人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册 Unit 2 Looking into the Future单元检测(含解析无听力原文及音频)

Unit 2 Looking into the Future
(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.Why can’t the woman plant the seeds today
A.The weather is bad.
B.No one can help her.
C.There is other work for her.
2.When will the woman get to the school gate
A.At 7:15 a.m. B.At 7:00 a.m. C.At 6:45 a.m.
3.What does the woman mean
A.She has had enough.
B.She wants some more.
C.She isn’t feeling well.
4.What does the man suggest the woman do
A.Ask for leave.
B.Work in London
C.Have a different holiday.
5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
B.Parent and child.
C.Teacher and student.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.Who is the fastest biker
A.Matt. B.Greg. C.Nat.
7.What is the conversation mainly about
A.A task. B.A route. C.A race.
8.What is wrong with Mr Flanders
A.He got a cold.
B.He was injured accidentally.
C.He needs an operation on his arm.
9.Who will the speakers be visiting
A.Their classmate.
B.Their neighbor.
C.Their grandmother.
10.What will the speakers bring with them to the hospital
A.Flowers. B.Fruit. C.Books.
11.Where does the conversation take place
A.At a bank. B.At a bakery. C.At a high school.
12.What occasion is the man preparing for
A.A graduation party.
B.An anniversary.
C.A wedding.
13.How does the man want to pay
A.By Alipay. B.By WeChat. C.By credit card.
14.How does the woman feel about the problem
A.Indifferent. B.Anxious. C.Inspired.
15.What does the man do to protect the environment
A.He plants trees in his garden.
B.He rides a bike to work.
C.He recycles plastic.
16.How will the man probably get to work in the future
A.By bus. B.By subway. C.By electric car.
17.What problem do the speakers talk about in the end
A.Saving electricity.
B.Using clean energy.
C.Dealing with poisonous gas.
18.What did scientists find
A.A lot of sea animals care about humans.
B.Most sea animals are scared of humans.
C.Many sea animals are dying because of humans.
19.How did the divers react to the sharks
A.They tried to save sharks.
B.They liked swimming near sharks.
C.They didn’t know the sharks were there.
20.Where is Greenpeace located
A.In Australia. B.In Holland. C.In Japan.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Have you ever considered building a better future for children?Here are a few options for you.
Going after a career in education is sometimes overlooked.Yet teaching is an important path to creating change.You will educate the young minds responsible for the future.In addition to presenting basic school subjects,you can teach them to be leaders.You can motivate them to want to make a difference themselves.
A career in education doesn’t have to mean teaching in a classroom.You can help them to learn in a way that works for them and be a friend to them as well.
Social work
As a social worker,you can directly change the lives of children in need as well as advocate for services for drug abusers,family-violence survivors,mental-health patients,and more.You will provide them with the necessary resources to succeed and advise them through trauma(精神创伤),unemployment,education difficulties,addiction and poverty.
Many social workers are associated with governmental agencies,but there are also jobs in schools,nonprofit organizations and hospitals.
Child psychology
Studying child psychology may lead to a career option.Psychologists can provide support for children with mental-health problems and give them a place to be open about their feelings.
You may wish to become a school psychologist and guide children(and their parents) through the education system while dealing with mental illness or trauma.As a psychologist,you will help your patients find the source of trauma or stress and discover ways of reducing or removing the problem.You may even conduct your own research on new treatment methods.
21.Which educational concept does the author support
A.Working with students’ group leaders.
B.Encouraging students to make a change themselves.
C.Keeping teaching children in the classroom.
D.Teaching children according to their interests.
22.Who will social workers help most probably
A.Governmental officials.
B.Local business agents.
C.Women suffering from family violence.
D.Children with education difficulties.
23.Which career mainly deals with children with mental illness
A.Educators. B.School leaders.
C.School psychologists. D.Social workers.
A 16-year-old from Florida is a two-time state Geography Bee winner.Now a children’s book author,Kaylan is sharing his knowledge of the world with children across the state of Florida.
