人教版(2024)七年级上册Starter Unit 1-3 同步练习 (无答案)

(lesson2) Starter Unit1-3
一. 选择题
( )( ) 1.下列各组字母中都是元音字母的一组:___________
A. A,C B. A,O C.I,Q D.U,R
( )( ) 2.下列各组字母中含有相同元音音素的一组是:___________
A.H,K,B B.A,K,J C.Y,L,G D.R,U,A`
( )( ) 3.下列单词中含有因素/i/的读音的单词是:___________
A.hi B.in C.ruler
( )( ) 4.找出下列字母中发音不同的选项:___________
二. 根据音标写出单词,并翻译成中文
1. /d k t/ __________ __________ 2. /m : n / _________ _________
3. /h ’l u / _________ _________ 4. /,a:ft ’nu:n/ _________ _________
5. /i:vn / _________ _________ 6. /fain/ ____________ ____________
7. /w t/ ___________ _________ 8. /θ ks/_________ __________
1.( )( ) A. cake B. face C. apple D.late
2.( ) A. me B. leg C. bed D.set
3.( ) A. hut B. ruler C. duck D.cup
4.( ) A. clock B. hot C. go D.sock
5.( ) A. head B. dead C. deaf D.sea
四.判断下列各组字母是否含有相同的元音音素。有的打 √ , 没有的打 × 。
1. A H ( ) 2. EF ( ) 3. BD ( ) 4. g f ( ) 5. e c ( )
6. f a ( ) 7. GC ( ) 8. b d ( ) 9. b g ( ) 10. AG ( )
(   )1.
(   )2.
(   )3.
(   )4.
(   )5.
(  )6.What's the girl's(女孩的) name
A.Gina.    B.Rose.    C.Tony.
(  )7.What's the girl's last name
A.Green. B.Mary. C.Smith.
(  )8.What color is the ruler
A.Yellow. B.Blue. C.Red.
(  )9.What's the girl's ID card number
A.5385566. B.5385076. C.5355032.
(  )10.What's Lucy's room number
A.213. B.312. C.231.
(  )11.What's the girl's first name
A.May. B.Jenny. C.Green.
(  )12.What's the boy's last name
A.Brown. B.King. C.White.
(  )13.What's the girl's full name(全名)
A.Tina Brown. B.Tina Smith. C.Bruce Brown.
(  )14.What's the name of the boy
A.Bruce. B.Bill. C.Tina.
(  )15.What's the boy's last name
A.Smith. B.Brown. C.Green.
(  )16.What's Eric's last name
A.Miller. B.Green. C.Brown.
(  )17.What's the girl's first name
A.David. B.Alice. C.Mary.
(  )18.What's the girl's telephone number
A.234 7654.    B.456 5432. C.678 6678.
(  )19.What's the boy's last name
A.Brown. B.Green. C.White.
(  )20.Whose telephone number is 345 6578
A.Eric's. B.Jim's. C.Mary's.
( )1.She is Betty Miller. Miller is her ________ name. Betty is her ________ name.
A.first;first B.last;first C.last;last D.first;last
( )2.Her name is Ann Green. Her last name is __________ .
A.Green B.Ann C.Ann Green D.Green Ann
( )3.— __________ is her phone —It is yellow.
A.What's color B.What number C.What color D.What's number
( )4.—Is Bob your friend —__________ .
A.Yes,I am B.No, it isn't C.Yes, he is D.No, she isn't
( )5.—__________ —It's 287-9662.
A.What's your name B.What color is it
C.How are you D.What's his phone number
( )6.— Is that __________ ruler —No, it isn't. It's __________ ruler.
A.you; my B.your; his C.my; you D.she; her
( )7.My name is Bob Green. __________ is my __________ name.
A.Bob; first B.Bob; last C.Green; first D.Green; middle
( )8.This is Linda. She __________ an English girl. And she and I __________ good friends.
A.is;are B.is;am C.are; are D.is;is
( )9.This is a boy.His name is ______.
A.Zhao Haitao B.Zhao Hai Tao C.Zhaohaitao D.zhaohaitao
( )10.—______ you swim —Yes, but I’m not a good swimmer.
