2023-2024人教PEP版英语四年级下册期末 试题 (含答案解析含听力原文无音频)

Listening Part(听力部分)
( ) 1. A. art B. music C. P.E.
( ) 2. A. carrot B. potato C. tomato
( ) 3. A. hot B. cold C. warm
( )4. A. sheep B. horse C. cow
( )5. A. office B. library C. playground
( ) 1 . A. B.
( ) 2 . A. B.
( ) 3. A. B.
( ) 4. A. B.
( ) 5. A. B.
1. We have a new room.
2. It’s 11:00. It’s time for class.
3. My T-shirt is . Your T-shirt is red.
4. What’s the weather like in Beijing It’s today.
5. What do you see in the picture I see dogs.
( ) 1. A. This is my classroom.
B. This is our school.
( ) 2. A. It's time for music class.
B. It's time for P.E. class.
( ) 3. A. Where is my skirt
B. Where is my red shirt
( ) 4. A . It's hot today.
B. It's warm today.
( ) 5. A. How much is this dress
B. How much is this shirt
( ) ( ) ( )
Writing Part (笔试部分)
六、 单词辩音,选出画线部分读音不同的一个。
( ) 1. A. carrot B. family C. tomato
( ) 2. A. windy B. warm C. who
( ) 3. A. no B. home C. sock
( ) 4. A. cake B. water C. name
( ) 5. A. bread B. teach C. head
( ) 1. A. hen B. sheep C. horse D. potato
( ) 2. A. student B. driver C. teach D. worker
( ) 3. A. shirt B. wear C. sweater D. scarf
( ) 4. A. chair B. desk C. car D. door
( ) 5. A. noodle B. rice C. hamburger D. dumpling
( ) 1.The coat is forty yuan ! It’s .
A. pretty B. nice C. cheap
( ) 2.The dress is pretty. I will it.
A. buy B. put on C. wear
( ) 3.It will be cold and windy tomorrow. Please take the with you.
A. sweater B. shorts C. skirt
( ) 4.Would you like soup
A. some B. much C. any
( ) 5.How many ducks are there the farm
A. on B. at C. in
九、补全对话。(用所给出的句子把对话补充完整, 把编号填在横线上。)
Are they ducks

re horses.

re hungry.
E. They are hens.
Tom is on the farm. He is talking about the animals with the farmer. (T: Tom, F: Farmer)
T: Wow! You have so many animals. What are those
F: 1.
T: How many horses do you have
F: 2.
T: What about those 3.
F: No, they aren’t. 4.
T: Look, there are a lot of pigs. Why are they crying(叫喊)?
F: 5. I will give them some food and water.
( ) 1. 当你想告诉新同学,老师的办公室挨着图书室时,应该说:
A. The teachers’ room is near the library.
B. The teachers’ room is next to the library.
C. The teachers’ room is behind the library.
( ) 2. 当你在超市看到一种蔬菜,想知道它们是什么时,应该说:
A. How much are they
B. Where are they
C. What are they
( ) 3. 当你想要带你的朋友认识一下你的教室,要跟他说“请这边走”,此时应该说:
A. Help yourself.
B. This way, please.
C. Take care.
( ) 4. 当你周一早上起床一看,已经九点了,上学迟到了,你可能会说:
A. Oh!It’s time for school.
B. Oh dear!I’m late for school.
C. Oh dear!It’s time for breakfast.
( ) 5. 当你想告诉你的妈妈北京的天气凉爽有风时,应该说:
A. It’s cold and windy in Beijing.
B. It’s cool and sunny in Beijing.
C. It’s cool and windy in Beijing.
Mike is a good boy. He has a good habit. Look, this is his list.
1. I get up at six o’clock. Then I wear my black pants and wash my face.
2. I have some milk and bread for breakfast at six thirty.
3. I get to school at seven thirty in the morning. I read books in the library at ten o’clock.
4. I have lunch at school at twelve o’clock.
5. In the afternoon we have music and art.
( ) 1. Mike’s pants are brown.
( ) 2. Mike goes to school at 7:30.
( ) 3. Mike has milk and bread for breakfast.
( ) 4. Mike has lunch at home.
( ) 5. Mike has P.E. class in the afternoon.
1. music 2. carrot 3. warm 4. sheep 5. playground
1.What’s the weather like in Beijing It’s windy.
