
41.Tom was able to become a sailor on Gluebeard's ship mainly because
wash away the salt.This was a waste of salty water.
A.he was lazy
B.he was young
Scientists then decided to create "seawater"with the salty water by adding in some
C.he didn't like studying
D.he was the best
other components ()Whiteleg shrimps can live well in this kind of water.They
42.Tom first walked into the small room to
taste no different from the same kind of shrimps that grow in the sea
A.read a book
B.hide away
46.Rainbow trout comfortably live in
C.catch a mouse
D.find the secret room
A.any open water area
B.warm and clean rivers
43.Why didn't Gluebeard allow his crew to read or study
C.salty and warm ocean
D.cold and clean rivers
A.Because he wanted his crew to spend all their time working.
47.The underlined words "fed by"in the passage can be replaced by
B.Because he could cheat his crew easily in this way.
A.stopped by
B.connected with
C.Because there weren't enough books on the ship.
C.polluted by
D.provided with
D.Because he thought it was no use reading books.
48.To avoid water pollution caused by growing fish,the company
44.Which of the following can be put into▲?
A.feeds the fish with machines
B.grows fish in certain water areas
A.they did not need a captain
C.grows one kind of fish once a year D.cuts down the fish production
B.the crew were not easy to lead
49.Why are whiteleg shrimps introduced in the passage
C.they found new treasure much faster
A.To show the importance of rivers to a country.
D.they decided to start other businesses
B.To introduce the safety of eating inland "seafood".
45.What does the story mainly tell us
C.To compare it with common whiteleg shrimps.
A.Travel broadens the mind.
B.Knowledge is power.
D.To show another "seafood"grown without using the sea.
C.Better late than never.
D.Every coin has two sides.
50.What is the hidden message of the passage
A.Life will not be different without seafood.
When you think of the sea,you may not think of Xinjiang or Inner Mongolia.But
B.Xinjiang is rich in natural resources.
recently,the "seafood"produced in these places has become popular,especially after
Japan put nuclear--contaminated water(核污染水)into the sea,reported China Daily..
C.China won't be short of fishery products.
D.Few plants can grow in the desert of Inner Mongolia
In Nilka county in Xinjiang,about 6,000 tons of rainbow trout will be
produced this year.Rainbow trout belongs to the same family as salmon,which is a
kind of well-known seafood.It tastes like salmon too.
Can plants talk Modern research has found something amazing:they do
Why do farmers there choose to grow fish The weather in some parts of Xinjiang
communicate with each other.
is seldom hot,and the rivers are fed by meltwater from the Tianshan Mountains.Water
It has been known for some time that plants use chemicals(化学物质)to
deeper than 6 meters always stays at 10'C.As the meltwater is very clean and cold,it's
communicate with each other.This happens when a plant gets attacked (by
a "comfortable"home for fish,Li Chunyu,a worker at a fish company in Xinjiang,told
insects.The plant gives out chemicals from the leaves that are being eaten.This is like
China Daily.
a warning,or a call for help:I'm being attacked!These chemicals can't be noticed by
To make sure the river stays clean,the company uses machines to clean fish waste
people but can be picked up by other plants.When another plant gets the chemicals,it
in the water.They also use net cages (that are good for the environment.The
starts to give out its own,different chemicals.Some of these chemicals drive insects
nets are about 51 meters wide and lie 25 meters deep in the river.
away.Others attract the wasps ()The wasps kill the insects that are eating the
Meanwhile,in Inner Mongolia,whiteleg shrimps,another kind of seafood,grow
plants.That's why the first plant is usually found hurt while the neighbors stay well.
well.In this area,saline soil (covers a large part of the desert where few plants
Scientists hope to learn more about this plant warning system so that we can use it to
are able to grow.Farmers used to put water from the Yellow River onto the farmland to
grow more crops.




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