A.Can B.May C.Need D.Must
( )11.— Your jacket is ________. — Thank you.
A.middle B.English C.nice D.yellow
( )12.Li Lei is a student. He is in Green ________.
A.middle school B.Middle school C.middle School D.Middle School
( )13.— What’s five and ________ — It’s nine.
A.two B.three C.four D.five
( )14.This is ________ orange. That’s ________ telephone.
A.an;an B.an;a C.a;a D.a;an
( )15.下列字母的小写形式占中下格的是 __________
Hi, boys and girls! My name 1 Li Li. Nice to 2 you! I am a mother of two children. I have a son and a daughter. Look! Here is a 3 of them. My son is seven years old. 4 name is Deng Han. We call him Dengdeng. The little 5 is my daughter. She is four years old 6 Her name is Deng Yi. We call her Xiaoxiao. Dengdeng loves his 7 very much. 8 is their father You may know him. 9 father is Deng Xiao. He is a good father. We are a happy 10 . Do you like us
( )1.A.is B.are C.am D.be
( )2.A.know B.say C.meet D.spell
( )3.A.map B.photo C.quilt D.phone
( )4.A.His B.My C.Her D.Your
( )5.A.name B.cat C.dog D.girl
( )6.A.and B.now C.first D.too
( )7.A.cousin B.sister C.brother D.aunt
( )8.A.How B.What C.Who D.Where
( )9.A.Those B.These C.There D.Their
( )10.A.school B.parent C.family D.picture
Hello! My name is Jack. I'm 1 Taiyuan. I'm in No. 5 Middle School. It's 2 good school. My student ID 3 is 2016701. John is 4 English friend. His last name is 5 . John is in Taiyuan No. 12 Middle School. We can 6 in the evening. Sally and Jane are John's 7 sisters. Sally is 10. Her favorite 8 is red. Her jacket and pen are 9 . Jane is 2. She can say “ 10 are you ” to me now.
( )1.A.on B.in C.to D.of
( )2.A.a B.an C.the D.不填
( )3.A.name B.key C.phone D.number
( )4.A.my B.her C.his D.your
( )5.A.Eric B.Tom C.Brown D.Alan
( )6.A.say B.meet C.see D.spell
( )7.A.one B.two C.three D.four
( )8.A.Morning B.school C.friend D.color
( )9.A.red B.yellow C.blue D.green
( )10.A.What B.What color C.How D.How nice
Do you want to be a basketball player like Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O'Neal or Yao Ming Come to join us! We have many sports clubs: basketball, ping-pong, soccer, volleyball, and more. The price is 5 dollars for each lesson. Do you want to join our sports clubs Please call Mr.Green. He plays basketball very well. His telephone number is 371-1236. His e-mail address is spcb@. Or you can call Miss Jones at 371-1237. She is our tennis coach(教练). She is good with students. Her e-mail address is jiayi@.
( )1.From this passage, we know Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal are ________ players.
A.volleyball B.tennis C.basketball D.ping-pong
( )2.Miss Jones can help you with ________.
A.computer B.singing C.art D.tennis
( )3.Mr.Green plays ________ very well.
A.tennis B.basketball C.volleyball D.ping-pong
( )4.How much is each lesson
A.10 yuan. B.5 yuan. C.5 dollars. D.10 dollars.
( )5.________ is good with students.
A.Miss Jones B.Mr.Green C.Yao Ming D.Kobe Bryant
Hello!My name is Han Xiao. I’m nine. I am in Guangzhou,China. My first name is Xiao and my last name is Han. My English name is Linda. I like(喜欢) green. My telephone number is 358 6345. I have(有) a good friend. He is English,but now he is in China. His name is Dale Smith. Dale is his first name and Smith is his last name. His Chinese name is Wang Lei. He’s nine,too. His favorite color is blue. His telephone number is 257 3155. Dale and I are in the same school,PEP Middle School.
( )1.Han Xiao’s English name is ________.