Kaylan’s love for geography started when he was about three years old.“I just had a love for looking at maps that we had when I was growing up,” he said during a recent interview.
When Kaylan was in middle school,he won his state’s Geography Bee.He then advanced to the national competition,placing in the top 10 among students in the United States.
“It helps us to understand our world,” Kaylan said.“With that knowledge,so much can come from it.” Now a junior in high school,Kaylan said that having a basic understanding of our world allows us to create pioneering solutions to the challenges we face.
Although his competing days are over,Kaylan hopes to inspire kids to learn more about geography through his new book series.Called Kobe’s World Adventure,the books follow the adventures of a boy named Kobe who travels the world with his family and learns new geographical facts along the way.
The first book is about Kobe and his family exploring the US.Young readers will find many of the facts Kaylan has learned over the years,along with colorful illustrations(插图).The second book of the six-book series will be published in fall.
Kaylan has also started an organization called Lending Hands Global Foundation.Through the nonprofit(非营利机构),he has been sharing copies of Kobe’s World Adventure with students in underserved communities in Florida.So far,he has donated about 1,500 books.
Kaylan recently read to a group of children at the Boys & Girls Club of Central Florida.He enjoys working with the nationwide organization,which provides after-school programs for kids.Seeing the kids’ responses to Kobe’s World Adventure was rewarding.“I can tell that some of the students that I’m reading to are picking up on the topic,” Kaylan said,“and building a love for it.”
24.What can be learnt about Kaylan
A. He won Geography Bee in Florida twice.
B.He set up Lending Hands Global Foundation to make money.
C.He has written a series of 6 books about geography.
D.He hopes to continue taking part in more competitions.
25.What does Kaylan think of geography
A.Important. B.Understandable.
C.Popular. D.Challenging.
26.What is Kaylan’s purpose in writing the books
A.To make a living.
B.To share his hobby.
C.To spread knowledge of geography.
D.To talk about his travel experience.
27.What does the Boys & Girls Club do
A.It gives books to children.
B.It encourages kids to write books.
C.It supports Kaylan in publishing his books.
D.It organizes activities in kids’ spare time.
We’re frequently told that our attention problem—being easily distracted—results from modern technology.If we truly want to focus,according to the popular belief,we need to turn off all our digital devices and quit social media.
Here’s my opinion about that idea.This era(时代) is no different than any other—there has always been a “crisis of attention”.Think about life long ago:people in ancient India or Europe didn’t have smartphones and social media,but they were faced with the same problem.
A crisis of attention can happen anytime you don’t allow yourself a break—when you don’t allow your mind to daydream,which may inspire your creativity.We are always engaged in something.With these digital tools at our fingertips,we have constant access to all these forms of communication,content,and interaction,and we don’t let our thoughts wander(漫游) freely.When was the last time you stood in line at a store and just looked around Thought about whatever came to your mind Or did you pull out your phone,check your texts,read your email during that time
We all do it.We catch ourselves all the time going from one type of mental engagement to the next.Like surfing online (clicking from link to link),we go from one task to the next and the next.We are “all task and no downtime”.Even something you might think of as relaxing is more engagement.Checking your phone messages may seem “fun”,but it’s just another task for your attention.Your attention is focused on task after task after task,without a moment for the mind to wander freely.
It’s not always realistic to unplug.We can’t just turn off our phones and pause our email.We can’t create a distraction-free world.The problem is not the existence of modern technology; rather,it’s how we’re using it.
28.Why does the author mention people in ancient India
A.To argue against the popular belief.
B.To discuss the benefits of technology.
C.To suggest a solution to the attention problem.
D.To show the seriousness of the attention problem.
29.Which is an example of “downtime” according to the author
A.Chatting with friends. B.Reading a newspaper.
C.Sitting back doing nothing. D.Checking phone messages.
30.What does the underlined word “unplug” mean in the last paragraph
A.Work long hours. B.Improve technology.
C.Stop using digital devices. D.Balance work and leisure.
31.Which section of a website is the text most likely from
A.Culture. B.Fashion. C.History. D.Opinion.