2. This is a classroom.
3. It’s hot. I can wear my T-shirt.
4. I can see a cow.
5. We have English class at 9:00 o’clock.
1. We have a new computer room.
2. It’s 11:00. It’s time for English class.
3. My T-shirt is yellow . Your T-shirt is red.
4. What’s the weather like in Beijing It’s sunny today.
5. What do you see in the picture I see fifteen dogs.
1. This is my classroom.
2. It's time for P.E. class.
3. Where is my red shirt
1. How many cows can you see
2. This is our new computer room.
3. Can I help you I want four bananas.
4. I want a pair of sneakers for my son.
5. Look at the cucumbers. They’re fresh.
Listening Part(听力部分)
一、1. B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C
二、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A
三、1. computer 2. P.E. 3. blue 4. sunny 5. fifteen
四、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A
5, 3, 2, 1, 4
Writing Part (笔试部分)
六、1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B
七、1. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B
1. hen , sheep, horse是动物的名称,potato是植物的统称,所以选D。
2. student ,driver ,worker都是各种职业的名词,表示人,而teach是动词,所以选C。
3. shirt ,sweater,scarf属于衣服,是名词,wear表示穿戴,是动词,所以选B。
4. chair ,desk,door属于办公家具类,car属于交通工具,所以选C。
5. noodle, rice, hamburger, dumpling虽然都属于食物,但是rice为不可数名词,所以选B。
八、1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.A
九、 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. E 5. D
1. 上句句意询问“那是什么”,下句继续问“有多少匹马”,综合推断,是在谈论马“horse”,故选C。
2. 根据上句句意询问有多少匹马,回答时应该用基数词,故选B。
3. 根据下句的回答可以知道上面一句是一般疑问句,故选A。
4. 前面一句否定了ducks,所以紧跟着要给出正确答案是hens,故选E。
5. 根据前面一句句意,农场里的猪叫喊,按常识推断应该是饿了,而且后面一句说要给它们食物和水,故选D。
十、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C
1.near表示“在……附近”,behind表示“在……后面”,next to 表示“挨着,紧邻着”,因此B项正确。
2. how much 用于询问价格,where用于询问在哪,what用于询问是什么,因此C项正确。
3. “Help yourself.”一般用于就餐时,“请自便、照顾好自己、别客气”的意思, “This way, please.”是“请这边走”的意思, “Take care.”是“请保重”的意思,一般用于亲友告别时说,所以应选B。
十一、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F
1.句意:麦克的裤子是棕色的。根据短文第二行“Then I wear my black pants and wash my face.”可知麦克穿黑色的裤子,故填F。
2.句意:麦克七点三十分去上学。根据短文第四行“I get to school at seven thirty in the morning.”可知麦克七点三十分已经到达学校了,故填F。
3.句意:麦克早餐吃牛奶和面包。根据短文第三行“I have some milk and bread for breakfast at six thirty.”可知题意正确,故填T。
4.句意:麦克在家里吃午饭。根据短文第五行“I have lunch at school at twelve o’clock.”可知麦克在学校吃午餐,故填F。
5.句意:麦克下午有体育课。短文最后一行“In the afternoon we have music and art.”介绍麦克下午有音乐盒美术课,没有提及体育课,故填F。
Today all the scarves are ten yuan. They are very cheap.
We have many nice gloves, too—yellow, red, black and more.
The coats are cheap, too. We have many pretty colours for you.
Come and see us today! We will give you a surprise!
一.根据图片或提示写出所缺单词。( 每空1分,共10分)
1. Welcome to our________ . It’s big and nice.
2. --- Do you have a PE. lesson on _________ ---No, we don’t.
3. --- Can you draw these ___________ ---.Sure. It’s easy.
4. --- What do you usually do on Saturday morning
--- I usually do my _________ .
5. ---It’s fine today. It’s __________ . We can go boating.
6. ---How many_________ do you have --- I have four.
7. ---What season do you like --- I like___________ .
8. ---It’s very c_____. Here’s your j______.
9. ---He’s very h _____ . He can eat five cakes.
( ) 1. --- I watch TV______four _____ Saturday afternoon.
A. at; in B.in;on C. at; on
( ) 2. --- ___________ my dress. It’s too long.
Look B. See C. Look at
( ) 3. --- They want __________ climbing on Sunday.
go B. going C. to go
( ) 4. --- We don’t have _________ lessons _________ Sundays.
A. some; in B. a; on C. any; on
( ) 5. --- A: Whose socks B: Su Hai’s.
A. are they, They’re B. is this, It’s C. are they, It’s
( ) 6. --- ________ is the third(第三) day in a week.
A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Tuesday
( ) 7. A: lessons do you have this afternoon
B: We have three.
A. What B. How much C. How many
( ) 8. --- Look at these ________. --- Can you draw_______
A. ducks; they B. duck; it C. ducks; them
( ) 9. ---When do you do ______ homework every day
A. you B. your C. my
( ) 10. ---________ you see the trousers No, I can’t.
A. Do B. Are C. Can
( ) 11. Here ________ some water for you.
A. is B. are C. am
( ) 12. Yang Ling ______ a doll. Su Hai and Su Yang______ ten dolls.
