Unit 3 My weekend plan 知识点总结

Unit3 My weekend plan知识点总结
单词的重音 每个英语单词至少有一个重音节,需读得重而清楚,而其他的音节则轻读。一般2~3 个音节的单词,重读在第一个音节,如果单词带有前缀,则重读在前缀后。如:lesson dinner tonight tomorrow
visit 拜访 film 电影 trip 旅行 supermarket 超市
evening 晚上;傍晚 tonight 在今晚 tomorrow 明天 dictionary 词典
comic 滑稽的 word 单词 postcard 明信片
lesson 课 space 太空 travel(尤指长途)旅行
half 一半 price 价格 together 一起
mooncake 月饼 poem 诗 moon 月亮
see a film 看电影 take a trip 去旅行 next week 下周
space travel 太空旅行 word book 单词书 get together 聚会
go swimming 去游泳 draw pictures 画画 go ice-skating 去滑冰
wash clothes 洗衣服 make a snowman堆雪人 go for a picnic 去野餐
lots of 许多;大量 do my homework做我的作业 eat moon cakes 吃月饼
read a poem 读一首诗 tell stories 讲故事 have a good time 玩得开心
Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 have an art lesson 上美术课
comic book(儿童的)连环画册 visit my grandparents 看望我的(外)祖父母
go to the supermarket 去超市 have a big dinner 吃一顿大餐
1. —What are you going to do tomorrow 你明天打算做什么?
—I'm going to have an art lesson. 我要上美术课。
2. —Where are you going 你们打算去哪儿?
—We're going to the cinema. 我们打算去电影院。
3. —When are you going 你们什么时候去?
—Next Wednesday. 下星期三。
4. Why not go on Tuesday 为什么不星期二去呢?
5. My grandma will tell us a story about Chang'e.我的祖母会给我们讲关于嫦娥的故事。
6. It's easy. 这个简单。
7. Learn by doing. 通过实践学习。
1. I'm going to ...
(1) 此句型是一般将来时态的陈述句,表示将来打算、计划去做或者有意去做的事。be动词搭配不同主语时要变为am/is/are,to 后面接动词原形。
如:I'm going to have an art lesson.
(2)be going to do 与will do 的区别
①will do在说话时的决定:
—There's no milk.没有牛奶了。
—Really I'll go and buy some.真的吗?我会去买一些。
I will be a doctor.我将成为一名医生。
②be going to do在说话前的决定:
—There's no milk.没有牛奶了。
—I know. I'm going to buy some when this TV programme is over.我知道。我打算看完这个电视节目就去买一些。
Look at those clouds! It's going to rain soon.看那些乌云!就要下雨了。
2. What are you going to do
如:What are you going to do tomorrow 你明天打算做什么?
3. When are you going (to do sth.)
如:When are you going to do your homework 你打算什么时候去做你的作业?
4. Where are you going (to do sth.)
如:Where are you going to travel 你打算去哪儿旅行?



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