From rolling hills to mountain ranges,views make any road trip memorable,but for blind passengers this is part of the experience they miss.Motor company Ford tries to change that.It teamed up with GTB Roma and Aedo Project to develop a technology that will give those unfortunate passengers a way to feel nature’s beauty through their car windows.
The prototype(原型) of the smart car window has a device with an outside-facing camera.With just a press of a button,the system takes a picture of the current view.The colorful picture is then turned into an image with different shades of grey through LED lights,which vibrates(震动) differently.As the finger passes over different regions of the image,its shaking movements provide feedback through the sense of touch to the person using it.The smart window also comes with a voice assistant that uses AI to identify the scene and help the passengers get information on what they’re seeing.
“As the prototype started taking shape,we realized we were giving birth to a completely new language that would give blind people a new chance to visualize and experience traveling,” Federico Russo,one director of GTB Roma,said.“When the idea was at its first stage,we looked for suppliers all around the world to make it come to life.” He believes the technology can be employed not just in cars.“It could be introduced into schools and institutions for blind people as a tool that could be used in multiple ways.”
The technology may show up in a Ford autonomous vehicle.It’s known that the company is testing their technology and future business model and struggling to figure out how an autonomous vehicle gives different passengers the details needed to get from one destination to another.It’s unclear when this technology will be made available.However,the idea of building something for the less advantaged is indeed a kind and influential action.
32.How does the smart car window work
A.By reacting to changing colors.
B.By translating scenery into vibrations.
C.By controlling shaking movements with voice.
D.By searching for the previously stored pictures.
33.What does Federico Russo say about the technology
A.It will have a wide application.
B.It will make language learning easy.
C.It will soon be tested across the world.
D.It will change traditional way of traveling.
34.What is the problem the Ford Company is struggling to solve now
A.Developing autonomous cars.
B.Enabling the disabled to drive cars.
C.Replacing the traditional business model.
D.Providing personalized route information.
35.Which can be the best title for the text
A.AI-based Window Adds Fun to Road Trips
B.Technology Makes People’s Life Enjoyable
C.Ford Plans to Launch a Smart Car for the Blind
D.Smart Window Lets Blind Passengers Feel Views
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5 分)
Open an app at your smartphone and scan the code bar(二维码) on the garbage can.When you throw garbage into the garbage can,it will show the weight of the garbage and the points you can get from doing so. 36 It will become more popular in the future.Yes,we are talking about the smart garbage can.
37 The environmental problems have become constant headaches in the development of the cities.Encouraging garbage classification has become an effective way.
In some cities,a variety of multifunctional smart garbage cans are being put into use.In Beijing,for example,a smart garbage can is equipped with an LED screen,which not only shows national policies on garbage classification but also shows the correct steps for garbage sorting.It can also calculate the weight of the garbage and the accumulated points one can get.They can be traded for some articles of daily use. 38 Its body is actually a screen.It is equipped with some internal sensors.When people throw garbage into it,the internal sensors can automatically tell the types of the garbage.Meanwhile,people can see how to deal with them. 39
Garbage disposal is a small issue that involves everybody each day.However,it is also a big issue. 40 With smart garbage cans in our daily life,the idea of garbage sorting will become more established.Our dream of building a greener and more beautiful China will come true so long as we start to make small changes right now.
A.Garbage sorting has been a new fashion.
B.Another kind of garbage can is even smarter.
C.It is no wonder that residents cheered for their presence.
D.Such a way of handling garbage has appeared in some cities.
E.It will affect China’s transformation towards green development.
F.Over 200 million tons of garbage is produced each year in some cities.
G.The good habit of garbage classification can improve the living environment.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Dr.Karen Sciascia has delivered thousands of babies.But this week,she helped deliver another life from danger,as she and her friend Seth McLean 41 a baby moose(驼鹿) that was separated from its mother when crossing a 42 .