A. have; have B. has; have C. have; has
( ) 13. The twins have a lesson every Sunday.
A. swiming B. swimming C. swim
( )14. A: Your new skirt is so beautiful. B: .
A. No, it isn’t. B. Thank you. C. OK.
( ) 15. Happy Teachers’ Day! Here _____ some flowers for you.
A. is B. am C. are
( ) 16. Ouch! I can’t run. My right foot(右脚) ________.
A. hurt B. hurts C. hurting
( ) 17. __________ is a good season in Dalian. Because it’s hot and I can go swimming in the sea.
A. Summer B. Autumn C. Winter
( ) 18. I ______ like Maths. It’s ______.
A. am;difficult B. don’t;easy C. don’t;difficult
( ) 19. Your jeans______ too long. Please try _____.
A. etball is; these B. is; it C. are; these
( ) 20. Robots are very cool. They can _________ and __________.
A. talk;jump B. talking;jumping C. talk;jumping
( ) 1. When do you play football A. I can see a kite.
( ) 2. What can you see over there B. I like PE and English.
( ) 3. I can’t come to the party. C. OK. Let’s go.
( ) 4. What subjects do you like D. At three forty.
( ) 5. Let’s go to school now. E. What a pity!
( ) 1. Who’s your friend A. They’re Helen’s.
( ) 2. Can you come to school tomorrow B. It’s a shirt.
( ) 3. Where is Liu Tao C. He’s in the library.
( ) 4. What’s that over there D. Helen is.
( ) 5. Whose jeans are these E. Sorry, I can’t.
1. Chen Yin: Look at my d_________.
Chen Lin: It’s too s_________. Try t_________.
Chen Yin: OK.
Chen Lin: Your trousers are too l_________.
Try t_________.
Chen Yin: All right.
Chen Lin: Now, let’s go to the p_________.
2. Chen Lin: Whose s_________ is this, Nancy
Nancy: It’s Yang Ling’s.
Chen Lin: It’s pretty. I like it.
Nancy: Your gloves are so b_________.
Whose gloves are they
Chen Lin: T_________ my f_________.
A. over there B. make snowmen. C. difficult. D. go boating E. after school F. for the party
1. --- Look, they are my shorts _________. Are they cool
2. --- I can see a lot of monkeys___________.
3. --- Can you draw it --- It’s ________, but I can try.
4. --- I like to __________ in winter . --- What about you
5. --- Let’s play football_________. --- Great!
六.阅读理解。(每小题2分, 共20分)
It’s Sunday. Helen and her friends are in her garden. They are having a good time.
Now, it’s five o’clock in the afternoon. Helen is tired. She is sleepy ,too. Wang Bing is hungry. He wants something to eat. David is very hot. He wants something to drink. Where is Su Hai Look, she’s over there. She can’t open her bag. Gao Shan help her.
( )1. Helen and her friends are in the _______.
A. park B. zoo C. garden
( )2. It is in the______.
A. evening B. afternoon C. morning
( )3.Helen is _________.
A. tired B. sleepy C. ill
( )4.Wang Bing is _______.
A. hot B. hungry C. tired
( )5. David is ________.
A. thirsty B. hot C. cold
Nancy: Hi, Helen. It’s time for the party.
Helen: Yes, I’m coming.
Nancy: Wow. Your trousers are so nice.  
Helen: Thank you.
Nancy: Are they new
Helen: Yes. Your coat is nice, too.
Nancy: Thank you. Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you usually do on Saturdays
Helen: I usually do my homework and watch TV.
Nancy: What a pity! It’s spring now. It’s warm.
Helen: You are right. We can go and fly kites.
Nancy: Yea. Let’s go to the park and fly kites tomorrow.
Helen: Great!
( ) 1. It’s spring now.
( )2. Nancy’s coat and trousers are new and nice.
( ) 3.It’s Friday today.
( )4. Helen usually does her homework on Sundays.
( )5. They want to fly kites tomorrow.
一.1.school 2.Wednesday 3.flowers 4.homework 5.hot.
6.sweaters 7.Summer 8.cold jacket 9.hungry.
四.1.dress short this long these party
2.skirt big They’re father’s
测试时间:60分钟 总分:100分
班级: 姓名:
( ) 1. –I’m ______. –Can I go swimming
A. cold B. ill C. hot
( ) 2. –Are you ill – No, ______.
A. it isn’t B. I amn’t C. I’m not
( ) 3. –How is summer in Yancheng –It’s very ______.
A. cool B. cold C. hot
( ) 4. Bobby _______ some pies for lunch.
A. have B. would like C. like
( ) 5. Here ______ many beautiful flowers.
A. are B. am C. is
( ) 6. Let’s go and play in the park. --_____.
A.Yes, you do B. Sorry, you’re wrong. C. Sorry, I have a cold.
( ) 7. What are these They are ______ .
