Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 单元测试(含答案) 2024-2025七年级上学期 (人教版2024)

Unit 7 Happy Birthday! 单元测试 2024-2025学年七年级上学期 (人教版2024)
1.—You look very nice in that dress. Could you tell me the ________ of it
—Oh, it is cheap, only 80 yuan. You can go and buy one.
A.date B.colour C.size D.price
2.If you take a deep breath (深吸一口气), I’m sure you can ________ all the candles.
A.blow out B.find out C.take out D.turn out
3.—Would you like ________ to drink
—No, thanks. I don’t want to drink ________.
A.something; something B.anything; anything
C.something; anything D.anything; something
4.—How much ________ these balloons
—Twenty yuan.
A.is B.are C.has D.does
5.— ______ pants are these
—They are mine.
A.Who B.Who’s C.Whose D.whom
6.— Hello, can I help you
— ________. I need a sweater.
A.No, thanks B.Yes, please C.Sorry D.You are welcome
7.—________ does your uncle work, Peter
—He works at Jinan University. He is a science teacher.
A.What B.When C.Where
8.A mouse was looking for _________ to eat.
A.nothing B.something C.anything D.thing
9.The pronunciation (发音) of the underlined letter of “____________” is different from the others.
A.art B.rat C.park
10.Jason didn’t tell his parents he was the winner (获胜者) of the race. He wanted to give them a ______________.
A.smile B.list C.surprise D.fear
A: Hello, Jane! Who is the boy in this photo
B: He is my friend Paul.
A: 11
B: He is fifteen.
A: When is his birthday Is it in March
B: 12
A: I see.
B: His birthday is coming. 13
A: Really Sounds great. Friday is a good day for a party.
B: I think so. 14
A: Yeah. When is it
B: At 8:00 pm.
A: 15
A.Yes, it is.
B.I’m not sure.
C.He will have his birthday party next Friday.
D.OK, great. See you then.
E.How old is he
F.Do you want to come
When people talk about birthdays, they usually think of cakes, presents, and a happy song called Happy Birthday. In fact (事实上), there are many kinds of ways to celebrate birthdays.
In China, some birthday children start the day by saying “Hello” to their parents. Some parents give their children toys as gifts. And the birthday children usually eat long noodles. It means the birthday child has a long life.
In Canada, children put butter on their noses on their birthdays. The butter keeps children away from bad luck.
In Ireland, people lift (举起) birthday children upside down and make them touch the floor.
In the USA and Britain, the family make a big birthday cake. There are candles on the cake. One candle is for one year. The birthday child make a wish and blows out all the candles.
In Spain, people pull (拉) the birthday child’s ear to wish him or her a happy birthday. If he or she is thirty, his or her friends and family pull his or her ear thirty times, once for each year. It’s very interesting.
In some other countries, the birthday child sits on a special chair. All the adults lift the chair up and down. If the birthday child is eight years old, they will lift the chair eight times.
Different countries have different ways to celebrate birthdays. But you can celebrate your birthday in your own way.
16.How many countries are mentioned (提及) in the passage
A.Five. B.Six. C.Seven. D.Eight.
17.Why do children put butter on their noses on their birthdays in Canada
A.Because it is very interesting.
B.Because it means the birthday child has a long life.
C.Because people make the birthday children touch the floor every year.
D.Because it keeps children away from bad luck.
18.In Britain, if a child is eleven years old, he/she blows out ________ candles.
A.eleven B.twelve C.twenty D.thirteen
19.In ________, people pull the birthday child’s ear to wish him/her a happy birthday.
A.China B.Ireland C.Spain D.Canada
20.What does the passage mainly talk about
A.Birthday parties in different countries.
B.Birthday presents in different countries.
C.Different ways to celebrate birthdays.
D.How children in different countries keep away from bad luck.
On Martin’s ninth birthday, his father gives him a book. His father says, “Martin, it’s a magic book. Please read it.”