Sciascia and McLean were fishing when they 43 a cow moose and her baby.The two moose were having trouble 44 a spot on the river where a violent 45 is created by two channels.After 46 back and forth in the water,the cow moose made it to the far river bank.When her baby tried to 47 ,it was swept downstream.With its nose 48 above the water,the baby was too 49 to ever fight the current.Realising the baby was in 50 ,Sciascia and McLean set off after it in their boat.After Sciascia 51 the little creature from the river,McLean rowed them upriver a bit,to the 52 where the cow moose had landed.Quickly after pulling to shore they 53 the baby and Momma was soon there checking her baby over.Once 54 and satisfied,Momma led her baby into the woods.
“Having delivered so many babies,it was like every other day to me,though it was a 55 modality(形态),” Sciascia tells The Missoulian.“It was cool to be in the right place at the right time.”
41.A.saved B.tracked C.nursed D.observed
42.A.forest B.river C.bridge D.valley
43.A.seized B.trapped C.spotted D.adopted
44.A.crossing B.removing C.locating D.marking
45.A.noise B.wind C.current D.shake
46.A.swimming B.wandering C.floating D.struggling
47.A.escape B.follow C.stop D.dive
48.A.barely B.completely C.constantly D.suddenly
49.A.thrilled B.puzzled C.small D.curious
50.A.surprise B.sight C.demand D.danger
51.A.lost touch with B.grabbed hold of
C.kept pace with D.caught sight of
52.A.wood B.boat C.habitat D.bank
53.A.released B.abandoned C.treated D.sheltered
54.A.reserved B.reunited C.stuck D.deserted
55.A.regular B.stable C.strange D.different
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Technophobes are people who hate modern technology,56. (probable)because they don’t understand it,or because they are afraid of doing something wrong and 57.______(ruin) the equipment.
However,this is not a new phenomenon(现象).At the turn of the 20th century,when electricity was set up in many homes,signs 58. (place) on the wall next to the light-switches advising people 59. were used to gas lighting not to light the electricity with a match!
There were many cases where people were unaware of how to use new machines,causing 60._________(embarrass) in the would-be user and amusement in the observer.
When 61. (video) first came on the market,a woman,who had never seen a video-tape before,took one tape out of the box 62. began shaking it violently.Seeing this,her husband asked her what she 63. (do).She replied,“Shaking the tape.64.___________says on the tape ‘Shake before use’.”Her husband told her the name of the film was “Shake Before Use”!
Whatever your phobias(恐惧),new technology is here to stay until someone comes along and invents something newer for us 65. (use).
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节 (满分15分)
在学校刚举办的科技创新设计大赛中,你设计的一款老人智能陪护机器人荣获一等奖。请以“My Intelligent Robot for the Elderly”为题写一篇英语短文,内容包括:
第二节 (满分25分)
It was a wonderful spring day.The Earth was finally awakening from her winter sleep.New life was everywhere.The sky was clear and blue.The air smelled sweet.The sun was kissing the world with its warmth.It was already nearly 21℃.
I was driving to pick my son up from the workshop,where he works a few days a week.On my drive I saw various beautiful flowers in people’s yards.The fields were full of yellow dandelions(蒲公英) with some already turning into little white balls of seeds.
The trees were starting to awaken too.The blossoms on them were white,purple and pink.The songs of the birds were in the air as well.I was taking it all in and feeling the love from the creation all around me.I longed to be a part of it and share my love as well.
I pulled into the driveway of the workshop and parked my car.As I got out,I saw a lost little butterfly larva(幼虫) moving the wrong way towards the sidewalk.It was just about to go under my tire when I reached down and picked it up.I held it gently in my hand and walked over to the grassy hillside on the other side of the parking lot.Before I put it down,I said,“You will never become a butterfly if you get run over,my friend.The best place you stay is the grass.”
Just then,it was time to leave work,and my son came out.As he saw me,he waved from the distance.I hurried to meet him,still holding the butterfly larva in my hand.When he saw what I had in my hand,he was very curious and asked me what I was holding.I told him and said I was going to put it back in the grass.
My son suggested taking the butterfly larva home to look after it.
The moment finally arrived when the larva was going to become a butterfly.