A. my glove B. your skirt C. mother’s jeans
( ) 8. – Are you ill, Taotao Yes, I want to ______.
A. have some cake B. come to school C. see the doctor
( ) 9. – Tim ______ draw, but he ______ skate
A. can, can B. can , can’t C. can’t, can’t
( ) 10. ______ coat is this
A. Whose B. whose C. Who’s
( ) 11. -- I’m hot.
– Here is for you.
A. a fan B. an umbrella. C. a chair
( ) 12. 一Can you draw a tree 一Sure.It’s_________
A.difficult B.easy C.nice
( ) 13.—Can I have _______ ice creams – Yes, please.
A. a B. some C. any
( ) 14. Hello, Sam. ________ is Bobby speaking.
A. It B. This C. This
( ) 15. -- _________ you hungry – No, _________ not.
A. Are; I B. Are; I’m C. Am; I’m
( ) 16. Your jeans _________ too.
A. is B. am C. are
( ) 17. – When do you have picnics
– We have picnics _______ school
A. after B. in C. on
( ) 18. – Do you like this __________ —Yes, I do. I like _________.
A.dolls; dolls B. doll; dolls C. doll; doll
( ) 19. – Is that ________ crayon –Yes, it’s _______ crayon.
A. your; my B. you; my C. you; I
( ) 20. –What time _________ you get up – I get up _______ six twenty-five.
A. are; at B. do; in C. do; at
( )1. Can you swim A. Thank you.
( )2. When do you go to bed B.I'm fine.
( )3. What day is it C.Yes, please.
( )4. Let's go climbing. D.Yes,I can.
( )5. Whose socks are these E.Good idea
( )6. My jeans are too long. F.It's Monday.
( )7. How are you G. Good night.
( )8. Good night. H. Liu Tao's.
( )9. Here you are. I.At 9:30.
( )10. Would you Iike an ice cream J.Try these.
Dad: What would you like
Su Hai: I’m hungry. I’d like a pie.
Dad: What about you, Su Yang
Su Yang: I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty. I’d like some orange juice.
Assistant: Sorry, there’s no orange juice. Would you like some apple juice
Su Yang: No, I don’t like apple juice. Can I have some water
Assistant: Ok. What about you, sir
Dad: I’d like some noodles and a cup of coffee.
Assistant: Ok.
Dad: How much are they
Assistant: Forty yuan.
Dad: Here you are.
Assistant: Thank you very much.
( )1. Where are they now
A. At school B. In a shop. C. At a snack bar.
( )2. Is Su Hai hungry
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. Yes, she isn’t.
( )3. How much are they
A. Fifty yuan. B. Forty-five yuan. C. Forty yuan.
( )4. Does Su Yang like orange juice
A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. I don’t know.(我不知道)
( )5. What does Su Yang have at last(最终)
A. Some orange juice. B. Some water. C. Some apple juice.
(B) 阅读短文,判断对错,对的写“T” ,错的写“F” 。(10分)
Helen usually gets up early every day. But today she gets up very late in the morning. So she has no time for breakfast. She goes to school at seven thirty. She has four lessons in the morning. She has lunch at eleven forty at school. She plays table tennis at four and goes home at five twenty. At six thirty, she has dinner with her parents. That’s her day.
( )1.Helen gets up early this morning.
( )2.Helen has four lessons in the morning.
( )3.Helen has lunch at eleven forty at home.
( )4.Helen plays table tennis at five twenty.
( )5.Helen has dinner with her parents at six thirty.
四、看图写词或短语。(20分) __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 五、补全对话。(20分)
1.A:Look __________ the dress.
B:It’s nice. __________ dress is it
2.A:Look at these gloves.
B:__________ nice! Whose gloves __________ __________
A:__________my sister’s.
3.A:The shoes __________ __________big.
B:Sorry. __________my father’s. __________these.
A:All right.
4. A: What’s the ________ ___________ __________ ill
B: No, I’m thirsty.
A: Oh, dear. Here’s a __________ _________ water_________ you.
B: Thank you, Mum.
5. A: Come and ________ some hamburgers, Helen.
B: I’ m ________ hungry. I’ m tired.
A: Go to _______ now.
B: All right. Good night, Dad.
A: Good night.
1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.B 10A
11.A 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.B 16.C 17. A 18.B 19.A 20.C
1.D 2.I 3.F 4.E 5.H 6.J 7.B 8.G 9.A 10.C
hot, sweater, party, summer, shirts
Play football, fly kites, go swimming, go home, make snowmen
at, whose, It’s , How, are these, They’re, are too,
They’re, Try, matter, Are you, glass of, for, have,
not, bed



上一篇:浙江省名校协作体2024-2025高三上学期英语开学考试 (含答案无听力音频含听力原文)