A.Dale Smith B.Wang Lei C.Linda D.Han Xiao
( )2.Han Xiao likes ________.
A.green B.yellow C.brown D.purple
( )3.Han Xiao’s friend is ________ years old (岁).
A.six B.seven C.eight D.nine
( )4.Han Xiao’s friend’s first name is ________.
A.Smith B.Xiao C.Dale D.Wang
( )5.Wang Lei’s telephone number is ________.
A.358-6345 B.257-3155 C.257 8155 D.358 6745
Hello, everyone, I'm Xing Fei. I'm from China. My family name is Xing.I live in Beijing. My family is very large. In my family, my grandfather's father is the oldest one. He is now ninety-nine years old. My grandfather is eighty years old. And my grandma is eighty-two yeas old. They have four children, my uncle, my father, and my two aunts. I'm their grandson. My parents have two children, my sister and me. And I have four cousins. Now, I'm a student in No. 10 Middle school. And my sister is only five years old. My parents are both teachers. They love my family very much. So they work hard. We go to the park every morning. My mother says that it can help us keep healthy.
( )1.How many cousins does Xing Fei have
A.five B.four C.ten D.no
( )2.How old is his grandmother
A.80 B.82 C.99 D.5
( )3.Xing Fei's parents are _____.
A.teachers B.teacher C.students D.student
( )4.Is Xing Fei a boy or(还是) a girl
A.Yes, she does B.No, he doesn't C.A boy D.A girl
( )5.Xing Fei has_____uncle and _____aunts
one; two B.two; one C.three; one D.one: three
( )1. Linda is an outgoing girl. She loves kids and is good with them. ( )2. Jimmy is an animal lover. He gets on well with animals.He knows much about the living habits of animals. ( )3. Ben learned from n TV that there were many homeless children in the world. He wanted to do something for them. ( )4. Sam is a middle school student. He likes helping others on weekends. He is free every weekend. He can help do some cleaning and so on. ( )5. Mrs. King is a housewife. She wants to do something helpful. But she is free on Friday. A. Park is the best place to go on weekends. But the peck is full of people and there is rubbish here and there. We need some volunteers to help clean up the park on weekends. If you are interested in it, please visit our website: www. . B. People's Hospital needs volunteers to look after children when their parents see a doctor. Telephone number: 0769-88995691. C, At least 130 million people around the world do not get enough care. This is often because there are no professional workers to take care of them We need the right workers with the right skill. Telephone number: 0769-86812463. D. Happy Animals' Home needs some volunteers to take care of those dogs and cats without homes. Please call us at 0769-84981675. E. Old People's Home needs some volunteers to do some cleaning, make the bed, plant some trees and water the flowers on Friday. If you are interested, please call us at 85136923. E. Children's Home has been working hard for children without ts or without homes. Our major commitment provides them with good education. We also give out food and clothes here. We need some volunteers to help us. G. Do you like doing sports Sports Club can you different kinds of sports. If you are interested . welcome to our website: www. Sportsl01. com.
1. My name's Alan Green. My f______name is Alan.
2. His name's Tom Miller. His f______name is Miller.
3. Her name's Linda Hand. Her l_______name is Hand.
5. I'm Jenny. Nice to m_____you.
6. My telephone n________is 586-5901.
7.This is my ID c______.
8. Three and f______is eight.
9.--What's y______name --My name's Nick.
10.--What's your p_______number, Nick --It's 579-0832.
Hello,my friends. I 1.________ Guo Fang. Nice to meet you! I want to 2.________ something about my family. Look at this picture! These are my grandparents.This 3.________ my father,and his name is Guo Ming. This is my mother,and 4.________ name is Ma Li. We are in Beijing 5.________ my grandparents. And these are my 6.________ and my uncle. My aunt's name is Zhang Xia and my 7.________ name is Guo Feng. Guo Jingjing is their daughter. She is my 8.________.Guo Jingjing and her 9.________ are in Hangzhou.
I have a happy 10.________.And you




下一篇:沪教版(2024)Unit 1 This is me Reading(II)同步练习(含答案)- 2024-2025沪教版英语七年级上册