Starter Unit 1 Hello! 单元测试 2024-2025七年级上学期 (人教版2024)

Starter Unit 1 Hello! 单元测试 2024-2025学年七年级上学期 (人教版2024)
1.— Hi, Wang Li, who is Miss Deng
— Miss Deng is ________ nice teacher in our school.
A.a C./
2.—I’m thirsty. I’d like a ________ of water. How about you, Bob
—I want a cup of coffee.
A.bottle B.set C.key D.cap
3.He needs _________ a dictionary in the store. B.buying C.buys buy
4.— Hi! My name’s Tim. Nice to meet you.
— ________.
A.Very well B.It’s all right C.That would be very nice D.Nice to meet you too
5.—May I have your __________
—My name is Lily. C.teacher D.pen
6.When does the class ___________
A.start C.spell
7.下列属于不同类项的是 ________。
A.Ella B.Emma C.Helen D.Peter
8.—Hello! I’m Simon.
A.This is Amy B.Hello! I’m Amy
C.Nice to meet you D.Fine, thank you
9.—What’s your name
A.I’m Lily B.My name is Lily C.Lily D.A, B and C
10.—Hello. Alice!
A.Yes B.I’m OK C.Hello. Bob D.Thank you
A: Hello, Alice! Welcome to my home.
B: 11 , Bob. How are you
A: 12 . Let me show you a picture. What can you see
B: I can see a garden, a farm, a yard and a big house. The farm is so big.
A: 13
B: I can see horses, cows, sheep and chickens.
A: Can you see any plants
B: 14 . I can see potato plants and tomato plants.
A: I like these plants and vegetables very much. They are fresh.
B: Look! Apple trees. 15
A: We have ten. This is my grandparents’ farm.
B: Oh, I like this picture. It’s a very beautiful home.
Hello! Boys and girls! 16 to my school. My 17 is Zhang Dong. I am 13 years old. I’m 18 new student at this school. In the morning, I 19 my teacher Mr. Wang and I say “Good 20 ” to him. How old 21 he He is 25 years old. He is very 22 . I like him very much.
Look, this is 23 classroom. The desks and chairs are 24 . I like them, too. Can you 25 the boy over there He is my new friend, Michael. He is 26 the USA.He is 27 years old, too. He likes reading 28 . He likes to make friends (交朋友), too.
Oh! Sorry. It’s time for me to 29 now. Class begins! 30 .
16.A.Look B.Play C.Welcome D.Thank B.class
18.A.a C.the D.不填 C.thank
20.A.night B.evening C.afternoon D.morning C.are B.bad C.nice D.sorry
23.A.your C.his D.her
24.A.small B.tall C.old
25.A.excuse C.see D.thank
26.A.from B.on C.of
27.A.9 B.11 C.12 D.13 C.time D.books
29.A.go C.see D.stand
30.A.Thanks B.Sit down C.Goodbye D.Stand up
Hello, I’m Joe. I have two brothers. They are John and Jim. I have a cousin. His name is Mike. He is my uncle’s son. He has a big house. It has a big yard. You can see different kinds of animals and plants in it. There are two apple trees and a pear tree. Under them are many chickens and ducks. There is a dog and a cat in the yard, too. The cat’s name is Mel. The black dog, Kev, is sleeping behind an apple tree. The white cat is playing with a toy under the pear tree. How many rabbits does my cousin have Let me count. One, two, three,…seven rabbits! Oh, no. Another two are behind the pear tree.
31.Who has a big yard
A.Mike. B.Jim. C.Joe. D.John.
32.How many fruit trees does Joe’s cousin have
A.1. B.3. C.5. D.7.
33.What colour is the cat
A.Yellow. B.White.
C.Black. D.Black and white.
34.What is behind the pear tree
A.The black dog. B.The white cat.
C.Many chickens and ducks. D.Two rabbits.
35.What can we know from the passage
A.Joe and Mike are brothers. B.There are only animals in the yard.
C.Mike has seven rabbits. D.The cat is playing with a toy.
Mike, 9schoolbags (2, blue) pens (15)red (5), black (7), blue (3) books (20) Alice, 9schoolbags (2, red) English dictionaries (2) pencil boxes (6)purple (1), yellow (2), blue (1), brown (2)
Alan, 10schoolbags (2, black) pencils (20) erasers (20) rulers (10)white (5), green (5) Emily, 8schoolbags (2, yellow) notebooks (10, yellow) pencils (20) pens (10)blue (4), black (6)
36.Mike donates ________ blue pens.
A.three B.five D.nine
37.Six ________ are from Alice.
A.pens B.erasers C.bags D.pencil boxes
38.Here are 40 pencils. They’re from ________.
A.Mike and Alice B.Alice and Alan
C.Mike and Emily D.Alan and Emily
39.They all donate two ________.
A.books B.schoolbags C.notebooks D.erasers
40.Which is TRUE (正确的)
A.Alan is nine years old. B.Five rulers are yellow.
C.Now there are 25 pens. D.There isn’t a dictionary.
以下是某学校六年级四个同学的基本信息以及他们刚学会的问候语 (Greeting),请根据信息选择正确选项。
Name: Alice Age (年龄): 11 Class:3 Greeting: Good morning!
Name: Frank Age: 12 Class: 2 Greeting: How are you
Name: Eric Age: 13 Class: 4 Greeting: Good evening!
