Unit 2 Let's make a fruit salad 单项选择专项训练(含答案)

Unit2 Let’s make a fruit salad
( )1 .—Let’s make a fruit salad.

A .Yes, it is. B .Great! C .No, I don’t.
( )2 .—How many do you have
A .toy panda B .toy pandas C .toys pandas
( )3 .These your new books.
A .is B .am C .are
( )4 .I have five .
A .book B .a book C .books
( )5 .Do you have rubbers
A .some B .any C .a ( )6 .Helen and her mother in a supermarket(超市).
A .am B .is C .are
( )7 .—Do you have any brothers or sisters

A .Yes, I don’t. B .No, I don’t. C .Yes, I am.
D .No, I am.
( )8 .—I toy pandas.
—I a new toy panda too.
A .have; have B .have; like C .like; have
( )9 .—Is that pencil
—No, isn't.
A .you; it B .your; it C .your; he
( )10 .That's father.
A .I B .You C .my
( )11 .Bobby a cake here.
A .has B .have C .no
( )12 .Do you have grapes
A .any B .some C .a
( )13 .—Look at my new T-shirts.
A .Yes, it is. B .They are nice. C .It's nice.
( )14 .—Let's make a birthday cake.

A .No,please. B .Great! C .Yes, I do.
( )15 .—How many do you have
A .cake B .cakes C .a cake
( )1 .Do you have oranges
A .some B .any C .many
( )2 .Look at these toy animals,
A .boy and girls B .boys and girls C .boys and girl
( )3 .Have a hot cake mangoes.
A .have B .in C .with ( )4 .---Do you like elephants
. ______
A .Yes, I don’t. B .Yes, I do. C .No, I do.
( )5 .—Would you like a pie

A .Yes, please. B .No,please. C .Yes, a pie.
( )6 .— eggs do you have
—I have four.
A .How many B .How much C .How
( )7 .Would you like egg
A .a B .\ C .an
( )8 .—Look at my T-shirt.

A .Yes, it is. B .They are nice. C .It’s cute.
( )9 .—Let a fruit salad.
A ./; make B .our; make C .us; make
( )10 .—Do you have a banana
A .Yes, I do. B .Yes, I don’t. C .I like bananas.
( )1 .—What’s that in the box
— a banana cake.
A .That is B .It is C .This is
( )2 .— Look at . ( )
— They’re so big.
A .this apple B .apples C .these apples
( )3 .I have orange and big pineapple.
A .an; an B .a; an C .an; a
( )4 .—Do you any drinks
—Yes. I’d like some milk.
A .like B .want C .have
( )5 .—Do you have pears
—No, but I have bananas.
A .some; some B .some; any C .any; some
( )6 .Peter wants to make a fruit salad his classmates.
A .to B .of C .for
( )7 .— you like red apple
—No, thank you.
A .Do; a B .Would; an C .Would; a
( )8 .Does Jim have any
A .banana B .orange milk C .cake
( )9 .—Would you like cakes, Mike
—Yes, please. I’d like cake.
A .any; some B .some; some C .some; one
( )10 .I like , but my sister Lily likes .
A .a dog; a cat B .dogs; cat C .dogs; cats
( )11 .—Look at the apples.
A .It's big. B .That's red. C .They're big and red
( )12 .Let’s have a big cake some grapes and cherries.
A .with B .to C .at
( )13 .—How many do you have
A .toy tiger B .toy tigers C .toys tigers
( )1 .I like sweet .
A .mango B .orange C .pineapples
( )2 .—Look at the apples.

. ______
A .It's big. B .That's red. C .They're big and red
( )3 .— have a hot dog
—Yes, I do.
A .Are you B .Do you C .Would you
( )4 .I have pies, but I don’t have fruit.
A .any; some B .some; any C .some; some
( )5 .
—Thank you.
A .Here you are. B .Look at the oranges. C .I have a pineapple.
( )6 .— you a red apple
—Yes, please.
A .Do; have B .Do; like C .Would; like
( )7 .I a pie. It’s you.
A .like; for B .have; for C .am; with
( )8 .—Do you have any fruit
—Yes. I have apple, orange and grapes.
A .a; an; some B .an; an; a C .an; an; some
( )9 .—Look at the fruit salad.
— nice it is!
A .What B .How C .It’s
( )10 .—Do you like green
— . I like white .
A .No; too B .Yes; / C .Yes; too
( )1 .---Do you like
---Yes, I .
A .mango; do B .mangoes; do C .mangoes; don’t
( )2 .My sister has green apple.
A .a B ./ C .an
( )3 .Let’s a cake with some grapes.
A .to make B .makes C .make
( )4 .We have pineapple and orange.
A .a; an B .an; a C .an; an
( )5 .---Do you have bananas
---No, I don’t.
A .some B .a C .any
( )6 .---Who’s that
---He’s Mr Green. He is new English teacher.
A .man; our B .woman; your C .man; we ( )7 .---Look at our fruit salad!
A .All right. B .Thank you. C .How nice!
( )8 .--- apples do you have, Mike
---I have three.
A .How B .How much C .How many
( )9 .—Do you like that
—Do you like animal
A .lion; these B .lions; those C .lion; this
( )10 .—What's that the tree
—It's a .
A .in; balloon B .under; bikes C .on; bird
答案:1 .B2 .B3 .C4 .C5 .B6 .C7 .B8 .A9 .B10 .C11 .A12 .A13 .B14 .B15 .B
答案:1 .B2 .B3 .C4 .B5 .A6 .A7 .C8 .C9 .C10 .A
答案:1 .B2 .C3 .C4 .B5 .C6 .C7 .C8 .B9 .C10 .C11 .C12 .A13 .B
答案:1 .C2 .C3 .B4 .B5 .A6 .C7 .B8 .C9 .C10 .C
答案:1 .B2 .A3 .C4 .A5 .C6 .A7 .C8 .C9 .C10 .A



上一篇:Unit 1 I like dogs 单项选择专项训练 (含答案)

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