1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.B
10.C 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.B
语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了一些为孩子创造更美好的未来的职业选择。
21.B [细节理解题。根据Education部分中的“In addition to presenting basic school subjects,you can teach them to be leaders.You can motivate them to want to make a difference themselves.”可知,作者认为可以教育学生成为领导者,让他们自己想要有所作为,由此可知,作者支持的教育理念是激励学生自己做出改变。故选B。]
22.D [细节理解题。根据Social work部分中的“As a social worker,you can directly change the lives of children in need as well as advocate for services for drug abusers,family-violence survivors,mental-health patients,and more.”可知,社会工作者可以直接改变有困难的孩子的生活,由此可知,社会工作者最有可能帮助到有学习困难的孩子。故选D。]
23.C [细节理解题。根据Child psychology部分中的“You may wish to become a school psychologist and guide children(and their parents) through the education system while dealing with mental illness or trauma.”可知,校内心理学工作者可以帮助学生处理心理疾病和创伤,即他们主要帮助有心理疾病的孩子。故选C。]
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了16岁的佛罗里达男孩Kaylan是两次州地理知识大赛的赢家,他写了关于地理知识的儿童故事书,希望能够鼓励孩子们了解更多的地理知识,他还致力于慈善事业。
24.A [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“A 16-year-old from Florida is a two-time state Geography Bee winner.”可知,Kaylan两次赢得了佛罗里达州地理知识大赛。故选A。]
25.A [推理判断题。根据第四段中的“‘It helps us to understand our world,’ Kaylan said.‘With that knowledge,so much can come from it.’”可知,Kaylan认为地理知识有助于我们了解世界,我们从中可以获得很多东西,由此可推测出,他认为地理很重要。故选A。]
26.C [推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Although his competing days are over,Kaylan hopes to inspire kids to learn more about geography through his new book series.”可知,Kaylan写书的目的是向孩子们传播地理知识。故选C。]
27.D [细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“He enjoys working with the nationwide organization,which provides after-school programs for kids.”可知,这个组织为孩子们提供课后项目,为孩子们组织空闲时间的活动。故选D。]
语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。作者认为,注意力危机在任何时代都是存在的,不能归咎于现代技术的发展,问题的关键在于我们应该如何使用现代科技。
28.A [推理判断题。根据文章第一段关键句“We’re frequently told that our attention problem—being easily distracted—results from modern technology.”及第二段关键句“This era(时代) is no different than any other—there has always been a ‘crisis of attention’.”可知,作者提及古印度人是为了反对目前流行的一种看法——现代技术导致了我们的专注力问题。故选A项。]
29.C [推理判断题。根据文章第四段关键句“We catch ourselves all the time going from one type of mental engagement to the next.Like surfing online (clicking from link to link),we go from one task to the next and the next.We are ‘all task and no downtime’.”及“Your attention is focused on task after task after task,without a moment for the mind to wander freely.”可知,作者认为的“停机时间”指的是我们放下一切,让思想自由漫游的时间。因此,无所事事地坐着是一个“停机时间”的例子。故选C项。]
30.C [词义猜测题。根据最后一段关键信息“not always realistic”及“We can’t just turn off our phones and pause our email.We can’t create a distraction-free world.”可知,unplug表示“停止使用电子设备”。故选C项。]
31.D [文章出处题。根据文章第二段关键句“Here’s my opinion about that idea.This era(时代) is no different than any other—there has always been a ‘crisis of attention’.”及文章最后一段关键句“The problem is not the existence of modern technology;rather,it’s how we’re using it.”可知,本文为一篇议论文,作者在文中发表了自己的观点,因此,本文来自网站的“观点”版块。故选D项。]