Name: Bob Age: 12 Class: 2 Greeting: Hello!
41.How old (多大年龄) is Alice
A.13. B.12. C.11. D.10.
42.________ are in the same (相同的) class.
A.Frank and Eric B.Alice and Eric
C.Frank and Bob D.Bob and Alice
43.When Eric greets you, you should say, “________”
A.Good morning! B.Good afternoon!
C.Hello! D.Good evening!
44.When Frank greets you, you should say “________”
A.How are you B.I’m fine, thanks. C.Hi! D.Hello!
45.Who is a girl
A.Alice. B.Frank. C.Eric. D.Bob.
Hello! I’m Liu Yixuan. I have a family of six—my grandparents, my parents, my brother and I. My brother and I share (共享) a room. In our room, you can see two beds, a big desk and two chairs. You can see a yellow bookcase too. Some books and a dictionary are on it.
But my brother isn’t tidy. I can’t always find my books. So I want to have a room of mine. A big bookcase is in my room. My books and model planes are in it. I want to have a computer in my room too. I like baseball and I can watch baseball games on the computer. This is my dream (梦想的) room.
46.What does the underlined word “it”refer to (划线单词it指代什么)
47.Why does Liu Yixuan want to have his own(自己的) room
Because(因为) .
48.What does the underlined word “watch” mean in Chinese(中文意思)
49.How many(多少) students in Liu Yixuan’s class want to have a computer in their room
50.What do you want to have in your room Why
欢迎同学们来到初中,以下是某中学几位学生和教师的基本信息以及他们的问候语(Greeting), 请根据表格中的信息选择正确选项回答问题。
Name: Teng Fei Age: 11 Class: 1 Greeting: May I have your name Name: Ms Gao Age: 28 Job (职业): An English teacher Class: 1 Greeting: Good morning, class! Name: Yaming Age: 12 Class: 2 Greeting: How are you Name: Ms Shao Age: 35 Job: An English teacher Class: 2 Greeting: Good morning, everyone! Name: Emma Age: 11 Class: 1 Greeting: Nice to meet you.
51.When Teng Fei greets Emma, Emma should say “________”.
A.How are you B.Nice to meet you. C.I’m Emma.
52.________ is Emma’s English teacher.
A.Ms Gao B.Ms Shao C.Yaming
53.When Yaming greets you, you should say “________”.
A.It’s OK. B.Thanks. C.I’m great.
54.When Ms Shao greets you, you should say “________”.
A.Goodbye, Ms Shao. B.Sit down. C.Good morning, Ms Shao.
55.________ are in the same class.
A.Teng Fei and Yaming B.Teng Fei and Emma C.Emma and Yaming
it yellow what morning orange a see this be spell
Good 56 ! I’m Ella. Look! What’s this It’s 57 bottle. What can you 58 on the bottle Some letters and an 59 . What’s this It’s O. 60 colour is it It’s red. And 61 is R. It’s blue. And this is A.It is 62 . And what’s this It’s N. It’s purple. G 63 orange. What’s that It’s E. It’s green. Now please 64 “orange”! O R A N G E. What colour is the orange 65 isn’t orange. It’s green.
Hello! I am Zhang Mei. I am from Shandong, China. 66 (I) English name is Mary. This 67 (be) a very nice pen. It is green 68 yellow. I like this color very much. Can you 69 (see) a picture(照片) on my desk Two boys are in 70 picture. This boy is David. I can spell his name. D-A-V-I-D. 71 color is his jacket It’s brown. He has two 72 (cup). One is brown and the other is white. The letter “D” is on his jacket. That boy is Jeff. He has a ruler. What color is 73 It’s purple. Look! What’s this 74 English It is a red pencil. Is that 75 (Jeff) Oh, no! His pencil is blue.
1. 农场很大,有许多花和树;
2. 农场里有一所房子,里面有12头奶牛和15只鸡;
3. 农场里有一个大湖,湖面有14只鸭子。
要求: 1. 条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确; 2. 50~60词。
11.Thanks very much/Thanks a lot 12.I’m fine/good 13.What animals can you see (on the farm) 14.Yes, I can 15.How many do you have
16.C 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.D 21.B 22.C 23.B 24.D 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.C
31.A 32.B 33.B 34.D 35.D
36.A 37.D 38.D 39.B 40.C
41.C 42.C 43.D 44.B 45.A
46.The bookcase./The yellow bookcase. 47.(Because) his brother isn’t tidy and he can’t always find his books. 48.观看 49.25/Twenty-five. 50.I want to have a sofa because I like books and it’s nice to read books on the sofa./I want to have a TV because I can watch ball games on it.
51.C 52.A 53.C 54.C 55.B
56.morning 57.a 58.see 60.What 61.this 62.yellow 64.spell 65.It
66.My 68.and 69.see 70.the 71.What 72.cups 75.Jeff’s
My name is Peng Chao. My uncle has a big farm. You can see a lot of flowers and trees. A big house is on the farm and twelve cows and fifteen chickens are in it. Can you see a big lake Oh, what are those on the lake They are ducks. Fourteen ducks are on the lake. I like my uncle’s farm. What about you
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:Unit 1 You and Me 单元测试(含答案) 2024-2025七年级上学期 (人教版2024)

下一篇:Unit 6 My clothes, my style 单元测试(含答案) 2024-2025七年级上学期 牛津译林版(2024)