Martin doesn’t like reading. But he reads this book because he likes magic things. The next morning, his father asks him, “Do you find the magic key ” Martin looks at the book, but there is no key. Then his sister asks him for the book to read. After some days, she says, “I find the magic key!”
Martin wants to read the book again. It is difficult, but after some days, he likes the book. He finds that the book itself (它自己) is the magic key! With the key, Martin can read more books.
21.When does Martin’s father give him a book
A.On his sister’s sixth birthday.
B.On his sister’s ninth birthday.
C.On his ninth birthday.
D.On his twelfth birthday.
22.Why does Martin read the book
A.Because he likes reading.
B.Because he likes magic things.
C.Because he likes reading with his sister.
D.Because he likes easy books.
23.What does the underlined (划线的) word “It” in the 3rd paragraph (段落) refer to
A.The key. B.Martin’s father.
C.The book. D.Martin’s sister.
24.What can we know from the passage
A.Martin has a sister and a brother.
B.Martin’s father likes magic very much.
C.Martin’s sister finds the magic key .
D.Martin is the first to find the magic key.
25.What is the best title for the story
A.The birthday party B.The magic key
C.Martin’s life D.Martin’s family
A Chat on WeChat
26.Linda is Diana’s ________.
A.friend B.sister C.mother D.cousin
27.Who plans to go to a farm on Saturday
A.Diana. B.Jackie. C.Lucy. D.Mike.
28.What does Mike plan to do
A.Go to a party. B.Go shopping.
C.Visit a friend. D.Play football.
29.What can we learn from the passage
A.Diana’s birthday is next Tuesday.
B.Jackie’s parents have got a new farm.
C.Lucy’s mum likes listening to music.
D.Mike doesn’t have a brother or a sister.
30.Which of the following is TRUE
A.There are three emails in the passage.
B.This is a chat on WeChat.
C.This is a letter from Diana.
D.Diana, Jackie, Lucy and Mike are classmates.
Here is a card of invitation (邀请函) from Lisa.
31.What’s the date of Lisa’s birthday
A.Sunday. B.13 July. C.Saturday. D.9 July.
32.How old is Lisa
A.9. B.11. C.13. D.15.
33.Lisa was born on________.
A.13 July, 2023 B.9 July, 2023 C.9 July, 2014 D.13 July, 2014
34.Which is the best time to get to the party
A.11:00. B.11:30. C.13:00. D.13:30.
35.You can’t ________ at the party.
A. B. C. D.
I’m Jack. Today is June 4th. It is my birthday. I feel very excited. In the morning, my grandparents give me a present. It’s a blue bike. They hope I can ride the bike to school. I like it very much. Because I like science, my parents give me a science book about the environment as my birthday present. But they say they want to send me another special present. Then we go to Haibin Park. My parents tell me the second birthday present is doing the cleaning with the people in the park. I feel very tired, but I’m glad to help to keep our park clean and beautiful. After doing some cleaning, my parents and I go to the shop near the park. I buy some beautiful flowers for my mom because she loves flowers very much. She is very happy. We also bring some green plants home and plant them in the yard. Looking at the plants, my family are all very happy. What a meaningful birthday I have!
36.When is Jack’s birthday
37.What color is Jack’s new bike
38.Who gives Jack a science book
39.Why does Jack buy some flowers for his mom
40.How many people are there in Jack’s family
Tom is a middle school student. He 41 in Grade 7. He usually gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning, 42 today he gets up at 6: 30 and 43 to buy a big cake. After that, he helps his grandparents 44 their room, because it is his 45 birthday. His grandpa is going to be 78 years old.
Tom 46 two CDs about Beijing opera (京剧) 47 his grandpa. He is sure his grandpa must like 48 very much, because his grandpa likes 49 Beijing opera.
When Tom 50 home at noon, his mother makes 51 for his grandma. They laugh and talk about something 52 . His grandpa is drinking tea and listening to Beijing Opera.
