊中恢复过来。(recover from the shock)
4. 我们应该尊重动物并善待它们。 (show respect to)
II. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
When Anika Puri visited India with her family four years ago, she was surprised to come across a market 1. __________ (fill) with ivory (象牙) jewelry. Globally, ivory trading and elephant hunting have been illegal (非法的) 2. __________ more than 30 years.
“Poaching is illegal; how come it is still such a big issue in the area ” she asked herself. Curious, Puri did some research and discovered a(n) 3. __________ (shock) fact: Africa's forest elephant population 4. __________ (drop) by about 61% between 2002 and 2011, with numbers continuing to drop. As a wildlife 5. __________ (love), Puri wanted to do something.
Drones (无人机) are currently used 6. __________ (take) images of poachers, but they aren't that accurate ( 准确的). Puri spent two years developing her solution: a machine learning software named ElSa, 7. __________ is four times more accurate than the existing methods. Even better, the software can 8. __________ (use) with low-cost cameras.
Puri won the 2022 Peggy Scripps Award for Science Communication. “9. __________ is quite amazing that a high school student has been able to do something to protect animals,” Jasper Eikelboom, an ecologist, comments. “ElSa is useful for other conservation 10. __________ (goal), not just for finding poachers.”
Starting out & Understanding ideas
I. 1. crashed 2. sought 3. destroyed 4. eventually 5. effect 6. annual
II. 1. charities 2. determined 3. per cent 4. solutions 5. survive 6. creatures
Using language
I. 1. rain cats and dogs 2. as busy as a bee
3. killing two birds with one stone 4. Hold your horses
II. 1. that 2. that 3. why 4. when 5. where 6. where
Developing ideas & Presenting ideas
1. Despite the terrible weather conditions, the fishermen braved the elements and set out to sea early in the morning.
2. The volunteers are concentrating on raising public awareness about the importance of protecting the environment.
3. It took me a while to recover from the shock of meeting a bear.
4. We should show respect to animals and treat them with kindness.
II. 1. filled 2. for 3. shocking 4. dropped 5. lover
6. to take 7. which 8. be used 9. It 10. goals




下一篇:人教版九年级全册Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Section B.课堂检测 (含答案)