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了福特公司联合GTB Roma和Aedo Project正努力研发一款智能车窗来帮助盲人乘客感受旅途中的风景。
32.B [细节理解题。根据第二段前四句可知,智能车窗通过摄像头拍摄车外风景的照片,然后将彩色图像转换成不同灰度的图像,当手指经过图像的不同区域时,它的不同震动幅度向使用者提供触觉反馈,即智能车窗通过将风景转化为震动来工作。故选B。]
33.A [推理判断题。根据第三段中的“He believes the technology can be employed not just in cars.‘It could be introduced into schools and institutions for blind people as a tool that could be used in multiple ways.’”可知,Federico Russo认为这项技术不仅可以应用于汽车,还可以作为一种多用途的工具引入盲人学校和机构。由此可推知,Federico Russo认为这项技术将被广泛应用。故选A。]
34.D [细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“It’s known that the company is...struggling to figure out how an autonomous vehicle gives different passengers the details needed to get from one destination to another.”可知,福特公司正在努力弄清楚自动驾驶汽车如何为不同乘客提供从一个目的地到另一个目的地所需的细节,即提供个性化的路线信息。故选D。]
35.D [标题归纳题。阅读全文尤其是第一段内容可知,本文主要介绍了福特公司联合GTB Roma和Aedo Project正在研发一款智能车窗,使盲人乘客感受到旅途中的风景,故D项“智能窗户让盲人乘客感受美景”作标题最为恰当。故选D。]
语篇解读 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了新型智能垃圾桶及其优点,并介绍了垃圾分类对环境保护的重要性。
36.D [上文介绍的是一种新的处理垃圾的方式,D项“这种处理垃圾的方式在一些城市已经出现”承接上文,D项中的“Such a way of handling garbage”指代的是上文介绍的处理垃圾的方式,且能引起下文“It will become more popular in the future.”,故选D。]
37.F [下文介绍的是环境问题是城市发展中的难题,F项“一些城市每年产生2亿吨以上的垃圾”能够引起下文,正是因为一些城市每年产生2亿吨以上的垃圾造成了环境问题,才阻碍了城市的发展。故选F。]
38.B [空后介绍的是另外一种智能垃圾桶,它的主体实际上是一个屏幕,内部传感器可以自动判断垃圾的类型,B项“另一种垃圾桶更智能”能够引起下文,下文内容正是对B项中even smarter的解释,告诉我们为什么这种新型垃圾桶更智能。故选B。]
39.C [上文介绍的是这种新型智能垃圾桶的优点,C项“难怪居民们为它们的出现而欢呼”能够承接上文,正是因为这种新型智能垃圾桶有这些优点,所以才受到居民们的欢迎。故选C。]
40.E [上文告诉我们垃圾处理是小问题,也是一个大问题,下文讲人们做出的小改变会对建设绿色中国有影响,说明垃圾分类对建设绿色中国有影响,E项“这将影响中国向绿色发展的转型”能够承接上文。故选E。]
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Karen Sciascia和朋友Seth McLean救了一只过河时差点被水流冲走的小驼鹿的故事。
41.A [根据上文“she helped deliver another life from danger”可知,她和她的朋友Seth McLean救了一只小驼鹿。故选A。]
42.B [根据下文“a spot on the river”可知,小驼鹿在过河时与母亲分开了。故选B。]
43.C [根据下文“a cow moose and her baby”可知,Sciascia和McLean在钓鱼时发现了一只雌驼鹿和她的孩子。故选C。]
44.A [根据上文“a baby moose(驼鹿) that was separated from its mother when crossing a ”可知,两只驼鹿在过河时遇到了麻烦。故选A。]
45.C [根据下文“fight the current”可知,两只驼鹿在过河时遇到了麻烦,那里有两条河道,水流湍急。故选C。]
46.D [根据下文“back and forth in the water”可知,此处表示“在水里来回挣扎”。故选D。]
47.B [根据上文“the cow moose made it to the far river bank”可知,驼鹿妈妈终于到了对岸,她的孩子是想要跟上去。故选B。]
48.A [根据下文“little creature”可知,小驼鹿很小,鼻子刚露出水面。故选A。]
49.C [根据下文“little creature”可知,驼鹿太小了,根本无法与水流抗争。故选C。]
50.D [根据第一段的“deliver another life from danger”和上文“it was swept downstream.With its nose above the water,the baby was too to ever fight the current”可知,意识到小驼鹿有危险后,Sciascia和McLean划船去追小驼鹿。故选D。]
51.B [根据下文“McLean rowed them upriver a bit”可知,Sciascia从河里抓住这个小家伙。故选B。]
52.D [根据上文“the cow moose made it to the far river bank”可知,McLean划船送她们向上游走了一段,来到了驼鹿妈妈上岸的河岸。故选D。]
53.A [根据下文“Momma was soon there checking her baby over”可知,上岸后,她们就放了小驼鹿。故选A。]
54.B [根据上文“Momma was soon there checking her baby over”可知,驼鹿妈妈和小驼鹿团聚了。故选B。]