Tom says, “Happy birthday to you, Grandpa!” Then he cuts the big cake and gives Grandpa a 53 piece. Grandpa is very happy and eats it. In the 54 , Tom watches TV with his grandparents together. He is a little 55 but very happy, because he can make his grandparents happy.
41.A.works B.studies C.sees D.hears
42.A.but B.because C.so D.or
43.A.asks B.goes C.forgets D.stops
44.A.clean B.make C.blow D.enjoy
45.A.mother’s B.father’s C.grandpa’s D.grandma’s
46.A.finishes B.acts C.watches D.buys
47.A.to B.for C.with D.at
48.A.it B.her C.them D.him
49.A.looking at B.listening to C.looking for D.blowing out
50.A.gets B.buys C.leaves D.likes
51.A.money B.wishes C.candles D.noodles
52.A.easily B.quickly C.happily D.lately
53.A.light B.bad C.hard D.big
54.A.day B.morning C.evening D.week
55.A.sad B.tired C.worried D.excited
Today is 24th November. It’s Dale’s 56 (thirteen) birthday. After breakfast, some of his friends come 57 (see) him. They give 58 (he) many nice presents. Dale is very happy. Then they play basketball for two hours. They have lunch in a restaurant. 59 the afternoon, they go to the Green Park. At about 5:30 pm, they come back home. 60 (Dale) mother buys a big cake for him. Dale’s name and the words “Happy Birthday” 61 (be) on the cake. Dale 62 (get) some nice presents from his family too— 63 basketball from his grandfather, a book from his grandmother, a pair of sports 64 (shoe) from his father, a yellow T-shirt from his mother 65 a CD from his sister Alice. How happy Dale is!
so old only at they when dear ten look party
I have a nice dog. Her name is Maggie. All my family love Maggie. For us, Maggie is not 66 a dog. She’s one of our family.
How 67 is Maggie She’s nine years old now. 68 is her birthday It’s on 27th November. Maggie’s 69 birthday is next month. We want to have a 70 for Maggie on her birthday. When is it It’s 71 five in the afternoon. All my family will come to the party.
My mother buys a big birthday cake for Maggie. Maggie likes fruit, 72 the cake has some fruit on it. It’s healthy for Maggie. I buy Maggie a black hat. I think she must 73 nice in the hat. My father buys some small balls. Maggie must be happy to play with 74 .
Happy birthday, my 75 Maggie! I’m sure you will have a good time on your birthday!
姓名 王涛
年龄 13岁
身高 1.5米
性格 聪明又友好
梦想 想成为一名警察
重要事迹 上周六去敬老院为老人们做了一些事情
参考词汇:meter,clever,friendly,police officer,the Old People’s Home (敬老院)
My name is Wu Binbin.
11.E 12.A 13.C 14.F 15.D
16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.C
21.C 22.B 23.C 24.C 25.B
26.A 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.B
31.B 32.A 33.D 34.A 35.B
36.It’s on June 4th. 37.It’s blue. 38.His/Jack’s parents. 39.Because she/his mother likes flowers. 40.There are five people in Jack’s family.
41.B 42.A 43.B 44.A 45.C 46.D 47.B 48.C 49.B 50.A 51.D 52.C 53.D 54.C 55.B
56.thirteenth 57.to see 58.him 59.In 60.Dale’s 61.are 62.gets 63.a 64.shoes 65.and
66.only 67.old 68.When 69.tenth 70.party 71.at 72.so 73.look 74.them 75.dear
My name is Wu Binbin. Wang Tao is my good friend. He is thirteen years old. He is 1.5 meters tall. Wang Tao is clever and friendly, so many people like him. He wants to be a police officer one day.
Last Saturday, we didn’t go to school. Wang Tao went to the Old People’s Home. He did some things for the old people there.
Wang Tao is a good boy. Do you like him
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




下一篇:Unit 4 My Favourite Subject 单元测试(含答案) 2024-2025七年级上学期 (人教版2024)