Unit 1 You and me 课外拓展阅读(含答案) 2024-2025人教版(2024)七年级英语上册

2024-2025学年人教版七年级上Unit 1 You and me课外拓展阅读
A Fun Trip
Cows are helpful animals. They help to provide us with milk, yogurt, cheese and many other dairy products. Would you like to go to a dairy farm and see how cows work
One day, kids from Herman Avenue Elementary School in New York visited a dairy farm. But they didn’t leave their classroom to do it. That is because they took a virtual trip. It was like watching a movie about what happens on a farm.
In fact, the kids used a piece of software called Zoom. It was like a video call. Through it, the kids could see the farm and even ask some questions.
During the trip, Nate Chittenden, a farmer, showed the kids around his farm. The kids watched the cows eating their food. They learned that each cow eats a lot of food every day. They learned that a cow’s tongue can be very long. It can even use its tongue to clean its nose! They also learned that cows can sleep while standing up.
Chittenden loved showing the kids his farm. He wanted everyone to know where their milk comes from. The kids enjoyed the virtual trip too. They learned a lot about cows and dairy farming. It really opened their eyes. What a fun day for them!
Part1 课文重难点讲解
In fact, the kids used a piece of software called Zoom.
in fact意为“事实上”,用于补充说明,强调前面所说的话;也可用于强调实际情况与刚提及的恰恰相反。
例:I know Emily really well. In fact, I had dinner with her last week.我和Emily很熟,事实上,我上周还和她一起吃饭呢。
They told me it would be cheap but in fact it cost me $500.他们跟我说这会很便宜﹐但实际上我花了500美元。
2. During the trip, Nate Chittenden, a farmer, showed the kids around his farm.
show sb. around意为“领某人参观”。
例:He showed me around the school.他带我去学校转了转。
3. It really opened their eyes.
open one’s eyes意为“大开眼界”。
The trip really opened his eyes.这次旅行确实让他大开眼界。
Part2 课文配套练习
A fun trip
Who Kids from Herman Avenue Elementary School in (1)___________ had a fun trip.
Where They took a trip to a(n) (2)_____________.
How They didn’t leave the classroom and took the trip through (3)__________
What They learned a lot about (4)__________ and dairy farming.
enjoy, visit, kid, trip
1. The game is for _______ of all ages.
2. We don’t live here. We’re just _______.
3. They took a _______ to Yunnan last month.
4. Young children _______ helping around the house.
1.天非常热,事实上,当时的气温是40℃。(in fact)
2. 当您要来我的城市时请告诉我,我会带您四处参观。(show sb. around)
1.New York;dairy farm;Zoom;cows
2. kids;visiting;trip;enjoy
3.It was a very hot day; in fact, it was 40℃ .;Let me know when you are coming to my city and I’ll show you around.
The World’s Youngest Male Artist
Ace-Liam is a little boy from Ghana. He is only one and a half years old, but he is the world’s youngest male artist! Can you believe that This little boy is making a name for himself and only just getting started.
Ace-Liam’s mum, Chantelle, is also an artist. One day, when Ace-Liam was just six months old, he got his hands on his mum’s paints and then started crawling around all over a canvas. That’s how his first painting, The Crawl, was born!
After that, Ace-Liam kept making more paintings. His mum was so happy with him that she decided to go for the record from Guinness a year ago. In January 2024, Ace-Liam had his first art show in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. During the show, he showed 10 of his paintings and sold 9. After that, the Guinness Book of World Records said that at one year and 152 days, little Ace-Liam from Ghana is the world’s youngest male artist.
Chantelle hopes that Ace-Liam’s story will get other parents to watch for their children’s gifts. She says Ace-Liam is having a ball making art!
Part1 课文重难点讲解
1. This little boy is making a name for himself and only just getting started.
1)make a name for oneself意为“成名;出名”。
例:He made a name for himself as a singer.他以歌手的身份出名。
2)get started意为“开始;着手;动手”。
例:It’s nearly ten o’clock. Let’s get started.快十点了,咱们开始吧。
2. One day, when Ace-Liam was just six months old, he got his hands on his mum’s paints and then started crawling around all over a canvas.
get one’s hands on ...意为“找到 / 得到……”。
例:Do you know where I can get my hands on a new book 你知道我在哪里可以买到新书吗?
3. His mum was so happy with him that she decided to go for the record from Guinness a year ago.
go for sth意为“努力争取某物”。
例:It sounds a great idea. Go for it!这听起来是个极好的主意。努力去实现吧!
4. Chantelle hopes that Ace-Liam’s story will get other parents to watch for their children’s gifts.
watch for意为“留意;密切注意”。
例:He is watching for a better chance.他正在留意更好的机会。
5. She says Ace-Liam is having a ball making art!
have a ball意为“狂欢;玩得痛快”。
例:They all had a ball at the party.他们在聚会上玩得很开心。
Part2 课文配套练习
1.Who is Chantelle
2.How old was Ace-Liam when The Crawl was born
3.Ace-Liam’s mum go for the record from Guinness in _____.
4.In January 2024, Ace-Liam sold ______ paintings in Accra, Ghana.
5.At ___________________, Ace-Liam became the youngest male artist in the world.
Home Ghana
Age (1)_____________ year(s) old
Parent Chantelle
First painting (2)_________
First(3)________ Date: In (4)____________ Place: Accra, Ghana
Record World’s youngest (5)_________
art, young, keep, gift
1. She has a great ____________ for music.
2. I’m very sorry ____________ you waiting.
3. He will be the ____________ of all the runners in the race.
4. My friend wants to be a(n) ____________ when he grows up.
1.我有朝一日会出名的!(one day)
2. 路上到处都是碎玻璃渣。(all over)
1.Ace-Liam’s mum.;Six months old.;2023;9 / nine;one year and 152 days
2.One and a half;The Crawl;art show;January 2024;male artist
3.gift;to keep;youngest; artist
4. I’ll be famous one day!;There were tiny pieces of glass all over the road.



上一篇:沪教版(2024)Unit 1 This is me Reading(II)同步练习(含答案)- 2024-2025沪教版英语七年级上册