55.D [根据上文“Having delivered so many babies”和第一段的“deliver another life from danger”可知,这是和接生不同的一种救小动物的方式。故选D。]
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。技术恐惧症会导致使用者的尴尬和观察者的娱乐。新科技会一直保持下来,直到有新的技术来替代。
56.probably [考查副词。分析句子可知,空处缺少副词作状语,修饰because引导的原因状语从句。故填probably。]
57.ruining [考查非谓语动词。of是介词,后面用动名词作宾语,and连接两个并列的动名词结构,此处用ruin的动名词ruining。故填ruining。]
58.were placed [考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,根据时间状语“At the turn of the 20th century”可知,描述过去发生的事情用一般过去时,且signs与place之间构成逻辑上的被动关系,此处用一般过去时的被动语态,且主语signs为复数名词。故填were placed。]
59.who/that [考查定语从句的关系词。由句意可知,“ were used to gas lighting”部分为限制性定语从句,先行词people作从句的主语,且表示人,用关系代词who或者that引导。故填who/that。]
60.embarrassment [考查名词。空处作causing的宾语,用embarrass对应的名词形式,且为不可数名词。故填embarrassment。]
61.videos [考查名词的复数。When引导的时间状语从句缺少主语,表示事物的一类,用复数形式。video的复数形式为videos。故填videos。]
62.and [考查连词。由句意可知,拿出录像带和猛烈摇晃构成了并列结构,用and连接。故填and。]
63.was doing [考查动词的时态。根据句意可知,丈夫看见女人在摇晃录像带,询问她当时正在做什么,用过去进行时。主语she为第三人称单数形式。故填was doing。]
64.It [考查代词。根据句意可知,空处缺少代词指代前一句的the tape,表示物,用it,且本空为句首单词,应大写。故填It。]
65.to use [考查非谓语动词。根据句意可知,表示“更新的东西”,空处放在不定代词something后作后置定语,用不定式to use。故填to use。]
第一节 参考范文 
My Intelligent Robot for the Elderly
As we all know,with the development of economy,people have to face various pressures.They don’t have enough time to attend to the old people in their families,which has become а social problem.To solve this problem,I designed a kind of household robot,which is intended to take care of old people.
It can cook meals at a fixed time which can be adjusted according to individual needs.It can also accompany old people in having a chat,playing chess,and doing exercise.Moreover,it can deal with emergencies.For example,if an old man falls ill suddenly,the robot will call doctors for help.It would be a great help for us to own such a robot.
I hope everyone can find my robot beneficial to them.
第二节 参考范文 
My son suggested taking the butterfly larva home to look after it.I agreed and my son immediately set out to search for knowledge about raising butterflies.He searched the Internet and even turned to his biology teacher at school for help.He then created a suitable environment for the butterfly to grow at home and provided it with suitable food.With the careful care of my son,the larva grew larger day by day,and it was continually changing its color and shape.
The moment finally arrived when the larva was going to become a butterfly.My son had been looking forward to this moment for a long time and we were excited to watch the changing process.An ugly larva at last changed into a beautiful butterfly.How amazing life is!From the first day of feeding the larva,my son made detailed records.Later,the biology teacher asked him to bring the butterfly to school and tell his classmates about the whole process.He was warmly welcomed by his classmates.




下一篇:【新情境新趋势】牛津深圳版三年级上册 Unit 4 How do we have fun?单元测试卷(含听力书面材料+音频+答案)